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Yabancı Dil Becerilerinin Ölçülmesinde Yaygın Olarak Kullanılan Teknikler ve İletişimsel Dil Öğretimi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 68 - 85, 31.12.2023


Öğretme ve ölçme, yabancı dil becerilerinin öğretiminde birbirinden ayrılamayan uzun ve zorlayıcı süreçlerdir. Farklı ölçme amaçları için kullanılan pek çok farklı ölçme yöntemi bulunmaktadır. Ancak İletişimsel Dil Öğretiminde başarılı bir değerlendirme yapılabilmesi açısından geleneksel ölçme yöntemlerinin yanı sıra alternatif değerlendirme yöntemleri de kullanılmalıdır. İletişimsel Dil Öğretiminin temel ilkeleri yabancı dil öğrenenlerin iletişimsel yeterliklerinin artması için önemlidir. Bu derleme çalışmasında öncelikli olarak ölçme ve değerlendirmenin farkı tanımlanmıştır. İkinci olarak, sırasıyla dil becerilerinin ve öğelerinin ölçülmesi ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra İletişimsel Dil Öğretimi ilkeleri açıklanmıştır. Son olarak da etkili bir değerlendirme için tüm ölçme yöntem ve tekniklerinin kullanılması önerilmiştir. Ayrıca otantik değerlendirme için teknoloji temelli ölçme araçlarının kullanılması da önerilmiştir. Tüm bunlar bağlamında, bu derlemenin amacı dil becerileri ve dilin öğelerinin ölçülmesi konusunda açıklama yapmaktır. Ayrıca yabancı dil öğretmenlerinin İletişimsel dil Öğretiminin temel ilkelerine uygun sınavlar hazırlamaları için yardım etmek de hedeflenmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Derleme çalışması olduğu için etik kurul onayına gerek bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca herhangi bir kişi, kurum ya da kuruluşla ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır. Çalışma da etik ilkelere uygun davrandığımı beyan ederim


  • Akıncı, T. (2010). Opinions of English teachers in state primary schools on the test they apply, the effect of SBS on their tests and the problems faced. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Pamukkale University
  • Alabbasi, A. H. Y. (2007). Techniques of testing pronunciation: Production and recognition levels. Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals, 3(5), 14-19.
  • Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C., & Wall, D. (1995). Language test construction and evaluation. Cambridge University Press.
  • Alderson, J. C. (1996). The testing of reading. In C. Nuttall (Ed.) Teaching reading skills in a foreign language (pp.212-228). Heinemann.
  • Asassfeh, S. M. (2019). EFL Teachers’ Assessment Preferences and Prevalent Practices: The Case of Jordan. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT), 2(7), 67- 74 Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford University Press.
  • Bachman, L. & Palmer, A. (2010). Language assessment in practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Boddy, N.M. &Langham, C. S. (2000). Communicative language testing: an attainable goal?
  • British Council (2009).
  • Brown, S. (2003). Assessment that works at work. The Newsletter for the Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 11: 6–7.
  • Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. (3rd Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P (2010). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices. (2nd Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Brown, J. D. & Hudson, T. (1998). The alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4): 653–675.
  • Buck, G. (1988). Testing listening comprehension in Japanese university entrance examinations. JALT Journal, 10(1 & 2), 15-42.
  • Buck, G. (2001). Assessing listening. Cambridge University Press.
  • Callison- Burch, C. (2007). Paraphrasing and translation. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis University of Edinburg, Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Canale, M. & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47.
  • Carter, R. (2001). Vocabulary. In Ronald Carter and David Nunan (eds.). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. (pp. 42- 47). Cambridge University Press.
  • Chapele, C. A. (2010). Technology in language testing.
  • Chun-mei, G. (2007). Influence of contexts on vocabulary testing. US- China Education Review, 4(7), 42-46.
  • Clay, B. (2001). Is this a trick question? Kansas Curriculum Center.
  • Council of Europe (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, A. D. (2001) Second language assessment. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (3rd Edition)(pp. 515-535). Heilne &Heilne.
  • Coombe , C. (2011). Assessing vocabulary in the language classroom.
  • Coombe, C., Davidson, P., O’Sullivian, P., Stoynoff, S. (2012). The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Assessment (The Cambridge Guides). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cunningham, G. K. (1998). Assessment in the classroom: Constructing and interpreting tests. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 23(1).
  • Demirezen, M. (2013). Testing. In A Sarıçoban (Ed.), Öğretmenlik alan bilgisi testi İnglizce öğretmenliği (pp. 165- 194). Murat Yayınları.
  • Fotos, S. (2001). Cognitive approach to grammar instruction. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (3rd Edition) (pp.267-285). Heilne & Heilne.
  • Gonzalez, A. B. (1996). Teaching English as a foreign language: An overview and some methodological considerations. RESLA, 11, 17-49.
  • Goodwin, J. (2013). Teaching pronunciation. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M.A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 134- 154).Boston, MA: Heinle ELT.
  • Hamayan, E.V. (1995). Approaches to alternative assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 15, 212-226.
  • Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching. (4th Edition). Pearson Education Limited.
  • Heaton, J.B. (1990). Writing English language tests. Longman Group UK Limited. Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Isaacs, T. (2014). Assessing pronunciation. In A.J. Kunnan (Ed.). The companion to language assessment (pp. 140-155). Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Kitao, S. K. & Kitao, K. (1996a). Testing reading comprehension. ERIC. (ED 398 258).
  • Kitao, S. K., & Kitao, K. (1996b). Testing speaking. ERIC. (ED 398 261).
  • Kunnan, A. J. & Grabowski, K. (2013). Large- scale language assessment. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 204-320). Heinle ELT.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2009). Teaching and testing grammar. In M. H. Long & C. J. Doughty (eds.), The handbook of language teaching. Blackwell, 518–542.
  • Larsen- Freeman, D. &Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques & principles in language teaching. Oxford University Press.
  • Larsen- Freeman, D. (2013). Teaching grammar. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 256-271). Heinle ELT. Laufer, B., & Goldstein, Z. (2004). Testing vocabulary knowledge: size, strength and computer adaptiveness. Language Learning, 54, 399-436.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2001). Teaching oral skills. In M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second foreign language. Heinle and Heinle.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2013). Second language speaking. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M.A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language.(4th Edition) (pp. 106- 120). Heinle ELT.
  • Madsen, H. S. (1983). Techniques in testing. Oxford University Press.
  • McDonough, J., Shaw, C. & Masuhara, H. (2013). Materials and methods in ELT. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • MEB (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı). (2018). İlköğretim kurumları (ilkokullar ve ortaokullar) İngilizce dersi öğretim programı. Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus design. Oxford University Press.
  • O’Sullivan, B. (2008). Notes on Assessing Speaking. 2009/papers08/osull1.pdf
  • Ozerova, A. (2004). Types of tests used in English language. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Latvia.
  • Ozkan, Y. (2011). Assessment of grammatical competence based on authentic texts. International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 148-154.
  • Öztürk, G. (2012). The Effect of context in achievement vocabulary tests. Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the World, 2(4), 126-134.
  • Pathan, M. M. (2012). Computer Assisted Language Testing [CALT]: advantages, implications and limitations. Research Vistas, 1(4), 30-45.
  • Phan, S. (2008), Communicative language testing. TESL Working Paper Series, 6(2), 1-10.
  • Phongsirikul, M. (2018), Traditional and Alternative Assessments in ELT: Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. rEFLections, 25(1), 61-84.
  • Pignot-Shahov, V. (2012). Measuring L2 receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. Language studies working papers, 4, 37-45.
  • Piri, B. (2022). A comparative investigation of English preparatory school students' and instructors' perceptions of using e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool at university. Unpublished Master’s Thesis.
  • Read, J. (2000) Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge University Press.
  • Richard, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. Cambridge University Press.
  • Riddell, D. (2003). Teaching English as a second/foreign language. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • Saeed, R. R. & Noor, M. (2011) Handbook for trainers of learning module on test construction techniques.
  • Seidlhofer, B. (2001). Pronunciation. In R. Carter and D. Nunan eds., The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages, Cambridge University Press: 56-65.
  • Sulaiman, Z. & Khan, M. (2019). Computer Assisted Language Testing (CALT): Issues and Challenges. 1-11.
  • Suvorov, R., & Hegelheimer, V. (2013). Computer-assisted language testing. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to language assessment (pp. 593-613). Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Van Ek, J.A. and Alexander, L. G. (1977). Waystage. Council of Europe.
  • Van Ek, J., and Alexander, L. G. (1980). Threshold Level English. Pergamon
  • Valette, R. (1977). Modern language testing. (Second Edition). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
  • Volante, L. (2004). Teaching to the test: What every educator and policy-maker should know. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 35.
  • Weigle, S. C. (2013). Considerations for teaching second language writing. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. A.Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 106-120). Heinle ELT.
  • Weir, J. C. (1993). Understanding and developing language tests. Prentice Hall.
  • White, R. V. (1988). The ELT curriculum design, innovation and management. Basil Blackwell Ltd.
  • Wilkins, D. (1976). Notional syllabuses. Oxford University Press.

Commonly Used Techniques in Testing Foreign Language Skills and Communicative Language Teaching

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 68 - 85, 31.12.2023


Teaching and testing foreign language skills are long and challenging processes that cannot be separated from each other. Many traditional test items and alternative methods are utilized for various testing purposes. However, for a successful evaluation, alternative method and traditional assessment types should be handled in communicative language teaching for a successful evaluation. The basics of Communicative Language Teaching are important to increase foreign language learners’ communicative competence. In this sense, this review illustrates traditional testing item types after defining the difference between test and assessment. Secondly, testing language skills and components are put under a critical perspective. Then, the basics of Communicative Language Teaching are explained. Eventually, suggestions about adopting all testing types and methods for an effective assessment are discussed. Also, technology-based assessment tools are recommended for an authentic assessment. Correspondingly, the review mainly tries to shed light on testing language skills and language components. Moreover, it aims to help foreign language teachers prepare exams that follow the basic principles of Communicative Language Teaching.


  • Akıncı, T. (2010). Opinions of English teachers in state primary schools on the test they apply, the effect of SBS on their tests and the problems faced. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Pamukkale University
  • Alabbasi, A. H. Y. (2007). Techniques of testing pronunciation: Production and recognition levels. Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals, 3(5), 14-19.
  • Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C., & Wall, D. (1995). Language test construction and evaluation. Cambridge University Press.
  • Alderson, J. C. (1996). The testing of reading. In C. Nuttall (Ed.) Teaching reading skills in a foreign language (pp.212-228). Heinemann.
  • Asassfeh, S. M. (2019). EFL Teachers’ Assessment Preferences and Prevalent Practices: The Case of Jordan. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT), 2(7), 67- 74 Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford University Press.
  • Bachman, L. & Palmer, A. (2010). Language assessment in practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Boddy, N.M. &Langham, C. S. (2000). Communicative language testing: an attainable goal?
  • British Council (2009).
  • Brown, S. (2003). Assessment that works at work. The Newsletter for the Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 11: 6–7.
  • Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. (3rd Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P (2010). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices. (2nd Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Brown, J. D. & Hudson, T. (1998). The alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4): 653–675.
  • Buck, G. (1988). Testing listening comprehension in Japanese university entrance examinations. JALT Journal, 10(1 & 2), 15-42.
  • Buck, G. (2001). Assessing listening. Cambridge University Press.
  • Callison- Burch, C. (2007). Paraphrasing and translation. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis University of Edinburg, Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Canale, M. & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47.
  • Carter, R. (2001). Vocabulary. In Ronald Carter and David Nunan (eds.). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. (pp. 42- 47). Cambridge University Press.
  • Chapele, C. A. (2010). Technology in language testing.
  • Chun-mei, G. (2007). Influence of contexts on vocabulary testing. US- China Education Review, 4(7), 42-46.
  • Clay, B. (2001). Is this a trick question? Kansas Curriculum Center.
  • Council of Europe (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, A. D. (2001) Second language assessment. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (3rd Edition)(pp. 515-535). Heilne &Heilne.
  • Coombe , C. (2011). Assessing vocabulary in the language classroom.
  • Coombe, C., Davidson, P., O’Sullivian, P., Stoynoff, S. (2012). The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Assessment (The Cambridge Guides). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cunningham, G. K. (1998). Assessment in the classroom: Constructing and interpreting tests. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 23(1).
  • Demirezen, M. (2013). Testing. In A Sarıçoban (Ed.), Öğretmenlik alan bilgisi testi İnglizce öğretmenliği (pp. 165- 194). Murat Yayınları.
  • Fotos, S. (2001). Cognitive approach to grammar instruction. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (3rd Edition) (pp.267-285). Heilne & Heilne.
  • Gonzalez, A. B. (1996). Teaching English as a foreign language: An overview and some methodological considerations. RESLA, 11, 17-49.
  • Goodwin, J. (2013). Teaching pronunciation. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M.A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 134- 154).Boston, MA: Heinle ELT.
  • Hamayan, E.V. (1995). Approaches to alternative assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 15, 212-226.
  • Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching. (4th Edition). Pearson Education Limited.
  • Heaton, J.B. (1990). Writing English language tests. Longman Group UK Limited. Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Isaacs, T. (2014). Assessing pronunciation. In A.J. Kunnan (Ed.). The companion to language assessment (pp. 140-155). Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Kitao, S. K. & Kitao, K. (1996a). Testing reading comprehension. ERIC. (ED 398 258).
  • Kitao, S. K., & Kitao, K. (1996b). Testing speaking. ERIC. (ED 398 261).
  • Kunnan, A. J. & Grabowski, K. (2013). Large- scale language assessment. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 204-320). Heinle ELT.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2009). Teaching and testing grammar. In M. H. Long & C. J. Doughty (eds.), The handbook of language teaching. Blackwell, 518–542.
  • Larsen- Freeman, D. &Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques & principles in language teaching. Oxford University Press.
  • Larsen- Freeman, D. (2013). Teaching grammar. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 256-271). Heinle ELT. Laufer, B., & Goldstein, Z. (2004). Testing vocabulary knowledge: size, strength and computer adaptiveness. Language Learning, 54, 399-436.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2001). Teaching oral skills. In M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second foreign language. Heinle and Heinle.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2013). Second language speaking. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M.A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language.(4th Edition) (pp. 106- 120). Heinle ELT.
  • Madsen, H. S. (1983). Techniques in testing. Oxford University Press.
  • McDonough, J., Shaw, C. & Masuhara, H. (2013). Materials and methods in ELT. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • MEB (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı). (2018). İlköğretim kurumları (ilkokullar ve ortaokullar) İngilizce dersi öğretim programı. Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus design. Oxford University Press.
  • O’Sullivan, B. (2008). Notes on Assessing Speaking. 2009/papers08/osull1.pdf
  • Ozerova, A. (2004). Types of tests used in English language. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Latvia.
  • Ozkan, Y. (2011). Assessment of grammatical competence based on authentic texts. International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 148-154.
  • Öztürk, G. (2012). The Effect of context in achievement vocabulary tests. Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the World, 2(4), 126-134.
  • Pathan, M. M. (2012). Computer Assisted Language Testing [CALT]: advantages, implications and limitations. Research Vistas, 1(4), 30-45.
  • Phan, S. (2008), Communicative language testing. TESL Working Paper Series, 6(2), 1-10.
  • Phongsirikul, M. (2018), Traditional and Alternative Assessments in ELT: Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. rEFLections, 25(1), 61-84.
  • Pignot-Shahov, V. (2012). Measuring L2 receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. Language studies working papers, 4, 37-45.
  • Piri, B. (2022). A comparative investigation of English preparatory school students' and instructors' perceptions of using e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool at university. Unpublished Master’s Thesis.
  • Read, J. (2000) Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge University Press.
  • Richard, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. Cambridge University Press.
  • Riddell, D. (2003). Teaching English as a second/foreign language. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • Saeed, R. R. & Noor, M. (2011) Handbook for trainers of learning module on test construction techniques.
  • Seidlhofer, B. (2001). Pronunciation. In R. Carter and D. Nunan eds., The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages, Cambridge University Press: 56-65.
  • Sulaiman, Z. & Khan, M. (2019). Computer Assisted Language Testing (CALT): Issues and Challenges. 1-11.
  • Suvorov, R., & Hegelheimer, V. (2013). Computer-assisted language testing. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to language assessment (pp. 593-613). Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Van Ek, J.A. and Alexander, L. G. (1977). Waystage. Council of Europe.
  • Van Ek, J., and Alexander, L. G. (1980). Threshold Level English. Pergamon
  • Valette, R. (1977). Modern language testing. (Second Edition). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
  • Volante, L. (2004). Teaching to the test: What every educator and policy-maker should know. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 35.
  • Weigle, S. C. (2013). Considerations for teaching second language writing. In M. Celce- Murcia, D. M. Brinton & M. A.Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. (4th Edition) (pp. 106-120). Heinle ELT.
  • Weir, J. C. (1993). Understanding and developing language tests. Prentice Hall.
  • White, R. V. (1988). The ELT curriculum design, innovation and management. Basil Blackwell Ltd.
  • Wilkins, D. (1976). Notional syllabuses. Oxford University Press.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
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Koray Kaçar

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 26 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaçar, K. (2023). Commonly Used Techniques in Testing Foreign Language Skills and Communicative Language Teaching. Sinerji Uluslararası Alan Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 68-85.

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