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Raising Awareness About Professionalism In Third-Year Medical Students: Results Of A Workshop

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 35, 21 - 29, 01.09.2012


Background: It is difficult to deny the importance of professionalism among medical students and residents or even postgraduate medical students. However the method to develop is still debatable. Thus we sought to design a workshop to enhance the orientation and give concept of professionalism to undergraduate medical students. Teaching professionalism to medical students and residents, and physcians’ professional and humanistic behaviours are critical. However, there still is a debate on which method is effective in teaching professionalism. The aim of this study was to raise the awareness of medical students through a workshop. Methods: This was a prospective interventional pre- & post-test questionnaire experimental study design conducted among Atatürk University Medical Faculty class 3 students in March 2012. The total 90 participants have been divided into 5 groups and having 18 students in each group during workshop. Those groups were further divided into groups of 4-5 students for each session and each small group received a different scenario after a brief introduction to professionalism by a facilitator. Each small group was expected to determine the components of medical professionalism in the given scenarios. At the beginning and at the end we performed an assessment as pre & post-test to assess their awareness. Results: Answers of 90 students were analyzed. Out of total, 40 were females and 37 (41.1%) had heard first time about professionalism and it was communicated through their friends. The correct definition was mentioned by only 2.2% in pre-test whereas it was increased up to 53.3% in post-test (p


  • )Al-Rubaish AM. Professionalism Today. Journal of Family And Community Medicine 2010 :17(1);1-2.
  • )Rhodes R, Cohen D, Friedman E, Muller D. Professionalism in medical education. The American Journal of Bioethics : AJOB. [Comment]. 2004 :4(2) ; 20-2.
  • )Swick HM. Medical professionalism and the clinical anatomist. Clin Anat. [Review]. 2006 :19(5);393-402.
  • )Chandratilake M, McAleer S, Gibson J. Cultural similarities and differences in medical professionalism: a multi-region study. Medical Education. 2012 :46(3);257-66.
  • )Van Mook WN, van Luijk SJ, O'Sullivan H, Wass V, Harm Zwaveling J, Schuwirth LW, et al. The concepts of professionalism and professional behaviour: conflicts in both definition and learning outcomes. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 2009 :20(4);e85-9.
  • )Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physicians' charter. Lancet. 2002 :9;359(9305);520-2.
  • )Nierman DM. Professionalism and the teaching of clinical medicine: perspectives of teachers and students. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, New York. 2002 :69(6);410-1.
  • )Swick HM. Toward a normative definition of medical professionalism. Academic medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2000 :75(6);612-6.
  • )Stern DT, Papadakis M. The developing physician-becoming a professional. The New England Journal of Medicine.. 2006 :26;355(17);1794-9.
  • )Swick HM. Viewpoint: professionalism and humanism beyond the academic health center. Academic medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2007 :82(11);1022-8.
  • )Branch WT, Jr. The road to professionalism: reflective practice and reflective learning. Patient Education and Counseling. 2010 :80(3);327-32.
  • )Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Professionalism must be taught. BMJ. 1997 :20-27;315(7123);1674-7.
  • )Elçin M. İyi hekimlik uygulamaları, 2011-2012. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi; 2012;, adresinden 25.09.2012 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • )Sehiralti M, Akpinar A, Ersoy N. Attributes of a good physician: what are the opinions of first-year medical students? Journal of Medical Ethics. 2010 :36(2);121-5.
  • )Varga-Atkins T, Dangerfield P, Brigden D. Developing professionalism through the use of wikis: A study with first-year undergraduate medical students. Medical Teacher. 2010:32(10);824-9.
  • )Wylie A, Robinson R, Stephenson A. Student learning centres in the community: a review of an organisation model. Medical Education. 2001 :35(11);1078-9.
  • )Elcin M, Odabasi O, Gokler B, Sayek I, Akova M, Kiper N. Developing and evaluating professionalism. Medical Teacher. 2006 :28(1);36-9.
  • )Nath C, Schmidt R, Gunel E. Perceptions of professionalism vary most with educational rank and age. Journal of Dental Education. 2006 :70(8);825-34.


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 35, 21 - 29, 01.09.2012


Amaç: Tıp öğrencilerine ve asistanlara profesyonalizmi öğretmek ve toplumdaki hekimlerin profesyonel ve humanistik davranışlar göstermeleri kritik öneme sahiptir. Ayrıca profesyonalizmin öğretilme yöntemi hala tartışmalı konulardandır. Bu çalışmada tıp öğrencilerinde çalıştay yolu ile profesyonalizm konusunda farkındalığın arttırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 3. sınıf öğrencileri ile Mart 2012 ‘de yapılan prospektif girişimsel bir çalışmadır. Öğrencilerin eğitim sonrası bilgi düzeylerindeki değişimi belirlemek için çalıştay öncesi ve sonrası profesyonalizme ilişkin sorular soruldu. Toplam 190 kişilik sınıftan derse gelen 90 katılımcı 18 kişilik gruplara ayrıldı. Tıbbi profesyonalizmin tanımı ve içeriği hakkında bilgilendirici bir sunum sonrası 18 kişilik gruplar 4-5 kişiden oluşan küçük gruplara ayırıldı ve her bir gruba farklı senaryolar verildi. Her grubun senaryoda geçen tıbbi profesyonalizm bileşenlerini bulmaları, tartışmaları ve büyük gruba sunmaları istendi. Çalıştay sonunda öğrencilerden ayrıca etkinliğe ilişkin geribildirim alındı. Bulgular: Eğitime katılan öğrencilerin tümü ön ve son değerlendirmeye ilişkin soruları yanıtladı. Öğrencilerin 40’ı (%44,4) kız idi. Tıbbi profesyonalizmi ilk kez duyanlar 37 (%41,1) idi ve en fazla arkadaşlarından duymuşlardı. Çalıştayın başında yapılan değerlendirmede tıbbi profesyonalizm tanımını bilme %2,2 iken çalıştay sonrası yapılan son değerlendirmede bu oran %53,3’e çıkmıştı (p


  • )Al-Rubaish AM. Professionalism Today. Journal of Family And Community Medicine 2010 :17(1);1-2.
  • )Rhodes R, Cohen D, Friedman E, Muller D. Professionalism in medical education. The American Journal of Bioethics : AJOB. [Comment]. 2004 :4(2) ; 20-2.
  • )Swick HM. Medical professionalism and the clinical anatomist. Clin Anat. [Review]. 2006 :19(5);393-402.
  • )Chandratilake M, McAleer S, Gibson J. Cultural similarities and differences in medical professionalism: a multi-region study. Medical Education. 2012 :46(3);257-66.
  • )Van Mook WN, van Luijk SJ, O'Sullivan H, Wass V, Harm Zwaveling J, Schuwirth LW, et al. The concepts of professionalism and professional behaviour: conflicts in both definition and learning outcomes. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 2009 :20(4);e85-9.
  • )Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physicians' charter. Lancet. 2002 :9;359(9305);520-2.
  • )Nierman DM. Professionalism and the teaching of clinical medicine: perspectives of teachers and students. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, New York. 2002 :69(6);410-1.
  • )Swick HM. Toward a normative definition of medical professionalism. Academic medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2000 :75(6);612-6.
  • )Stern DT, Papadakis M. The developing physician-becoming a professional. The New England Journal of Medicine.. 2006 :26;355(17);1794-9.
  • )Swick HM. Viewpoint: professionalism and humanism beyond the academic health center. Academic medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2007 :82(11);1022-8.
  • )Branch WT, Jr. The road to professionalism: reflective practice and reflective learning. Patient Education and Counseling. 2010 :80(3);327-32.
  • )Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Professionalism must be taught. BMJ. 1997 :20-27;315(7123);1674-7.
  • )Elçin M. İyi hekimlik uygulamaları, 2011-2012. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi; 2012;, adresinden 25.09.2012 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • )Sehiralti M, Akpinar A, Ersoy N. Attributes of a good physician: what are the opinions of first-year medical students? Journal of Medical Ethics. 2010 :36(2);121-5.
  • )Varga-Atkins T, Dangerfield P, Brigden D. Developing professionalism through the use of wikis: A study with first-year undergraduate medical students. Medical Teacher. 2010:32(10);824-9.
  • )Wylie A, Robinson R, Stephenson A. Student learning centres in the community: a review of an organisation model. Medical Education. 2001 :35(11);1078-9.
  • )Elcin M, Odabasi O, Gokler B, Sayek I, Akova M, Kiper N. Developing and evaluating professionalism. Medical Teacher. 2006 :28(1);36-9.
  • )Nath C, Schmidt R, Gunel E. Perceptions of professionalism vary most with educational rank and age. Journal of Dental Education. 2006 :70(8);825-34.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Eylül 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 35

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