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Prognostic Faktors in Thyroid Cancer

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2, - , 01.05.1999



  • Correa P. Chen VW. Endocrine gland cancer. Cancer 1995: re: 338-352.
  • Carcangiu ML. Steeper T. Zampi G. Rosai J. et ai: Anaplas- tic thyroid carcinoma: A study of T9 cases. Am J Clin Fath- ol 1995; 99: 195-199.
  • Nol CJ. Heerden JA. Goeliner JR. Ghario H. et al: Anaplas- tic carcinoma of the thyroid: A ciinicopathoiogic study of 92 cases. Mayo Clin Froc 1995; 99: 51-59.
  • Aldinger HA. Samaan NA. Ibanez ML. Hill CS. et al: Ana- plastic carcinoma of the thyroid: A review of 94 cases of Rha-tigan RM. Rogue JL. Bucher RL: Mucoepidermoid carci- noma of the thyroid gland. Cancer 1917; 99: 219-214. S?.
  • Chan JH. Albores Beavedra J. Bottifore H. Corcongiu ML. et al: Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid with eosinophilla: A distinctive low grade malignancy arising from the metaplastic follicles of Hashimoto‘s thyrolditis. Am J Surg Pathoi 1991; 19: 499-449.
  • Harada T. Shimaoita K. Hiratsuita M. Hiroltawa M. et al: Mucin-producing carcinoma of the thyroid gland. A case re- port and review of the literature. Jpn J Clin Üncol 1994; 14: Mil—424.
  • Joensuu H. Klami P. Eerola E. Tucmlnan J. et al: influence of cellular DNA content on survival in differentiated thyroid cancer. Cancer 1996: 59: 2492—2491
  • Tiroie' Kanserinde Prognosiiir Fairrdrier Camargo Ft9. Scaluıt AG. [Je-Tolosa Ei'vl. Ferreira EA. et ai: DNA image cytometric analysis ot differentiated thyroid Baaele F. Pinchera A. Fugazzola L. Fentenini G. et ai: Ex- Farid NH. Shi Y. Zou N: Molecular basis of thyroid cancer. Endocrine Fleviews 1994; 292—292.
  • Fagln JA: Molecular genetics of human thyroid neoplasms. Ann Fiev Med 1994: 45: 45—52.
  • Goretzki PE. Lyons J. Stacy-Phipps S. Flosenau W. at al: Mutational activition of HAS and GSP oncogenes in differ- ?. Suarez HG. du 1|v'illard JA. Callleu El. Schlumberger M. et al: Gap mutations in human thyroid tumours. Oncogene 1991:
  • Shi "r'. Zou M. Farid NH: Expression of thyretrophin receptor gene In thyroid carcinoma is associated with a good progno- : Elrebant G. iviaanhaut C. Kchrle J. Scheumann t9. et al: Hu— man thyrotropin receptor gene: Expression in thyroid tumors Terrier P. Sheng ZM. Tubiana M. Schlurnberger lvl. et al: Structure and expression of c-myc and c-los proto- Fionaalli M. ‘v‘iale G. Grimelius L Johansson H. et al: Prog- nostic value of N-myc immunoreactivity in meduiiary thyroid Jhiang SM: The retr FTC oncogene in papillary thyroid car- cinoma. J Lab Clin Med 1994: 129: 991-391".
  • Ito T. Seyama T. Iwamoto KS. Mizuno T. et al: Activated FiET oncogene in thyroid cancers of chiidren from areas Ho Y5. Tseng SC. Chin TY. Hsieh LL. et al: p99 gene muta- tion In thyroid carcinoma. Cancer Lett 1999: 193: 9193.
  • Zou M. Shi ‘r‘. Farid NH: p59 mutations In ali stages of thy— roid carcinomas. J Clin Endocrinol lvletab 1999: ??: 1954—
  • 'v'iale G. Ftoncalli M. Grimelius L. Graziani D. et al: Prognos- tic value of 9cI-2 lrrımunoreactivlty ln medullary thyroid car— cinoma. Hum Pathol 1994; 25: 945—959.
  • T. Bergholm U. Adan-ı| HD. Auer G. Bergstrom Ft. et al: Histo- pathologic characteristics and nuclear DNA content as prog- Paclni F. 9aso|o F. Elisei Fl. Fugazzole L. et al: lvledullary thyroid cancer: An immunohistochemical and humeral study using six separate antigens. Am J Clin Pathol 1991: 99: —999.
  • L9ng|9 F. Soliman T. Nauhoid N. Widhalm G. et al: C915 [ Leu Mt) immunoreactlvlty: Prognostic factor for sporadic and hereditary meduiiary thyroid cancer? World J Surg 1994: 19: BBS-99?.
  • Wells SA Jr. Beylin 99. Leight GS. Dale JK. et al: The im- portance of early diagnosis in patients with hereditary rne— duilary thyroid carcinoma. Ann Surg 1992: 195: 599—999.
  • Girelli ME. Dotto 9. Nacamulll D. Piccolo M. etal: Prognos— tic value of early postoperative caicltonin Iavei in medullary Farley DH. Eberhardt NL. Grant CS. Schaid DJ. etal: Ex- pression of a potential metastasis suppressor gone i nm29] in thyroid neoplasms. World J Surg 1999: 1?: 915—921.
  • Arai T. Watanabe M. Cinodera M. Yamashita T. et al: Fie- duce‘d nm29—H1 messenger RNA expression in metastatic Kreimps JL. Metaye T. Millet C. Margerit D. et al: Cathepsin E1 in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissues. Surgery 1999;
  • Brabant G. Hoang—vu C. Cetin ‘r‘. Dreile H. et al: E— cadherin: A differentiation marker ln thyroid malignancies. 't’amameto Y. lzumi K. Dtsuka H: An immunohistochemical study of epithelial membrane antigen. cytokeratin. and v|- E?. Duh DY. Gum ET. Gerend PL. Flaper SE. et al: Epidermal growth factor receptors in normal and neoplastic thyroid tis- sue. Surgery 1999; 99: 1999—1991“. Yeıışms Adresi: Dr ‘r’emac Erhan
  • Mithatpaşa cad. Hocazade Fiagip Üzümcü Apt. 99993 Güzelyalı. Izmir 35299 Tel . 9 292 2499999 Fax. 9 299 2995999
  • E-mail : starts 9 superoniinecom ??

Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2, - , 01.05.1999


En sık karşılaşılan endokrin malignite oları tiroid karsinomu insanlarda görülen en sessiz kanser tiplerin— derı en saldırgan kanser tiplerine kadar uzanan geniş yelpazedeki tümörleri kapsar. Bazen en sessiz ve sakin doğalı kabul edilen tiroid kanserleri bile ölümlere yol açabilir. Bu nedenle. hangi hastaların kapsamlı sağaltım uygulanmaksızın yaşamlarını hastalıksız ve ek risk almaksızın sürdürebileceğine ve de aynı şekilde, hangi hastaların tam bir iyileşme için saldırgan sağaltıma gereksinim duyacaklarına karar vermeyi sağlayacak olan |:.-rognostik faktörler günümüzde büyük önem kazanmaktadır. Elu derlemede. tiroid kanserinde özellikle klinik seyri ve sonucu etkileyen faktörlerin yanısıra son yıllarda güncel konuma gelen bağımsız moleküler ve genetik prognostik faktörlere de değinilmiştir


  • Correa P. Chen VW. Endocrine gland cancer. Cancer 1995: re: 338-352.
  • Carcangiu ML. Steeper T. Zampi G. Rosai J. et ai: Anaplas- tic thyroid carcinoma: A study of T9 cases. Am J Clin Fath- ol 1995; 99: 195-199.
  • Nol CJ. Heerden JA. Goeliner JR. Ghario H. et al: Anaplas- tic carcinoma of the thyroid: A ciinicopathoiogic study of 92 cases. Mayo Clin Froc 1995; 99: 51-59.
  • Aldinger HA. Samaan NA. Ibanez ML. Hill CS. et al: Ana- plastic carcinoma of the thyroid: A review of 94 cases of Rha-tigan RM. Rogue JL. Bucher RL: Mucoepidermoid carci- noma of the thyroid gland. Cancer 1917; 99: 219-214. S?.
  • Chan JH. Albores Beavedra J. Bottifore H. Corcongiu ML. et al: Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid with eosinophilla: A distinctive low grade malignancy arising from the metaplastic follicles of Hashimoto‘s thyrolditis. Am J Surg Pathoi 1991; 19: 499-449.
  • Harada T. Shimaoita K. Hiratsuita M. Hiroltawa M. et al: Mucin-producing carcinoma of the thyroid gland. A case re- port and review of the literature. Jpn J Clin Üncol 1994; 14: Mil—424.
  • Joensuu H. Klami P. Eerola E. Tucmlnan J. et al: influence of cellular DNA content on survival in differentiated thyroid cancer. Cancer 1996: 59: 2492—2491
  • Tiroie' Kanserinde Prognosiiir Fairrdrier Camargo Ft9. Scaluıt AG. [Je-Tolosa Ei'vl. Ferreira EA. et ai: DNA image cytometric analysis ot differentiated thyroid Baaele F. Pinchera A. Fugazzola L. Fentenini G. et ai: Ex- Farid NH. Shi Y. Zou N: Molecular basis of thyroid cancer. Endocrine Fleviews 1994; 292—292.
  • Fagln JA: Molecular genetics of human thyroid neoplasms. Ann Fiev Med 1994: 45: 45—52.
  • Goretzki PE. Lyons J. Stacy-Phipps S. Flosenau W. at al: Mutational activition of HAS and GSP oncogenes in differ- ?. Suarez HG. du 1|v'illard JA. Callleu El. Schlumberger M. et al: Gap mutations in human thyroid tumours. Oncogene 1991:
  • Shi "r'. Zou M. Farid NH: Expression of thyretrophin receptor gene In thyroid carcinoma is associated with a good progno- : Elrebant G. iviaanhaut C. Kchrle J. Scheumann t9. et al: Hu— man thyrotropin receptor gene: Expression in thyroid tumors Terrier P. Sheng ZM. Tubiana M. Schlurnberger lvl. et al: Structure and expression of c-myc and c-los proto- Fionaalli M. ‘v‘iale G. Grimelius L Johansson H. et al: Prog- nostic value of N-myc immunoreactivity in meduiiary thyroid Jhiang SM: The retr FTC oncogene in papillary thyroid car- cinoma. J Lab Clin Med 1994: 129: 991-391".
  • Ito T. Seyama T. Iwamoto KS. Mizuno T. et al: Activated FiET oncogene in thyroid cancers of chiidren from areas Ho Y5. Tseng SC. Chin TY. Hsieh LL. et al: p99 gene muta- tion In thyroid carcinoma. Cancer Lett 1999: 193: 9193.
  • Zou M. Shi ‘r‘. Farid NH: p59 mutations In ali stages of thy— roid carcinomas. J Clin Endocrinol lvletab 1999: ??: 1954—
  • 'v'iale G. Ftoncalli M. Grimelius L. Graziani D. et al: Prognos- tic value of 9cI-2 lrrımunoreactivlty ln medullary thyroid car— cinoma. Hum Pathol 1994; 25: 945—959.
  • T. Bergholm U. Adan-ı| HD. Auer G. Bergstrom Ft. et al: Histo- pathologic characteristics and nuclear DNA content as prog- Paclni F. 9aso|o F. Elisei Fl. Fugazzole L. et al: lvledullary thyroid cancer: An immunohistochemical and humeral study using six separate antigens. Am J Clin Pathol 1991: 99: —999.
  • L9ng|9 F. Soliman T. Nauhoid N. Widhalm G. et al: C915 [ Leu Mt) immunoreactlvlty: Prognostic factor for sporadic and hereditary meduiiary thyroid cancer? World J Surg 1994: 19: BBS-99?.
  • Wells SA Jr. Beylin 99. Leight GS. Dale JK. et al: The im- portance of early diagnosis in patients with hereditary rne— duilary thyroid carcinoma. Ann Surg 1992: 195: 599—999.
  • Girelli ME. Dotto 9. Nacamulll D. Piccolo M. etal: Prognos— tic value of early postoperative caicltonin Iavei in medullary Farley DH. Eberhardt NL. Grant CS. Schaid DJ. etal: Ex- pression of a potential metastasis suppressor gone i nm29] in thyroid neoplasms. World J Surg 1999: 1?: 915—921.
  • Arai T. Watanabe M. Cinodera M. Yamashita T. et al: Fie- duce‘d nm29—H1 messenger RNA expression in metastatic Kreimps JL. Metaye T. Millet C. Margerit D. et al: Cathepsin E1 in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissues. Surgery 1999;
  • Brabant G. Hoang—vu C. Cetin ‘r‘. Dreile H. et al: E— cadherin: A differentiation marker ln thyroid malignancies. 't’amameto Y. lzumi K. Dtsuka H: An immunohistochemical study of epithelial membrane antigen. cytokeratin. and v|- E?. Duh DY. Gum ET. Gerend PL. Flaper SE. et al: Epidermal growth factor receptors in normal and neoplastic thyroid tis- sue. Surgery 1999; 99: 1999—1991“. Yeıışms Adresi: Dr ‘r’emac Erhan
  • Mithatpaşa cad. Hocazade Fiagip Üzümcü Apt. 99993 Güzelyalı. Izmir 35299 Tel . 9 292 2499999 Fax. 9 299 2995999
  • E-mail : starts 9 superoniinecom ??
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yamaç Erhan Bu kişi benim

Hasan Aydede Bu kişi benim

Aslan Sakarya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erhan, Y., Aydede, H., & Sakarya, A. (1999). Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 5(1-2).
AMA Erhan Y, Aydede H, Sakarya A. Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. Mayıs 1999;5(1-2).
Chicago Erhan, Yamaç, Hasan Aydede, ve Aslan Sakarya. “Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 5, sy. 1-2 (Mayıs 1999).
EndNote Erhan Y, Aydede H, Sakarya A (01 Mayıs 1999) Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 5 1-2
IEEE Y. Erhan, H. Aydede, ve A. Sakarya, “Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1-2, 1999.
ISNAD Erhan, Yamaç vd. “Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 5/1-2 (Mayıs 1999).
JAMA Erhan Y, Aydede H, Sakarya A. Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 1999;5.
MLA Erhan, Yamaç vd. “Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1-2, 1999.
Vancouver Erhan Y, Aydede H, Sakarya A. Tiroid Kanserinde Prognostik Faktörler. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 1999;5(1-2).