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The histopathologic features of 172 meningioma cases

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 13 - 19, 01.05.2004


Aim: We aimed to evaluate the incidence and the clinicopathological aspects of meningiomas in our region which had been diagnosed in our laboratory in the last 10 years . Materials and methods: The 172 cases which had been diagnosed as meningioma in Göztepe SSKB Educational Hospital Pathology Laboratory during the period of 19932003 have been reevaluated with respect to their clinical and histopathological features using the 2000 WHO (World Health Organization) classification. Results: Meningiomas comprise the %19,7 of 782 intracranial tumors. 154 of the 172 meningioma cases are located intracranially whereas the 18 are located intraspinally (%10,48). They are frequently located at the parasagital region and at the convexity. Meningioma incidence in females is 2,8 times higher than males. The age range is 2-76, and mean age is 51. %89 of the cases is Grade I, whereas %11 is Grade II. 8 of the cases have recurred. Among these cases only 3 are Grade II. Transitional type (%38,1) is the most common type followed by meningotheliomatous (%23,8), psammomatous (%10,7), atypical (%8,9), fibrous (%8,3), microcystic (%3,6), angiomatous (%2,4), clear cell (%2,4), metaplastic (%1,2) and secretory types (%0,6). Conclusion: Meningiomas are frequently encountered tumors with a wide histological spectrum. Atypia and malignancy criteria have been re-defined and new subtypes have been established. In this respect, the diagnoses are subject to change if the cases are retrospectively analyzed


  • Louis DN, Scheithauer BW, Budka H, von Deiming A, Kepes JJ. Meningiomas, in: Kleihues P, Cavenee WK (Eds), Pathology and Genetics Tumors of the Nervous System, WHO. Lyon: IARC Press, France. 2000; 176-84.
  • Canda MŞ. Meningiomların genel patolojik özellikleri. Türk Neopl Derg 1995; 3(2): 79-89.
  • Das A, Tang WY, Smith DR. Meningiomas in Singapore; demographic and biological characteristics. J Neurooncol 2000; 47(2): 153-60.
  • Torres LF, Madalozzo LE, Werner B et al. Meningiomas. Epidemiological and anatomopathological study of 340 cases. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1996; 54(4): 549-56.
  • Staneczek W, Janisch W. Epidemiologic data on meningiomas in east Germany 1961-1986: incidence, localization, age and sex distribution. Clin Neuropathol 1992; 11(3): 135-41.
  • Rohinger M, Sutherland G R, Louw D F et al. Incidence and clinicopathological features of meningioma. J Neurosurg 1989; 71: 665-672.
  • Sutherland GR, Florell R, Louw D et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial neoplasms in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian J Neurol Sci 1987; 14: 586-592.
  • Helseth A, Mork SJ, Johansen A et al. Neoplasms of the central nervous system in Norvay. IV. A population-based epidemiological study of meningiomas. APMIS 1989; 97(7): 646-54.
  • Serçe K, Şenkaylı ÖC, Gümele HR, Sarı A ve ark. Kraniyal menenjiomları manyetik rezonans özellikleri. Tanısal ve Giriş Radyol 1995; 1(4): 295-300.
  • Stanton CA, Challa VR. Meningiomas: Pathology. in: Wilkins R H. Rengachary S S (Eds.), Neurosurgery: Second ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publisher. 1996; 843- 8
  • Demirtas E, Ersahın Y, Yılmaz F et al. Intracranial meningial tumours in childhood: a clinicopathologic study including MIB-1 immunohistochemistry. Pathol Res Pract 2000; 196(3): 151-8.
  • Wong SH, Chan SH. Meningioma-the Savarak General Hospital experience. Med J Malaysia 2002; 57(4): 467-73.
  • Garcia-Navarette E, Sola RG. Clinical and surgical aspects of meningiomas of the base of the skull. Meningiomas of the anterior fossa. Rev Neurol 2002; 34(6): 584-92.
  • Kuratsu J, Takeshima H, Ushio Y.Trends in the incidence of primary intracranial tumors in Kumamoto, Japan. Int J Clin Oncol 2001; 6(4): 183-91.
  • Bondy M, Ligon BL. Epidemiology and etiology of intracranial meningiomas: a review. J Neurooncol 1996; 29(3): 197-205.
  • D`Alessandro G, Di Giovanni M, Iannizzi L et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial tumors in the Valle d`Aosta (Italy) during the 6-year period 1986-1991.
  • Neuroepidemiology 1995; 14(3): 139-46.
  • Longstreth WT Jr, Dennis LK, McGuire VM et al. Epidemiology of intracranial meningioma. Cancer 1993; 72(3): 639-48.
  • Chi JG, Khang SK. Central nervous system tumors among Koreans-a stastistical study on 697 cases. J Korean Med Sci 1989; 4(2): 77-90.
  • Kepes JJ, Chen WY, Pang LC, Kepes M. Tumors of the central nervous system in Taiwan, Republic of China. Surg Neurol 1984; 22(2): 149-56.
  • Wen-qing H, Shi-ju Z, Qing-sheng T et al. Statistical analysis of central nervous system tumors in China. J Neurosurg 1982; 56(4): 555-64.
  • Ohaegbulam SC, Saddeqi N, Ikerionwu S. Intracranial tumors in Enugu, Nigeria. Cancer 1980; 46(10): 2322-4.
  • Greenberg MS. Handbook of Neurosurgery.Third ed. Florida: Greenberg Graphics. 1994; 620-23.
  • İmer M, Çobanoğlu S, Şimşek O, Eliuz K. İntrakranyal urlar-retrospektif çalışma. Trakya Üni Tıp Fak Derg 1995; 12(1-2-3): 203-209.
  • Yurt A, Koçanoğulları O, Çakır Y, Bardakçı S ve ark. Spinal meningiomlar. Ege Tıp Derg 1999; 38(3): 145-148.
  • Cordera S, Bottacchi E, D`Alessandro G, Machado D et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial tumours in NW Italy, a population based study: stable incidence in the last two decades. J Neurol 2002; 249(3): 281-4.
  • Kuratsu J, Kochi M, Ushio Y. Incidence and clinical features of asymptomatic meningiomas. J Neurosurg 2000; 92(5): 766-70.
  • Lovaste MG, Ferrari G, Rossi G. Epidemiology of primary intracranial neoplasms. Experiment in the Province of Trento (Italy), 1977-1984. Neuroepidemiology 1986; 5(4): 220
  • Walker AE, Robins M, Weinfeld FD. Epidemiology of brain tumors: the national survey of intracranial neoplasms. Neurology 1985; 35(2): 219-26.
  • Gezen F, Yıldızhan A, Gönül E, Bedük A ve ark. İntra- kranial meningiomlar. Erciyes Tıp Derg 1993; 15(3): 255- 2
  • Deen HG, Scheithauer BW, Ebersold MJ. Clinical and pathological study of meningiomas of the first two decades of life. J Neurosurg 1982 ; 56: 317-322.
  • Canda MŞ, Canda T, Kirişoğlu Ü. Çocukluk çağı merkez sinir dizgesi tümörleri. Tr Ekopatol Derg 1996; 2(1-2): 1-4.
  • Drake JM, Hendrick EB, Becker L et al. Intracranial menin- giomas in children. Pediatric Neuroscience 1985; 12: 134
  • Herz DA, Shapiro K, Shulman K. Intracranial meningiomas of infancy, childhood and adolescence. Review of the literature and addition of 9 case reports. Child's Brain 1980; 7: 43-56.
  • Gezen F, Kahraman S, Çanakcı Z et al. Review of 36 cases of spinal cord meningioma. Spine 2000; 25(6): 727-31.
  • Levy LF, Auchterione WC. Primary cerebral neoplasia in Rhodesia. Int Surg 1975; 60(5): 286-92.
  • J Fan KJ, Pezeshkpour GH. Ethnic distribution of primary central nervous system tumors in Washington, DC, 1971- 19 J Nat Med Ass 1992; 84: 858-863.
  • Chen CL, Yang BM, Guo J, Dai Q. Statistical analysis of 1016 cases of nervous system tumors in different natio- nalities in Xinjiang. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Zhi 1988; 10(2): 126
  • Canda MŞ, Güray M, Acar ÜD. The Histopathologic and the immunohistochemical features of secretory menin- giomas. Turk J Med Sci 2001; 31: 279-282.
  • Lantos PI, Louıs DN, Rosenblum MC, Kleihues P. Tumors of the nervous system. in: Graham DI, Lantos PI (Eds), Greenfıeld’s Neuropathology Vol II, Ch 11, 7. ed. London: Arnold. 2002; 911-26.
  • Mahmood A, Caccamo DV, Tomecek FJ, Malik GM. Atypical and malignant meningiomas: A clinico pathological review. Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 955-63.
  • Sarıoğlu S, Canda MŞ, Canda T, Cakalağaoğlu F, Yalçın N. The validity of Mahmut Scoring system in meningiomas. Turkish J Med Sci 1998; 28(1): 57-60.

172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 13 - 19, 01.05.2004


Amaç: Amacımız laboratuarımızda son 10 yılda (19932003) meningiom tanısı almış olguların klinikopatolojik özelliklerini ve bölgemizdeki sıklığını araştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Göztepe SSKB Eğitim Hastanesi Patoloji Laboratuarında 1993-2003 yılları arasında meningiom tanısı alan 172 olgu, 2000 DSÖ (Dünya Sağlık Örgütü) sınıflamasına göre histopatolojik olarak, klinikopatolojik özellikleri ile birlikte yeniden değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Toplam 172 meningiom olgusu 782 intrakranial tümörün %19,7’sini oluşturmuştur. Bunların %89,5 (154 olgu)’i kranial, %10,48 (18 olgu)’i ise spinal yerleşimlidir. Sıklıkla parasagital bölge ve konveksitede yerleşimlidirler. Kadınlarda erkeklerden 2,8 kat daha çoktur. Görülme yaş aralığı 2-76, ortalama yaş ise 51’dir. Olguların %89’u Derece I, %11’i ise Derece II dir. Olgulardan 8’i nüks etmiştir. Bu olgulardan yalnızca 3’ü Derece II’dir. Histopatolojik olarak en sık transizyonel tür (%38,1) ve bunu izleyen meningotelyomatöz (%23,8), psammomatöz (%10,7), atipik (%8,9), fibröz (%8,3), mikrokistik (%3,6), anjiomatöz ve saydam hücreli türler (%2,4), metaplastik (%1,2) ve sekretuar meningioma türleri (%0,6) görülmüştür. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, meningiomlar kadınlarda daha sıktır ve büyük oranda morfolojik olarak benign özellikte tipik meningioma olarak izlenir. Atipi ve malignite kriterleri geçmişten günümüze değişmiş ve yeni alt türler tanımlanmıştır. Bu nedenle geriye dönüldüğünde olgular farklı tanı alabilmektedirler


  • Louis DN, Scheithauer BW, Budka H, von Deiming A, Kepes JJ. Meningiomas, in: Kleihues P, Cavenee WK (Eds), Pathology and Genetics Tumors of the Nervous System, WHO. Lyon: IARC Press, France. 2000; 176-84.
  • Canda MŞ. Meningiomların genel patolojik özellikleri. Türk Neopl Derg 1995; 3(2): 79-89.
  • Das A, Tang WY, Smith DR. Meningiomas in Singapore; demographic and biological characteristics. J Neurooncol 2000; 47(2): 153-60.
  • Torres LF, Madalozzo LE, Werner B et al. Meningiomas. Epidemiological and anatomopathological study of 340 cases. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1996; 54(4): 549-56.
  • Staneczek W, Janisch W. Epidemiologic data on meningiomas in east Germany 1961-1986: incidence, localization, age and sex distribution. Clin Neuropathol 1992; 11(3): 135-41.
  • Rohinger M, Sutherland G R, Louw D F et al. Incidence and clinicopathological features of meningioma. J Neurosurg 1989; 71: 665-672.
  • Sutherland GR, Florell R, Louw D et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial neoplasms in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian J Neurol Sci 1987; 14: 586-592.
  • Helseth A, Mork SJ, Johansen A et al. Neoplasms of the central nervous system in Norvay. IV. A population-based epidemiological study of meningiomas. APMIS 1989; 97(7): 646-54.
  • Serçe K, Şenkaylı ÖC, Gümele HR, Sarı A ve ark. Kraniyal menenjiomları manyetik rezonans özellikleri. Tanısal ve Giriş Radyol 1995; 1(4): 295-300.
  • Stanton CA, Challa VR. Meningiomas: Pathology. in: Wilkins R H. Rengachary S S (Eds.), Neurosurgery: Second ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publisher. 1996; 843- 8
  • Demirtas E, Ersahın Y, Yılmaz F et al. Intracranial meningial tumours in childhood: a clinicopathologic study including MIB-1 immunohistochemistry. Pathol Res Pract 2000; 196(3): 151-8.
  • Wong SH, Chan SH. Meningioma-the Savarak General Hospital experience. Med J Malaysia 2002; 57(4): 467-73.
  • Garcia-Navarette E, Sola RG. Clinical and surgical aspects of meningiomas of the base of the skull. Meningiomas of the anterior fossa. Rev Neurol 2002; 34(6): 584-92.
  • Kuratsu J, Takeshima H, Ushio Y.Trends in the incidence of primary intracranial tumors in Kumamoto, Japan. Int J Clin Oncol 2001; 6(4): 183-91.
  • Bondy M, Ligon BL. Epidemiology and etiology of intracranial meningiomas: a review. J Neurooncol 1996; 29(3): 197-205.
  • D`Alessandro G, Di Giovanni M, Iannizzi L et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial tumors in the Valle d`Aosta (Italy) during the 6-year period 1986-1991.
  • Neuroepidemiology 1995; 14(3): 139-46.
  • Longstreth WT Jr, Dennis LK, McGuire VM et al. Epidemiology of intracranial meningioma. Cancer 1993; 72(3): 639-48.
  • Chi JG, Khang SK. Central nervous system tumors among Koreans-a stastistical study on 697 cases. J Korean Med Sci 1989; 4(2): 77-90.
  • Kepes JJ, Chen WY, Pang LC, Kepes M. Tumors of the central nervous system in Taiwan, Republic of China. Surg Neurol 1984; 22(2): 149-56.
  • Wen-qing H, Shi-ju Z, Qing-sheng T et al. Statistical analysis of central nervous system tumors in China. J Neurosurg 1982; 56(4): 555-64.
  • Ohaegbulam SC, Saddeqi N, Ikerionwu S. Intracranial tumors in Enugu, Nigeria. Cancer 1980; 46(10): 2322-4.
  • Greenberg MS. Handbook of Neurosurgery.Third ed. Florida: Greenberg Graphics. 1994; 620-23.
  • İmer M, Çobanoğlu S, Şimşek O, Eliuz K. İntrakranyal urlar-retrospektif çalışma. Trakya Üni Tıp Fak Derg 1995; 12(1-2-3): 203-209.
  • Yurt A, Koçanoğulları O, Çakır Y, Bardakçı S ve ark. Spinal meningiomlar. Ege Tıp Derg 1999; 38(3): 145-148.
  • Cordera S, Bottacchi E, D`Alessandro G, Machado D et al. Epidemiology of primary intracranial tumours in NW Italy, a population based study: stable incidence in the last two decades. J Neurol 2002; 249(3): 281-4.
  • Kuratsu J, Kochi M, Ushio Y. Incidence and clinical features of asymptomatic meningiomas. J Neurosurg 2000; 92(5): 766-70.
  • Lovaste MG, Ferrari G, Rossi G. Epidemiology of primary intracranial neoplasms. Experiment in the Province of Trento (Italy), 1977-1984. Neuroepidemiology 1986; 5(4): 220
  • Walker AE, Robins M, Weinfeld FD. Epidemiology of brain tumors: the national survey of intracranial neoplasms. Neurology 1985; 35(2): 219-26.
  • Gezen F, Yıldızhan A, Gönül E, Bedük A ve ark. İntra- kranial meningiomlar. Erciyes Tıp Derg 1993; 15(3): 255- 2
  • Deen HG, Scheithauer BW, Ebersold MJ. Clinical and pathological study of meningiomas of the first two decades of life. J Neurosurg 1982 ; 56: 317-322.
  • Canda MŞ, Canda T, Kirişoğlu Ü. Çocukluk çağı merkez sinir dizgesi tümörleri. Tr Ekopatol Derg 1996; 2(1-2): 1-4.
  • Drake JM, Hendrick EB, Becker L et al. Intracranial menin- giomas in children. Pediatric Neuroscience 1985; 12: 134
  • Herz DA, Shapiro K, Shulman K. Intracranial meningiomas of infancy, childhood and adolescence. Review of the literature and addition of 9 case reports. Child's Brain 1980; 7: 43-56.
  • Gezen F, Kahraman S, Çanakcı Z et al. Review of 36 cases of spinal cord meningioma. Spine 2000; 25(6): 727-31.
  • Levy LF, Auchterione WC. Primary cerebral neoplasia in Rhodesia. Int Surg 1975; 60(5): 286-92.
  • J Fan KJ, Pezeshkpour GH. Ethnic distribution of primary central nervous system tumors in Washington, DC, 1971- 19 J Nat Med Ass 1992; 84: 858-863.
  • Chen CL, Yang BM, Guo J, Dai Q. Statistical analysis of 1016 cases of nervous system tumors in different natio- nalities in Xinjiang. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Zhi 1988; 10(2): 126
  • Canda MŞ, Güray M, Acar ÜD. The Histopathologic and the immunohistochemical features of secretory menin- giomas. Turk J Med Sci 2001; 31: 279-282.
  • Lantos PI, Louıs DN, Rosenblum MC, Kleihues P. Tumors of the nervous system. in: Graham DI, Lantos PI (Eds), Greenfıeld’s Neuropathology Vol II, Ch 11, 7. ed. London: Arnold. 2002; 911-26.
  • Mahmood A, Caccamo DV, Tomecek FJ, Malik GM. Atypical and malignant meningiomas: A clinico pathological review. Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 955-63.
  • Sarıoğlu S, Canda MŞ, Canda T, Cakalağaoğlu F, Yalçın N. The validity of Mahmut Scoring system in meningiomas. Turkish J Med Sci 1998; 28(1): 57-60.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

P. Karabağlı Bu kişi benim

B. Güçlüer Bu kişi benim

G. Erdinçler Bu kişi benim

N. Aksoy Bu kişi benim

A. Barlas Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karabağlı, P., Güçlüer, B., Erdinçler, G., Aksoy, N., vd. (2004). 172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 10(1-2), 13-19.
AMA Karabağlı P, Güçlüer B, Erdinçler G, Aksoy N, Barlas A. 172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. Mayıs 2004;10(1-2):13-19.
Chicago Karabağlı, P., B. Güçlüer, G. Erdinçler, N. Aksoy, ve A. Barlas. “172 Meningiom Olgusunun Histopatolojik özellikleri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10, sy. 1-2 (Mayıs 2004): 13-19.
EndNote Karabağlı P, Güçlüer B, Erdinçler G, Aksoy N, Barlas A (01 Mayıs 2004) 172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10 1-2 13–19.
IEEE P. Karabağlı, B. Güçlüer, G. Erdinçler, N. Aksoy, ve A. Barlas, “172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, ss. 13–19, 2004.
ISNAD Karabağlı, P. vd. “172 Meningiom Olgusunun Histopatolojik özellikleri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10/1-2 (Mayıs 2004), 13-19.
JAMA Karabağlı P, Güçlüer B, Erdinçler G, Aksoy N, Barlas A. 172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10:13–19.
MLA Karabağlı, P. vd. “172 Meningiom Olgusunun Histopatolojik özellikleri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, 2004, ss. 13-19.
Vancouver Karabağlı P, Güçlüer B, Erdinçler G, Aksoy N, Barlas A. 172 meningiom olgusunun histopatolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10(1-2):13-9.