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Çevrsel mineral liflere maruz kalan olguların parietal plevra örneklerinin minerolojik analizi

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4, 103 - 108, 01.11.2004


Purpose: Inhalation of asbestos fibers results in a variety of neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases of the respiratory tract. Asbestos related chest disease are endemic in the rural region of Eskisehir in Turkey. It has been demonstrated that the cause of this can be related to exposure to dust generated from a white-soil toprak örneklerinde tremolite ya da tremolite ve chrysocontaining tremolite and/or tremolite-chrysotile mixture. tile lifleri ile kontaminasyon olduğu saptanmıştı. Materials and methods: We have performed a minerological analysis by electron microscope of the dust contained in samples of tumor in the parietal pleura of cases arising in these rural areas. The results of the examination of the initial 8 cases are presented. Of the 8 cases, 4 had malignant pleural mesothelioma, 2 adenocarcinoma, 1 malignant melanoma, and 1 benign mesothelioma. Lengths and diameters of asbestos fibers were measured from the electron micrographs. Results: Tremolite, chrysotile and sepiolite fibres were


  • Roggli VL. Human disease consequences of fiber exposures: A review of human lung pathology and fiber burden data. Environ Health Perspect 1990; 88: 295-303.
  • Merchant JA. Human epidemiology: A review of fiber type and characteristics in the development of malignant and nonmalignant disease. Environ Health Perspect 1990; 88: 287-93.
  • Hammar Sp, Dodson RF. Asbestos. In: Dail DH, Hammar SP, eds. Pulmonary Pathology. New York: Springer-Verlag 1994: 901-83.
  • Nishimura SL, Broaddus VC. Asbestos-induced pleural disease. Clin Chest Med 1998; 19: 311-329.
  • Canda MŞ, Giray M, Topal AN, Görücü G. Türkiyede asbestozis ve mezotelyoma sorunu ile 5 olgunun sunumu. Tr Ekopatol Derg 2001; 1-2: 37-40.
  • Jones RN, Diem JE, Hughes JM, Hammad YY, Glindmeyer HW, Weill H. Progression of asbestos effects: a prospective longitudinal study of chest radiographs and lung function. Br J Ind Med 1989; 46: 97-105.
  • McDonald AD, McDonald JC. Epidemiology of Malignant Mesothelioma. In: Autman K and Aisner J, Eds. Asbestos Related Malignancy. Orlando, FL, Grune and Stratton, Inc., 1987, 31-55.
  • Kilburn KH, Warshaw R, Thornton JC. Asbestos disease and pulmonary symptoms and signs in shipyard workers and their families in Los Angeles. Arch Intern Med 1986; 146: 2213-20.
  • Timbrell V, Gilson JC, Webster I. UICC standard reference samples of asbestos. Int J Cancer 1968; 3: 77-81.
  • Cartthew P, Hill RJ, Edwards RE, Lee PN. Intrapleural administration of fibers induces mesothelioma in rats in the same relative order of hazards as occurs in man after exposure. Hum Exp Toxcicol 1992; 11: 530-34.
  • Baris E, Baris YI. Enviromental exposure to fibrous zeolite in Turkey: an appraisal of the epidemiological and enviromental evidence. In: Peters GA, Peters W (Eds). Asbestos Risks and Medical Advances. Butterworth Legal Publishers Salem, NH, pp: 53-72.
  • Churg A. Fiber counting and analysis in the diagnosis of asbestos-related disease. Hum Pathol 1982; 13: 381-92.
  • Hillerdal G. Mesothelioma: cases associated with non- occupational and low-dose exposures. Occup Environ Med 1999; 56: 505-13.
  • Baris YI, Bilir N, Artvinli M et al. An epidemiological study in an Anatolian village environmentally exposed to tremolite asbestos. Brit J Industr Med 1988; 45: 838-40.
  • Hillerdal G. Pleural plaques: incidence and epidemiology, exposed workers and the general population. A review. Inddor Built Environ 1997; 6: 86-95.
  • Hillerdal G. Enviromental asbestos in Turkey and the international experience. Tr Ekopatol Derg 2001; 7: 57-60.
  • Yazıcıoglu S, Ilcalto R, Balci K, Saylı BS, Yorulmaz B. Pleural calcification, pleural mesothelioma and bronchial cancer caused by tremolite dust. Thorax 1980; 35: 564-69.
  • Bariş YI. Asbestos and erionite related chest disease. 1987, Ankara, Semih Ofset.
  • Canda MŞ, Bircan A, Akın MM, Kabadayı T, Kurt S. Aktinolite asbeste bağlı yeni bir asbestos bölgesi, İvriz Zanapa vadisi. Ege Üniv Tıp Fak Derg 1988; 27: 1291-98.
  • Canda MŞ. Aktinolit asbeste bağlı yeni bir asbestoz bölgesi Ayrancı (Karaman, Berendi). Ege Üniv Tıp Fak Derg 1989; 28: 193-97.
  • Metintas S, Metintas M, Ucgun I, Oner U. Malignant mesothelioma due to enviromental exposure to asbestos: follow-up of a Turkish cohort living in a rural area. Chest 2002; 122: 2224-9.
  • Emri S, Demir A, Dogan M, Akay H, Bozkurt B, Carbone M, Baris I. Lung disease due to environmental exposures to erionite and asbestos in Turkey. Toxicology Letters 2002; 127:251-57.
  • Metintas M, Ozdemir N, Hillerdal G et al. Enviromental asbestos exposure and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Respir Med 1999; 93: 349-55.
  • Stanton MF, Layard M, Tegeris A, Miller E, May M, Morgan E, Smith A. Relation of particle dimension to carcinogenicity in amphibole asbestoses and other fibrous minerals. J Natl Cancer Inst 1981; 67: 965-75.
  • Pott F. Animal Experiments on Biological Effects of Mineral Fibres. In: Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 261-69.
  • Sebastien P, Janson X, Gaudichet A, Hirsch A, Bignon J. Asbestos Retention in Human Respiratory Tissues: Comparative Measurements in Lung Parenchyma and in Parietal Pleura. In Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 237-46.
  • Le Bouffant L. Physics and Chemistry Asbestos Dust. In: Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 15-33.
  • Bautin C, Sebastien P, Janson X, Viallat JR. Metrologie des fibres minerales dand des biopsies thoracoscopiques pulmonaires et pleurales. Resultats preliminaires. Poumon- Coeur 1981; 37: 253-257.
  • Dodson RF, Williams MG, Corn CJ, Brollo A, Bianchi C. Asbestos content of lung tissue, lymph nodes, and pleural plaques from former shipyard workers. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990; 142: 843-47.
  • Kohyama N and Suzuki Y. Analysis of asbestos fibers in lung parenchyma, pleural plaques, and mesothelioma tissues of North American insulation workers. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1991; 643: 27-52.
  • Dogan M, Emri S. Enviromental health problems related to mineral dusts in Ankara and Eskisehir, Turkey. Yerbilimleri 2000; 22: 149-61.
  • Correspondence address:
  • Dr. Kısmet BİLDİRİCİ
  • Akarbaşı Mah. Arısoy Sok. Ayşe Ana Sitesi
  • No:19 B Blok D:8 Eskisehir / Turkey
  • E-mail :
  • Tel
  • Fax : 0.222.239 37 72

The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4, 103 - 108, 01.11.2004


Amaç: Asbest liflerinin inhalasyonu solunum sisteminde birçok neoplastik ve neoplastik olmayan hastalık oluşumuna neden olur. Eskişehir yöresinde asbest nedenli akciğer hastalıkları sıktır. Daha önceki çalışmalarda ak


  • Roggli VL. Human disease consequences of fiber exposures: A review of human lung pathology and fiber burden data. Environ Health Perspect 1990; 88: 295-303.
  • Merchant JA. Human epidemiology: A review of fiber type and characteristics in the development of malignant and nonmalignant disease. Environ Health Perspect 1990; 88: 287-93.
  • Hammar Sp, Dodson RF. Asbestos. In: Dail DH, Hammar SP, eds. Pulmonary Pathology. New York: Springer-Verlag 1994: 901-83.
  • Nishimura SL, Broaddus VC. Asbestos-induced pleural disease. Clin Chest Med 1998; 19: 311-329.
  • Canda MŞ, Giray M, Topal AN, Görücü G. Türkiyede asbestozis ve mezotelyoma sorunu ile 5 olgunun sunumu. Tr Ekopatol Derg 2001; 1-2: 37-40.
  • Jones RN, Diem JE, Hughes JM, Hammad YY, Glindmeyer HW, Weill H. Progression of asbestos effects: a prospective longitudinal study of chest radiographs and lung function. Br J Ind Med 1989; 46: 97-105.
  • McDonald AD, McDonald JC. Epidemiology of Malignant Mesothelioma. In: Autman K and Aisner J, Eds. Asbestos Related Malignancy. Orlando, FL, Grune and Stratton, Inc., 1987, 31-55.
  • Kilburn KH, Warshaw R, Thornton JC. Asbestos disease and pulmonary symptoms and signs in shipyard workers and their families in Los Angeles. Arch Intern Med 1986; 146: 2213-20.
  • Timbrell V, Gilson JC, Webster I. UICC standard reference samples of asbestos. Int J Cancer 1968; 3: 77-81.
  • Cartthew P, Hill RJ, Edwards RE, Lee PN. Intrapleural administration of fibers induces mesothelioma in rats in the same relative order of hazards as occurs in man after exposure. Hum Exp Toxcicol 1992; 11: 530-34.
  • Baris E, Baris YI. Enviromental exposure to fibrous zeolite in Turkey: an appraisal of the epidemiological and enviromental evidence. In: Peters GA, Peters W (Eds). Asbestos Risks and Medical Advances. Butterworth Legal Publishers Salem, NH, pp: 53-72.
  • Churg A. Fiber counting and analysis in the diagnosis of asbestos-related disease. Hum Pathol 1982; 13: 381-92.
  • Hillerdal G. Mesothelioma: cases associated with non- occupational and low-dose exposures. Occup Environ Med 1999; 56: 505-13.
  • Baris YI, Bilir N, Artvinli M et al. An epidemiological study in an Anatolian village environmentally exposed to tremolite asbestos. Brit J Industr Med 1988; 45: 838-40.
  • Hillerdal G. Pleural plaques: incidence and epidemiology, exposed workers and the general population. A review. Inddor Built Environ 1997; 6: 86-95.
  • Hillerdal G. Enviromental asbestos in Turkey and the international experience. Tr Ekopatol Derg 2001; 7: 57-60.
  • Yazıcıoglu S, Ilcalto R, Balci K, Saylı BS, Yorulmaz B. Pleural calcification, pleural mesothelioma and bronchial cancer caused by tremolite dust. Thorax 1980; 35: 564-69.
  • Bariş YI. Asbestos and erionite related chest disease. 1987, Ankara, Semih Ofset.
  • Canda MŞ, Bircan A, Akın MM, Kabadayı T, Kurt S. Aktinolite asbeste bağlı yeni bir asbestos bölgesi, İvriz Zanapa vadisi. Ege Üniv Tıp Fak Derg 1988; 27: 1291-98.
  • Canda MŞ. Aktinolit asbeste bağlı yeni bir asbestoz bölgesi Ayrancı (Karaman, Berendi). Ege Üniv Tıp Fak Derg 1989; 28: 193-97.
  • Metintas S, Metintas M, Ucgun I, Oner U. Malignant mesothelioma due to enviromental exposure to asbestos: follow-up of a Turkish cohort living in a rural area. Chest 2002; 122: 2224-9.
  • Emri S, Demir A, Dogan M, Akay H, Bozkurt B, Carbone M, Baris I. Lung disease due to environmental exposures to erionite and asbestos in Turkey. Toxicology Letters 2002; 127:251-57.
  • Metintas M, Ozdemir N, Hillerdal G et al. Enviromental asbestos exposure and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Respir Med 1999; 93: 349-55.
  • Stanton MF, Layard M, Tegeris A, Miller E, May M, Morgan E, Smith A. Relation of particle dimension to carcinogenicity in amphibole asbestoses and other fibrous minerals. J Natl Cancer Inst 1981; 67: 965-75.
  • Pott F. Animal Experiments on Biological Effects of Mineral Fibres. In: Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 261-69.
  • Sebastien P, Janson X, Gaudichet A, Hirsch A, Bignon J. Asbestos Retention in Human Respiratory Tissues: Comparative Measurements in Lung Parenchyma and in Parietal Pleura. In Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 237-46.
  • Le Bouffant L. Physics and Chemistry Asbestos Dust. In: Wagner JC, ed. Biological Effects of Mineral Fibers. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publications, 1980; 15-33.
  • Bautin C, Sebastien P, Janson X, Viallat JR. Metrologie des fibres minerales dand des biopsies thoracoscopiques pulmonaires et pleurales. Resultats preliminaires. Poumon- Coeur 1981; 37: 253-257.
  • Dodson RF, Williams MG, Corn CJ, Brollo A, Bianchi C. Asbestos content of lung tissue, lymph nodes, and pleural plaques from former shipyard workers. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990; 142: 843-47.
  • Kohyama N and Suzuki Y. Analysis of asbestos fibers in lung parenchyma, pleural plaques, and mesothelioma tissues of North American insulation workers. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1991; 643: 27-52.
  • Dogan M, Emri S. Enviromental health problems related to mineral dusts in Ankara and Eskisehir, Turkey. Yerbilimleri 2000; 22: 149-61.
  • Correspondence address:
  • Dr. Kısmet BİLDİRİCİ
  • Akarbaşı Mah. Arısoy Sok. Ayşe Ana Sitesi
  • No:19 B Blok D:8 Eskisehir / Turkey
  • E-mail :
  • Tel
  • Fax : 0.222.239 37 72
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

K. Bildirici Bu kişi benim

M. Metintaş Bu kişi benim

F. Pooley Bu kişi benim

A. L. Gibbs Bu kişi benim

C. Baykul Bu kişi benim

S. Metintaş Bu kişi benim

İ. Üçgün Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4

Kaynak Göster

APA Bildirici, K., Metintaş, M., Pooley, F., Gibbs, A. L., vd. (2004). The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 10(3-4), 103-108.
AMA Bildirici K, Metintaş M, Pooley F, Gibbs AL, Baykul C, Metintaş S, Üçgün İ. The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. Kasım 2004;10(3-4):103-108.
Chicago Bildirici, K., M. Metintaş, F. Pooley, A. L. Gibbs, C. Baykul, S. Metintaş, ve İ. Üçgün. “The Minerological Analysis of Parietal Pleura Samples in Cases With Enviromentally Exposed to Mineral Fibers”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10, sy. 3-4 (Kasım 2004): 103-8.
EndNote Bildirici K, Metintaş M, Pooley F, Gibbs AL, Baykul C, Metintaş S, Üçgün İ (01 Kasım 2004) The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10 3-4 103–108.
IEEE K. Bildirici, “The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3-4, ss. 103–108, 2004.
ISNAD Bildirici, K. vd. “The Minerological Analysis of Parietal Pleura Samples in Cases With Enviromentally Exposed to Mineral Fibers”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10/3-4 (Kasım 2004), 103-108.
JAMA Bildirici K, Metintaş M, Pooley F, Gibbs AL, Baykul C, Metintaş S, Üçgün İ. The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10:103–108.
MLA Bildirici, K. vd. “The Minerological Analysis of Parietal Pleura Samples in Cases With Enviromentally Exposed to Mineral Fibers”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3-4, 2004, ss. 103-8.
Vancouver Bildirici K, Metintaş M, Pooley F, Gibbs AL, Baykul C, Metintaş S, Üçgün İ. The minerological analysis of parietal pleura samples in cases with enviromentally exposed to mineral fibers. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10(3-4):103-8.