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Thyroid pathologies in forensic autopsies (180 cases)

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4, 109 - 113, 01.11.2004


Introduction and purpose: Thyroid gland pathologies are the largest group in clinical endocrine system defects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the thyroid pathologies of 180 randomly selected autopsies. Materials and methods: Within the scope of the study 180 randomly selected autopsies, thyroid tissues from The Council of Forensic Medicine between the years of 2001 and 2002 were analyzed according to age, gender, cause of death and thyroid pathologies. Results: Cases were categorized according to 6 age groups, namely under 20 years old, between 21-30 years old, 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old, 51-60 years old and over 60 years old. Male/female ratio of these cases was 1.9. Average age was 42,7years old. In 82 cases (45.6 %) different pathologies were encountered in the thyroid. 50 of those were male (61%) and the 32 of those were women (39%) Microscopic examination revealed diffuse and nodular hyperplasia in 56 cases (31%), follicular adenoma in 8 cases (4.5%) and Hashimoto thyroiditis in 5 cases (2.7%). Lymphocytic infiltration has an eye- catching finding in 25 of the cases. In our study, there were only which were consistent with occult papillary carcinoma among to elderly patients. In 98 cases (54.4%) there was no sign of thyroid pathologic changes. In our study we did not encounter any malignant tumors of thyroid other than occult thyroid carcinoma. Conclusion: In conclusion, the present study is a preliminary study, carried out on limited number of cases. More reliable data on the distribution of different thyroid lesions will be obtained by studies performed on larger autopsies series in Turkey


  • Antonioli DA, Carter D, Mills SE, Oberman HA, Sternberg SS (eds). Pathology of Thyroid Disease. In: Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 3rd edition. Volume 1, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 1999; 529-587.
  • Robbins SL, Kumar V, Ramzi SC (eds). The Endocrine System in Basic Pathology, 7th edition. Newyork: W.B Saunders Company. 2003; 719-754.
  • Hubert JP,Kiernan PD,Beahrs OH,McConahey WM, Woolner LB. Ocult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Arch Surg 1980; 115: 394-398.
  • Martinez-Tello FJ, Martinez-Cabruja R, Fernandez-Martin J,Lasso-Oria C, Ballestin-Carcavilla C. Occult carcinoma of the thyroid. A systematic autopsy study from spain of two series performed with two different methods. Cancer 1993 ; 71(12): 4022-9.
  • Bondeson L, Ljungberg O. Occult thyroid carcinoma at autopsy in Malmö, Sweden. Cancer 1981; 47: 319-323.
  • Mitselou A, Vougiouklakis T, Peschos D, Dallas P, Agnantis NJ. Occult tyroid carcinoma. A study of 160 cases. The first report for the region of Epirus-Greece. Anticancer Res 2002; 22(1A): 427-32.
  • Furmanchuk AW, Ruossak N, Ruchti C. Occult thyroid carcinomas in the region of Minsk, Belarus. An autopsy study of 215 patients. Histopathology 1993; 23(4): 319-25.
  • Avetisian IL, Petrova GV. Latent tyroid pathology in residents of Kiev, Ukraine. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 1996; 15(2-4): 239-43.
  • Lang W, Borruch H, Bauer L. Occult carcinomas of the tyroid. Evaluation of 1020 sequential autopsies. Am J Clin Pathol 1988; 90(1): 72-6.
  • Neuhold N, Kaiser H, Kasarer K. Latent carcinoma of the thyroid in Austria: a systematic autopsy study. Endocr Pathol 2001; 12(1): 23-31.
  • Autelitano F, Santeusanio G, Mauriello A, Autelitano M, Palmieri G, Orlandi A, Spagnoli LG. Latent pathology of the tyroid: an epidemiological and statistical study of tyroids sampled during 507 consecutive autopsies. Ann Ital Chir 1992; 63(6): 761-81.
  • Kurasima C, Hirokawa K. Focal lymphocytic infiltration of thyroids in elderly people. Survey Synth Pathol Res 1985; 4: 457-466.
  • Yamamoto Y, Maeda T, Izumi K, Otsuka H. Occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. A study of 408 autopsy cases. Cancer 1990; 65: 1173-1179.
  • Harach HR, Franssila KO, Wasenius V. Occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. A ‘ Normal’ finding in Finland: A systematic autopsy study. Cancer 1985; 56: 531-538.
  • Sobrinho-Simoes AA, Sambade MC, Gonçalves V. Latent thyroid carcinoma at autopsy: A study from Oporto, Portugal. Cancer 1979; 43: 1702-1706.
  • Canda MŞ, Karaali H, Ege B, Yüce G, Hancı H. Adli Otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (yüz olgu). Ege Tıp Derg 1990; 29(4): 827-832.
  • Öcal K, Canbaz H, Dirlik M, Aydın Ö, Türkmenoğlu Ö, Çağlıkülekçi M, Aydın S. Tiroid mikropapiller karsinom sıklığı. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2002; 3: 298-302.
  • Bildirici K, Dündar E, Öner Ü, Paşaoğlu Ö, Topçu İ, Yaşar B. Tiroid glandın papiller mikrokarsinomu. Patoloji Bülteni 2000; 17(2): 94-97.
  • Özçevik H, Ekçi B, Düren M, Aksoy F. Türk toplumunda minimal tiroid karsinomu prevalansı. Çağdaş Cer Derg 2003; 17(4): 202-205.
  • Woolner LB, Beahrs OH, Black BM, McConahey WM, Keating FR. Classification and prognosis of thyroid carcinoma a study of 885 cases observed in thirty year period. Am J Surg 1961; 102: 354.

Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu)

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4, 109 - 113, 01.11.2004


Giriş ve amaç: Tiroid bezinin hastalıkları klinikte izlenen endokrin sistem bozukluklarının en büyük grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Amacımız, otopsi olgularında tiroid bezinde saptanan tüm tiroid patolojilerini ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: İstanbul Adli Tıp Kurumu Morg İhtisas Dairesinde 2001 ve 2002 yıllarında yapılan otopsilerde rastgele seçilmiş 180 olguya ait tiroid bezi alınarak, yaş, cins, ölüm nedenleri ve tiroid patolojileri değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Olgularımız 20 yaş altı, 21-30 yaş, 31-40 yaş, 41-50 yaş, 51-60 yaş ve 60 yaş üstü olmak üzere başlıca 7 gruba ayrılmıştır. Olgularımızın E/K oranı 1.9/1‘dır. Ortalama yaş 42.7‘dır. 82 olguda (%45.6) tiroidde farklı patolojilere rastlanmış olup, bunlardan 50‘si erkek (%61), 32’si (%39) kadındı. Mikroskopik değerlendirmede toplam %31 (56 olgu) diffüz ve nodüler hiperplazi, %4.5 (8 olgu) foliküler adenom, %2.7 (5 olgu) Hashimoto tiroiditi saptandı. Toplam 25 olguda ise tiroidde lenfositik infiltrasyon odakları görüldü. Çalışmamızda sadece 3 olguda okült papiller karsinom (1 tiroid papiller tümörü ve 2 mikrokarsinom) saptanmış olup, olguların tümü 50 yaş üstü grupta idi. 98 olguda ise (%54.4) tiroide herhangi bir patolojiye rastlanmadı. Sonuç: Çalışmamız bir ön çalışma niteliğinde olup, Türkiye’de daha geniş otopsi dizilerinde farklı tiroid patolojileri saptanabilir


  • Antonioli DA, Carter D, Mills SE, Oberman HA, Sternberg SS (eds). Pathology of Thyroid Disease. In: Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 3rd edition. Volume 1, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 1999; 529-587.
  • Robbins SL, Kumar V, Ramzi SC (eds). The Endocrine System in Basic Pathology, 7th edition. Newyork: W.B Saunders Company. 2003; 719-754.
  • Hubert JP,Kiernan PD,Beahrs OH,McConahey WM, Woolner LB. Ocult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Arch Surg 1980; 115: 394-398.
  • Martinez-Tello FJ, Martinez-Cabruja R, Fernandez-Martin J,Lasso-Oria C, Ballestin-Carcavilla C. Occult carcinoma of the thyroid. A systematic autopsy study from spain of two series performed with two different methods. Cancer 1993 ; 71(12): 4022-9.
  • Bondeson L, Ljungberg O. Occult thyroid carcinoma at autopsy in Malmö, Sweden. Cancer 1981; 47: 319-323.
  • Mitselou A, Vougiouklakis T, Peschos D, Dallas P, Agnantis NJ. Occult tyroid carcinoma. A study of 160 cases. The first report for the region of Epirus-Greece. Anticancer Res 2002; 22(1A): 427-32.
  • Furmanchuk AW, Ruossak N, Ruchti C. Occult thyroid carcinomas in the region of Minsk, Belarus. An autopsy study of 215 patients. Histopathology 1993; 23(4): 319-25.
  • Avetisian IL, Petrova GV. Latent tyroid pathology in residents of Kiev, Ukraine. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 1996; 15(2-4): 239-43.
  • Lang W, Borruch H, Bauer L. Occult carcinomas of the tyroid. Evaluation of 1020 sequential autopsies. Am J Clin Pathol 1988; 90(1): 72-6.
  • Neuhold N, Kaiser H, Kasarer K. Latent carcinoma of the thyroid in Austria: a systematic autopsy study. Endocr Pathol 2001; 12(1): 23-31.
  • Autelitano F, Santeusanio G, Mauriello A, Autelitano M, Palmieri G, Orlandi A, Spagnoli LG. Latent pathology of the tyroid: an epidemiological and statistical study of tyroids sampled during 507 consecutive autopsies. Ann Ital Chir 1992; 63(6): 761-81.
  • Kurasima C, Hirokawa K. Focal lymphocytic infiltration of thyroids in elderly people. Survey Synth Pathol Res 1985; 4: 457-466.
  • Yamamoto Y, Maeda T, Izumi K, Otsuka H. Occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. A study of 408 autopsy cases. Cancer 1990; 65: 1173-1179.
  • Harach HR, Franssila KO, Wasenius V. Occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. A ‘ Normal’ finding in Finland: A systematic autopsy study. Cancer 1985; 56: 531-538.
  • Sobrinho-Simoes AA, Sambade MC, Gonçalves V. Latent thyroid carcinoma at autopsy: A study from Oporto, Portugal. Cancer 1979; 43: 1702-1706.
  • Canda MŞ, Karaali H, Ege B, Yüce G, Hancı H. Adli Otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (yüz olgu). Ege Tıp Derg 1990; 29(4): 827-832.
  • Öcal K, Canbaz H, Dirlik M, Aydın Ö, Türkmenoğlu Ö, Çağlıkülekçi M, Aydın S. Tiroid mikropapiller karsinom sıklığı. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2002; 3: 298-302.
  • Bildirici K, Dündar E, Öner Ü, Paşaoğlu Ö, Topçu İ, Yaşar B. Tiroid glandın papiller mikrokarsinomu. Patoloji Bülteni 2000; 17(2): 94-97.
  • Özçevik H, Ekçi B, Düren M, Aksoy F. Türk toplumunda minimal tiroid karsinomu prevalansı. Çağdaş Cer Derg 2003; 17(4): 202-205.
  • Woolner LB, Beahrs OH, Black BM, McConahey WM, Keating FR. Classification and prognosis of thyroid carcinoma a study of 885 cases observed in thirty year period. Am J Surg 1961; 102: 354.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

I. Pakiş Bu kişi benim

F. Karayel Bu kişi benim

A.M. Sav Bu kişi benim

A.A. Turan Bu kişi benim

E.Ü. Akyıldız Bu kişi benim

S. Koç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3-4

Kaynak Göster

APA Pakiş, I., Karayel, F., Sav, A., Turan, A., vd. (2004). Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 10(3-4), 109-113.
AMA Pakiş I, Karayel F, Sav A, Turan A, Akyıldız E, Koç S. Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. Kasım 2004;10(3-4):109-113.
Chicago Pakiş, I., F. Karayel, A.M. Sav, A.A. Turan, E.Ü. Akyıldız, ve S. Koç. “Adli Otopsilerde Tiroid Patolojileri (180 Olgu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10, sy. 3-4 (Kasım 2004): 109-13.
EndNote Pakiş I, Karayel F, Sav A, Turan A, Akyıldız E, Koç S (01 Kasım 2004) Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10 3-4 109–113.
IEEE I. Pakiş, F. Karayel, A. Sav, A. Turan, E. Akyıldız, ve S. Koç, “Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu)”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3-4, ss. 109–113, 2004.
ISNAD Pakiş, I. vd. “Adli Otopsilerde Tiroid Patolojileri (180 Olgu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 10/3-4 (Kasım 2004), 109-113.
JAMA Pakiş I, Karayel F, Sav A, Turan A, Akyıldız E, Koç S. Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10:109–113.
MLA Pakiş, I. vd. “Adli Otopsilerde Tiroid Patolojileri (180 Olgu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3-4, 2004, ss. 109-13.
Vancouver Pakiş I, Karayel F, Sav A, Turan A, Akyıldız E, Koç S. Adli otopsilerde tiroid patolojileri (180 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2004;10(3-4):109-13.