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Conflict in Niger Delta: Security, Civil Society and Violence

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 137 - 157, 31.01.2018


The Niger Delta has been a region of conflict from the
middle of the 1960s. Gained independence in 1960, the state experienced the
long-running Nigerian-Biafra war, which had crucial outputs at the age of
seven. The region which is the source of oil and economical heart of the
country with this feature, was also hosting a polarization based on ethnicity.
As a result, it became a center of regional and national economic and
ethnopolitical conflict. The civil war experience was the first step in the
cycle of civil society, activism, violence and security activities that gave
rise to the demands of the people of the region which are still valid today:
claiming more rights, more income, democracy and independence. In this paper,
causes of conflict and historical process of Niger Delta, where hosts many
actors such as civil society, armed organizations, ethnic and religious groups,
government and multinational companies, are examined. Changes ranging from
warfare to amnesty, from peaceful actions to use of weapons; the steps taken on
conflict and conflict resolution and varying stances of actors by time are
analyzed in the framework of regional and global conjuncture. 


  • Aduloju, A. A., & Okwechime, I. (2016). Oil and Human Security Challenges in the Nigeria’s Niger Delta. Critique, 44(4), 505-525.
  • Agbiboa, D. E. (2013). Have we Heard the Last? Oil, Environmental Insecurity, and the Impact of the Amnesty Programma on the Niger Delta Resistance Movement. Review of African Political Economy, 40(137), 447-465.
  • Alapiki, H. (2005). State Creation in Nigeria: Failed Approaches to National Integration and Local Autonomy. African Studies Review, 48(3), 49-65.
  • Bratton, M. (2007). Formal versus Informal Institutions in Africa. Journal of Democracy, 18(3), 96-110.
  • Breuilly, J. (1993). Nationalism and the State. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Davidheiser, M., & Nyiayaana, K. (2011). Demobilization or Remobilization? The Amnesty Program and the Search for Peace in the Niger Delta. African Security, 4(1), 44-64.
  • Duruji, M. M. (2012). Resurgent Ethno-Nationalism and Renewed Demand for Biafra in South-East Nigeria. National Identities, 14(4), 329-350.
  • Falola, T., & Heaton, M. A. (2008). A History of Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fashagba, J. O. (2015). Subnational Legislatures and National Governing Institutions in Nigeria, 1999-2013. A. C. LeVan, J. O. Fashagba, & E. R. McMahon içinde, African State Governance (s. 93-119). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gellner, E. (1983). Nations and Nationalism. Oxford : Basil Blackwell Publishers.
  • Gilbert, E., & Reynolds, J. T. (2016). Dünya Tarihinde Afrika. İstanbul: Küre .
  • Gurr, T. R. (1994). Peoples Against States: Ethnopolitical Conflict and the Changing World System: 1994 Presidential Address. International Studies Quarterly, 38(3), 347-377.
  • Hazen, J. M. (2009). From Social Movement to Armed Group: A Case Study from Nigeria. Contemparoray Security Policy, 30(2), 281-300.
  • Hechter, M. (1975). Internal Colonialism. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Idemudia, U., & Ite, U. E. (2006). Demystfying the Niger Delta Conflict: Towards an Integrated Explanation. Review of African Political Economy, 33(109), 391-406.
  • Ikelegbe, A., & Umukoro, N. (2016). Exclusion and Peacebuilding in the Niger Delta of Nigeria: An Assessment of the Presidential Amnesty Programme. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11(2), 25-36.
  • Ikhilae, E. (2017, 9 21). Court Proscribes IPOB. The Nation: adresinden alınmıştır Kaiama Deklarasyonu. (1998). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • NDDC. (2017, 11 4). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Niger Delta Avengers. (2017, 11 3). Niger Delta Avenger's Cease Fire On Operation Red Economy is Officially Over. . Niger Delta Avengers : adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Nwajiaku-Dahou, K. (2012). The Political Economy of Oil and 'Rebellion' in Nigeria's Niger Delta. Review of African Political Economy, 295-313.
  • Obi, C. (2011). Beyond Electoral Democracy: An Anatomy of Ethnic Minority Insurgency in Nigeria's Niger Delta. S. Adejumobi içinde, State, Economy, and Society in Post-Military Nigeria (s. 85-112). Londra & New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Obi, C. (2014). Oil and the Post-Amnesty Programme (PAP): What Prospects for Sustainable Development and Peace in the Niger Delta? Review of African Political Economy, 41(140), 249-263.
  • Ogoni Bill of Rights, T. (1992). Presented to the Government and People of Nigeria, October 1990 with an Appeal to the International Community by MOSOP. Port Harcourt: Saros International Publishers.
  • Omotola, J. S. (2009). Dissent and State Excesses in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 129-145.
  • O'Neill, P. H., Fields, K., & Share, D. (2010). Cases in Comparative Politics . New York & London: W. W. Norton.
  • Onuoha, G. (2013). Cultural Interfaces of Self-Determination and the Rise of the Neo-Biafran Movement in Nigeria. Review of African Political Economy, 40(137), 428-446.
  • Onuoha, G. (2016). Shared Histories, Divided Memories: Mediating and Navigating the Tensions in Nigeria-Biafra War Discourses. Africa Today, 63(1), 3-21.
  • OPEC. (2017, 10 31). Nigeria Facts and Figures. adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Oriji, J. N. (2011). Political Organization in Nigeria Since the Late Stone Age. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oriola, T. (2013). Criminal Resistance? The Politics of Kidnapping Oil Workers. Surrey: Ashgate .
  • Oriola, T., Haggerty, K. D., & Knight, A. W. (2013). Car Bombing "With Due Respect": The Niger Delta Insurgency and the Idea Called MEND. 2013, 6(1), 67-96.
  • Osaghae, E. E. (2005). State, Constitutionalism and Management of Ethnicity in Africa. African and Asian Studies, 4(1-2), 83-105.
  • Osumah, O. (2013). No War, No Peace. African Security Review, 22(4), 244-263.
  • Paki, F. A., & Ebienfa, K. I. (2011). Militant Oil Agitations in Nigeria's Niger Delta and the Economy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(5), 140-145.
  • Punch, T. (2016, 8 21). Why we announced ceasefire – Niger Delta Avengers. The Punch: adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Sievers, A.-H. (2006). Constructions of Belonging Igbo Communities and the Nigerian State in the Twentieth Century. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Thomson, A. (2010). An Introduction to African Politics. New York: Routledge.
  • Tonwe, D. A., Ojo, G. U., & Aghedo, I. (2011). Greed and Grievance: The Changing Contours of Environmentalism in Nigeria's Niger Delta Region. Journal of Historical Society of Nigeria(20), 45-66.
  • Ukiwo, U. (2007). Pirates” to “Militants”: A Historical Perspective on Anti-State and Anti-Oil Company Mobilization Among the Ijaw of Warri, Western Niger Delta. African Affairs, 106(425), 587-610.
  • UN Peacekeeping . (2017, 11 2). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • United Nations Treaty Series, N. 6. (1965). Charter of the Organization of African Unity. Done at Addis Ababa, on 25 May 1963. New York: United Nations.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2012a). Bildiğimiz Dünyanın Sonu. İstanbul: Metis .
  • Wallerstein, I. (2012b). Liberalizmden Sonra. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Zalik, A. (2004). The Niger Delta: 'Petro Violence' and 'Partnership Development'. Review of African Political Economy, 31(101), 401-424.
  • Zinn, A. (2005). Theory versus Reality: Civil War Onset and Avoidance in Nigeria since 1960. P. Collier, & N. Sambanis içinde, Understanding Civil War Evidence and Analysis, Volume 1: Africa (s. 89-121). Washington: The World Bank.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 137 - 157, 31.01.2018


Nijer Deltası 1960'ların ortalarından itibaren
çatışmaların yaşandığı bir bölge oldu. 1960'da bağımsızlığına kavuşan Nijerya,
henüz yedinci yaşında iken çok ciddi boyutlara ulaşan ve uzun süren Nijerya-Biafra
savaşını tecrübe etti. Petrolün kaynak bölgesi ve bu özelliğiyle ülkenin
ekonomik kalbi olan bölge, etnisiteye dayalı bir kutuplaşmaya da ev sahipliği
yapmaktaydı. Bu haliyle bölgesel ve ulusal anlamda ekonomik ve etnopolitik bir
çatışmanın odağı haline geldi. İç savaş deneyimi, bölge halklarının günümüze
dek süren hak, daha fazla gelir, demokrasi, bağımsızlık gibi taleplerini
doğuran bir sivil toplum, aktivizm, şiddet ve güvenlik faaliyetleri döngüsünün
ilk adımı oldu. Bu çalışmada sivil toplum, silahlı örgütler, etnik ve dinsel
gruplar, devlet, çok uluslu şirketler gibi pek çok aktörün bulunduğu Nijer
Deltası'nda çatışmayı doğuran nedenler ve çatışmanın tarihsel süreci ele
alınmaktadır. Savaştan affa, barışçıl eylemlerden silah kullanımına uzanan
değişimler, çatışma ve çözümüne dair atılan adımlar ile aktörlerin zamanla
değişen tutumları, bölgesel ve küresel konjonktür çerçevesinde incelenmektedir. 


  • Aduloju, A. A., & Okwechime, I. (2016). Oil and Human Security Challenges in the Nigeria’s Niger Delta. Critique, 44(4), 505-525.
  • Agbiboa, D. E. (2013). Have we Heard the Last? Oil, Environmental Insecurity, and the Impact of the Amnesty Programma on the Niger Delta Resistance Movement. Review of African Political Economy, 40(137), 447-465.
  • Alapiki, H. (2005). State Creation in Nigeria: Failed Approaches to National Integration and Local Autonomy. African Studies Review, 48(3), 49-65.
  • Bratton, M. (2007). Formal versus Informal Institutions in Africa. Journal of Democracy, 18(3), 96-110.
  • Breuilly, J. (1993). Nationalism and the State. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Davidheiser, M., & Nyiayaana, K. (2011). Demobilization or Remobilization? The Amnesty Program and the Search for Peace in the Niger Delta. African Security, 4(1), 44-64.
  • Duruji, M. M. (2012). Resurgent Ethno-Nationalism and Renewed Demand for Biafra in South-East Nigeria. National Identities, 14(4), 329-350.
  • Falola, T., & Heaton, M. A. (2008). A History of Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fashagba, J. O. (2015). Subnational Legislatures and National Governing Institutions in Nigeria, 1999-2013. A. C. LeVan, J. O. Fashagba, & E. R. McMahon içinde, African State Governance (s. 93-119). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gellner, E. (1983). Nations and Nationalism. Oxford : Basil Blackwell Publishers.
  • Gilbert, E., & Reynolds, J. T. (2016). Dünya Tarihinde Afrika. İstanbul: Küre .
  • Gurr, T. R. (1994). Peoples Against States: Ethnopolitical Conflict and the Changing World System: 1994 Presidential Address. International Studies Quarterly, 38(3), 347-377.
  • Hazen, J. M. (2009). From Social Movement to Armed Group: A Case Study from Nigeria. Contemparoray Security Policy, 30(2), 281-300.
  • Hechter, M. (1975). Internal Colonialism. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Idemudia, U., & Ite, U. E. (2006). Demystfying the Niger Delta Conflict: Towards an Integrated Explanation. Review of African Political Economy, 33(109), 391-406.
  • Ikelegbe, A., & Umukoro, N. (2016). Exclusion and Peacebuilding in the Niger Delta of Nigeria: An Assessment of the Presidential Amnesty Programme. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11(2), 25-36.
  • Ikhilae, E. (2017, 9 21). Court Proscribes IPOB. The Nation: adresinden alınmıştır Kaiama Deklarasyonu. (1998). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • NDDC. (2017, 11 4). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Niger Delta Avengers. (2017, 11 3). Niger Delta Avenger's Cease Fire On Operation Red Economy is Officially Over. . Niger Delta Avengers : adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Nwajiaku-Dahou, K. (2012). The Political Economy of Oil and 'Rebellion' in Nigeria's Niger Delta. Review of African Political Economy, 295-313.
  • Obi, C. (2011). Beyond Electoral Democracy: An Anatomy of Ethnic Minority Insurgency in Nigeria's Niger Delta. S. Adejumobi içinde, State, Economy, and Society in Post-Military Nigeria (s. 85-112). Londra & New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Obi, C. (2014). Oil and the Post-Amnesty Programme (PAP): What Prospects for Sustainable Development and Peace in the Niger Delta? Review of African Political Economy, 41(140), 249-263.
  • Ogoni Bill of Rights, T. (1992). Presented to the Government and People of Nigeria, October 1990 with an Appeal to the International Community by MOSOP. Port Harcourt: Saros International Publishers.
  • Omotola, J. S. (2009). Dissent and State Excesses in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 129-145.
  • O'Neill, P. H., Fields, K., & Share, D. (2010). Cases in Comparative Politics . New York & London: W. W. Norton.
  • Onuoha, G. (2013). Cultural Interfaces of Self-Determination and the Rise of the Neo-Biafran Movement in Nigeria. Review of African Political Economy, 40(137), 428-446.
  • Onuoha, G. (2016). Shared Histories, Divided Memories: Mediating and Navigating the Tensions in Nigeria-Biafra War Discourses. Africa Today, 63(1), 3-21.
  • OPEC. (2017, 10 31). Nigeria Facts and Figures. adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Oriji, J. N. (2011). Political Organization in Nigeria Since the Late Stone Age. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oriola, T. (2013). Criminal Resistance? The Politics of Kidnapping Oil Workers. Surrey: Ashgate .
  • Oriola, T., Haggerty, K. D., & Knight, A. W. (2013). Car Bombing "With Due Respect": The Niger Delta Insurgency and the Idea Called MEND. 2013, 6(1), 67-96.
  • Osaghae, E. E. (2005). State, Constitutionalism and Management of Ethnicity in Africa. African and Asian Studies, 4(1-2), 83-105.
  • Osumah, O. (2013). No War, No Peace. African Security Review, 22(4), 244-263.
  • Paki, F. A., & Ebienfa, K. I. (2011). Militant Oil Agitations in Nigeria's Niger Delta and the Economy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(5), 140-145.
  • Punch, T. (2016, 8 21). Why we announced ceasefire – Niger Delta Avengers. The Punch: adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Sievers, A.-H. (2006). Constructions of Belonging Igbo Communities and the Nigerian State in the Twentieth Century. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Thomson, A. (2010). An Introduction to African Politics. New York: Routledge.
  • Tonwe, D. A., Ojo, G. U., & Aghedo, I. (2011). Greed and Grievance: The Changing Contours of Environmentalism in Nigeria's Niger Delta Region. Journal of Historical Society of Nigeria(20), 45-66.
  • Ukiwo, U. (2007). Pirates” to “Militants”: A Historical Perspective on Anti-State and Anti-Oil Company Mobilization Among the Ijaw of Warri, Western Niger Delta. African Affairs, 106(425), 587-610.
  • UN Peacekeeping . (2017, 11 2). adresinden alınmıştır.
  • United Nations Treaty Series, N. 6. (1965). Charter of the Organization of African Unity. Done at Addis Ababa, on 25 May 1963. New York: United Nations.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2012a). Bildiğimiz Dünyanın Sonu. İstanbul: Metis .
  • Wallerstein, I. (2012b). Liberalizmden Sonra. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Zalik, A. (2004). The Niger Delta: 'Petro Violence' and 'Partnership Development'. Review of African Political Economy, 31(101), 401-424.
  • Zinn, A. (2005). Theory versus Reality: Civil War Onset and Avoidance in Nigeria since 1960. P. Collier, & N. Sambanis içinde, Understanding Civil War Evidence and Analysis, Volume 1: Africa (s. 89-121). Washington: The World Bank.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Göksel Uluer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Uluer AG. NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET. TESAM Akademi Dergisi. Ocak 2018;5(1):137-157. doi:10.30626/tesamakademi.392985
Chicago Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 5, sy. 1 (Ocak 2018): 137-57.
EndNote Uluer AG (01 Ocak 2018) NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 5 1 137–157.
IEEE A. G. Uluer, “NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET”, TESAM Akademi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1, ss. 137–157, 2018, doi: 10.30626/tesamakademi.392985.
ISNAD Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 5/1 (Ocak 2018), 137-157.
MLA Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 137-5, doi:10.30626/tesamakademi.392985.
Vancouver Uluer AG. NİJER DELTASI’NDA ÇATIŞMA: GÜVENLİK, SİVİL TOPLUM VE ŞİDDET. TESAM Akademi Dergisi. 2018;5(1):137-5.