Referans1 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)(2019). ACOG Practıce bulletin no.202. Gestatıonal Hypertensıon and Preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 133(1), e1-e25.
Referans2 Akalın, A., Şahin, S.(2018) Preeklampsia: Tanı ve hemşirelik yönetiminde güncel yaklaşımlar. Journal of Human Rhythm, 4(2), 88-97.
Referans3 Bhorat, İ.(2019). Pre-eclampsia and the foetus: a cardiovascular perspective. Cardıovasculer Journal of Africa, 29(6),387-393.
Refrans4 Cao, S., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, Y., Sheng, Y., & Xu, A. (2016). Music therapy improves pregnancy-induced hypertension treatment efficacy. Int J Clin Exp Med, 9(5):8833-8838.
Referans5 Costa, ML. (2015). Preeclampsia: Reflectıons on how to counsel about about preventing recurrence. J Obstet Gynaecol, 37(10),887–893.
Referans6 Egede, EL., Xıaobou, YE., Xıaobou, D., & Sılversteın, MD.(2002). The Prevalence and pattern of complementary and alternative medicine use in ındividuals with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 25(2), 324-329.
Referans7 Gholami-Motlagh, F., Jouzi, M., & Soleymani, B.(2016). Comparing the effects of two swedish massage techniques on the vital signs and anxiety of healthy women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 21(4), 402-409.
Referans8 Kaur, J., Kaur, S., & Bhardwaj, N. (2012). Effect of “foot massage and reflexology” on physiological parameters of critically ill patients. Nursing And Midwifery Research Journal, 8(3), 223–233.
Referans9 Kocher, Z., Hobbs, V.(2019). Integrating acupuncture for preeclampsia with severe features and HELLP syndrome in a high-risk antepartum care setting. Medical Acupuncture, (31), 6:407-415.
Referans10 Li, F.(2018). Effects of high-quality nursing on puerpera with pregnancy hypertensıon. Biomedical Research, 29(4),811-814.
Referans11 Malik, A., Jee, B., & Gupta, KS. (2019). Preeclampsia: Disease biology and burden, its management strategies withreference to India. Pregnancy Hypertensıon,15, 23-31.
Referans12 Munro, S., Mounth, B.(1978). Music therapy in palliative care, CMA Journal,119, 1029-1034.
Referans13 National Center For Complementary and Alternetive Medicine, CAMBASICS, ( health/whatiscam)(04/03/2019).
Referans14 Nikmah, U., Machmudah, M. (2019). MgSO4 and slow stroke back massage therapy on blood pressure of severe preeclampsia pregnant women. South East Asia Nursing Research, 1(1),37-42.
Referans15 Nurses Vital to Integrating Alternative Medicine with Traditional. Nursing Communuty Journal. (11/07/2019).
Referans16 Özçelik, H., Fadıloğlu, Ç.(2009). Kanser hastalarının tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tıp kullanım nedenleri. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 24(1), 48-52.
Referans17 Setyawati, A., Ibrahim, K., & Mulyati, T. (2016). Pengaruh foot massage terhadap parameter hemodinamik non invasif pada pasien di General Intensive Care Unit. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, 4(3), 283–292.
Referans18 Setyawati, EA., Emaliyawati, E. (2018). Foot massage modification to reduce blood pressure in pregnant woman with preeclampsia. JKP, 6(2), 131-138.
Referans19 T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı (2016). Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2016 Haber Bülteni. Sağlık Araştırmaları Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 2017. Erişim: 13 Mart 2018,,sy2016turkcepdf. pdf?0
Referans20 Toker, E., Kömürcü, N.(2017). Effects of Turkish classical music on prenatal anxiety and satisfaction: Randomized controlled trial in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Complementary Threapies in Medicine, 30,1-9.
Referans21 Uğurlu, M., Yavan, T. (2019). Preeklampsi, maternal ve fetal etkileri, yönetimi, önlenmesine yönelik girişimler ve hemşirenin rolü. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, 50(2):75-81.
Referans24 Yüksekol, ÖD., Başer, M. (2020). The effect of music on arterial blood pressure and anxiety levels in pregnant women hospitalized due to mild preeclampsia: A pilot randomized controlled trial. European Jounal of İntegratıve Medıcıne,(35),
Referans26 Zeng Y, Liu B, Luo T, Chen Y, Chen G, & Chen D. (2017).Effects of acupuncture on preeclampsia in Chinese women: A pilot prospective cohort study. Acupunct Med,34, 144-8.
Preeklampsi gebeliğe özgü bir komplikasyondur. Preeklampsi tüm dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli maternal mortalite ve morbidite nedenleri arasındadır. Anne ve fetüs sağlığı açısından olumsuz sonuçları bulunan preeklampside farmakolojik tedaviye ek olarak tamamlayıcı ve bütünleşik terapiler kullanılabilmektedir. Tamamlayıcı ve bütünleşik terapilerin kullanımında hemşirelere önemli rol ve sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Bu derleme preeklampside kullanılan tamamlayıcı bütünleşik terapilerin kullanımına ilişkin sonuçları ortaya koymak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.
Referans1 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)(2019). ACOG Practıce bulletin no.202. Gestatıonal Hypertensıon and Preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 133(1), e1-e25.
Referans2 Akalın, A., Şahin, S.(2018) Preeklampsia: Tanı ve hemşirelik yönetiminde güncel yaklaşımlar. Journal of Human Rhythm, 4(2), 88-97.
Referans3 Bhorat, İ.(2019). Pre-eclampsia and the foetus: a cardiovascular perspective. Cardıovasculer Journal of Africa, 29(6),387-393.
Refrans4 Cao, S., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, Y., Sheng, Y., & Xu, A. (2016). Music therapy improves pregnancy-induced hypertension treatment efficacy. Int J Clin Exp Med, 9(5):8833-8838.
Referans5 Costa, ML. (2015). Preeclampsia: Reflectıons on how to counsel about about preventing recurrence. J Obstet Gynaecol, 37(10),887–893.
Referans6 Egede, EL., Xıaobou, YE., Xıaobou, D., & Sılversteın, MD.(2002). The Prevalence and pattern of complementary and alternative medicine use in ındividuals with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 25(2), 324-329.
Referans7 Gholami-Motlagh, F., Jouzi, M., & Soleymani, B.(2016). Comparing the effects of two swedish massage techniques on the vital signs and anxiety of healthy women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 21(4), 402-409.
Referans8 Kaur, J., Kaur, S., & Bhardwaj, N. (2012). Effect of “foot massage and reflexology” on physiological parameters of critically ill patients. Nursing And Midwifery Research Journal, 8(3), 223–233.
Referans9 Kocher, Z., Hobbs, V.(2019). Integrating acupuncture for preeclampsia with severe features and HELLP syndrome in a high-risk antepartum care setting. Medical Acupuncture, (31), 6:407-415.
Referans10 Li, F.(2018). Effects of high-quality nursing on puerpera with pregnancy hypertensıon. Biomedical Research, 29(4),811-814.
Referans11 Malik, A., Jee, B., & Gupta, KS. (2019). Preeclampsia: Disease biology and burden, its management strategies withreference to India. Pregnancy Hypertensıon,15, 23-31.
Referans12 Munro, S., Mounth, B.(1978). Music therapy in palliative care, CMA Journal,119, 1029-1034.
Referans13 National Center For Complementary and Alternetive Medicine, CAMBASICS, ( health/whatiscam)(04/03/2019).
Referans14 Nikmah, U., Machmudah, M. (2019). MgSO4 and slow stroke back massage therapy on blood pressure of severe preeclampsia pregnant women. South East Asia Nursing Research, 1(1),37-42.
Referans15 Nurses Vital to Integrating Alternative Medicine with Traditional. Nursing Communuty Journal. (11/07/2019).
Referans16 Özçelik, H., Fadıloğlu, Ç.(2009). Kanser hastalarının tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tıp kullanım nedenleri. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 24(1), 48-52.
Referans17 Setyawati, A., Ibrahim, K., & Mulyati, T. (2016). Pengaruh foot massage terhadap parameter hemodinamik non invasif pada pasien di General Intensive Care Unit. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, 4(3), 283–292.
Referans18 Setyawati, EA., Emaliyawati, E. (2018). Foot massage modification to reduce blood pressure in pregnant woman with preeclampsia. JKP, 6(2), 131-138.
Referans19 T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı (2016). Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2016 Haber Bülteni. Sağlık Araştırmaları Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 2017. Erişim: 13 Mart 2018,,sy2016turkcepdf. pdf?0
Referans20 Toker, E., Kömürcü, N.(2017). Effects of Turkish classical music on prenatal anxiety and satisfaction: Randomized controlled trial in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Complementary Threapies in Medicine, 30,1-9.
Referans21 Uğurlu, M., Yavan, T. (2019). Preeklampsi, maternal ve fetal etkileri, yönetimi, önlenmesine yönelik girişimler ve hemşirenin rolü. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, 50(2):75-81.
Referans24 Yüksekol, ÖD., Başer, M. (2020). The effect of music on arterial blood pressure and anxiety levels in pregnant women hospitalized due to mild preeclampsia: A pilot randomized controlled trial. European Jounal of İntegratıve Medıcıne,(35),
Referans26 Zeng Y, Liu B, Luo T, Chen Y, Chen G, & Chen D. (2017).Effects of acupuncture on preeclampsia in Chinese women: A pilot prospective cohort study. Acupunct Med,34, 144-8.
Doğan Yüksekol, Ö., & Başer, M. (2020). PREEKLAMPSİLİ GEBELERDE TAMAMLAYICI VE BÜTÜNLEŞİK TERAPİLERİN KULLANIMI. Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 1(2), 79-83.