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A Tool to Evaluate Posterior Pelvic Tilt Movement: Pressure Biofeedback Unit

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 61 - 71, 30.05.2021


Purpose: To investigate the validity of the use of pressure biofeedback unit (BBU) in posterior pelvic tilt (PPT) movement in showing the activation of abdominal muscles in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain
Material and Methods: Fifty patients with chronic and non-specific low back pain were included in this cross-sectional study. Electromyographic activity obtained from the rectus abdominis, external oblique and erector spina muscles during PPT movement was compared with the BBU pressure score.
Results: The BBU score correlated with the electromyographic activities of the rectus abdominis and external abdominal oblique muscles (r=0.85 p<0.001, r=0.80 p<0.001). Successful superficial electromyography recording rate in PPT movement was moderately correlated with successful BBU score (Phi:0.67). Electromyographic recordings showed that there was a significant increase activities of rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles during PPT movement (p<0.001), but no significant activities was observed in the erector spina muscle (p=0.08).
Conclusion: BBU is a valid tool for evaluating the PPT movement of individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain.


  • Araujo, F. X., Ferreira, G. E., Scholl Schell, M., vd. (2020). Measurement Properties of the Craniocervical Flexion Test: A Systematic Review. Physical therapy, 100(7), 1094–1117.
  • Ahn, J. O., Weon, J. H., Koh, E. K.,vd. (2020). Effectiveness of hamstring stretching using a pressure biofeedback unit for 4 weeks: A randomized controlled trial. Hong Kong physiotherapy journal : official publication of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Limited = Wu li chih liao, 40(2), 99–107.
  • Akhtar, M. W., Karimi, H., Gilani, S. A. (2017). Effectiveness of core stabilization exercises and routine exercise therapy in management of pain in chronic non-specific low back pain: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 33(4), 1002–1006.
  • Araujo, F. X., Ferreira, G. E., Scholl Schell, M., vd. (2020). Measurement Properties of the Craniocervical Flexion Test: A Systematic Review. Physical therapy, 100(7), 1094–1117.
  • Blackburn, S. E., Portney, L. G. (1981). Electromyographic activity of back musculature during Williams' flexion exercises. Physical therapy, 61(6), 878–885.
  • Cram, J. R., Kasman, G. S. (1998) Introduction to Surface Electromyography. Baltimore: Aspen Publishers
  • Conover, W. J. (1999) Practical nonparametric statistics (3th ed). New York: Wiley
  • Corp, N., Mansell, G., Stynes, S., vd. (2021). Evidence‐based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. European Journal of Pain, 25(2), 275-295.
  • Costa, L. O., Maher, C. G., Latimer, J., vd. (2009). Reproducibility of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging for the measurement of abdominal muscle activity: a systematic review. Physical therapy, 89(8), 756–769.
  • Crasto, C., Montes, A. M., Carvalho, P., vd. (2019). Pressure biofeedback unit to assess and train lumbopelvic stability in supine individuals with chronic low back pain. Journal of physical therapy science, 31(10), 755–759.
  • Cynn, H. S., Oh, J. S., Kwon, O. Y., vd. (2006). Effects of lumbar stabilization using a pressure biofeedback unit on muscle activity and lateral pelvic tilt during hip abduction in sidelying. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 87(11), 1454–1458.
  • Drysdale, C. L., Earl, J. E., Hertel, J. (2004). Surface Electromyographic Activity of the Abdominal Muscles During Pelvic-Tilt and Abdominal-Hollowing Exercises. Journal of athletic training, 39(1), 32–36.
  • Denteneer, L., Stassijns, G., De Hertogh, W., vd. (2017). Inter- and Intrarater Reliability of Clinical Tests Associated With Functional Lumbar Segmental Instability and Motor Control Impairment in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 98(1), 151–164.e6.
  • Gadotti, I. C., Vieira, E. R., Magee, D. J. (2006). Importance and clarification of measurement properties in rehabilitation. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 10(2), 137-146.
  • Hermens, H. J., Freriks, B., Disselhorst-Klug, C., vd. (2000). Development of recommendations for SEMG sensors and sensor placement procedures. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 10(5), 361–374.
  • Haladay, D. E., Denegar, C. R., Miller, S. J., vd. (2015). Electromyographic and kinetic analysis of two abdominal muscle performance tests. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 31(8), 587–593.
  • Küçükdeveci, A. A., Tennant, A., Elhan, A. H., vd. (2001). Validation of the Turkish version of the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for use in low back pain. Spine, 26(24), 2738–2743.
  • Kisner, C., Lynn, A. C. (2012) Therapeutic exercise: foundations and techniques (6th ed). Fa Davis, 409-437.
  • Kuciel, N., Mazurek, J., Biernat, K., vd. (2020). Abdominal muscles activity during abdominal bracing and posterior pelvic tilt in women after natural birth and after caesarean delivery. Acta Of Bıoengıneerıng And Bıomechanıcs, 22(4), 167-173.
  • Li, X., Lo, W., Lu, S. W., vd. (2020). Trunk muscle activity during pressure feedback monitoring among individuals with and without chronic low Back pain. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 21(1), 569.
  • Lima, P. O., Oliveira, R. R., Moura, F., vd. (2012). Concurrent validity of the pressure biofeedback unit and surface electromyography in measuring transversus abdominis muscle activity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain. Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil)), 16(5), 389–395.
  • Luo, H. J., Lin, S. X., Wu, S. K., vd. (2017). Comparison of segmental spinal movement control in adolescents with and without idiopathic scoliosis using modified pressure biofeedback unit. PloS one, 12(7), e0181915.
  • Minicozzi, S. J., Russell, B. S., Ray, K. J., vd. (2016). Low Back Pain Response to Pelvic Tilt Position: An Observational Study of Chiropractic Patients. Journal of chiropractic medicine, 15(1), 27–34.
  • Owen, P. J., Miller, C. T., Mundell, N. L., vd. (2020). Which specific modes of exercise training are most effective for treating low back pain? Network meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine, 54(21), 1279–1287.
  • Oliveira, C. B., Maher, C. G., Pinto, R. Z., vd. (2018). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care: an updated overview. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 27(11), 2791–2803.
  • Qaseem, A., Wilt, T. J., McLean, R. M., vd. (2017). Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. Annals of internal medicine, 166(7), 514–530.
  • Ramos, L., França, F., Callegari, B., et al. (2016). Are lumbar multifidus fatigue and transversus abdominis activation similar in patients with lumbar disc herniation and healthy controls? A case control study. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 25(5), 1435–1442.
  • Roland, M., Morris, R. (1983). A study of the natural history of back pain. Part I: development of a reliable and sensitive measure of disability in low-back pain. Spine, 8(2), 141–144. Sedaghat, N., Latimer, J., Maher, C., vd. (2007). The reproducibility of a clinical grading system of motor control in patients with low back pain. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 30(7), 501–508.
  • Storheim, K., Bø, K., Pederstad, O., vd. (2002). Intra-tester reproducibility of pressure biofeedback in measurement of transversus abdominis function. Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy, 7(4), 239–249.
  • Solana-Tramunt, M., Ortegón, A., Morales, J., vd. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of lumbopelvic motor control tests using pressure biofeedback unit in professional swimmers: A cross-sectional study. Journal of orthopaedics, 16(6), 590–595.
  • ShahAli, S., Shanbehzadeh, S., ShahAli, S., vd. (2019). Application of Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Abdominal and Lumbar Trunk Muscle Activity in Participants With and Without Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 42(7), 541–550.
  • Terwee, C. B., Bot, S. D., de Boer, M. R., vd. (2007). Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 60(1), 34–42.
  • Tweedell, A. J., Tenan, M. S., Haynes, C. A. (2019). Differences in muscle contraction onset as determined by ultrasound and electromyography. Muscle & nerve, 59(4), 494–500.
  • Turkmen, C., Harput, G., Kinikli, G. I., vd. (2019). Correlation of force sense error test measured by a pressure biofeedback unit and EMG activity of quadriceps femoris in healthy individuals. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 49, 102366.
  • Urquhart, D. M., Hodges, P. W., Allen, T. J., vd. (2005). Abdominal muscle recruitment during a range of voluntary exercises. Manual therapy, 10(2), 144–153.
  • Vasseljen, O., Fladmark, A. M., Westad, C., vd. (2009). Onset in abdominal muscles recorded simultaneously by ultrasound imaging and intramuscular electromyography. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 19(2), e23–e31.
  • Workman, J. C., Docherty, D., Parfrey, K. C., vd. (2008). Influence of pelvis position on the activation of abdominal and hip flexor muscles. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 22(5), 1563–1569.
  • Wang, X. Q., Zheng, J. J., Yu, Z. W., vd. (2012). A meta-analysis of core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain. PloS one, 7(12), e52082. Wewers, M. E., Lowe, N. K. (1990). A critical review of visual analogue scales in the measurement of clinical phenomena. Research in nursing & health, 13(4), 227–236.
  • Yoo W. G. (2014). Effect of the Individual Strengthening Exercises for Posterior Pelvic Tilt Muscles on Back Pain, Pelvic Angle, and Lumbar ROM of a LBP Patient with Excessive Lordosis: A Case Study. Journal of physical therapy science, 26(2), 319–320.

Posterior Pelvik Tilt Hareketini Değerlendirmede Kullanılabilecek Bir Araç: Basınç Biofeedback Ünitesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 61 - 71, 30.05.2021


Amaç: Kronik non-spesifik bel ağrılı hastalarda Posterior pelvik tilt (PPT) hareketi sırasında basınç biofeedback ünitesi (BBÜ) kullanımının abdominal kasların aktivasyonunu göstermede geçerliliğini araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu kesitsel çalışmaya kronik-non spesifik bel ağrılı 50 hasta dahil edildi. Katılımcılardan PPT hareketiyle rektus abdominis, eksternal oblik ve erektör spina kaslarından elde edilen elektromyografik aktiviteler BBÜ basınç skoruyla karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: BBÜ skoru, rektus abdominis ve eksternal abdominal oblik kasların elektromyografik aktiviteleri ile iyi derecede korele bulundu. (r=0.85 p<0.001, r=0.80 p<0.001) PPT hareketinde yüzeyel elektromyografi kaydı başarı oranı, BBÜ skoru başarı oranı ile orta derecede korele bulundu.(Phi:0.67) Ayrıca elektromyografik kayıtlarda PPT hareketi ile rektus abdominis ve eksternal oblik kasların elektromyografik aktivitelerinde anlamlı derecede artış saptanırken (p<0.001), erektör spina kasında anlamlı sinyal artışı izlenmedi (p=0.08).
Sonuç: BBÜ, kronik non-spesifik bel ağrılı bireylerin PPT hareketini değerlendirmede geçerli bir araçtır.


  • Araujo, F. X., Ferreira, G. E., Scholl Schell, M., vd. (2020). Measurement Properties of the Craniocervical Flexion Test: A Systematic Review. Physical therapy, 100(7), 1094–1117.
  • Ahn, J. O., Weon, J. H., Koh, E. K.,vd. (2020). Effectiveness of hamstring stretching using a pressure biofeedback unit for 4 weeks: A randomized controlled trial. Hong Kong physiotherapy journal : official publication of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Limited = Wu li chih liao, 40(2), 99–107.
  • Akhtar, M. W., Karimi, H., Gilani, S. A. (2017). Effectiveness of core stabilization exercises and routine exercise therapy in management of pain in chronic non-specific low back pain: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 33(4), 1002–1006.
  • Araujo, F. X., Ferreira, G. E., Scholl Schell, M., vd. (2020). Measurement Properties of the Craniocervical Flexion Test: A Systematic Review. Physical therapy, 100(7), 1094–1117.
  • Blackburn, S. E., Portney, L. G. (1981). Electromyographic activity of back musculature during Williams' flexion exercises. Physical therapy, 61(6), 878–885.
  • Cram, J. R., Kasman, G. S. (1998) Introduction to Surface Electromyography. Baltimore: Aspen Publishers
  • Conover, W. J. (1999) Practical nonparametric statistics (3th ed). New York: Wiley
  • Corp, N., Mansell, G., Stynes, S., vd. (2021). Evidence‐based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. European Journal of Pain, 25(2), 275-295.
  • Costa, L. O., Maher, C. G., Latimer, J., vd. (2009). Reproducibility of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging for the measurement of abdominal muscle activity: a systematic review. Physical therapy, 89(8), 756–769.
  • Crasto, C., Montes, A. M., Carvalho, P., vd. (2019). Pressure biofeedback unit to assess and train lumbopelvic stability in supine individuals with chronic low back pain. Journal of physical therapy science, 31(10), 755–759.
  • Cynn, H. S., Oh, J. S., Kwon, O. Y., vd. (2006). Effects of lumbar stabilization using a pressure biofeedback unit on muscle activity and lateral pelvic tilt during hip abduction in sidelying. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 87(11), 1454–1458.
  • Drysdale, C. L., Earl, J. E., Hertel, J. (2004). Surface Electromyographic Activity of the Abdominal Muscles During Pelvic-Tilt and Abdominal-Hollowing Exercises. Journal of athletic training, 39(1), 32–36.
  • Denteneer, L., Stassijns, G., De Hertogh, W., vd. (2017). Inter- and Intrarater Reliability of Clinical Tests Associated With Functional Lumbar Segmental Instability and Motor Control Impairment in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 98(1), 151–164.e6.
  • Gadotti, I. C., Vieira, E. R., Magee, D. J. (2006). Importance and clarification of measurement properties in rehabilitation. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 10(2), 137-146.
  • Hermens, H. J., Freriks, B., Disselhorst-Klug, C., vd. (2000). Development of recommendations for SEMG sensors and sensor placement procedures. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 10(5), 361–374.
  • Haladay, D. E., Denegar, C. R., Miller, S. J., vd. (2015). Electromyographic and kinetic analysis of two abdominal muscle performance tests. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 31(8), 587–593.
  • Küçükdeveci, A. A., Tennant, A., Elhan, A. H., vd. (2001). Validation of the Turkish version of the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for use in low back pain. Spine, 26(24), 2738–2743.
  • Kisner, C., Lynn, A. C. (2012) Therapeutic exercise: foundations and techniques (6th ed). Fa Davis, 409-437.
  • Kuciel, N., Mazurek, J., Biernat, K., vd. (2020). Abdominal muscles activity during abdominal bracing and posterior pelvic tilt in women after natural birth and after caesarean delivery. Acta Of Bıoengıneerıng And Bıomechanıcs, 22(4), 167-173.
  • Li, X., Lo, W., Lu, S. W., vd. (2020). Trunk muscle activity during pressure feedback monitoring among individuals with and without chronic low Back pain. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 21(1), 569.
  • Lima, P. O., Oliveira, R. R., Moura, F., vd. (2012). Concurrent validity of the pressure biofeedback unit and surface electromyography in measuring transversus abdominis muscle activity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain. Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil)), 16(5), 389–395.
  • Luo, H. J., Lin, S. X., Wu, S. K., vd. (2017). Comparison of segmental spinal movement control in adolescents with and without idiopathic scoliosis using modified pressure biofeedback unit. PloS one, 12(7), e0181915.
  • Minicozzi, S. J., Russell, B. S., Ray, K. J., vd. (2016). Low Back Pain Response to Pelvic Tilt Position: An Observational Study of Chiropractic Patients. Journal of chiropractic medicine, 15(1), 27–34.
  • Owen, P. J., Miller, C. T., Mundell, N. L., vd. (2020). Which specific modes of exercise training are most effective for treating low back pain? Network meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine, 54(21), 1279–1287.
  • Oliveira, C. B., Maher, C. G., Pinto, R. Z., vd. (2018). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care: an updated overview. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 27(11), 2791–2803.
  • Qaseem, A., Wilt, T. J., McLean, R. M., vd. (2017). Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. Annals of internal medicine, 166(7), 514–530.
  • Ramos, L., França, F., Callegari, B., et al. (2016). Are lumbar multifidus fatigue and transversus abdominis activation similar in patients with lumbar disc herniation and healthy controls? A case control study. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 25(5), 1435–1442.
  • Roland, M., Morris, R. (1983). A study of the natural history of back pain. Part I: development of a reliable and sensitive measure of disability in low-back pain. Spine, 8(2), 141–144. Sedaghat, N., Latimer, J., Maher, C., vd. (2007). The reproducibility of a clinical grading system of motor control in patients with low back pain. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 30(7), 501–508.
  • Storheim, K., Bø, K., Pederstad, O., vd. (2002). Intra-tester reproducibility of pressure biofeedback in measurement of transversus abdominis function. Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy, 7(4), 239–249.
  • Solana-Tramunt, M., Ortegón, A., Morales, J., vd. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of lumbopelvic motor control tests using pressure biofeedback unit in professional swimmers: A cross-sectional study. Journal of orthopaedics, 16(6), 590–595.
  • ShahAli, S., Shanbehzadeh, S., ShahAli, S., vd. (2019). Application of Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Abdominal and Lumbar Trunk Muscle Activity in Participants With and Without Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 42(7), 541–550.
  • Terwee, C. B., Bot, S. D., de Boer, M. R., vd. (2007). Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 60(1), 34–42.
  • Tweedell, A. J., Tenan, M. S., Haynes, C. A. (2019). Differences in muscle contraction onset as determined by ultrasound and electromyography. Muscle & nerve, 59(4), 494–500.
  • Turkmen, C., Harput, G., Kinikli, G. I., vd. (2019). Correlation of force sense error test measured by a pressure biofeedback unit and EMG activity of quadriceps femoris in healthy individuals. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 49, 102366.
  • Urquhart, D. M., Hodges, P. W., Allen, T. J., vd. (2005). Abdominal muscle recruitment during a range of voluntary exercises. Manual therapy, 10(2), 144–153.
  • Vasseljen, O., Fladmark, A. M., Westad, C., vd. (2009). Onset in abdominal muscles recorded simultaneously by ultrasound imaging and intramuscular electromyography. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 19(2), e23–e31.
  • Workman, J. C., Docherty, D., Parfrey, K. C., vd. (2008). Influence of pelvis position on the activation of abdominal and hip flexor muscles. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 22(5), 1563–1569.
  • Wang, X. Q., Zheng, J. J., Yu, Z. W., vd. (2012). A meta-analysis of core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain. PloS one, 7(12), e52082. Wewers, M. E., Lowe, N. K. (1990). A critical review of visual analogue scales in the measurement of clinical phenomena. Research in nursing & health, 13(4), 227–236.
  • Yoo W. G. (2014). Effect of the Individual Strengthening Exercises for Posterior Pelvic Tilt Muscles on Back Pain, Pelvic Angle, and Lumbar ROM of a LBP Patient with Excessive Lordosis: A Case Study. Journal of physical therapy science, 26(2), 319–320.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Musa Polat

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2021
Kabul Tarihi 18 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Polat, M. (2021). Posterior Pelvik Tilt Hareketini Değerlendirmede Kullanılabilecek Bir Araç: Basınç Biofeedback Ünitesi. Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 2(2), 61-71.

Turkish Journal of Science and Health (TFSD) 


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