The pea is a legume with a high protein content and high nutritional value. In recent times, it has come to be
consumed as a frozen and canned food as well as fresh. It has a special place among legumes because of its
suitability for crop rotation. In Turkey, it is mostly grown as a winter crop in the western regions. Sowing
takes place in the fall for the winter growing season. Determining the best sowing time is vital to avoid cold
damage. This study was conducted over two years in 2020-21 and 2021-22 growing seasons in the field crops
trial fields of Aydin Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture. During the study, the dry matter
values and GDD (growing degree days) of four pea cultivars (Giresun, Mayer, Local 1 and Local 2) were
calculated at four phenological periods (emergence, flowering, pod set and maturity) for three different sowing
times (November 1, November 20 and December 10). In addition, the yield and yield characteristics and
protein content were analyzed. Among the four varieties, Mayer (1.95t ha-1) recorded the highest yield value,
while Giresun (25.6%) achieved the highest protein content. The number of days to maturity, dry matter
content and GDD values of the varieties at the different phenological periods varied with the sowing time.
Higher GDD and dry matter content levels were measured in early sowing. The later the sowing, the shorter
the period from pod set to maturation and the lower the dry matter content.
Ali, M. Z., M.A. Aziz, M.A.I. Sarker, S. Mazumder, S.K. Paul,
T.A. Mujahidi and M.S. Bhuiyan. 2016. Effect of sowing
time based temperature variations on growth, yield and seed
quality of garden pea. Bangladesh Agronomy Journal
Ahmed, B., A.K. Hasan, B. Karmakar, M. Hasan, F. Akter, P.S.
Saha and M. Haq. 2020. Influence of date of sowing on
growth and yield performance of field pea (Pisum sativum
L.) genotypes. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 13(2):
Baloch, A. F., S.M. Qayyum, A.A. Kakar and M.A. Baloch.
1999. Marketable green pod yield response of two pea
varieties to different sowing dates. Sarhad Journal of
Agriculture 15(2): 83-86. Pakistan.
Karayel, R. and H. Bozoglu. 2015. Determination of
morphological variability of local pea genotypes. Ekin
Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 1(2): 56-64.
Bueckert, R.A., S. Wagenhoffer, G. Hnatowich and T.D.
Warkentin. 2015. Effect of heat and precipitation on pea
yield and reproductive performance in the field. Canadian
Journal of Plant Science 95(4): 629-639.
Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008.
Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and
yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in
Turkey. Field Crops Research 105(1-2): 131-140.
Canavar, O. and M. Kaynak. 2010. Growing degree day and
sunshine radiation effects on peanut pod yield and growth.
African Journal of Biotechnology 9(15): 2234-2241.
Ceyhan, O. and E. Savur. 2011. Determination of some
agronomic characteristics of edible pea (Pisum sativum L.)
lines obtained by hybridization method. Selcuk Uni. Selcuk
Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences 25 (2): 17-23.
Change, C. 2007. IPCC fourth assessment report. The physical
science basis, 2: 580-595.
Chapman, S.C., G.L. Hammer and J.A. Palta. 1993. Predicting
leaf area development of sunflower. Field Crops Research
34(1): 101-112.
Costa, G. E., K.S. Queiroz-Monici, S.M. Reis and A.C. Oliviera.
2006. Chemical composition, dietary fibre and resistant
starch contents of raw and cooked pea, common bean,
chickpea and lentil legumes. Food Chemistry 94: 327–330.
Confalone, A.J.I. Lizaso, B. Ruiz-Nogueira, F.X. López-Cedrón
and F. Sau. 2010. Growth, PAR use efficiency, and yield
components of field-grown Vicia faba L. under different
temperature and photoperiod regimes. Field Crops Research
115(2): 140–148.
Demirci, G. and S. Unver. 2005. Effects of different sowing
times on yield and yield components of pea (Pisum sativum
L.) under Ankara conditions. Anadolu J. of AARI. 15 (1):
Devi, S., M. Singh and R.K. Aggarwal. 2019. Thermal
requirements and heat use efficiency of pea cultivars under
varying environments. Current World Environment 14(3):
Doring, T.F. and M. Reckling. 2018. Detecting global trends of
cereal yield stability by adjusting the coefficient of variation.
Eur. J. Agron. 99: 30–36.
Esser-Monning, K., P. Roskothen and G. Robbelen. 1995. Two
host genes in Vicia faba for nodulation deficiency with strain
specifity for Rhizobium leguminosarum. Plant Bred. 114:
Flores, F., S. Nadal, I. Solis, J. Winkler, O. Sass, F.L. Stoddard,
W. Link, B. Raffiot, F. Muel and D. Rubiales. 2012. Faba
bean adaptation to autumn sowing under European climates.
Agron. Sustain. Dev. 32: 727–734.
Gan, Y.T., P.R. Miller, P.H. Liu, F.C. Stevenson and C.L.
McDonald. 2002. Seedling emergence, pod development,
and seed yields of chickpea and dry pea in a semiarid
environment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82(3): 531-
Gislum, R., E. Micklander and J.P. Nielsen. 2004. Quantification
of nitrogen concentration in perennial ryegrass and red
fescue using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
and chemometrics. Field Crops Research 88(2-3): 269-277.
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez. 1984. Statistical procedures for
agricultural research. John Wiley & Sons.
Guilioni, L., J. Wéry and J. Lecoeur. 2003. High temperature and
water deficit may reduce seed number in field pea purely by
decreasing plant growth rate. Funct Plant Biol. 30:1151–
Hacisalihoglu, G., J. Freeman, P.R. Armstrong, B.W. Seabourn,
L.D. Porter, A.M. Settles. 2020. Protein, weight, and oil
prediction by single‐seed near‐infrared spectroscopy for
selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum
sativum). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Haq, M.T. and M.S. Ahmed. 2021. Effect of sowing date on
growth and yield performance of pea (Pisum sativum L.).
Journal of Elt and Education 4(4): 75-79.
Jeufroy, M.H., J. Lecoeur and R. Roche. 2010. The seed number.
In ‘Physiology of the pea crop’. (Eds N Munier-Jolain, V
Biarnès, I Chaillet, J Lecoeur, MH Jeufroy) pp. 104–131.
(CRC Press: Enfeld, NH)
Jiang, Y., A.R. Davis, V. Vujanovic and R.A. Bueckert. 2019.
Reproductive development response to high daytime
temperature in feld pea. J Agron Crop Sci. 205:324–333.
Jost, R., and A. Erban. 2017. The influence of sowing date on
the yield and quality of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds.
Agricultural and Food Science 26(4): 220-229.
Kakon, S.S., M.M. Sheikh, M.S.A. Khan, A.A. Begum, J.A.
Chowdhury and M.A. Hossain. 2020. Sowing time and
management effects on phenology, growth and yield of
garden pea. Bangladesh Agronomy Journal 23(2): 13-22.
Karayel, R. and H. Bozoglu. 2008. Some agronomic
characteristics of local pea populations collected from
different regions of Turkey. Anatolian Journal of
Agricultural Sciences 23(1): 32-38.
Kayacık, H., A. Inal, M. Demirci and K. Gunduz. 2014. The
Effect of Different Sowing Times on Some Characteristics of
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Plant. Journal of Uludag University
Faculty of Agriculture 28(2): 39-47.
Koca Y.O. and O. Erekul. 2016. Changes of dry matter, biomass
ad relative growth rate with different phenological stages of
corn. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 10. 5th
International Conference Agriculture for Life, Life for
Agriculture: 67 – 75.
Lamichaney, A., A.K. Parihar, K.K. Hazra, G.P. Dixit, P.K.
Katiyar, D. Singh, A.K. Singh, N. Kumar and N.P. Singh.
2021. Untangling the influence of heat stress on crop
phenology, seed set, seed weight, and germination in field
pea (Pisum sativum L.). Front Pla Sci. 12:437
Van Kessel, C. and C. Hartley. 2000. Agricultural management
of grain legumes: Has it led to an increase in nitrogen
fixation? Field Crops Res. 65: 165–181.
McDonald, G.K. and D. Peck. 2009. Effects of crop rotation,
residue retention and sowing time on the incidence and
survival of ascochyta blight and its effect on grain yield of
field peas (Pisum sativum L.). Field Crops Res. 111:11-21.
McKenzie, B.A. 1987. The growth development and water use
of lentils (Lens culinaris Medik). Unpublished PhD thesis,
Lincoln College, University of Canterbury: New Zealand.
McMaster, G. S. and W.W. Wilhelm. 1997. Growing degreedays: one equation, two interpretations. Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology 87(4): 291-300.
Miller, P.R., C.L. McDonald, D.A. Derksen and J. Waddington.
2000. The adaptation of seven broadleaf crops to the dry
semiarid prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 29–43.
Mohanty, S.K., B. Baisakih, U.K. Dikshit and B. Bhol. 2001.
Kalamung, a promising localmungbean cultivar. Environ.
Ecol. 16(1): 222-223.
Neugschwandtner, R.W., A. Bernhuber, S. Kammlander, H.
Wagentristl, A. Klimek-Kopyra and H.P. Kaul. 2020. Yield
structure components of autumn- and spring-sown pea
(Pisum sativum L.). Acta Agric. Scand. B Soil Plant Sci. 70:
Nicolas Tremblay, E.F. and Y. Desjardins. 2006. Relationships
among growing degree-days, tenderness, other harvest
attributes and market value of processing pea (Pisum sativum
L.) cultivars grown in Quebec. Canadian Journal of Plant
Science 86(2): 525-537.
Nikolopoulou, D., K. Grigorakis, M. Stasini, M.N. Alexis and K.
Iliadis. 2007. Differences in chemical composition of field
pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars: Effect of cultivation area and
year. Food Chemistry 103: 847–852.
Olle, M. 2017. The effect of sowing rate and variety on the yield,
protein content and height of field pea. International Journal
of Food and Biosystems Engineering 3(1): 11-18.
Parihar, A.K., K.K. Hazra, A. Lamichaney, G.P. Dixit, D. Singh,
A.K. Singh and N.P. Singh. 2022. Characterizing plant trait
(s) for improved heat tolerance in field pea (Pisum sativum
L.) under subtropical climate. International Journal of
Biometeorology 66(6): 1267-1281.
Petterson, D., S. Sipsas and J.B. Mackintosh. 1997. The
chemical composition and nutritive value of Australian
pulses. Canberra, Australia: Grains Research and
Development Corporation.
Rubiales, D., M. Fernández-Aparicio, A. Moral, E. Barilli, J.C.
Sillero and S. Fondevilla. 2009. Disease resistance in pea
(Pisum sativum L.) types for autumn sowings in
Mediterranean environments. Czech J Genet Plant. 45:135–
Sabir, M. and M. Saeed. 2013. Effect of planting date on the
growth and yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) under arid
environment. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 29(1): 57-63.
Schillinger, F.W. 2017. Winter Pea: Promising new crop for
Washington's dryland wheat-fallow region. Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution 5: 43.
Silim, S.N., P.D. Hebblethwaite and M.C. Heath. 1985.
Comparison of the effects of autumn and spring sowing date
on growth and yield of combining peas (Pisum sativum L.).
The Journal of Agricultural Science 104(1): 35-46.
Srivastava, B.K. 1991. Morpho-physiological response of garden
pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars to sowing dates. IV: Yield
and yield components. Research and Development Reporter
8 (2): 137-143.
Smytkiewicz, K., J. Podleśny, J. Wielbo and A. Podleśna. 2021.
The effect of a preparation containing rhizobial Nod factors
on pea morphological traits and physiology. Agronomy
11(8): 1457.
Sreenivas, G., M.D. Reddy and D.R. Reddy. 2010.
Agrometeorological indices in relation to phenology of
aerobic rice. Journal of Agrometerology 12: 241-244.
Tulbek, M.C. 2014. Pulse flours as functional ingredients. In:
IUFOST annual conference, Montreal QC, Canada.
Tulbek, M.C., R.S.H. Lam, P. Asavajaru and A. Lam. 2017. Pea:
A sustainable vegetable protein crop. In Sustainable protein
sources: 145-164. Academic Press.
Urbatzka, P. 2010. Anbauwurdigkeit von Wintererbsen-ein
Vergleich zu Sommererbsen in Rein-und Gemengesaat unter
den Bedingungen des okologischen Landbaus. PhD Thesis.
Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Okologischer Land- und
Pflanzenbau. Hamburg/GERMANY.
Vadez, V., J.D. Berger, T. Warkentin, S. Asseng, P. Ratnakumar,
K.P.C. Rao, P.M. Gaur, J.N. Munier, A. Larmure, A.S.
Voisin and H.C. Sharma. 2012. Adaptation of grain legumes
to climate change: a review. Agron Sustain Dev 32:31–44.
Wang, N., D.W. Hatcher, T.D. Warkentin and R. Toews. 2010.
Effect of cultivar and environment on physicochemical and
cooking characteristics of field pea (Pisum sativum). Food
chemistry 118(1): 109-115.
Yilmaz, N. and H.V. Kilinc. 2018. Determination of yield and
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Year 2023,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 301 - 312, 24.12.2023
Ali, M. Z., M.A. Aziz, M.A.I. Sarker, S. Mazumder, S.K. Paul,
T.A. Mujahidi and M.S. Bhuiyan. 2016. Effect of sowing
time based temperature variations on growth, yield and seed
quality of garden pea. Bangladesh Agronomy Journal
Ahmed, B., A.K. Hasan, B. Karmakar, M. Hasan, F. Akter, P.S.
Saha and M. Haq. 2020. Influence of date of sowing on
growth and yield performance of field pea (Pisum sativum
L.) genotypes. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 13(2):
Baloch, A. F., S.M. Qayyum, A.A. Kakar and M.A. Baloch.
1999. Marketable green pod yield response of two pea
varieties to different sowing dates. Sarhad Journal of
Agriculture 15(2): 83-86. Pakistan.
Karayel, R. and H. Bozoglu. 2015. Determination of
morphological variability of local pea genotypes. Ekin
Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 1(2): 56-64.
Bueckert, R.A., S. Wagenhoffer, G. Hnatowich and T.D.
Warkentin. 2015. Effect of heat and precipitation on pea
yield and reproductive performance in the field. Canadian
Journal of Plant Science 95(4): 629-639.
Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008.
Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and
yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in
Turkey. Field Crops Research 105(1-2): 131-140.
Canavar, O. and M. Kaynak. 2010. Growing degree day and
sunshine radiation effects on peanut pod yield and growth.
African Journal of Biotechnology 9(15): 2234-2241.
Ceyhan, O. and E. Savur. 2011. Determination of some
agronomic characteristics of edible pea (Pisum sativum L.)
lines obtained by hybridization method. Selcuk Uni. Selcuk
Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences 25 (2): 17-23.
Change, C. 2007. IPCC fourth assessment report. The physical
science basis, 2: 580-595.
Chapman, S.C., G.L. Hammer and J.A. Palta. 1993. Predicting
leaf area development of sunflower. Field Crops Research
34(1): 101-112.
Costa, G. E., K.S. Queiroz-Monici, S.M. Reis and A.C. Oliviera.
2006. Chemical composition, dietary fibre and resistant
starch contents of raw and cooked pea, common bean,
chickpea and lentil legumes. Food Chemistry 94: 327–330.
Confalone, A.J.I. Lizaso, B. Ruiz-Nogueira, F.X. López-Cedrón
and F. Sau. 2010. Growth, PAR use efficiency, and yield
components of field-grown Vicia faba L. under different
temperature and photoperiod regimes. Field Crops Research
115(2): 140–148.
Demirci, G. and S. Unver. 2005. Effects of different sowing
times on yield and yield components of pea (Pisum sativum
L.) under Ankara conditions. Anadolu J. of AARI. 15 (1):
Devi, S., M. Singh and R.K. Aggarwal. 2019. Thermal
requirements and heat use efficiency of pea cultivars under
varying environments. Current World Environment 14(3):
Doring, T.F. and M. Reckling. 2018. Detecting global trends of
cereal yield stability by adjusting the coefficient of variation.
Eur. J. Agron. 99: 30–36.
Esser-Monning, K., P. Roskothen and G. Robbelen. 1995. Two
host genes in Vicia faba for nodulation deficiency with strain
specifity for Rhizobium leguminosarum. Plant Bred. 114:
Flores, F., S. Nadal, I. Solis, J. Winkler, O. Sass, F.L. Stoddard,
W. Link, B. Raffiot, F. Muel and D. Rubiales. 2012. Faba
bean adaptation to autumn sowing under European climates.
Agron. Sustain. Dev. 32: 727–734.
Gan, Y.T., P.R. Miller, P.H. Liu, F.C. Stevenson and C.L.
McDonald. 2002. Seedling emergence, pod development,
and seed yields of chickpea and dry pea in a semiarid
environment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82(3): 531-
Gislum, R., E. Micklander and J.P. Nielsen. 2004. Quantification
of nitrogen concentration in perennial ryegrass and red
fescue using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
and chemometrics. Field Crops Research 88(2-3): 269-277.
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez. 1984. Statistical procedures for
agricultural research. John Wiley & Sons.
Guilioni, L., J. Wéry and J. Lecoeur. 2003. High temperature and
water deficit may reduce seed number in field pea purely by
decreasing plant growth rate. Funct Plant Biol. 30:1151–
Hacisalihoglu, G., J. Freeman, P.R. Armstrong, B.W. Seabourn,
L.D. Porter, A.M. Settles. 2020. Protein, weight, and oil
prediction by single‐seed near‐infrared spectroscopy for
selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum
sativum). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Haq, M.T. and M.S. Ahmed. 2021. Effect of sowing date on
growth and yield performance of pea (Pisum sativum L.).
Journal of Elt and Education 4(4): 75-79.
Jeufroy, M.H., J. Lecoeur and R. Roche. 2010. The seed number.
In ‘Physiology of the pea crop’. (Eds N Munier-Jolain, V
Biarnès, I Chaillet, J Lecoeur, MH Jeufroy) pp. 104–131.
(CRC Press: Enfeld, NH)
Jiang, Y., A.R. Davis, V. Vujanovic and R.A. Bueckert. 2019.
Reproductive development response to high daytime
temperature in feld pea. J Agron Crop Sci. 205:324–333.
Jost, R., and A. Erban. 2017. The influence of sowing date on
the yield and quality of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds.
Agricultural and Food Science 26(4): 220-229.
Kakon, S.S., M.M. Sheikh, M.S.A. Khan, A.A. Begum, J.A.
Chowdhury and M.A. Hossain. 2020. Sowing time and
management effects on phenology, growth and yield of
garden pea. Bangladesh Agronomy Journal 23(2): 13-22.
Karayel, R. and H. Bozoglu. 2008. Some agronomic
characteristics of local pea populations collected from
different regions of Turkey. Anatolian Journal of
Agricultural Sciences 23(1): 32-38.
Kayacık, H., A. Inal, M. Demirci and K. Gunduz. 2014. The
Effect of Different Sowing Times on Some Characteristics of
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Plant. Journal of Uludag University
Faculty of Agriculture 28(2): 39-47.
Koca Y.O. and O. Erekul. 2016. Changes of dry matter, biomass
ad relative growth rate with different phenological stages of
corn. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 10. 5th
International Conference Agriculture for Life, Life for
Agriculture: 67 – 75.
Lamichaney, A., A.K. Parihar, K.K. Hazra, G.P. Dixit, P.K.
Katiyar, D. Singh, A.K. Singh, N. Kumar and N.P. Singh.
2021. Untangling the influence of heat stress on crop
phenology, seed set, seed weight, and germination in field
pea (Pisum sativum L.). Front Pla Sci. 12:437
Van Kessel, C. and C. Hartley. 2000. Agricultural management
of grain legumes: Has it led to an increase in nitrogen
fixation? Field Crops Res. 65: 165–181.
McDonald, G.K. and D. Peck. 2009. Effects of crop rotation,
residue retention and sowing time on the incidence and
survival of ascochyta blight and its effect on grain yield of
field peas (Pisum sativum L.). Field Crops Res. 111:11-21.
McKenzie, B.A. 1987. The growth development and water use
of lentils (Lens culinaris Medik). Unpublished PhD thesis,
Lincoln College, University of Canterbury: New Zealand.
McMaster, G. S. and W.W. Wilhelm. 1997. Growing degreedays: one equation, two interpretations. Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology 87(4): 291-300.
Miller, P.R., C.L. McDonald, D.A. Derksen and J. Waddington.
2000. The adaptation of seven broadleaf crops to the dry
semiarid prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 29–43.
Mohanty, S.K., B. Baisakih, U.K. Dikshit and B. Bhol. 2001.
Kalamung, a promising localmungbean cultivar. Environ.
Ecol. 16(1): 222-223.
Neugschwandtner, R.W., A. Bernhuber, S. Kammlander, H.
Wagentristl, A. Klimek-Kopyra and H.P. Kaul. 2020. Yield
structure components of autumn- and spring-sown pea
(Pisum sativum L.). Acta Agric. Scand. B Soil Plant Sci. 70:
Nicolas Tremblay, E.F. and Y. Desjardins. 2006. Relationships
among growing degree-days, tenderness, other harvest
attributes and market value of processing pea (Pisum sativum
L.) cultivars grown in Quebec. Canadian Journal of Plant
Science 86(2): 525-537.
Nikolopoulou, D., K. Grigorakis, M. Stasini, M.N. Alexis and K.
Iliadis. 2007. Differences in chemical composition of field
pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars: Effect of cultivation area and
year. Food Chemistry 103: 847–852.
Olle, M. 2017. The effect of sowing rate and variety on the yield,
protein content and height of field pea. International Journal
of Food and Biosystems Engineering 3(1): 11-18.
Parihar, A.K., K.K. Hazra, A. Lamichaney, G.P. Dixit, D. Singh,
A.K. Singh and N.P. Singh. 2022. Characterizing plant trait
(s) for improved heat tolerance in field pea (Pisum sativum
L.) under subtropical climate. International Journal of
Biometeorology 66(6): 1267-1281.
Petterson, D., S. Sipsas and J.B. Mackintosh. 1997. The
chemical composition and nutritive value of Australian
pulses. Canberra, Australia: Grains Research and
Development Corporation.
Rubiales, D., M. Fernández-Aparicio, A. Moral, E. Barilli, J.C.
Sillero and S. Fondevilla. 2009. Disease resistance in pea
(Pisum sativum L.) types for autumn sowings in
Mediterranean environments. Czech J Genet Plant. 45:135–
Sabir, M. and M. Saeed. 2013. Effect of planting date on the
growth and yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) under arid
environment. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 29(1): 57-63.
Schillinger, F.W. 2017. Winter Pea: Promising new crop for
Washington's dryland wheat-fallow region. Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution 5: 43.
Silim, S.N., P.D. Hebblethwaite and M.C. Heath. 1985.
Comparison of the effects of autumn and spring sowing date
on growth and yield of combining peas (Pisum sativum L.).
The Journal of Agricultural Science 104(1): 35-46.
Srivastava, B.K. 1991. Morpho-physiological response of garden
pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars to sowing dates. IV: Yield
and yield components. Research and Development Reporter
8 (2): 137-143.
Smytkiewicz, K., J. Podleśny, J. Wielbo and A. Podleśna. 2021.
The effect of a preparation containing rhizobial Nod factors
on pea morphological traits and physiology. Agronomy
11(8): 1457.
Sreenivas, G., M.D. Reddy and D.R. Reddy. 2010.
Agrometeorological indices in relation to phenology of
aerobic rice. Journal of Agrometerology 12: 241-244.
Tulbek, M.C. 2014. Pulse flours as functional ingredients. In:
IUFOST annual conference, Montreal QC, Canada.
Tulbek, M.C., R.S.H. Lam, P. Asavajaru and A. Lam. 2017. Pea:
A sustainable vegetable protein crop. In Sustainable protein
sources: 145-164. Academic Press.
Urbatzka, P. 2010. Anbauwurdigkeit von Wintererbsen-ein
Vergleich zu Sommererbsen in Rein-und Gemengesaat unter
den Bedingungen des okologischen Landbaus. PhD Thesis.
Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Okologischer Land- und
Pflanzenbau. Hamburg/GERMANY.
Vadez, V., J.D. Berger, T. Warkentin, S. Asseng, P. Ratnakumar,
K.P.C. Rao, P.M. Gaur, J.N. Munier, A. Larmure, A.S.
Voisin and H.C. Sharma. 2012. Adaptation of grain legumes
to climate change: a review. Agron Sustain Dev 32:31–44.
Wang, N., D.W. Hatcher, T.D. Warkentin and R. Toews. 2010.
Effect of cultivar and environment on physicochemical and
cooking characteristics of field pea (Pisum sativum). Food
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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year. Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY Email : Tel : +90 232 3112679 Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474