Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 1, 24 - 29, 26.06.2019
Sevgi Akbal
Ahmet Yaylı
Ferhan Can
Esra Keşaf
Bu çalışmanın amacı, mikro
sertlik testi kullanılarak re-sinter UO2 yakıt peletlerinin mekanik özelliklerinin
incelenmesidir. UO2 yakıt peletleri toz metalurjisi yolu ile
üretilmiştir. Ar +% 5 H2 atmosferinde 4 saat sinterleme ile üretilen
UO2 peletleri, termal kararlılık testi için Ar +% 5 H2
atmosferinde 24 saat boyunca 1700 0C'de yeniden sinterlemeye tabi
tutulmuştur. Termal kararlılık testinin UO2 peletlerinin mekanik ve
mikroyapı özelliklerine etkisi tartışılmıştır.
- 1-Artir, R., Aybers, M., Akşit, A., & Akbal, S. (2006). İnvestigation of some mecanical properties of TiO2-doped UO2 fuel Pellets. Materials Characterization, 182-186.
- 2-Basov, V. V. (2009). Developing a Procedure for the Repeated Heat Treatment(Resintering) of UO2 Fuel Pellets. ISSN 1067-8212, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 50(4), 404–407.
- 3- bsi-DPC:12/30254328DC. (tarih yok). Resintering test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 pellets. Drasft BS ISO 15646(Draft BS ISO 15646).
- 4- German, R. M. (2007). Toz Metalurjisi ve Parçacıklı Malzeme İşlemleri (1 b.). (S. Sarıtaş, M. Türker, & N. Durlu, Çev.) Ankara: TTMD.
- 5- Hellwing, C., Pouchon, M., Restani, R., Ingold, F., & Bart, G. (2005). Fabrication and microstructure characterization of inert matrix fuel based on yttria stabilized zirconia. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 340, pp. 163-170.
- 6- ISO/CD15646. (2010, 12 06). Nuclear Energy-Fuel Technology Re-sintering Test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 powder.
- 7- KANG, S.-J. L. (2004). Sintering. Elsevier.
- 8- Kim, H. S., Kim, S. H., Joung, Y. K., Lee, Y. W., & Sohn, D. S. (2002,). Evaluation of thermalstability for (U,Ce)O2 Pellet sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere. Characterisation and Qualıty Control of Nuclear fuels, p.473.
- 9-Paraschiv, M. C., Paraschiv, A., & Grecu, V. V. (2002). On the nuclear oxide fuel densification, swelling and thermal re-sintering. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 109-124.
- 10 Rhee, Y. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, J. H., Kim, K. S., Song, K. W., Yang, J. H., & Kang, K. W. (2006). Fabrication and Resintering of Annular UO2 Pellet. Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting. Gyeongju, Korea.
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 1, 24 - 29, 26.06.2019
Sevgi Akbal
Ahmet Yaylı
Ferhan Can
Esra Keşaf
Thermal stability test
(re-sintering test) of the nuclear fuel is one of the most important
characterization steps before loading to the reactor. The purpose of this study
is investigation of mechanical properties of re-sintered UO2 pellets using micro hardness test method. UO2 fuel pellets were produced by
powder metallurgical route. UO2
pellets sintered for 4 hours at Ar + 5% H2 atmosphere were subjected
to re-sintering at 1700 0 C for 24 hours in Ar + 5% H2
atmosphere for thermal stability test. Re-sintering effects
on the mechanical properties and microstructure of UO2 pellets were investigated.
- 1-Artir, R., Aybers, M., Akşit, A., & Akbal, S. (2006). İnvestigation of some mecanical properties of TiO2-doped UO2 fuel Pellets. Materials Characterization, 182-186.
- 2-Basov, V. V. (2009). Developing a Procedure for the Repeated Heat Treatment(Resintering) of UO2 Fuel Pellets. ISSN 1067-8212, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 50(4), 404–407.
- 3- bsi-DPC:12/30254328DC. (tarih yok). Resintering test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 pellets. Drasft BS ISO 15646(Draft BS ISO 15646).
- 4- German, R. M. (2007). Toz Metalurjisi ve Parçacıklı Malzeme İşlemleri (1 b.). (S. Sarıtaş, M. Türker, & N. Durlu, Çev.) Ankara: TTMD.
- 5- Hellwing, C., Pouchon, M., Restani, R., Ingold, F., & Bart, G. (2005). Fabrication and microstructure characterization of inert matrix fuel based on yttria stabilized zirconia. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 340, pp. 163-170.
- 6- ISO/CD15646. (2010, 12 06). Nuclear Energy-Fuel Technology Re-sintering Test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 powder.
- 7- KANG, S.-J. L. (2004). Sintering. Elsevier.
- 8- Kim, H. S., Kim, S. H., Joung, Y. K., Lee, Y. W., & Sohn, D. S. (2002,). Evaluation of thermalstability for (U,Ce)O2 Pellet sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere. Characterisation and Qualıty Control of Nuclear fuels, p.473.
- 9-Paraschiv, M. C., Paraschiv, A., & Grecu, V. V. (2002). On the nuclear oxide fuel densification, swelling and thermal re-sintering. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 109-124.
- 10 Rhee, Y. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, J. H., Kim, K. S., Song, K. W., Yang, J. H., & Kang, K. W. (2006). Fabrication and Resintering of Annular UO2 Pellet. Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting. Gyeongju, Korea.