Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 12.07.2024
Akram Alkhazzar
Hassan Hamza
Rand Al-dulaimi
- Al-Shammari, S.H.G. (2022). Air Pollution in the City
of Baghdad (Al-Rusafa) after 2003 AD: Causes and
Solutions. Journal of Tikrit University for the Humanities,
29(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/jtuh.29.4.2022.16
- Alfatlawi, A.M.L. and Abas, N.M.A.A.( 2012). Exploration
of lead, cadmium, and copper in street dust of Baghdad
city. Iraqi National Journal of Chemistry, 48, pp.424-434.
- Al-Azzawi, M.N. and Al-Dulaimi, S.H., (2015). Measuring
the concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter and
some heavy metals in air of two areas of Rusafa in
Baghdad. Iraqi J. of Sci., 56(1B), pp.361-366.
- Fadhel, M.A. and Abdulhussein, F.M. (2022).
Assessment of the Contamination of Baghdad Soils with
Lead Element. The Iraqi Geological Journal, pp.166-177.
- Aenab, A.M., Singh, S.K. and Lafta, A.J. (2013). Critical
assessment of air pollution by ANOVA test and human
health effects. Atmospheric Environment, 71, pp.84-91.
- Nada, A.F., Al-Azzawi, M.N. and Afaj, A.H. 2015. Indoor
Air Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Two Shisha
Smoke Cafés in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Science,
56(2B), pp.1359-1365.
- Hassoon, H.A. (2019). Determination of Lead Levels in
Fuel Used for Vehicles in Baghdad City. Iraqi Journal
of Science, pp.2629-2635. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.24996/
- J. Wiegand and S. Feige, (2002). “Toron: ignored and
underestimated in the big shadow of radon—an example
from China,” Geofsica Internacional, vol. 41, no. 3, pp.
- EPA (2012). Environmental Protection Agency ”A Citizen’s
Guide to Radon The Guide to Protecting Yourself and
Your Family from Radon” Indoor Environments Division
(6609J) EP 402/K-12/002
- IARC (2001). Working Group on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risk to Humans. Lyon (FR): International
Agency for Research on Cancer; Ionizing Radiation,
Part2: Some Internally Deposited Radionuclides. IARC
Monographs the Evaluation of Carcinogeni Risks to
Humans, No. 78.
- Obayes, K.H. and Oudah, O.N. (2022). The
Measurement of Radon Concentration in the Buildings
of the College of Education, Al-Qadisiyah University,
Iraq Using CR-39 Detector. Nature Environment and
Pollution Technology, 21(2),pp.669-674. https://doi.
- Najam, L.A., Ebrahiem, S.A., Abbas, S.A. and Mahdi,
H.A. (2018). Assessment of radon gas concentrations
levels and radiation hazards in the dwellings of Baghdad
province, Iraq. Rasayan J. Chem, 11(1), pp.37-40.
- Ahmed, F.H., Mhana, W.J., Hassan, S.F. and
Mansour, H.L. (2019). Indoor Radon Concentrations
Measurements for Selected Dwellings in Some
Baghdad Districts–Iraq. 5, p.7. http://doi.org/10.23851/mjs.v30i3.608.
- Hashim, A.K., Hmood, A.N., Ashoor, N.I. and Hammood,
M.N. (2020). November. Radiation Hazards due to
radon in the air of Buildings Surrounding Imam Hussain
Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq. In IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 928, No. 7, p.
072152). IOP Publishing.
- Al-Bakhat, Y.M.Z. (2017). Measurement of indoor radon
levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-
Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area. Iraqi
Journal of Physics, 15(35), pp.14-23.
- Clemenza, M., Fiorini, E., Previtali, E. and Sala, E. (2011).
Measurement of airborne 131I, 134Cs, and 137Cs
nuclides due to the Fukushima reactors accident in air
particulate in Milan (Italy).arXivpreprintarXiv:1106.4226.
- Fushimi, K., Nakayama, S., Sakama, M. and Sakaguchi,
Y. (2011). Measurement of airborne radioactivity
from the Fukushima reactor accident in Tokushima,
Japan. arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.3611. https://doi.
- Tourang, M., Hadadi, A., Athari Allaf, M. and Sardari,
D. (2021). A proposal to design a new high volume
standard air filter for efficiency calibration of HPGe
detector. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear
Chemistry, 327, pp.345-352. https://doi.org/10.1007/
- Ram K, Sarin MM (2012) Atmospheric 210Pb, 210Po
and 210Po/210Pb activity ratio in urban aerosols:
temporal variability and impact of biomass burning
emission. Tellus Ser B Chem Phys Meteorol 64(1):
17513. https://doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.17513.
- Bem, H., Bem, E., Krzemińska, M. and Ostrowska, M.
( 2002). Determination of radioactivity in air filters by
alpha and gamma spectrometry. Nukleonika, 47(2),
- Achilleos S, Al-Ozairi E, Alahmad B, Garshick E,
Neophytou AM, Bouhamra W, Koutrakis P (2019).
Acute effects of air pollution on mortality: a 17-year
analysis in Kuwait. Environ Int 126:476–483. https://doi.
- Jancsek-Turóczi B, Hoffer A, Nyírő-Kósa I, Gelencsér A
(2013). Sampling and characterization of resuspended
and respirable road dust. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
- Vijay, S. and Wang, J. (2022). Health benefit/burden,
PM2. 5 removal effectiveness, and power consumption
based comparison of common residential air-cleaning
technologies in the United States. Indoor air, 32(7),
p.e13080. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.13080.
- Parker, D.S., Sherwin, J.R., Raustad, R.A. and Shirey
III, D.B. (1997). Impact of evaporator coil airflow in
residential air-conditioning systems. Transactions-
American Society Of Heating Refrigerating And Air
Conditioning Engineers, 103, pp.395-405.
- Vallés, I., Camacho, A., Ortega, X., Serrano, I.,
Blázquez, S. and Pérez, S. (2009). Natural and
anthropogenic radionuclides in airborne particulate
samples collected in Barcelona (Spain). Journal ofenvironmental radioactivity, 100(2), pp.102-107. https://
- International Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP). (1975). "Report of the Task Group on Reference
Man," No. 23. Pergamon, New York.
- International Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP). (2006]. “Assessing Dose of the Representative
Person for the Purpose of the Radiation Protection of
the Public” ICRP Publication 101a. Ann. ICRP 36 (3).
- United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
Atomic Radiation (2000). Source and effects of ionizing
radiation, United Nations, New York.
- ICRP, International Commission on Radiological
Protection (1996) Age-Dependent Doses to Members
of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides. Part
5: Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Dose
Coefficients. ICRP Publication 72, Pergamon Press,
Natural Radioactivity Concentrations in Air Samples in Baghdad City
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 12.07.2024
Akram Alkhazzar
Hassan Hamza
Rand Al-dulaimi
The increasing population in the Baghdad governorate, the capital of Iraq is the main reason for increasing air pollution. This amount of population requires transportation means, diesel generators in the cities added to the already installed electrical power plant, oil refineries, and other sources of pollution. This study focuses on analyzing radioactivity in air samples of different locations in Baghdad city using a new method for air sampling. The air conditioner (AC) filters are considered as air sampler filters. The results showed that Dora City - Altuama has the highest levels of NORM concentration (564.8 µBq.m-3) near Al-Dora petroleum refinery/thermal power plant in the south of Baghdad while the lowest was in Karradah City (204.9 µBq.m-3). In contribution to the annual effective dose due to inhalation of normal indoor air inside residences. The study reveals that a human could be exposed to about 104 µSv.yr-1 in the Dora City - Altuama region. The mean annual dose for the thirteen location is about 6.1% of the annual dose limit for the public (1 mSv.yr-1).
- Al-Shammari, S.H.G. (2022). Air Pollution in the City
of Baghdad (Al-Rusafa) after 2003 AD: Causes and
Solutions. Journal of Tikrit University for the Humanities,
29(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/jtuh.29.4.2022.16
- Alfatlawi, A.M.L. and Abas, N.M.A.A.( 2012). Exploration
of lead, cadmium, and copper in street dust of Baghdad
city. Iraqi National Journal of Chemistry, 48, pp.424-434.
- Al-Azzawi, M.N. and Al-Dulaimi, S.H., (2015). Measuring
the concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter and
some heavy metals in air of two areas of Rusafa in
Baghdad. Iraqi J. of Sci., 56(1B), pp.361-366.
- Fadhel, M.A. and Abdulhussein, F.M. (2022).
Assessment of the Contamination of Baghdad Soils with
Lead Element. The Iraqi Geological Journal, pp.166-177.
- Aenab, A.M., Singh, S.K. and Lafta, A.J. (2013). Critical
assessment of air pollution by ANOVA test and human
health effects. Atmospheric Environment, 71, pp.84-91.
- Nada, A.F., Al-Azzawi, M.N. and Afaj, A.H. 2015. Indoor
Air Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Two Shisha
Smoke Cafés in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Science,
56(2B), pp.1359-1365.
- Hassoon, H.A. (2019). Determination of Lead Levels in
Fuel Used for Vehicles in Baghdad City. Iraqi Journal
of Science, pp.2629-2635. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.24996/
- J. Wiegand and S. Feige, (2002). “Toron: ignored and
underestimated in the big shadow of radon—an example
from China,” Geofsica Internacional, vol. 41, no. 3, pp.
- EPA (2012). Environmental Protection Agency ”A Citizen’s
Guide to Radon The Guide to Protecting Yourself and
Your Family from Radon” Indoor Environments Division
(6609J) EP 402/K-12/002
- IARC (2001). Working Group on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risk to Humans. Lyon (FR): International
Agency for Research on Cancer; Ionizing Radiation,
Part2: Some Internally Deposited Radionuclides. IARC
Monographs the Evaluation of Carcinogeni Risks to
Humans, No. 78.
- Obayes, K.H. and Oudah, O.N. (2022). The
Measurement of Radon Concentration in the Buildings
of the College of Education, Al-Qadisiyah University,
Iraq Using CR-39 Detector. Nature Environment and
Pollution Technology, 21(2),pp.669-674. https://doi.
- Najam, L.A., Ebrahiem, S.A., Abbas, S.A. and Mahdi,
H.A. (2018). Assessment of radon gas concentrations
levels and radiation hazards in the dwellings of Baghdad
province, Iraq. Rasayan J. Chem, 11(1), pp.37-40.
- Ahmed, F.H., Mhana, W.J., Hassan, S.F. and
Mansour, H.L. (2019). Indoor Radon Concentrations
Measurements for Selected Dwellings in Some
Baghdad Districts–Iraq. 5, p.7. http://doi.org/10.23851/mjs.v30i3.608.
- Hashim, A.K., Hmood, A.N., Ashoor, N.I. and Hammood,
M.N. (2020). November. Radiation Hazards due to
radon in the air of Buildings Surrounding Imam Hussain
Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq. In IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 928, No. 7, p.
072152). IOP Publishing.
- Al-Bakhat, Y.M.Z. (2017). Measurement of indoor radon
levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-
Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area. Iraqi
Journal of Physics, 15(35), pp.14-23.
- Clemenza, M., Fiorini, E., Previtali, E. and Sala, E. (2011).
Measurement of airborne 131I, 134Cs, and 137Cs
nuclides due to the Fukushima reactors accident in air
particulate in Milan (Italy).arXivpreprintarXiv:1106.4226.
- Fushimi, K., Nakayama, S., Sakama, M. and Sakaguchi,
Y. (2011). Measurement of airborne radioactivity
from the Fukushima reactor accident in Tokushima,
Japan. arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.3611. https://doi.
- Tourang, M., Hadadi, A., Athari Allaf, M. and Sardari,
D. (2021). A proposal to design a new high volume
standard air filter for efficiency calibration of HPGe
detector. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear
Chemistry, 327, pp.345-352. https://doi.org/10.1007/
- Ram K, Sarin MM (2012) Atmospheric 210Pb, 210Po
and 210Po/210Pb activity ratio in urban aerosols:
temporal variability and impact of biomass burning
emission. Tellus Ser B Chem Phys Meteorol 64(1):
17513. https://doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.17513.
- Bem, H., Bem, E., Krzemińska, M. and Ostrowska, M.
( 2002). Determination of radioactivity in air filters by
alpha and gamma spectrometry. Nukleonika, 47(2),
- Achilleos S, Al-Ozairi E, Alahmad B, Garshick E,
Neophytou AM, Bouhamra W, Koutrakis P (2019).
Acute effects of air pollution on mortality: a 17-year
analysis in Kuwait. Environ Int 126:476–483. https://doi.
- Jancsek-Turóczi B, Hoffer A, Nyírő-Kósa I, Gelencsér A
(2013). Sampling and characterization of resuspended
and respirable road dust. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
- Vijay, S. and Wang, J. (2022). Health benefit/burden,
PM2. 5 removal effectiveness, and power consumption
based comparison of common residential air-cleaning
technologies in the United States. Indoor air, 32(7),
p.e13080. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.13080.
- Parker, D.S., Sherwin, J.R., Raustad, R.A. and Shirey
III, D.B. (1997). Impact of evaporator coil airflow in
residential air-conditioning systems. Transactions-
American Society Of Heating Refrigerating And Air
Conditioning Engineers, 103, pp.395-405.
- Vallés, I., Camacho, A., Ortega, X., Serrano, I.,
Blázquez, S. and Pérez, S. (2009). Natural and
anthropogenic radionuclides in airborne particulate
samples collected in Barcelona (Spain). Journal ofenvironmental radioactivity, 100(2), pp.102-107. https://
- International Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP). (1975). "Report of the Task Group on Reference
Man," No. 23. Pergamon, New York.
- International Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP). (2006]. “Assessing Dose of the Representative
Person for the Purpose of the Radiation Protection of
the Public” ICRP Publication 101a. Ann. ICRP 36 (3).
- United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
Atomic Radiation (2000). Source and effects of ionizing
radiation, United Nations, New York.
- ICRP, International Commission on Radiological
Protection (1996) Age-Dependent Doses to Members
of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides. Part
5: Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Dose
Coefficients. ICRP Publication 72, Pergamon Press,