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Tolerance of Some Grass Species Can be used in Vegetative Filter Strips to Rimsulfuron and Nicosulfuron

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 01.02.2017


Soil residual herbicides applied to maize for weed control can transport from one place to another by several routes, including leaching, drift, and runoff. Among these transport methods, runoff has a special importance compared to the others as maize plant is irrigated 4 to 5 times during a growing season. In this study, growth chamber experiments were performed to determine the response of potential VFS grass species to prevent run-off of rimsulfuron and nicosulfuron herbicides. Herbicides were applied to seedlings of grass species at 3-5 true leaf stage with three different rates (0.625, 1.25, 2.5 g active ingredient da-1 rimsulfuron and 2.5, 5.0 and 10 g active ingredient da-1 nicosulfuron). The effects of herbicides on grass seedlings were visually determined at 14 and 28 days after treatment (DAT) and gravimetrically at 28 DAT. Both cool season grasses (e.g., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L., Bromus inermis Leyss., Festuca rubra L., and Poa pratensis L., Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.), and warm season grasses (e.g., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense Stapf.) were examined in the growth chamber trials. Among these grasses, S. bicolor × S. sudanense, F. arundinacea, L. multiflorum and L. perenne were found susceptible to both herbicides, while B. inermis and C. dactylon were proved tolerant. The grass species P. pratensis, F. rubra, and A. cristatum were found tolerant to nicosulfuron, but susceptible to rimsulfuron


  • Anonim (2012). Bitki Koruma Ürünleri İstatistikleri 2002-2012. [Erişim tarihi: 26.08.2014]
  • Anonim (2003). The e-pesticide manual. 13th Edition. Version 3.0.
  • Anonim (2014). Global availability of information on agrochemicals [Erişim tarihi: 26.08.2014]
  • Başaran MS, Serim AT (2010). Herbisitlerin toprakta parçalanması. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2):54-61.
  • Battaglin WA, Kolpin DW, Scribner EA, Kuivila KM, Sandstrom MW (2005). Glyphosate, other herbicides, and transformation products in midwestern streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 41(2):323-332.
  • Beam JB, Barker WL, Askew SD (2005). Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) control in newly seeded tall fescue. Weed Technology, 19:416-421.
  • Borin M, Vianello M, Morari F, Zanin G (2005). Effectiveness of buffer strips in removing pollutants in runoff from a cultivated field in North-East Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 105:101-114.
  • Bulcke R, Callens D (1996). Soil activity and persistence of rimsulfuron to maize and selected grasses. Proceedings of Second International Weed Control Congress, 1-4:293-298Carter SK (2007). Tolerance of seedling turfgrass species to ALS inhibiting herbicides. University of Kentucky.
  • Unpublished master thesis, 429 pp.
  • DeGraff JV, Roath B, Franks E (2007). Monitoring to improve the understanding of herbicide fate and transport in the Southern Sierra Nevada. California [Erişim tarihi: 22.07.2014]
  • Delgado-Moreno I, Sanchez I, Castillo A, Pot V, Pena A (2007). Behavior of bensulfuron-methyl in an agricultural alkaline soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 42:241-248.
  • Dozier MC, Senseman SA, Hoffman DW, Baumann PA (2002). Comparision of atrazine and metolachlor affinity for bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) and two soils. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 43:292-295.
  • Elliot JA, Cessna AJ (2010). Transport of two sulfonylurea herbicides in runoff from border dyke irrigation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 65(5):298-303.
  • Hirsch MC, Monaco TA, Call CA, Ransom CV (2012). Comparison of herbicides for reducing annual grass emergence in two great basin soils. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 65:66-75.
  • Krutz LJ, Senseman SA, Dozier MC, Hoffman DW, Tierney DP (2004). Infiltration and adsorption of dissolved metolachlor, metolachlor oxanilic acid, and metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid by buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) filter strips. Weed Science, 52(1):166-171.
  • Matocha MA, Grichar WJ, Grymes C (2010). Field sandbur (Cenchrus spinifex) control and bermudagrass response to nicosulfuron tank mix combinations. Weed Technology, 24(4):510-514.
  • McCullough PE, Nutt W (2010). Bermudagrass reseeding ıntervals for rimsulfuron, simazine, and sulfosulfuron. Hortscience, 45(4):693–695.
  • McCullough PE, Berrada DG, Raymer P (2012). Nicosulfuron use with foramsulfuron and sulfentrazone for late summer goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass and seashore paspalum. Weed Technology, 26:376-381.
  • Misra AK, Baker JL, Mickelson SK, Shang H (1996). Contributing area and concentration effects on herbicide removal by vegetated buffer strips. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 39:2105- 2111.
  • Popov VH, Cornish PS (2006). Atrazine tolerance of grass species with potential for use in vegetated filters in Australia. Plant and Soil, 280:115-126.
  • Rankins Jr. A, Shaw DR, Boyette M (2001). Perennial grass filter strips for reducing herbicide losses in runoff. Weed Science, 49:647-651.
  • Serim AT. (2010). Buğday ekiliş alanlarında kullanılan yeni bazı Sulphonylurea grubu herbisitlerin topraktaki kalıntılarının ayçiçeğine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 108 s.
  • Serim AT, Maden S (2013). The sensitivity of sunflowers to sulfosulfuron residue in the growth chamber conditions. Proceedings of 15th European Weed Research Society Symposium, 232.
  • Schmitt TJ, Dosskey MG, Hoagland KD (1999). Filter strip performance and processes for different vegetation, widths, and contaminants. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28(5):1479-1489.
  • Seta AK, Karathanasis AD (1997). Atrazine adsorption by soil colloids and co-transport through subsurface environments. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 61:612-617.
  • Sidhu SS, Yu J, Mc Cullought PE (2014). Nicosulfuron absorption, translocation, and metabolism in annual bluegrass and four turfgrass species. Weed Science, 62:433-440.
  • Tingle CH, Shaw DR, Boyette M, Murphy GP (1998). Metolachlor and metribuzin losses in runoff as affected by width of vegetative filter strips. Weed Science, 46:475-479.
  • Turkseven SG (2011). Marmara bölgesi buğday alanlarında yabani yulaf (Avena fatua L.) ve kısır yabani yulaf (Avena sterilis L.)'ın herbisitlere dayanıklılığının araştırılması. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 129 s.
  • Uysal B (2012). Farklı dozlarda kullanılan bazı herbisitlerin mısırda yabancı otlanmaya etkisi. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 59 s.

Vejetatif Filtre Şeritlerinde Kullanılabilecek Bazı Dar Yapraklı Bitkilerin Rimsulfuron ve Nicosulfuron’a Toleransları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 01.02.2017


Mısırda yabancı ot kontrolü için kullanılan ve toprakta kalıcılığı olan herbisitler bir yerden başka bir yere; yüzey sürüklenmesi, süzünme ve sürüklenme yoluyla taşınabilmektedir. Bu taşınma yolları arasında, mısır yetiştiriciliğinde üretim sezonu süresince 4-5 kez sulama yapıldığı için yüzey sürüklenmesi özel önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada yüzey sürüklenmesini engellemek için dizayn edilen vejetatif filtre şeritlerinde kullanılabilecek dar yapraklı bitki türlerinin rimsulfuron ve nicosulfuron’a tepkileri iklim odası koşullarında belirlenmiştir. Üç farklı dozdaki herbisitler (0.625, 1.25, 2.5 g aktif madde da-1 rimsulfuron ve 2.5, 5.0 ve 10 g aktif madde da-1 nicosulfuron) dar yapraklı bitki fidelerine 3-5 gerçek yapraklı dönemde uygulanmıştır. Herbisitlerin dar yapraklı bitki türlerine etkileri uygulamadan 14 ve 28 gün sonra görsel değerlendirme ve 28. günde mutlak değerlendirme ile belirlenmiştir. Hem soğuk iklim (Festuca arundinacea Schreber, Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L., Bromus inermis Leysser, Festuca rubra L. ve Poa pratensis L., Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertner) hem de sıcak iklim (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ve Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.) bitkileri iklim odası denemelerinde değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirilen dar yapraklı bitki türlerinden S. bicolor x S. sudanense, F. arundinacea, L. multiflorum ve L. perenne her iki herbisite de duyarlı iken B. inermis ve C. dactylon her iki herbisite de tolerant bulunmuştur. Dar yapraklı türlerinden P. pratensis. F. rubra ve A. cristatum nicosulfuron’a tolerant iken rimsulfurona duyarlı bulunmuştur


  • Anonim (2012). Bitki Koruma Ürünleri İstatistikleri 2002-2012. [Erişim tarihi: 26.08.2014]
  • Anonim (2003). The e-pesticide manual. 13th Edition. Version 3.0.
  • Anonim (2014). Global availability of information on agrochemicals [Erişim tarihi: 26.08.2014]
  • Başaran MS, Serim AT (2010). Herbisitlerin toprakta parçalanması. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2):54-61.
  • Battaglin WA, Kolpin DW, Scribner EA, Kuivila KM, Sandstrom MW (2005). Glyphosate, other herbicides, and transformation products in midwestern streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 41(2):323-332.
  • Beam JB, Barker WL, Askew SD (2005). Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) control in newly seeded tall fescue. Weed Technology, 19:416-421.
  • Borin M, Vianello M, Morari F, Zanin G (2005). Effectiveness of buffer strips in removing pollutants in runoff from a cultivated field in North-East Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 105:101-114.
  • Bulcke R, Callens D (1996). Soil activity and persistence of rimsulfuron to maize and selected grasses. Proceedings of Second International Weed Control Congress, 1-4:293-298Carter SK (2007). Tolerance of seedling turfgrass species to ALS inhibiting herbicides. University of Kentucky.
  • Unpublished master thesis, 429 pp.
  • DeGraff JV, Roath B, Franks E (2007). Monitoring to improve the understanding of herbicide fate and transport in the Southern Sierra Nevada. California [Erişim tarihi: 22.07.2014]
  • Delgado-Moreno I, Sanchez I, Castillo A, Pot V, Pena A (2007). Behavior of bensulfuron-methyl in an agricultural alkaline soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 42:241-248.
  • Dozier MC, Senseman SA, Hoffman DW, Baumann PA (2002). Comparision of atrazine and metolachlor affinity for bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) and two soils. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 43:292-295.
  • Elliot JA, Cessna AJ (2010). Transport of two sulfonylurea herbicides in runoff from border dyke irrigation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 65(5):298-303.
  • Hirsch MC, Monaco TA, Call CA, Ransom CV (2012). Comparison of herbicides for reducing annual grass emergence in two great basin soils. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 65:66-75.
  • Krutz LJ, Senseman SA, Dozier MC, Hoffman DW, Tierney DP (2004). Infiltration and adsorption of dissolved metolachlor, metolachlor oxanilic acid, and metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid by buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) filter strips. Weed Science, 52(1):166-171.
  • Matocha MA, Grichar WJ, Grymes C (2010). Field sandbur (Cenchrus spinifex) control and bermudagrass response to nicosulfuron tank mix combinations. Weed Technology, 24(4):510-514.
  • McCullough PE, Nutt W (2010). Bermudagrass reseeding ıntervals for rimsulfuron, simazine, and sulfosulfuron. Hortscience, 45(4):693–695.
  • McCullough PE, Berrada DG, Raymer P (2012). Nicosulfuron use with foramsulfuron and sulfentrazone for late summer goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass and seashore paspalum. Weed Technology, 26:376-381.
  • Misra AK, Baker JL, Mickelson SK, Shang H (1996). Contributing area and concentration effects on herbicide removal by vegetated buffer strips. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 39:2105- 2111.
  • Popov VH, Cornish PS (2006). Atrazine tolerance of grass species with potential for use in vegetated filters in Australia. Plant and Soil, 280:115-126.
  • Rankins Jr. A, Shaw DR, Boyette M (2001). Perennial grass filter strips for reducing herbicide losses in runoff. Weed Science, 49:647-651.
  • Serim AT. (2010). Buğday ekiliş alanlarında kullanılan yeni bazı Sulphonylurea grubu herbisitlerin topraktaki kalıntılarının ayçiçeğine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 108 s.
  • Serim AT, Maden S (2013). The sensitivity of sunflowers to sulfosulfuron residue in the growth chamber conditions. Proceedings of 15th European Weed Research Society Symposium, 232.
  • Schmitt TJ, Dosskey MG, Hoagland KD (1999). Filter strip performance and processes for different vegetation, widths, and contaminants. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28(5):1479-1489.
  • Seta AK, Karathanasis AD (1997). Atrazine adsorption by soil colloids and co-transport through subsurface environments. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 61:612-617.
  • Sidhu SS, Yu J, Mc Cullought PE (2014). Nicosulfuron absorption, translocation, and metabolism in annual bluegrass and four turfgrass species. Weed Science, 62:433-440.
  • Tingle CH, Shaw DR, Boyette M, Murphy GP (1998). Metolachlor and metribuzin losses in runoff as affected by width of vegetative filter strips. Weed Science, 46:475-479.
  • Turkseven SG (2011). Marmara bölgesi buğday alanlarında yabani yulaf (Avena fatua L.) ve kısır yabani yulaf (Avena sterilis L.)'ın herbisitlere dayanıklılığının araştırılması. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 129 s.
  • Uysal B (2012). Farklı dozlarda kullanılan bazı herbisitlerin mısırda yabancı otlanmaya etkisi. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (Yayınlanmamış) 59 s.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA39VN53MR
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Tansel Serim

Ercan Koca Bu kişi benim

Nuran Pınar Güzel Bu kişi benim

Ünal Asav Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Serim, A. T., Koca, E., Güzel, N. P., Asav, Ü. (2017). Tolerance of Some Grass Species Can be used in Vegetative Filter Strips to Rimsulfuron and Nicosulfuron. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 20(1), 1-9.
