Anderson, R., Beavers, J., VanDeGrift, T., & Videon, F. (2003). Videoconferencing and
presentation support for synchronous distance learning. In 33rd IEEE Annual
Frontiers in Education, FIE 2003 (Vol. 2, pp. F3F-13).
Ayo, C. K., Odukoya, J. A., & Azeta, A. A. (2014). A Review of Open & Distance Education
and Human Development in Nigeria. International Journal of
EmergingTechnologies in Learning, 9(6).
Caporali, E., & Trajkovik, V. (2012). ViCES: Video Conferencing Educational Services -
Main Project Outcomes. Firenze University Press. e-ISBN: 978-88-6655-118-8
Chang, X. Q., Zhang, D. H., & Jin, X. X. (2016). Application of Virtual Reality Technology in
Distance Learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
Chen, H. Y., Chen, G. Y., & Hong, J. S. (1999, July). Design of a Web-based synchronized
multimedia lecture system for distance education. In Multimedia Computing and
Systems, 1999. IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 2, pp. 887-891). IEEE.
Chipps, J., Brysiewicz, P., & Mars, M. (2012). A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of
Videoconference‐ Based Tele‐ Education for Medical and Nursing Education.
Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 9(2), 78-87.
DNS – Free Dynamic DNS (
Fozdar, B. I. (2015). Open and Distance Learning (ODL): A Strategy of Development
through its Potential Role in Improving Science & Technology Knowledge.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 10(2).
FreeScreenSharing–Screen Sharing for Online Meetings (
Giesbers, B., Rienties, B., Tempelaar, D., & Gijselaers, W. (2013). Investigating the
relations between motivation, tool use, participation, and performance in an elearning
course using web-videoconferencing. Computers in Human Behavior,
29(1), 285-292.
Hampel, R., and Stickler, U. (2012). The use of videoconferencing to support multimodal
interaction in an online language classroom. ReCALL, 24(02), pp. 116-137.
Ionescu, C. M., Fabregas, E., Cristescu, S. M., Dormido, S., & De Keyser, R. (2013). A
remote laboratory as an innovative educational tool for practicing control
engineering concepts. IEEE Transactions on Education, 56(4), 436-442.
Kear, K., Chetwynd, F., Williams, J., & Donelan, H. (2012). Web conferencing for
synchronous online tutorials: Perspectives of tutors using a new medium.
Computers & Education, 58(3), 953-963.
Martin, M. (2005). Seeing is believing: the role of videoconferencing in distance learning.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 397-405.
Moodle – Learning Management System (
Qi, Y., & Shi, Y. (2016). Using a 3D Technology in the Network Distance Teaching of
"Sports Training". International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
Ren, Y., Li, M., & Wu, Y. (2015). Design and Application of Distance Education Platform for
the New Professional Peasant. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Learning, 10(4).
Sagias, Y. N. (2002). Distributed and online distance lecturing environment (the Virtual
Blackboard Project). Educational Technology & Society, 5(1).
Snow, C., Pullen, J. M., & McAndrews, P. (2005). Network EducationWare: an open-source
web-based system for synchronous distance education. IEEE Transactions on
Education, 48(4), 705-712.
Tapsis, N., & Tsolakidis, K. (2015). Educational Communication in Virtual Worlds and
Videoconference. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
TeamSpeak – VoIP Cloud Services (
Xu, L., Huang, D., & Tsai, W. T. (2014). Cloud-based virtual laboratory for network
security education. IEEE Transactions on Education, 57(3), 145-150.
Are Free Internet Technologies and Services the Future of Synchronous Distance Learning?
Distance education is not a new paradigm, but the latest ways it can be delivered certainly are. In the past couple of decades, the distance learning implementations were mostly realized using videoconferencing technologies and/or learning management systems. Recently, various Internet collaboration services have gained enormous popularity in all areas of human living, especially in distance learning, where many of them are offered free of charge. In this paper we elaborate the deployment of a synchronous distance lecturing solution based on free audioconferencing and screen sharing networking technologies, and we discuss the benefits gained in the context of cost, functionalities, effectiveness and users’ satisfaction. The experiences after three semesters of use indicate that this alternative approach provides quite valuable means for effective implementation of distance learning, where the students appeared to be highly satisfied by the possibilities and functionalities that the system offers.
Anderson, R., Beavers, J., VanDeGrift, T., & Videon, F. (2003). Videoconferencing and
presentation support for synchronous distance learning. In 33rd IEEE Annual
Frontiers in Education, FIE 2003 (Vol. 2, pp. F3F-13).
Ayo, C. K., Odukoya, J. A., & Azeta, A. A. (2014). A Review of Open & Distance Education
and Human Development in Nigeria. International Journal of
EmergingTechnologies in Learning, 9(6).
Caporali, E., & Trajkovik, V. (2012). ViCES: Video Conferencing Educational Services -
Main Project Outcomes. Firenze University Press. e-ISBN: 978-88-6655-118-8
Chang, X. Q., Zhang, D. H., & Jin, X. X. (2016). Application of Virtual Reality Technology in
Distance Learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
Chen, H. Y., Chen, G. Y., & Hong, J. S. (1999, July). Design of a Web-based synchronized
multimedia lecture system for distance education. In Multimedia Computing and
Systems, 1999. IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 2, pp. 887-891). IEEE.
Chipps, J., Brysiewicz, P., & Mars, M. (2012). A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of
Videoconference‐ Based Tele‐ Education for Medical and Nursing Education.
Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 9(2), 78-87.
DNS – Free Dynamic DNS (
Fozdar, B. I. (2015). Open and Distance Learning (ODL): A Strategy of Development
through its Potential Role in Improving Science & Technology Knowledge.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 10(2).
FreeScreenSharing–Screen Sharing for Online Meetings (
Giesbers, B., Rienties, B., Tempelaar, D., & Gijselaers, W. (2013). Investigating the
relations between motivation, tool use, participation, and performance in an elearning
course using web-videoconferencing. Computers in Human Behavior,
29(1), 285-292.
Hampel, R., and Stickler, U. (2012). The use of videoconferencing to support multimodal
interaction in an online language classroom. ReCALL, 24(02), pp. 116-137.
Ionescu, C. M., Fabregas, E., Cristescu, S. M., Dormido, S., & De Keyser, R. (2013). A
remote laboratory as an innovative educational tool for practicing control
engineering concepts. IEEE Transactions on Education, 56(4), 436-442.
Kear, K., Chetwynd, F., Williams, J., & Donelan, H. (2012). Web conferencing for
synchronous online tutorials: Perspectives of tutors using a new medium.
Computers & Education, 58(3), 953-963.
Martin, M. (2005). Seeing is believing: the role of videoconferencing in distance learning.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 397-405.
Moodle – Learning Management System (
Qi, Y., & Shi, Y. (2016). Using a 3D Technology in the Network Distance Teaching of
"Sports Training". International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
Ren, Y., Li, M., & Wu, Y. (2015). Design and Application of Distance Education Platform for
the New Professional Peasant. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Learning, 10(4).
Sagias, Y. N. (2002). Distributed and online distance lecturing environment (the Virtual
Blackboard Project). Educational Technology & Society, 5(1).
Snow, C., Pullen, J. M., & McAndrews, P. (2005). Network EducationWare: an open-source
web-based system for synchronous distance education. IEEE Transactions on
Education, 48(4), 705-712.
Tapsis, N., & Tsolakidis, K. (2015). Educational Communication in Virtual Worlds and
Videoconference. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
TeamSpeak – VoIP Cloud Services (
Xu, L., Huang, D., & Tsai, W. T. (2014). Cloud-based virtual laboratory for network
security education. IEEE Transactions on Education, 57(3), 145-150.
Kotevskı, Z., & Mılenkoskı, A. (2018). Are Free Internet Technologies and Services the Future of Synchronous Distance Learning?. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 4-14.