The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of information placement within the confines of the online classroom architecture. Also reviewed was the impact of other variables such as course design, teaching presence and student patterns in looking for information. The sample population included students from a major online university in their first year course sequence. Students were tasked with completing a survey at the end of the course, indicating their preference for accessing information within the online classroom. The qualitative data indicated that student preference is to receive information from multiple access points and sources within the online classroom architecture. Students also expressed a desire to have information delivered through the usage of technology such as email and text messaging. In addition to receiving information from multiple sources, the qualitative data indicated students were satisfied overall, with the current ways in which they received and accessed information within the online classroom setting. Major findings suggest that instructors teaching within the online classroom should have multiple data access points within the classroom architecture. Furthermore, instructors should use a variety of communication venues to enhance the ability for students to access and receive information pertinent to the course.
Brindley, J. E., Walti, C., & Blaschke, L. M. (2009). Creating effective collaborative learning groups in an online environment. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10, 1-18.
Year 2017,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 182 - 195, 01.01.2017
Brindley, J. E., Walti, C., & Blaschke, L. M. (2009). Creating effective collaborative learning groups in an online environment. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10, 1-18.
Eric J. Nordın
This is me
College of Doctoral Studies, Grand Canyon University, 3300 W. Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ, United States 85017United States
Elizabeth Larson
This is me
College of Humanities and Social Sciences 3300 W. Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85017United States
Daniel Mcıntosh
This is me
Arizona State University | W. P. Carey School of Business | Lecturer Address: 300 E. Lemon St., BAC 478 | Tempe, AZ 85287United States
Steele, J., Nordın, E. J., Larson, E., Mcıntosh, D. (2017). MULTIPLE ACCESS POINTS WITHIN THE ONLINE CLASSROOM: WHERE STUDENTS LOOK FOR INFORMATION. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), 182-195.