Distance learning institutions allow access to many students who do not enjoy the luxury of studying fulltime at contact-based universities by providing flexibility in terms of time, space and finances. Globally, accountants are vital for the economy and it is important that higher education institutions empower them with the necessary skills to face the volatile working environment. Equipping accounting students with only discipline-specific knowledge, does not result in practice-ready accountants, which cause great concern for professional accounting bodies as well as employers. Certain professional accounting bodies in South Africa have recently incorporated case study-based examinations to test students’ discipline-specific knowledge and pervasive skills. Pervasive skills are soft skills, also sometimes referred to as personal attributes that allow for effective interaction between people. Using case studies to develop pervasive skills in accounting education, specifically in Open Distance Learning (ODL) institutions, is regarded as a fairly unexplored area. This article reports on how semistructured interviews gave insight into how ODL accounting educators in a developing country perceived the need to introduce a case study-based module to develop pervasive skills. It is recommended that the training of distance education accounting students should be adapted to include case studies for pervasive skills development.
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De Villiers, R. (2010). The incorporation of soft skills into accounting curricula: Preparing
accounting graduates for their unpredictable futures. Meditari Accountancy Research,
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Dzakiria, H. (2012). Illuminating the importance of learning interaction to Open Distance
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Gammie, B., Gammie, E., & Cargill, E. (2002). Personal skills development in the accounting
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Geduld, B. (2013). Students’ experiences of demands and challenges in open distance
education: A South African case. Progressio, 35(2), 102–125.
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management accountants’ profession
Hassall, T., Joyce, J., Arquero Montano, J.L., & Donoso Anes, J.A. (2003). The vocational skills
gap for management accountants: The stakeholders’ perspectives. Innovations in
Education and Teaching International, 40(1), 78–88.
Hassall, T., Joyce, J., Arquero Montano, J.L., & Donoso Anes, J.A. (2005). Priorities for the
development of vocational skills in management accountants: A European
perspective. Accounting Forum, 29(4), 379–394.
Hassall, T., & Milne, M.J. (Guest Editors). (2004). Using case studies in accounting education.
Accounting Education: An International Journal, 13(2), 135–138.
Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W., & Smit, B. (2004). Finding your way in qualitative research.
Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Heydenrych, J.F., & Prinsloo, P. (2010). Revisiting the five generations of distance education:
Quo vadis? Progressio, 32(1), 5–26.
Hofstee, E. (2006). Constructing a good dissertation. Sandton: Interpak Books.
Howieson, B. (2003). Accounting practice in the new millennium: is accounting education
ready to meet the challenge? The British Accounting Review, 35(2), 69-103.
Howieson, B., Hancock, P., Segal, N., Kavanagh, M., Tempone, I., & Kent, J. (2014). Who
should teach what? Australian perceptions of the roles of universities and practice in
the education of professional accountants. Journal of Accounting Education, 32(3),
Jackling, B., & De Lange, P. (2009). Do accounting graduates’ skills meet the expectations of
employers? A matter of convergence or divergence. Accounting Education: An
international Journal, 18(4), 369–385.
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