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Re-Designing the Design Brief as a Digital Learning Tool with Participatory Design Approach

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 83 - 100, 01.01.2020


Today, industrial design education is faced with a new group of students who have met daily life technologies from a very early age. The transformations in educational environments are becoming more and more important for project-based and student-centered design education model. Understanding the needs and expectations of the changing student profile has become essential for design education, which puts new and original outputs as the main objective. Students’ expectations of having a say in their own learning environments also provide an important opportunity for them to play an active role in the focus of this change. The aim of this study is to determine the design criteria of a new learning tool in line with the needs and expectations of the new generation industrial design students with a student-oriented approach. Participatory Design workshops were organized to expose expectations of the current learners about a new Design Brief in a digital and online medium. In this qualitative study conducted with participatory design method, gamification elements were used to increase students’ motivation, interest, and participation. Design criteria for a new generation design brief have been introduced with participatory design method. All suggestions were found to indicate a more interactive structure depending on the variable and cyclical structure of the design.


  • Afacan, Y. (2018). Student Experiences of Blended Learning in Interior Architecture. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 399–422. Ahn, H. (2007). Design Tools and Three Steps in Participatory Design Processes: A Proposal for Better Communications among Residents and Experts, based on a Case, Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network. Retrieved from quanzhou/pacrim/papers/Ahn-Park-paper.pdf Akademik Dersler - Tanitim. (n.d.). Retrieved December 22, 2016, from tanitim/95647/47 Bedir Eristi, S. (Ed.). (2017). Gorsel Arastirma Yontemleri Teori,Uygulama ve Ornek [Visual Research Methods Theory, Applications and Examples] (2nd ed.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Bergold, J., & Thomas, S. (2012). Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(1). Buur, J., Binder, T., & Brandt, E. (2000). Taking Video Beyond “Hard Data” in User Centered Design. Proceedings of the 6th Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2000, (December), 21–29. Retrieved from Cook-Sather, A. (2014). Multiplying perspectives and improving practice: What can happen when undergraduate students collaborate with college faculty to explore teaching and learning. Instructional Science, 42(1), 31–46. Cokluk, O., Yilmaz, K., & Oguz, E. (2011). Nitel Bir Gorusme Yontemi: Odak Grup Gorusmesi [ A Qualitative Interview Method: Focus Group Interview],Kuramsal Egitimbilim, 4(1), 95–107. Demirbas, D., & Timur Ogut, S. (2018). Design Briefs for Industrial Design Studio Courses: Determination of Expectations and Requirements. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 6(2), 42–58. DiSalvo, B., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., & DiSalvo, C. (Eds.). (2017). Participatory Design for Learning: Perspectives from Practice and Research. Routledge. Retrieved from reader?id=DzYlDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=tr&pg=GBS.PT3 Hamari, J. (2013). Transforming homo economicus into homo ludens: A field experiment on gamification in a utilitarian peer-to-peer trading service. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), 236–245. Hussain, S., Sanders, E. B. N., & Steinert, M. (2012). Participatory design with marginalized people in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities experienced in a field study in Cambodia. International Journal of Design, 6(2), 91–109. ICSID. (2015). WDO | About | Definition of Industrial Design. Retrieved June 21, 2017, from http://wdo. org/about/definition/ Jones, W. M., & Askland, H. H. (2012). Design Briefs : Is There A Standard ? In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (pp. 115–121). Antwerp, Belgium: Artesis University College. Retrieved from publication/88efc0feaaab5043e6a6b5fc489d0601.pdf Kapkin, E. (2010). Endustriyel Tasarim Egitiminde Proje Tanimi Belgesinin Onemi ve icerik Ozelliklerinin Belirlenmesi: Turkiye Ornegi [Content Determination of the Design Brief and Its Importance in Industrial Design Education: Case Of Turkey], Anadolu Universitesi [Anadolu University] [Unpublished Master Thesis] Yayinlanmamis Yuksek Lisans Tezi Kapp, K. (2012). The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-Based Methods and Strategies For Training And Education. Pfeiffer. San Francisco. Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J., & Haas, J. (2009). Using the technology of today , in the classroom today. Lawson, B. (2005). How Designers Think, The Design Process Demystified. Design Studies (5th ed., Vol. 2). Architectural Press. 100 Luck, R. (2003a). Dialogue in participatory design. Design Studies, 24(6), 523–535. S0142-694X(03)00040-1 Malinverni, L., Mora-Guiard, J., & Pares, N. (2016). Towards methods for evaluating and communicating participatory design: A multimodal approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 94, 53–63. Manzini, E., & Rizzo, F. (2011). Small projects/large changes: Participatory design as an open participated process. CoDesign, 7(3:4), 199–215. Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. In The 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2011 (pp. 323–329). Pedro, F. (2009). New Millennium learners in higher education: Evidence and policy implications. International Conference on 21st Century Competencies, Brussels: OECD/CERI. Pedro, F. (2006). The New Millennium Learners: Challenging our Views on ICT and Learning. OECDCERI, (May), 1–17. Pektas, S. T., & Gurel, M. O. (2014). Blended learning in design education: An analysis of students’ experiences within the disciplinary differences framework. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(1), 31–44. Phillips, P. L. (2004). Creating the Perfect Design Brief. Canada: Allwort Press. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1–6. https://doi. org/10.1108/10748120110424816 Ryd, N. (2004). The design brief as carrier of client information during the construction process. Design Studies, 25(3), 231–249. Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design. Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference on - PDC ’10, 195. Sierra, W. (2013). Gamification as Twenty-First-Century Education. North Carolina State University. Spinuzzi, C. (2005). The Methodology of Participatory Design. Technical Communication, 52(2), 163–174. van den Hoven, J., Vermaas, P. E., & van de Poel, I. (2015). Handbook of ethics, values, and technological design: Sources, theory, values and application domains. Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains, 1–871. 007-6970-0 van Manen, S., Avard, G., & Martínez-Cruz, M. (2015). Co-ideation of disaster preparedness strategies through a participatory design approach: Challenges and opportunities experienced at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica. Design Studies, 40, 218–245. Vignati, A., Fois, L., Melazzini, M., Pei, X., & Zurlo, F. (2017). E-LEARNING AND DESIGN PRACTICE. Tools and methods for professional learning of strategic design approach. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S1026–S1036. Visser, F. S., Stappers, P. J., van der Lugt, R., & Sanders, E. B.-N. (2005). Contextmapping: experiences from practice. CoDesign, 1(2), 119–149. Werbach, K., & Hunter, D. (2015). The Gamification Toolkit: Dynamics, Mechanics, and Components for the Win. Wharton Digital Press. Wolfel, C., & Merritt, T. (2013). Method card design dimensions: A survey of card-based design tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8117 LNCS(PART 1), 479–486. 3-642-40483-2_34 Yilmaz, E. A. (2015). Oyunlastirma [Gamification]Istanbul: Abakus
Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 83 - 100, 01.01.2020



  • Afacan, Y. (2018). Student Experiences of Blended Learning in Interior Architecture. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 399–422. Ahn, H. (2007). Design Tools and Three Steps in Participatory Design Processes: A Proposal for Better Communications among Residents and Experts, based on a Case, Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network. Retrieved from quanzhou/pacrim/papers/Ahn-Park-paper.pdf Akademik Dersler - Tanitim. (n.d.). Retrieved December 22, 2016, from tanitim/95647/47 Bedir Eristi, S. (Ed.). (2017). Gorsel Arastirma Yontemleri Teori,Uygulama ve Ornek [Visual Research Methods Theory, Applications and Examples] (2nd ed.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Bergold, J., & Thomas, S. (2012). Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(1). Buur, J., Binder, T., & Brandt, E. (2000). Taking Video Beyond “Hard Data” in User Centered Design. Proceedings of the 6th Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2000, (December), 21–29. Retrieved from Cook-Sather, A. (2014). Multiplying perspectives and improving practice: What can happen when undergraduate students collaborate with college faculty to explore teaching and learning. Instructional Science, 42(1), 31–46. Cokluk, O., Yilmaz, K., & Oguz, E. (2011). Nitel Bir Gorusme Yontemi: Odak Grup Gorusmesi [ A Qualitative Interview Method: Focus Group Interview],Kuramsal Egitimbilim, 4(1), 95–107. Demirbas, D., & Timur Ogut, S. (2018). Design Briefs for Industrial Design Studio Courses: Determination of Expectations and Requirements. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 6(2), 42–58. DiSalvo, B., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., & DiSalvo, C. (Eds.). (2017). Participatory Design for Learning: Perspectives from Practice and Research. Routledge. Retrieved from reader?id=DzYlDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=tr&pg=GBS.PT3 Hamari, J. (2013). Transforming homo economicus into homo ludens: A field experiment on gamification in a utilitarian peer-to-peer trading service. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), 236–245. Hussain, S., Sanders, E. B. N., & Steinert, M. (2012). Participatory design with marginalized people in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities experienced in a field study in Cambodia. International Journal of Design, 6(2), 91–109. ICSID. (2015). WDO | About | Definition of Industrial Design. Retrieved June 21, 2017, from http://wdo. org/about/definition/ Jones, W. M., & Askland, H. H. (2012). Design Briefs : Is There A Standard ? In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (pp. 115–121). Antwerp, Belgium: Artesis University College. Retrieved from publication/88efc0feaaab5043e6a6b5fc489d0601.pdf Kapkin, E. (2010). Endustriyel Tasarim Egitiminde Proje Tanimi Belgesinin Onemi ve icerik Ozelliklerinin Belirlenmesi: Turkiye Ornegi [Content Determination of the Design Brief and Its Importance in Industrial Design Education: Case Of Turkey], Anadolu Universitesi [Anadolu University] [Unpublished Master Thesis] Yayinlanmamis Yuksek Lisans Tezi Kapp, K. (2012). The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-Based Methods and Strategies For Training And Education. Pfeiffer. San Francisco. Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J., & Haas, J. (2009). Using the technology of today , in the classroom today. Lawson, B. (2005). How Designers Think, The Design Process Demystified. Design Studies (5th ed., Vol. 2). Architectural Press. 100 Luck, R. (2003a). Dialogue in participatory design. Design Studies, 24(6), 523–535. S0142-694X(03)00040-1 Malinverni, L., Mora-Guiard, J., & Pares, N. (2016). Towards methods for evaluating and communicating participatory design: A multimodal approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 94, 53–63. Manzini, E., & Rizzo, F. (2011). Small projects/large changes: Participatory design as an open participated process. CoDesign, 7(3:4), 199–215. Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. In The 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2011 (pp. 323–329). Pedro, F. (2009). New Millennium learners in higher education: Evidence and policy implications. International Conference on 21st Century Competencies, Brussels: OECD/CERI. Pedro, F. (2006). The New Millennium Learners: Challenging our Views on ICT and Learning. OECDCERI, (May), 1–17. Pektas, S. T., & Gurel, M. O. (2014). Blended learning in design education: An analysis of students’ experiences within the disciplinary differences framework. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(1), 31–44. Phillips, P. L. (2004). Creating the Perfect Design Brief. Canada: Allwort Press. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1–6. https://doi. org/10.1108/10748120110424816 Ryd, N. (2004). The design brief as carrier of client information during the construction process. Design Studies, 25(3), 231–249. Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design. Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference on - PDC ’10, 195. Sierra, W. (2013). Gamification as Twenty-First-Century Education. North Carolina State University. Spinuzzi, C. (2005). The Methodology of Participatory Design. Technical Communication, 52(2), 163–174. van den Hoven, J., Vermaas, P. E., & van de Poel, I. (2015). Handbook of ethics, values, and technological design: Sources, theory, values and application domains. Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains, 1–871. 007-6970-0 van Manen, S., Avard, G., & Martínez-Cruz, M. (2015). Co-ideation of disaster preparedness strategies through a participatory design approach: Challenges and opportunities experienced at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica. Design Studies, 40, 218–245. Vignati, A., Fois, L., Melazzini, M., Pei, X., & Zurlo, F. (2017). E-LEARNING AND DESIGN PRACTICE. Tools and methods for professional learning of strategic design approach. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S1026–S1036. Visser, F. S., Stappers, P. J., van der Lugt, R., & Sanders, E. B.-N. (2005). Contextmapping: experiences from practice. CoDesign, 1(2), 119–149. Werbach, K., & Hunter, D. (2015). The Gamification Toolkit: Dynamics, Mechanics, and Components for the Win. Wharton Digital Press. Wolfel, C., & Merritt, T. (2013). Method card design dimensions: A survey of card-based design tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8117 LNCS(PART 1), 479–486. 3-642-40483-2_34 Yilmaz, E. A. (2015). Oyunlastirma [Gamification]Istanbul: Abakus
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Articles

Duysal Demırbas Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1130-1469

Sebnem Tımur Ogut Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2919-7364

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demırbas, D., & Tımur Ogut, S. (2020). Re-Designing the Design Brief as a Digital Learning Tool with Participatory Design Approach. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(1), 83-100.