Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 21 Issue: Special Issue-IODL, 135 - 151, 17.07.2020



  • Arsenijevic, J., & Andevski, M. (2016). New media literacy within the context of socio-demographic characteristics. Procedia Technology, 22, 1142-1151. doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2016.01.161
  • Buckingham, D. (2007). Digital media literacies: rethinking media education in the age of the internet. Research in Comperative and International Education, 1(2), 43-55. doi: 10.2304/rcie.2007.2.1.43
  • Chen, D. T., Wu, J., & Wang, Y. M. (2011). Unpacking new media literacy. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 9(2), 84-88. Retrieved from
  • Chen, D.-T., Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., & Lee, L. (2018). Establishing the norm of new media literacy of Singaporean students: Implications to policy and pedagogy. Computers & Education, 124, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.04.010
  • Christensen, O., & Tufte B. (2010). Media education – between theory and practice, p.109-121. In Media Literacy Education Nordic Perspectives (Eds: S. Kotilainen, Arnolds-Granlund, S.). Sweden: Nordicom, Goteborg.
  • Erstad, O. (2010). Media literacy and education: the past, present and future, p.15-29 In Media Literacy Education Nordic Perspectives, (Eds: S. Kotilanien, Arnolds-Granlund, S.). Sweden:Nordicom, Goteborg.
  • Genc Kumtepe, E., Kumtepe, A., Ugurhan, Y. Z. C., & Saykili, A. (2019). Investigating the new media literacy skills of open and distance learners. C. Erdem, H. Bagci ve M. Kocyigit (Eds). In 21st Century Skills and Education (pp.112-137). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Hu, L.-t., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55. doi: 10.1080/10705519909540118
  • Kara, M., Caner, S., Gokben, A. G., Cengiz, C., Simsek, E. I., & Yildirim, S. (2018). Validation of an instrument for preservice teachers and an investigation of their new media literacy. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 56(7), 1005–1029. doi: 10.1177/0735633117731380
  • Koc. M., & Barut, E. (2016). Development and validation of New Media Literacy Scale (NMLS) for university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 834-843. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.035
  • Lee, L., Chen, D., Li, J., & Lin, T. (2015). Understanding new media literacy: The development of a measuring instrument. Computers & Education, 85(1), 84-93. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2015.02.006
  • Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding new media literacy: An explorative theoretical framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 160–170. Retrieved from
  • Literat, I. (2014). Measuring new media literacies: Towards the development of a comprehensive assessment tool. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 6(1), 15-27. Retrieved from
  • Pallant, J. (2011). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th ed.). New York: Open University Press.
  • Scheibe, C. (2009). Sound great, but I don’t have time helping teachers meet their goals and needs with media literacy education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1(1), 68-71. Retrieved from


Year 2020, Volume: 21 Issue: Special Issue-IODL, 135 - 151, 17.07.2020


Media literacy, which traditionally aims to help individuals become better-informed users through proper consumption of media messages, has historically been reshaped to reflect the characteristics of the tools that individuals utilize to consume such messages. Information and Communication Tools (ICT) developed in the 21st century, also referred to as the Digital Age, have enabled individuals to become producers of media messages in addition to consumers. Therefore, there has been a need for empirical studies into the concept of media literacy that has evolved into new media literacy with the impact of these new participatory and connective technologies. Within this regard, this study seeks to investigate the new media literacy levels of open and distance learners who primarily depend on ICT to access tertiary education. Besides, the study examines the relationship between demographic information of learners and their new media literacy skills.


  • Arsenijevic, J., & Andevski, M. (2016). New media literacy within the context of socio-demographic characteristics. Procedia Technology, 22, 1142-1151. doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2016.01.161
  • Buckingham, D. (2007). Digital media literacies: rethinking media education in the age of the internet. Research in Comperative and International Education, 1(2), 43-55. doi: 10.2304/rcie.2007.2.1.43
  • Chen, D. T., Wu, J., & Wang, Y. M. (2011). Unpacking new media literacy. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 9(2), 84-88. Retrieved from
  • Chen, D.-T., Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., & Lee, L. (2018). Establishing the norm of new media literacy of Singaporean students: Implications to policy and pedagogy. Computers & Education, 124, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.04.010
  • Christensen, O., & Tufte B. (2010). Media education – between theory and practice, p.109-121. In Media Literacy Education Nordic Perspectives (Eds: S. Kotilainen, Arnolds-Granlund, S.). Sweden: Nordicom, Goteborg.
  • Erstad, O. (2010). Media literacy and education: the past, present and future, p.15-29 In Media Literacy Education Nordic Perspectives, (Eds: S. Kotilanien, Arnolds-Granlund, S.). Sweden:Nordicom, Goteborg.
  • Genc Kumtepe, E., Kumtepe, A., Ugurhan, Y. Z. C., & Saykili, A. (2019). Investigating the new media literacy skills of open and distance learners. C. Erdem, H. Bagci ve M. Kocyigit (Eds). In 21st Century Skills and Education (pp.112-137). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Hu, L.-t., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55. doi: 10.1080/10705519909540118
  • Kara, M., Caner, S., Gokben, A. G., Cengiz, C., Simsek, E. I., & Yildirim, S. (2018). Validation of an instrument for preservice teachers and an investigation of their new media literacy. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 56(7), 1005–1029. doi: 10.1177/0735633117731380
  • Koc. M., & Barut, E. (2016). Development and validation of New Media Literacy Scale (NMLS) for university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 834-843. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.035
  • Lee, L., Chen, D., Li, J., & Lin, T. (2015). Understanding new media literacy: The development of a measuring instrument. Computers & Education, 85(1), 84-93. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2015.02.006
  • Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding new media literacy: An explorative theoretical framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 160–170. Retrieved from
  • Literat, I. (2014). Measuring new media literacies: Towards the development of a comprehensive assessment tool. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 6(1), 15-27. Retrieved from
  • Pallant, J. (2011). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th ed.). New York: Open University Press.
  • Scheibe, C. (2009). Sound great, but I don’t have time helping teachers meet their goals and needs with media literacy education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1(1), 68-71. Retrieved from
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Y. Zafer Can Ugurhan This is me 0000-0003-1264-9002

Evrim Genc Kumtepe This is me 0000-0002-2568-8054

Alper Tolga Kumtepe This is me 0000-0002-2456-6338

Abdullah Saykılı This is me 0000-0001-7754-6755

Publication Date July 17, 2020
Submission Date November 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 21 Issue: Special Issue-IODL


APA Ugurhan, Y. Z. C., Genc Kumtepe, E., Kumtepe, A. T., Saykılı, A. (2020). FROM MEDIA LITERACY TO NEW MEDIA LITERACY: A LENS INTO OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING CONTEXT. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(Special Issue-IODL), 135-151.

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