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Antrenörlerin Engelli Öğrencilere Öğretmenlik Yapmaya Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 277 - 287, 30.07.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı antrenörlerin engelli öğrencilere eğitim verirken sergilemiş oldukları tutumları belirlemektir. Araştırmaya Karadeniz bölgesinde çalışan antrenörler arasından rastgele seçilen 282 kişi katılmıştır. Katılımcılar kamuda görev yapan 79 kadın ve 203 erkek antrenörlerdir. Araştırmada betimsel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Betimsel yöntem var olan durumu belirten bir durum saptamasıdır. Ölçme aracı olarak yalnızca bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin engelli öğrencilere öğretmeye yönelik tutum ölçeği, kişisel bilgiler ve 22 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca ölçek dört alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Tutumlar, boyutlar ve genel tutum toplamlarına göre değerlendirilir. Ölçek boyutları davranışsal amaç, öznel normlar, algılanan davranışsal kontrol, davranışa yönelik tutumlar ve genel tutum toplamıdır. Nicel verilerin analizinde veriler normal dağıldığı için, parametrik testlerden t testi ve ANOVA testleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda genel tutum ölçeği puanına bakıldığında antrenörlerin engelli öğrencileri öğretmeye yönelik tutumları olumlu iken bu olumlu tutumları yordayan bazı değişkenler tutumlarda etkili iken bazılarını etkili olduğu görülmemiştir. Antrenörlerin tutumlarının etkisinde özel norm alt boyutunun etkili olduğu görülmekle birlikte genel tutumları olumludur.


  • Şahin HM. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları; 2005.
  • Semiyha DT. Sınıf içi öğretmen davranışlarının beden eğitimi ve diğer branş öğretmenleri açısından karşılaştırılması. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (SPORMETRE). 2011 Jun 1;9(2):65–9.
  • Sunay H. Spor Yönetimi Anlamı ve Tanımı. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi; 2016.
  • Folsom-Meek SL, Groteluschen W,, . NRJ,. The influence of academic major and hands-on experience on college students’ attitudes toward learners with mild disabilities. Brazillian Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research. 1996;31(1):47–66.
  • Rizzo TL,, Vispoel WP. Physical Educators’ Attributes and Attitudes Toward Teaching Students With Handicaps. Adapted Physical Quarterly. 1991;8:4–11.
  • Splinter WM, Stewart JA, Muir JG. Large volumes of apple juice preoperatively do not affect gastric pH and volume in children. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie. 1990;37:36–9.
  • DePauw KP, Karp GG. Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. In Doll-Tepper G, Dahms C., Doll B., von Selzam H., editors. Adapted physical activity. 1990;149–57.
  • Patrick G. Improving attitudes toward disabled persons. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1987;4(4):316–25.
  • Rowe J,, Stutts R, M. Effects of practicum type, experience, and gender on attitudes of undergraduate physical education majors toward disabled persons. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1987;4:268–77.
  • Rizzo TL,, Vispoel WP. Physical Educators’ Attributes and Attitudes Toward Teaching Students With Handicaps. Adapted Physical Quarterly. 1994;8:4–11.
  • Rizzo TL. Attributes related to teachers’ attitudes. Percept Mot Skills. 1985;60(3):739–42.
  • Marchesi Á, Martín E, Echeita G, Pérez Em. Assessment of special educational needs integration by the educational community in Spain. Eur J Spec Needs Educ. 2005;20(4):357–325.
  • Büyüköztürk Ş. Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2005;3(2):133–51.
  • Ural A,, Kılıç İ. Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. 2nd ed. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.; 2006.
  • Beyazoğlu G, Günel İ. Hizmet Öncesi Antrenörlerin Engelli Öğrencileri Öğretmeye Yönelik Tutumları. In: Gülay GÜNAY, Zeynel KARACAGİL, editors. 4 th International Congress on Multidisciplinary Social Sciences. Ankara: Support and Development of Science Association Publications--Bidge Publications; 2022. p. 184.
  • Kudláček M, Sherrill C, Válková H. Components/indicators of attitudes toward inclusion of students with physical disabilities in pe in the atipdpe instrument/scale for prospective czech physical educators. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Gymnica. 2002;32(2).
  • Columna L, Hoyos-Cuartas LA, Foley JT, Prado-Perez JR, Chavarro-Bermeo DM, Mora AL, et al. Latin American Physical Educators’ Intention to Teach Individuals With Disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2016 Jul;33(3):213–32.
  • Hutzler Y. Attitudes Toward the Participation of Individuals With Disabilities in Physical Activity: A Review. Quest. 2003 Nov;55(4):347–73.
  • Kozub Fm, Porretta Dl. Interscholastic coaches’ attitudes toward integration of adolescents with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1998;15(4):328–44.
  • Downs P, Williams T. Student attitudes toward integration of people with disabilities in activity settings: A European comparison. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1994;11(1):32–43.
  • Sağlam M, Altındağ Ö. Üniversite öğrencilerinin engelli bireyler hakkındaki farkındalıkları. Ufkun Ötesi Bilim Dergisi. 2017 Dec 31;17(1):22–37.
  • Diğer H, Yıldız A. Engelli bireylere yönelik algı ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2021 May 20;31(2):807–22.
  • Kritsotakis G, Galanis P, Papastefanakis E, Meidani F, Philalithis AE, Kalokairinou A, et al. Attitudes towards people with physical or intellectual disabilities among nursing, social work and medical students. J Clin Nurs. 2017 Dec 13;26(23–24):4951–63.
  • Diaz R, Miller EK, Kraus E, Fredericson M. Impact of Adaptive Sports Participation on Quality of Life. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2019 Jun;27(2):73–82.
  • Hodge SR, Tannehill D, Kluge MA. Exploring the Meaning of Practicum Experiences for PETE Students. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2003 Oct;20(4):381–99.
  • Hodge SR, Davis R, Woodard R, Sherrill C. Comparison of Practicum Types in Changing Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceived Competence. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2002 Apr;19(2):155–71.
  • Forlin C, Fogarty G, Carroll A. Validation of the factor structure of the interactions with disabled persons scale. Aust J Psychol. 1999 Apr 1;51(1):50–5.
  • Gregory D. Before and After the Americans with Disabilities Act: An Analysis of Attitude and Knowledge of Undergraduate Music Majors. J Music Ther. 1997 Jun 1;34(2):119–28.
  • Hastings RP, Hewes A, Lock S, Witting A. Do Special Educational Needs courses have any impact on student teachers’ perceptions of children with severe learning difficulties? British Journal of Special Education. 1996 Sep 31;23(3):139–44.
  • Block Me. Why all students with disabilities should be included in regular physical education. Palaestra. 1994;10(3):17–25.
  • Rizzo AR. Tools from the Theory of Constraints. TRIZ Journal. 1997;5.
  • Block ME. Why all students with disabilities should be included in regular physical education. Palaestra. 1994;10(3):17–25.

Investigation of Coaches' Attitudes Towards Teaching Students with Disabilities

Yıl 2024, , 277 - 287, 30.07.2024


This study aims to determine the attitudes of the trainers while teaching disabled students. Two hundred eighty-two people randomly selected among the trainers working under the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the Black Sea region participated in the research. The participants are 79 female and 203 male trainers working in the youth sports provincial and district directorates of the youth sports ministry. The descriptive method was used in the research. The descriptive method is a situation determination that indicates the current situation. Only one scale was used as a measurement tool. The scale of teachers' attitudes towards teaching disabled students consists of personal information and 22 items. In addition, the scale consists of four sub-dimensions. Attitudes are evaluated in terms of dimensions and overall attitude totals. Scale dimensions are behavioural purpose, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, attitudes towards behaviour, and general attitude total. Since the data were normally distributed in the analysis of quantitative data, t-tests and ANOVA tests from parametric tests were used. As a result of the research, when the General Attitude Scale score is examined, it is seen that while the trainers' attitudes towards teaching disabled students are positive, some variables that predict these positive attitudes influence the attitudes, while others are not. Although it is seen that the special norm sub-dimension is effective in the effect of the trainers' attitudes, their general attitudes are positive


  • Şahin HM. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları; 2005.
  • Semiyha DT. Sınıf içi öğretmen davranışlarının beden eğitimi ve diğer branş öğretmenleri açısından karşılaştırılması. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (SPORMETRE). 2011 Jun 1;9(2):65–9.
  • Sunay H. Spor Yönetimi Anlamı ve Tanımı. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi; 2016.
  • Folsom-Meek SL, Groteluschen W,, . NRJ,. The influence of academic major and hands-on experience on college students’ attitudes toward learners with mild disabilities. Brazillian Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research. 1996;31(1):47–66.
  • Rizzo TL,, Vispoel WP. Physical Educators’ Attributes and Attitudes Toward Teaching Students With Handicaps. Adapted Physical Quarterly. 1991;8:4–11.
  • Splinter WM, Stewart JA, Muir JG. Large volumes of apple juice preoperatively do not affect gastric pH and volume in children. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie. 1990;37:36–9.
  • DePauw KP, Karp GG. Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. In Doll-Tepper G, Dahms C., Doll B., von Selzam H., editors. Adapted physical activity. 1990;149–57.
  • Patrick G. Improving attitudes toward disabled persons. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1987;4(4):316–25.
  • Rowe J,, Stutts R, M. Effects of practicum type, experience, and gender on attitudes of undergraduate physical education majors toward disabled persons. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1987;4:268–77.
  • Rizzo TL,, Vispoel WP. Physical Educators’ Attributes and Attitudes Toward Teaching Students With Handicaps. Adapted Physical Quarterly. 1994;8:4–11.
  • Rizzo TL. Attributes related to teachers’ attitudes. Percept Mot Skills. 1985;60(3):739–42.
  • Marchesi Á, Martín E, Echeita G, Pérez Em. Assessment of special educational needs integration by the educational community in Spain. Eur J Spec Needs Educ. 2005;20(4):357–325.
  • Büyüköztürk Ş. Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2005;3(2):133–51.
  • Ural A,, Kılıç İ. Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. 2nd ed. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.; 2006.
  • Beyazoğlu G, Günel İ. Hizmet Öncesi Antrenörlerin Engelli Öğrencileri Öğretmeye Yönelik Tutumları. In: Gülay GÜNAY, Zeynel KARACAGİL, editors. 4 th International Congress on Multidisciplinary Social Sciences. Ankara: Support and Development of Science Association Publications--Bidge Publications; 2022. p. 184.
  • Kudláček M, Sherrill C, Válková H. Components/indicators of attitudes toward inclusion of students with physical disabilities in pe in the atipdpe instrument/scale for prospective czech physical educators. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Gymnica. 2002;32(2).
  • Columna L, Hoyos-Cuartas LA, Foley JT, Prado-Perez JR, Chavarro-Bermeo DM, Mora AL, et al. Latin American Physical Educators’ Intention to Teach Individuals With Disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2016 Jul;33(3):213–32.
  • Hutzler Y. Attitudes Toward the Participation of Individuals With Disabilities in Physical Activity: A Review. Quest. 2003 Nov;55(4):347–73.
  • Kozub Fm, Porretta Dl. Interscholastic coaches’ attitudes toward integration of adolescents with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1998;15(4):328–44.
  • Downs P, Williams T. Student attitudes toward integration of people with disabilities in activity settings: A European comparison. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 1994;11(1):32–43.
  • Sağlam M, Altındağ Ö. Üniversite öğrencilerinin engelli bireyler hakkındaki farkındalıkları. Ufkun Ötesi Bilim Dergisi. 2017 Dec 31;17(1):22–37.
  • Diğer H, Yıldız A. Engelli bireylere yönelik algı ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2021 May 20;31(2):807–22.
  • Kritsotakis G, Galanis P, Papastefanakis E, Meidani F, Philalithis AE, Kalokairinou A, et al. Attitudes towards people with physical or intellectual disabilities among nursing, social work and medical students. J Clin Nurs. 2017 Dec 13;26(23–24):4951–63.
  • Diaz R, Miller EK, Kraus E, Fredericson M. Impact of Adaptive Sports Participation on Quality of Life. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2019 Jun;27(2):73–82.
  • Hodge SR, Tannehill D, Kluge MA. Exploring the Meaning of Practicum Experiences for PETE Students. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2003 Oct;20(4):381–99.
  • Hodge SR, Davis R, Woodard R, Sherrill C. Comparison of Practicum Types in Changing Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceived Competence. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2002 Apr;19(2):155–71.
  • Forlin C, Fogarty G, Carroll A. Validation of the factor structure of the interactions with disabled persons scale. Aust J Psychol. 1999 Apr 1;51(1):50–5.
  • Gregory D. Before and After the Americans with Disabilities Act: An Analysis of Attitude and Knowledge of Undergraduate Music Majors. J Music Ther. 1997 Jun 1;34(2):119–28.
  • Hastings RP, Hewes A, Lock S, Witting A. Do Special Educational Needs courses have any impact on student teachers’ perceptions of children with severe learning difficulties? British Journal of Special Education. 1996 Sep 31;23(3):139–44.
  • Block Me. Why all students with disabilities should be included in regular physical education. Palaestra. 1994;10(3):17–25.
  • Rizzo AR. Tools from the Theory of Constraints. TRIZ Journal. 1997;5.
  • Block ME. Why all students with disabilities should be included in regular physical education. Palaestra. 1994;10(3):17–25.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Antrenman, Engelliler için Beden Eğitimi, Spor ve Fiziksel Aktivite
Bölüm Research Article

Abdullah Bacı 0009-0005-6617-2096

Zekai Çakır 0000-0002-7719-1031

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Bacı A, Çakır Z. Investigation of Coaches’ Attitudes Towards Teaching Students with Disabilities. TOJRAS. 2024;13(3):277-8.