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Yıl 2020, , 22 - 29, 01.01.2020



  • Akosman, MS., Ozdemir, V. (2010).Capability of the Cavalieri methot for volume estimation of the dog testis, Eurasian J Vet Sci. 26( 2): 63-67.
  • Al-Ismail, K., Torreggiani, WC., Munk, PL., Nicolaou, S. (2002). Gluteal mass in a bodybuilder: radiological depiction of a complication of anabolic steroid use. Eur. Radiol.12, 1366-1369.
  • Baggish, A L., Weiner, RB., Kanayama, G., Hudson, JI., Picard, MH., Hutter, AM., Pope, HG. (2010). Long term anabolic–androgenic steroid use is associated with left ventricular dysfunction. Circ Heart Fail. 3:472-476.
  • Basoglu, A., Buyukkarabacak, Y., Sahin, B., Kaplan, S. (2007). Volumetric evaluation of the lung expansion following resection: a stereological study, European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery.; 31:512-517.
  • Blystone, CR., Furr, J., Lambright, CS., Howdeshell, KL., Bryce, C., Ryan, BC., Wilson, VS., LeBlanc, GA., Gray, Jr LE. (2007). Prochloraz Inhibits Testosterone Production at Dosages below Those that Affect Androgen-Dependent Organ Weights or the Onset of Puberty in the Male Sprague Dawley Rat. Toxıcologıcal scıences, 97(1): 65–74.
  • Bolat, D., Bahar, S., Selcuk, ML., Tipirdamaz, S. (2011). Morphometric investigations of fresh and fixed rabbit kidney, Eurasian J Vet Sci. 27: 3.
  • Bozkurt, İ., Özdemir, M., Pepe, K., Özdemir, Ö., Coskun, A. (2011a). Morphometric evaluation of the effect of methenolone enanthate on humeral development in adolescent rats.SRE. 6 (13):2676- 2681.
  • Bozkurt, İ., Pepe, K., Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Ö., Coskun, A. (2011b). Morphometric evaluation of the effect of methenolone enanthate on femoral development in adolescent rats. SRE. 6 (7):1634- 1638.
  • Kasikcioglu, E., Oflaz, H., Umman, B., Bugra, Z. (2009). Androgenic anabolic steroids also impair right ventricular function. Int J Cardiol 134:123-125.
  • Lane, HA., Grace, F., Smith, JC., Morris, K., Cockcroft, J., Scanlon, MF., Davies, JS. (2006).Impaired vasoreactivity in bodybuilders using androgenic anabolic steroids. Eur J Clin Invest 36:483-488.
  • Lök, S. (2009). Sporda Doping Amaçlı Kullanılan Nandrolonun Puberta Dönemindeki Ratların Femur ve Humerus’u Üzerine Morfometrik Etkisi. Konya, SÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 26-54.
  • Maravelias, C., Dona, A., Stefanidou, M., Spiliopoulou, C. (2005). Adverse effects of anabolic steroids in athletes: A constant threat, Toxicology Letters, 158, 167-75.
  • Marqueti, RC., Parizotto, NA., Chriguer, RS., Perez, SEA., Selistre-de-Araujo, HS. (2006). Androgenic-anabolic steroids associated with mechanical loading inhibit matrix metallopeptidase activity and aVect the remodeling of the achilles tendon in rats. Am. J. Sport Med. 34: 1274-1280.
  • Mitchell JH, Haskell W, Snell P, Van Camp SP. (2005). Task force 8: classification of sports. J Am Coll Cardiol. 45:13641367.
  • Özdemir, E., Gültürk, S. (2008). Physiological and medical responses to anabolic-androgenic steroids. Review. Turk Klin. J. Med. Sci. 28: 923-932.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). Doping Olarak Kullanılan Testosteron’un Puberta Dönemindeki Erkek ve Dişi Ratların Humerus ve Femur Üzerindeki Morfometrik Etkileri. Konya, S.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi. 30-32
  • Özdemir, M., Yalçın, H. (2011). The Morphometric Effects of Testosterone, Used as a Doping Agent, on the Humerus and Femur of Pubescent Male and Female Rats. Selçuk Unv. J. of Physical Educatıon and Sport Science. 13 (2): 172-176.
  • Peters, C., Schulz, T., Michna, H. (2002). Biomedical side effects of doping. Project of the European Union . Verlag Sport und Buch, StrauB- Köln. 118.
  • Rathi, VK., Doyle, M., Yamrozik, J., Williams, RB., Caruppannan, K., Truman, C., Vido, D., Biederman, RW. (2008). Routine evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: a practical approach. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 10:36.
  • Sevin, G., Arun, MZ. (2005). Ustunes L. Androgens and Anabolic Steroids. T. Klin. J. Int. Med. Sci. 1(35): 78-89.
  • Vardar, E., Vardar, SA., Cengiz, T. (2002).Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse. Anatolian J. Psychiatr. 3(2): 104-107.


Yıl 2020, , 22 - 29, 01.01.2020


This study was carried out to determine the effect of Methenolone enanthate ME on the doping list on male and female rat scapula during puberty. In this study, three groups ME, FY, K were created for males and females, each containing 8 rats, and a total of 48 rats were used. Methenolone enanthate Primobolan Depot ® Bayer was administered to the experimental groups at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg 0.5 ml, diluted in peanut oil 5 times a week intraperitoneally for 4 weeks. All rats were euthanized under thiopental 40 mg / kg anesthesia after 4 weeks. After necropsy, both scapula bones were dissected and macerated. At the end of this process, the bones were dried in a 37 C oven for 24 hours. Morphometric measurements of right and left scapula bones of male and female rats in each group were opened in the semiautomatic image analysis program imageJ Ver. 1.44, National Institutes of Health . After calibrating the images, the height of the scapula and then the largest distance perpendicular to the height axis were measured by using the freehand line feature of the program Fig 1 . Area measurements of the medial surfaces of the bones were made using the point counting method Başoglu et al, 2007, Akosman and Özdemir, 2010; Bolat et al, 2011 . For this purpose, by using grid function of imagej program plugins-analyze-grid , grids with 2 mm between two points and 4 mm2 of area represented by each point were created. These grids were superimposed on the bone images and the points falling on the bone surface were counted Fig 2 . The number of points obtained was multiplied by the area represented by each point and the bone surface areas of the animals in the groups were calculated separately in mm2.vAs a result, it was found that the effect of ME on rat scapula height, width and surface area was similar to other AAS’s suppressed bone development in male pubers and encouraged bone development in females. The negative effects of the commonly used doping agents on bones in males in the medium and long term have been tried to be demonstrated with rat models.


  • Akosman, MS., Ozdemir, V. (2010).Capability of the Cavalieri methot for volume estimation of the dog testis, Eurasian J Vet Sci. 26( 2): 63-67.
  • Al-Ismail, K., Torreggiani, WC., Munk, PL., Nicolaou, S. (2002). Gluteal mass in a bodybuilder: radiological depiction of a complication of anabolic steroid use. Eur. Radiol.12, 1366-1369.
  • Baggish, A L., Weiner, RB., Kanayama, G., Hudson, JI., Picard, MH., Hutter, AM., Pope, HG. (2010). Long term anabolic–androgenic steroid use is associated with left ventricular dysfunction. Circ Heart Fail. 3:472-476.
  • Basoglu, A., Buyukkarabacak, Y., Sahin, B., Kaplan, S. (2007). Volumetric evaluation of the lung expansion following resection: a stereological study, European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery.; 31:512-517.
  • Blystone, CR., Furr, J., Lambright, CS., Howdeshell, KL., Bryce, C., Ryan, BC., Wilson, VS., LeBlanc, GA., Gray, Jr LE. (2007). Prochloraz Inhibits Testosterone Production at Dosages below Those that Affect Androgen-Dependent Organ Weights or the Onset of Puberty in the Male Sprague Dawley Rat. Toxıcologıcal scıences, 97(1): 65–74.
  • Bolat, D., Bahar, S., Selcuk, ML., Tipirdamaz, S. (2011). Morphometric investigations of fresh and fixed rabbit kidney, Eurasian J Vet Sci. 27: 3.
  • Bozkurt, İ., Özdemir, M., Pepe, K., Özdemir, Ö., Coskun, A. (2011a). Morphometric evaluation of the effect of methenolone enanthate on humeral development in adolescent rats.SRE. 6 (13):2676- 2681.
  • Bozkurt, İ., Pepe, K., Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Ö., Coskun, A. (2011b). Morphometric evaluation of the effect of methenolone enanthate on femoral development in adolescent rats. SRE. 6 (7):1634- 1638.
  • Kasikcioglu, E., Oflaz, H., Umman, B., Bugra, Z. (2009). Androgenic anabolic steroids also impair right ventricular function. Int J Cardiol 134:123-125.
  • Lane, HA., Grace, F., Smith, JC., Morris, K., Cockcroft, J., Scanlon, MF., Davies, JS. (2006).Impaired vasoreactivity in bodybuilders using androgenic anabolic steroids. Eur J Clin Invest 36:483-488.
  • Lök, S. (2009). Sporda Doping Amaçlı Kullanılan Nandrolonun Puberta Dönemindeki Ratların Femur ve Humerus’u Üzerine Morfometrik Etkisi. Konya, SÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 26-54.
  • Maravelias, C., Dona, A., Stefanidou, M., Spiliopoulou, C. (2005). Adverse effects of anabolic steroids in athletes: A constant threat, Toxicology Letters, 158, 167-75.
  • Marqueti, RC., Parizotto, NA., Chriguer, RS., Perez, SEA., Selistre-de-Araujo, HS. (2006). Androgenic-anabolic steroids associated with mechanical loading inhibit matrix metallopeptidase activity and aVect the remodeling of the achilles tendon in rats. Am. J. Sport Med. 34: 1274-1280.
  • Mitchell JH, Haskell W, Snell P, Van Camp SP. (2005). Task force 8: classification of sports. J Am Coll Cardiol. 45:13641367.
  • Özdemir, E., Gültürk, S. (2008). Physiological and medical responses to anabolic-androgenic steroids. Review. Turk Klin. J. Med. Sci. 28: 923-932.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). Doping Olarak Kullanılan Testosteron’un Puberta Dönemindeki Erkek ve Dişi Ratların Humerus ve Femur Üzerindeki Morfometrik Etkileri. Konya, S.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi. 30-32
  • Özdemir, M., Yalçın, H. (2011). The Morphometric Effects of Testosterone, Used as a Doping Agent, on the Humerus and Femur of Pubescent Male and Female Rats. Selçuk Unv. J. of Physical Educatıon and Sport Science. 13 (2): 172-176.
  • Peters, C., Schulz, T., Michna, H. (2002). Biomedical side effects of doping. Project of the European Union . Verlag Sport und Buch, StrauB- Köln. 118.
  • Rathi, VK., Doyle, M., Yamrozik, J., Williams, RB., Caruppannan, K., Truman, C., Vido, D., Biederman, RW. (2008). Routine evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: a practical approach. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 10:36.
  • Sevin, G., Arun, MZ. (2005). Ustunes L. Androgens and Anabolic Steroids. T. Klin. J. Int. Med. Sci. 1(35): 78-89.
  • Vardar, E., Vardar, SA., Cengiz, T. (2002).Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse. Anatolian J. Psychiatr. 3(2): 104-107.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Özdemir Bu kişi benim

İbrahim Bozkurt Bu kişi benim

Sadullah Bahar Bu kişi benim

Özgür Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

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