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Yıl 2017, , 40 - 51, 01.01.2017



  • Acar, G. (2014). Etik Liderlik, Örgütsel Adalet ve Motivasyon Kavramlarının Gelişimi. Türkiye Âlim Kitapları, pp. 104-105, Saabrücken, Deutschland.
  • Acar, G. (2015a). Impact of Personal Justice Perceptions of Students at the Faculty of Sport Sciences on Their Decision Making Level. Anthropologist, 19, (3), 627-632.
  • Acar, G. (2015b). Comparison of Perception Levels of Students at The School Teaching Department of The Faculty of Educational Sciences And Physical Education And Sport Teaching Department of Faculty of Sport Sciences Concerning Personal Justice In Terms of Their Decision Making Styles. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Special Issue for INTE 2015), 78-85.
  • Acar, G, Ozer, M, Sahin, A, Musa, M, Karabulut, N. (2016). Investigation into the Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Ethical Climate in their Workplace. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 13, 2, 145-151.
  • Asunakutlu, T. (2002). The Elements Concerning the Establishment of the Organizational Trust and an Evaluation. Mugla University, Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9, 1-13.
  • Aydın I.(2006). Egitim ve Ogtimde Etik. Pegem Press, pp.23, Ankara.
  • Barnett, T, Schubert, E. (2002). Perceptions of The Ethical Work Climate And Covenantal Relationships. Journal of Business Ethics. 36, 279- 290.
  • Bute, M. (2011). Relation between the Ethical Climate, Corporal Trust and Individual Performance, Journal of Ataturk University Economics and Administrative Sciences, 25, 172- 173.
  • Bulbul, A.R. (2001). Communication and Ethics. 2nd Edition. Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Cullen, J.B., Parboteeah, K.P. & Bart, V. (2003). The Effects of Ethical Climates on Organizational Commitment: A Two Study Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 46, 127- 141.
  • Dalbert, C. (2002). Beliefs in a just world as a buffer against anger. Social Justice Research, 15, 123-145.
  • Demir, S, Karakus, M. (2015). The Relationship between Ethical Climate and Trust and Motivation Levels of Teachers and Students. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 21, 183-212.
  • Demirtas, O. (2014). The whistleblowing impact on ethical climate: Moderator role of mobbing perception. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, 43, 136-156.
  • Dogan, S, Kilic, S. (2014). The Examination of Relations between Perceived Organizational Ethical Climate and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 15, 269-292.
  • Donertas, F.C. (2008). The Effect of Ethical Climate on Institutional Trust, Master Thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul.
  • Elci, M, Alpkan, L. (2009). The Impact of Perceived Organizational Ethical Climate on Work Satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 84, 297-311.
  • Furnham, A , Proctor, E. (1989). Belief in the just world: review and critique of the individual differences literature. British Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 365-384.
  • Hafer, C. L, Bègue, L. (2005). Experimental research on just-world theory: Problems, developments, and future challenges. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 128-167.
  • Martin, KD, Cullen, J.B. (2006). Continuities and extensions of ethical climate theory: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Business Ethics, 69, 175-194.
  • Ogut, A., Kaplan, M. (2011). The Analysis of the Relation between Ethical Climate Perception and Organizational Loyalty in Hotel Enterprises, Journal of Dumlupinar Social Sciences, 30, 191-206.
  • Ozen, R., Ozturk, D.S, Ozturk, F. (2016). The Relationship between Pre-service Teachers’ Lifelong Learning Tendencies and the Quality of University Life. Anthropologist, 24, 1, 105-112.
  • Ozipek, H. (2014). The Effect of Ethical Climate on Anti-Social Behavior. Master Thesis, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul.
  • Peterson, D.K. (2002). The Relationship between Unethical Behavior and the Dimensions of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire. Journal of Business Ethics, 41, 313-326.
  • Simsek, M.S, Akgemci, T, Celik, A. (2011). Introduction to Behavioral Sciences and Behaviors in organizations, pp.33-34, Gazi Publisher, Ankara.
  • Topaloglu, I.G. (2010). The Organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment Relationships of Employees in terms of Their Perception of Justice and Ethics. Master Thesis, Atilim University, Ankara.
  • Treviño, L.K, Butterfield, K.D, McCabe, D.L. (1998). The Ethical Context in Organizations: Influences on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors. Business Ethics Quarterly, 8, 447- 476.
  • Vardi, Y. (2001). The Effects of Organizational and Ethical Climates on Misconduct at Work. Journal of Business Ethics, 29, 325-337.
  • Victor, B, Cullen, J.B. (1988). The Organizational Bases of Ethical Work Climate. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 101-125.
  • Wimbush, J.C, Shepard, J.M. (1994). Toward an Understanding of Ethical Climate, Its Relationship to Ethical Behavior and Supervisory Influence. Journal of Business Ethics, 13, 637-647.
  • Yagmur, A. (2013). The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate on Non- Ethical Behavior: An Empirical Study. Master Thesis, The Advanced Technology Institute of Gebze, Kocaeli.
  • Yaman, M. (2000) The Administrative Climate of the Sports Organization, p 16-17, Ankara
  • Yener, M, Yaldiran, M, Ergun, S. (2012). The effect of ethical climate on work engagement. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 724-733.
  • Yurdakul, M. (2013). Investigation of Ethical Climate in the Banking Sector in Terms of Individual and Institutional Characteristics. Master Thesis, Istanbul University, Istanbul. Address for correspondence: Gokhan Acar Associate Professor Usak University, Faculty of Sport Science 1 Eylul Campus, Usak, (64200), Turkey Telephone: (+90) 276 221 2221 E-mail:


Yıl 2017, , 40 - 51, 01.01.2017


The purpose of this study is to investigate ethical climate understandings perceived by the Ministry of Youth and Sports Employees. The ethical climate perceptions of the Ministry employees is at a level of “I agree” and this suggests an adequate level of ethical climate in the Ministry. The ethical climate perceptions of the employees in the 41-45 age group are significantly higher than the 26-30 age group employees. The ethical climate perceptions of the employees with lower level of education and lower reading level are higher compared to those employees with higher level of education. 1.INTRODUCTION This word, derived from the word “ethos” in the Greek language and having the meaning of “character”, has transformed into the word “ethic” in time and has become a subdimension of philosophy, investigating ideal, abstract and moral rules Acar, 2016; Bute, 2011 Simsek et al. 2011; Aydın, 2006 . The concept of ethical climate is a part of overall organization climate that helps to recognize ethical characters of organizations Demir and Karakus 2015: Yener et al. 2012: Elci and Alpkan, 2009; Martin and Cullen, 2006 . After 1844, Auguste Comte indicated ethics as the seventh field of science and expressed his opinion “"Humanity is not to be defined through man, but on the contrary, man through humanity” Bulbul, 2001 . When there is no possibility to remedy the situation of people deprived of basic needs, it was argued that the belief in a just World was maintained by despising the poor Acar 2015; Furnham and Proctor 1989 . Terminologically, the word climate entered the literature as a word of Greek-origin and it has the meanings of “tendency”, “inclination”. It is also used to describe physical phenomena such as heat, pressure and temperature. With the meaning used in business literature, “climate” refers how members of an organization evaluate internal and external environment of the organization Bute, 2011; Yagmur, 2013 . As a result of globalization, today’s business world where competition constantly increases and intensifies has an environment that is hectic and open to constant change. The ultimate goal of enterprises operating in such an environment is to be successful and maintain their presence Donertas, 2008 One of the two aims of an organization is to serve while the other is the satisfaction of the employees. In case the employees cannot derive satisfaction from their work, being a part of the organization becomes meaningless. Development and proliferation of sports can only be ensured via a healthy settlement, a modernist management and a positive organization climate Yaman, 2000 ., Employees’ perception of the ethical climate of their organization is affected by the organization’s policies, procedures, reward system and formal or informal systems within the organization Dogan and Kilic 2014 . Ethical climate provides guidance that there are shared ideas for what behaviors towards employees would be right and how issues should be handled and solved in moral dilemmas. In other words, ethical climate guides employees on what behaviors are appropriate and supported Victor and Cullen 1988: Treviño et al. 1998: Demirtas 2014 . People tend to perceive the world as a place where everybody gets what they deserve, good things happen for the good they do and bad things happen for the bad they do Acar, 2015; Hafer and Begue, 2005 . While ethical climate helps employees in evaluating their issues and considering various alternatives, it also provides guidance for them to decide about acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors Barnett & Schubert, 2002


  • Acar, G. (2014). Etik Liderlik, Örgütsel Adalet ve Motivasyon Kavramlarının Gelişimi. Türkiye Âlim Kitapları, pp. 104-105, Saabrücken, Deutschland.
  • Acar, G. (2015a). Impact of Personal Justice Perceptions of Students at the Faculty of Sport Sciences on Their Decision Making Level. Anthropologist, 19, (3), 627-632.
  • Acar, G. (2015b). Comparison of Perception Levels of Students at The School Teaching Department of The Faculty of Educational Sciences And Physical Education And Sport Teaching Department of Faculty of Sport Sciences Concerning Personal Justice In Terms of Their Decision Making Styles. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Special Issue for INTE 2015), 78-85.
  • Acar, G, Ozer, M, Sahin, A, Musa, M, Karabulut, N. (2016). Investigation into the Perception of Physical Education Teachers on the Ethical Climate in their Workplace. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 13, 2, 145-151.
  • Asunakutlu, T. (2002). The Elements Concerning the Establishment of the Organizational Trust and an Evaluation. Mugla University, Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9, 1-13.
  • Aydın I.(2006). Egitim ve Ogtimde Etik. Pegem Press, pp.23, Ankara.
  • Barnett, T, Schubert, E. (2002). Perceptions of The Ethical Work Climate And Covenantal Relationships. Journal of Business Ethics. 36, 279- 290.
  • Bute, M. (2011). Relation between the Ethical Climate, Corporal Trust and Individual Performance, Journal of Ataturk University Economics and Administrative Sciences, 25, 172- 173.
  • Bulbul, A.R. (2001). Communication and Ethics. 2nd Edition. Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Cullen, J.B., Parboteeah, K.P. & Bart, V. (2003). The Effects of Ethical Climates on Organizational Commitment: A Two Study Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 46, 127- 141.
  • Dalbert, C. (2002). Beliefs in a just world as a buffer against anger. Social Justice Research, 15, 123-145.
  • Demir, S, Karakus, M. (2015). The Relationship between Ethical Climate and Trust and Motivation Levels of Teachers and Students. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 21, 183-212.
  • Demirtas, O. (2014). The whistleblowing impact on ethical climate: Moderator role of mobbing perception. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, 43, 136-156.
  • Dogan, S, Kilic, S. (2014). The Examination of Relations between Perceived Organizational Ethical Climate and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 15, 269-292.
  • Donertas, F.C. (2008). The Effect of Ethical Climate on Institutional Trust, Master Thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul.
  • Elci, M, Alpkan, L. (2009). The Impact of Perceived Organizational Ethical Climate on Work Satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 84, 297-311.
  • Furnham, A , Proctor, E. (1989). Belief in the just world: review and critique of the individual differences literature. British Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 365-384.
  • Hafer, C. L, Bègue, L. (2005). Experimental research on just-world theory: Problems, developments, and future challenges. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 128-167.
  • Martin, KD, Cullen, J.B. (2006). Continuities and extensions of ethical climate theory: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Business Ethics, 69, 175-194.
  • Ogut, A., Kaplan, M. (2011). The Analysis of the Relation between Ethical Climate Perception and Organizational Loyalty in Hotel Enterprises, Journal of Dumlupinar Social Sciences, 30, 191-206.
  • Ozen, R., Ozturk, D.S, Ozturk, F. (2016). The Relationship between Pre-service Teachers’ Lifelong Learning Tendencies and the Quality of University Life. Anthropologist, 24, 1, 105-112.
  • Ozipek, H. (2014). The Effect of Ethical Climate on Anti-Social Behavior. Master Thesis, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul.
  • Peterson, D.K. (2002). The Relationship between Unethical Behavior and the Dimensions of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire. Journal of Business Ethics, 41, 313-326.
  • Simsek, M.S, Akgemci, T, Celik, A. (2011). Introduction to Behavioral Sciences and Behaviors in organizations, pp.33-34, Gazi Publisher, Ankara.
  • Topaloglu, I.G. (2010). The Organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment Relationships of Employees in terms of Their Perception of Justice and Ethics. Master Thesis, Atilim University, Ankara.
  • Treviño, L.K, Butterfield, K.D, McCabe, D.L. (1998). The Ethical Context in Organizations: Influences on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors. Business Ethics Quarterly, 8, 447- 476.
  • Vardi, Y. (2001). The Effects of Organizational and Ethical Climates on Misconduct at Work. Journal of Business Ethics, 29, 325-337.
  • Victor, B, Cullen, J.B. (1988). The Organizational Bases of Ethical Work Climate. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 101-125.
  • Wimbush, J.C, Shepard, J.M. (1994). Toward an Understanding of Ethical Climate, Its Relationship to Ethical Behavior and Supervisory Influence. Journal of Business Ethics, 13, 637-647.
  • Yagmur, A. (2013). The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate on Non- Ethical Behavior: An Empirical Study. Master Thesis, The Advanced Technology Institute of Gebze, Kocaeli.
  • Yaman, M. (2000) The Administrative Climate of the Sports Organization, p 16-17, Ankara
  • Yener, M, Yaldiran, M, Ergun, S. (2012). The effect of ethical climate on work engagement. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 724-733.
  • Yurdakul, M. (2013). Investigation of Ethical Climate in the Banking Sector in Terms of Individual and Institutional Characteristics. Master Thesis, Istanbul University, Istanbul. Address for correspondence: Gokhan Acar Associate Professor Usak University, Faculty of Sport Science 1 Eylul Campus, Usak, (64200), Turkey Telephone: (+90) 276 221 2221 E-mail:
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Gökhan Acar Bu kişi benim

Barbaros Serdar Erdogan Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Sahin Bu kişi benim

Perihan Gozum Bu kişi benim

Nigar Yaman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

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