Recreational activities enrich life and provide to have a nice time as well as increase the life quality. The purpose of this study was to scrutinize the effect of recreational activities on the life quality of elders.
The population consisted of a total of 60 people, 30 application and 30 control, are staying in Darulaceze institution. The study used a two-group pretest-posttest experimental research design. It was studied for a total of 12 weeks, 2 days a week, and 90 minutes a day. The program included various activities The data were obtained via a personal information survey and WHOQOL-OLD.TR (2005) short form. Paired Sample t-test and Wilcoxon test was applied to the data. It was found at the end of the study that there is a statistically significant relationship between psychological health and environment area for the application group and also in the environment area for the control group. Much as there is an increase in other area averages of the application group, the averages are not statistically significant.
In conclusion, recreative activities created positive impacts on the life quality of elders. Participating in such activities help them to increase their life quality and lead a happier life.
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Tütüncü, Ö., Aydın, İ., Küçükusta, D., Avcı, N. & Taş, İ. (2011). Analysis of Factors Affecting University Students' Participation in Recreation Activities, Journal of Sport Sciences, 22(2), 69–83.
Vatansever, Ş., Ölçücü, B., Özcan, G. & Çelik, A. (2015). The Relationship between Physical Activity Level and Quality of Life in the Middle Aged. INES International Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 63-73
Zincir, H., Taşçı, S., Kaya Erten, Z. & Başer, M. (2008). Factors Affecting Quality of Life and Depression Levels of Elderly Persons Living in Nursing Homes. Journal of Health Sciences, 17(3), 168-174
Zorba, E. (2004). Lifetime Sport. Istanbul: Marmara Publishing House.
Arslantaş, D., Metintas, S., Ünsal, A. & Kalyoncu, C. (2006). Quality of Life in Eskisehir Mahmudiye District Elderly. Osmangazi Medical Journal, 28(2), 81-89
Aydın, İ. & Tütüncü, Ö. (2017). Aging and Recreation, Recreation Reviews. Editor: Özkan Tütüncü, Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Studies, 28(2), 315 – 321
Doğduay G. (2013). The Effect of Sport on Quality of Life in Parents who have Disabled Individuals, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Sakarya University Institute of Educational Sciences, Sakarya.
Esentaş, M., Güzel, P., Yıldız, K. & Çokşen, M. (2018). The Role of Participation to Leisure Activities in the Quality of Life at Individuals Living in Nursing Homes. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 12(3), 235-241
Fidaner, H., Elbi, H., Fidaner, C., Eser, S. Y., Eser, E. & Göker, E. (1999). Measuring Quality of Life: WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-BREF, Journal of 3P (Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychopharmacology), 7 (Ek 2), 5-13
Göktaş, A., Pekçetin, S., Tekindal, B., Kayıhan, H. & Uyanık, M. (2016). The Effect of Activity Preferences on Cognitive Skills and Life Satisfaction in Elderly Individuals. Journal of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 4(1), 1-14
Gönülateş, S. (2016). The Effect of Recreational Participation on Quality of Life in Different Countries. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Ankara
Göz, Y. (2017). Investigation of the Relationship between the Level of Physical Activity and Quality of Life of the Elderly Living in Nursing Homes and Their Own Homes. Unpublished Master Thesis. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Niğde
İnal, S., Subası, F., Mungan-Ay, S., Uzun, S., Alpkaya, U., Hayran, O. & Akarcay, V. (2003). Evaluation of the Physical Capacities and Quality of Life of the Elderly. Geriatrics, 6(3), 95-99
Şahin, N. E., & Emiroğlu, O. (2014). Quality of Life of Elderly Living in Nursing Homes and Factors Affecting Quality of Life. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal, 1(1), 57-66
Tunç, M. (2011). Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Mothers with Mentally Handicapped Children: The Example of Yenimahalle District, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Tütüncü, Ö., Aydın, İ., Küçükusta, D., Avcı, N. & Taş, İ. (2011). Analysis of Factors Affecting University Students' Participation in Recreation Activities, Journal of Sport Sciences, 22(2), 69–83.
Vatansever, Ş., Ölçücü, B., Özcan, G. & Çelik, A. (2015). The Relationship between Physical Activity Level and Quality of Life in the Middle Aged. INES International Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 63-73
Zincir, H., Taşçı, S., Kaya Erten, Z. & Başer, M. (2008). Factors Affecting Quality of Life and Depression Levels of Elderly Persons Living in Nursing Homes. Journal of Health Sciences, 17(3), 168-174
Zorba, E. (2004). Lifetime Sport. Istanbul: Marmara Publishing House.