Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 14 - 33, 31.07.2022
Özge Yavaş Tez
Pınar Güzel Gürbüz
Melike Esentaş Deveci
UAM technologies, also known as the flying car, which is shown as the future of aviation, are planned to be used in the field of recreation and tourism in the near future. Therefore, in this study, the attitudes of leisure participants towards the acceptance and use of urban air mobility (UAM) technologies in the field of tourism and recreation were examined in terms of socio-demographic variables. 270 leisure participants participated in the research. Data were collected with the Urban Air Mobility Acceptance and Use Model Scale. As a result, a statistically significant difference was found between the variables of gender, age and education level and the sub-dimensions of the UAM scale. There was no statistically significant difference between the monthly total income, flight purpose and flight frequency variables and the sub-dimensions of the UAM scale. In addition, the study is one of the few examples in the literature.
- Anderson S. (2014). Who do you trust more, male or female pilots? 2014.,-male-or-female-pilots-105.html.
- Banerjee, B., & McKeage, K. (1994). How green is my value: exploring the relationship between environmentalism and materialism. ACR North American Advances.
- Baysal Ö. (2021). Dünyada ve Türkiyede Otomotiv.
Chang MC, Wu CC. (2015). The effect of message framing on pro-environmental behavior intentions: An information processing view. British Food Journal, 117, 339-357.
- Chen F.Y., Hsu P.Y., Lin T.W. (2011). Air travelers' environmental consciousness: a preliminary investigation in Taiwan. International Journal of Business and Management, 6, 78. 10.5539/ijbm.v6n12p78
- Chen X., Peterson M.N., Hull V., Lu C., Lee G.D., Hong D., Liu J. (2011). Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China. Environmental Conservation, 38, 45-52.
- Diamantopoulos A., Schlegelmilch B.B., Sinkovics R.R., Bohlen G.M. (2003). Can socio-demographics still play a role in profiling green consumers? A review of the evidence and an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 56, 465-480.
- Ehang (2020). The future of transportation: White paper on urban air mobility systems.
- Getzner M., Grabner K.S. (2008). Consumer preferences and marketing strategies for “green
shares”: Specifics of the Austrian market. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 10.1108/02652320410542545
- Howe C.Z., Rancourt A.M. (1990). The importance of definitions of selected concepts for leisure inquiry. Leisure Sciences, 12, 395-406.
- Kheiry B., Nakhaei A. (2012). Consumers’ green purchase decision: An examination of environmental beliefs, environmental literacy and demographics. International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 2, 171-183.
- Kinnear T.C., Taylor J.R., Ahmed S.A. (1974). Ecologically concerned consumers: who are they? Ecologically concerned consumers can be identified. Journal of Marketing, 38, 20-24.
- Luo Y., Deng J. (2008). The New Environmental Paradigm and nature-based tourism motivation. Journal of Travel Research, 46, 392-402. 10.1177/0047287507308331
- Lee K. (2008). Making environmental communications meaningful to female adolescents: A study in Hong Kong. Science Communication, 30,147-176.
- Lee H., Kurisu K., Hanaki K. (2013). Influential factors on pro-environmental behaviors—A case study in Tokyo and Seoul. Low Carbon Economy, 3, 104-116. 10.4236/lce.2013.43011
- Mehta R., Rice S., Rao N., Coudert A., Oyman K. (2016). Age and Trust in Air Traffic Controllers: A Comparison Between Two Countries". Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference.
- Mehta R., Rice S., Winter S., Eudy M. (2017). Perceptions of cockpit configurations: A culture and gender analysis. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 27, 57-63.
- Meyer A. (2016). Heterogeneity in the preferences and pro-environmental behavior of college students: the effects of years on campus, demographics, and external factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 3451-3463.
- McCarthy F., Budd L., Ison S. (2015). Gender on the flight deck: Experiences of women commercial airline pilots in the UK. Journal of Air Transport Management, 47, 32-38.
- Meurs H., Kalfs N. (2000). Leisure and vacation: A forgotten travel market? In Transport and Leisure, Report of the Hundred and Eleventh Round Table on Transport Economics on Transport and Leisure, European Conference of Ministers of Transport.
- Miguel A.D.Q.C., Tempski P., Kobayasi R., Mayer F.B., Martins M.A. (2021). Predictive factors of quality of life among medical students: Results from a multicentric study. BMC Psychology, 9, 1-13. 10.1186/s40359-021-00534-5
- Mokhtarian P.L., Salomon I., Handy S.L. (2006). The impacts of ICT on leisure activities and travel: A conceptual exploration. Transportation, 33, 263-289.
- Oerke B., Bogner F.X. (2010). Gender, age and subject matter: Impact on teachers’ ecological values. The Environmentalist, 30, 111-122. 10.1007/s10669-009-9250-4
- Örselli E., Akbay C. (2019). Teknoloji ve kent yaşamında dönüşüm: akıllı kentler. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 2, 228-241.
- Pavalache-Ilie M., Unianu E.M. (2012). Locus of control and the pro-environmental attitudes. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 98-202.
- Rice S., Kraemer K., Winter S.R., Mehta R., Dunbar V., Rosser T.G., Moore, J.C. (2014). Passengers from India and the United States have differential opinions about autonomous auto-pilots for commercial flights. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 1, 3.
- Rice G. (2006). Pro-environmental behavior in Egypt: Is there a role for Islamic environmental ethics?. Journal of Business Ethics, 65, 373-390. 10.1007/s10551-006-0010-9
Roosien R.J., Bussink F.J.L. (2018). Urban air mobility.
- Roberts J.A. (1996). Green consumers in the 1990s: profile and implications for advertising. Journal of Business Research, 36, 217-231.
- Roberts J.A., Bacon D.R. (1997). Exploring the subtle relationships between environmental concern and ecologically conscious consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 40, 79-89.
- Rowlands I.H., Scott D., Parker P. (2003). Consumers and green electricity: profiling potential purchasers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12, 36-48. 10.1002/bse.346
Rothfeld R., Straubinger A., Fu M., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C. (2020). Urban air mobility. In Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems, Elsevier.
- Straughan R.D., Roberts J.A. (1996). Environmental segmentation alternatives: A look at green consumer behavior in the new millennium", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 558-575.
- Samarasinghe D.S. (2012). A green segmentation: Identifying the green consumer demographic profiles in Sri Lanka. International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 2, 318-331.
- Shaheen S., Cohen A., Farrar E. (2018). The potential societal barriers of urban air mobility (UAM).
- Schlich R., Schönfelder S., Hanson S., Axhausen K.W. (2004). Structures of leisure travel: temporal and spatial variability. Transport Reviews, 24, 219-237. 10.1080/0144164032000138742
- Walton R.O., Politano P.M. (2014). Gender-related perceptions and stress, anxiety, and depression on the flight deck. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 4, 67–73.
- Webster JrF.E. (1975). Determining the characteristics of the socially conscious consumer. Journal of Consumer Research, 2, 188-196.
- WHOQOL G. (2010). The World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment (WHOQOL): position paper from the World Health Organization. Soc Sci Med, 41, 1403.
- Xiao C., Hong D. (2010). Gender differences in environmental behaviors in China. Population and Environment, 32, 88-104.
- Yavas V., Tez Ö.Y. (2021). Urban air mobility acceptance and usage model: A scale development study. Journal of Aviation Research, 3, 279-298. 10.51785/jar.962735
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 14 - 33, 31.07.2022
Özge Yavaş Tez
Pınar Güzel Gürbüz
Melike Esentaş Deveci
- Anderson S. (2014). Who do you trust more, male or female pilots? 2014.,-male-or-female-pilots-105.html.
- Banerjee, B., & McKeage, K. (1994). How green is my value: exploring the relationship between environmentalism and materialism. ACR North American Advances.
- Baysal Ö. (2021). Dünyada ve Türkiyede Otomotiv.
Chang MC, Wu CC. (2015). The effect of message framing on pro-environmental behavior intentions: An information processing view. British Food Journal, 117, 339-357.
- Chen F.Y., Hsu P.Y., Lin T.W. (2011). Air travelers' environmental consciousness: a preliminary investigation in Taiwan. International Journal of Business and Management, 6, 78. 10.5539/ijbm.v6n12p78
- Chen X., Peterson M.N., Hull V., Lu C., Lee G.D., Hong D., Liu J. (2011). Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China. Environmental Conservation, 38, 45-52.
- Diamantopoulos A., Schlegelmilch B.B., Sinkovics R.R., Bohlen G.M. (2003). Can socio-demographics still play a role in profiling green consumers? A review of the evidence and an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 56, 465-480.
- Ehang (2020). The future of transportation: White paper on urban air mobility systems.
- Getzner M., Grabner K.S. (2008). Consumer preferences and marketing strategies for “green
shares”: Specifics of the Austrian market. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 10.1108/02652320410542545
- Howe C.Z., Rancourt A.M. (1990). The importance of definitions of selected concepts for leisure inquiry. Leisure Sciences, 12, 395-406.
- Kheiry B., Nakhaei A. (2012). Consumers’ green purchase decision: An examination of environmental beliefs, environmental literacy and demographics. International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 2, 171-183.
- Kinnear T.C., Taylor J.R., Ahmed S.A. (1974). Ecologically concerned consumers: who are they? Ecologically concerned consumers can be identified. Journal of Marketing, 38, 20-24.
- Luo Y., Deng J. (2008). The New Environmental Paradigm and nature-based tourism motivation. Journal of Travel Research, 46, 392-402. 10.1177/0047287507308331
- Lee K. (2008). Making environmental communications meaningful to female adolescents: A study in Hong Kong. Science Communication, 30,147-176.
- Lee H., Kurisu K., Hanaki K. (2013). Influential factors on pro-environmental behaviors—A case study in Tokyo and Seoul. Low Carbon Economy, 3, 104-116. 10.4236/lce.2013.43011
- Mehta R., Rice S., Rao N., Coudert A., Oyman K. (2016). Age and Trust in Air Traffic Controllers: A Comparison Between Two Countries". Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference.
- Mehta R., Rice S., Winter S., Eudy M. (2017). Perceptions of cockpit configurations: A culture and gender analysis. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 27, 57-63.
- Meyer A. (2016). Heterogeneity in the preferences and pro-environmental behavior of college students: the effects of years on campus, demographics, and external factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 3451-3463.
- McCarthy F., Budd L., Ison S. (2015). Gender on the flight deck: Experiences of women commercial airline pilots in the UK. Journal of Air Transport Management, 47, 32-38.
- Meurs H., Kalfs N. (2000). Leisure and vacation: A forgotten travel market? In Transport and Leisure, Report of the Hundred and Eleventh Round Table on Transport Economics on Transport and Leisure, European Conference of Ministers of Transport.
- Miguel A.D.Q.C., Tempski P., Kobayasi R., Mayer F.B., Martins M.A. (2021). Predictive factors of quality of life among medical students: Results from a multicentric study. BMC Psychology, 9, 1-13. 10.1186/s40359-021-00534-5
- Mokhtarian P.L., Salomon I., Handy S.L. (2006). The impacts of ICT on leisure activities and travel: A conceptual exploration. Transportation, 33, 263-289.
- Oerke B., Bogner F.X. (2010). Gender, age and subject matter: Impact on teachers’ ecological values. The Environmentalist, 30, 111-122. 10.1007/s10669-009-9250-4
- Örselli E., Akbay C. (2019). Teknoloji ve kent yaşamında dönüşüm: akıllı kentler. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 2, 228-241.
- Pavalache-Ilie M., Unianu E.M. (2012). Locus of control and the pro-environmental attitudes. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 98-202.
- Rice S., Kraemer K., Winter S.R., Mehta R., Dunbar V., Rosser T.G., Moore, J.C. (2014). Passengers from India and the United States have differential opinions about autonomous auto-pilots for commercial flights. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 1, 3.
- Rice G. (2006). Pro-environmental behavior in Egypt: Is there a role for Islamic environmental ethics?. Journal of Business Ethics, 65, 373-390. 10.1007/s10551-006-0010-9
Roosien R.J., Bussink F.J.L. (2018). Urban air mobility.
- Roberts J.A. (1996). Green consumers in the 1990s: profile and implications for advertising. Journal of Business Research, 36, 217-231.
- Roberts J.A., Bacon D.R. (1997). Exploring the subtle relationships between environmental concern and ecologically conscious consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 40, 79-89.
- Rowlands I.H., Scott D., Parker P. (2003). Consumers and green electricity: profiling potential purchasers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12, 36-48. 10.1002/bse.346
Rothfeld R., Straubinger A., Fu M., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C. (2020). Urban air mobility. In Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems, Elsevier.
- Straughan R.D., Roberts J.A. (1996). Environmental segmentation alternatives: A look at green consumer behavior in the new millennium", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 558-575.
- Samarasinghe D.S. (2012). A green segmentation: Identifying the green consumer demographic profiles in Sri Lanka. International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 2, 318-331.
- Shaheen S., Cohen A., Farrar E. (2018). The potential societal barriers of urban air mobility (UAM).
- Schlich R., Schönfelder S., Hanson S., Axhausen K.W. (2004). Structures of leisure travel: temporal and spatial variability. Transport Reviews, 24, 219-237. 10.1080/0144164032000138742
- Walton R.O., Politano P.M. (2014). Gender-related perceptions and stress, anxiety, and depression on the flight deck. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 4, 67–73.
- Webster JrF.E. (1975). Determining the characteristics of the socially conscious consumer. Journal of Consumer Research, 2, 188-196.
- WHOQOL G. (2010). The World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment (WHOQOL): position paper from the World Health Organization. Soc Sci Med, 41, 1403.
- Xiao C., Hong D. (2010). Gender differences in environmental behaviors in China. Population and Environment, 32, 88-104.
- Yavas V., Tez Ö.Y. (2021). Urban air mobility acceptance and usage model: A scale development study. Journal of Aviation Research, 3, 279-298. 10.51785/jar.962735