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Examination of The Ocular Tolerability of Topical Fixed Combinations Drug Treatments In Patients With Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 27 - 32, 01.02.2014


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the ocular tolerability of topical drug treatments of brimonide tartrate-timolol maleate, dorzolamid hydrochloride-timolol maleate and latanoprost-timolol maleate in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Material and Methods: A total of 58 patients (116 eyes) with the diagnosis of primary open-angle glaucoma assigned randomly to three groups [group 1 (brimonide tartrate-timolol maleate), n1 =18 patients (34 eyes); group 2 (dorzolamid hydrochloride-timolol maleate), n2=20 patients (34 eyes); group 3 (latanoprost-timolol maleate), n3=20 patients (38 eyes)] were enrolled in the Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Pamukkale University between February and July, 2009. Mean scores for side effects at the five-minute and second month after the initiation of drugs were recorded and compared with each other of the patients. Results: Mean scores for side effects in the initiation of drugs after the five minutes were 0.44±0.51 for group 1, 0.55±0.32 for group 2, and 0.49±0.41 for group 3, respectively. For all the three groups, a statistically significant difference was not determined (p>0.05). The mean scores of side effects obtained from the second month from group 1 to group 3 were founded as 0.41±0.39, 0.60±0.71 and 0.51±0.65, respectively. For all the three groups, a statistically significant difference was not determined (p>0.05). Conclusion: Ocular side effects were observed at the tolerable level in all three drugs. Ocular side effects of each drug were evaluated to be similar. Key words: Brimonidin; Dorzolamid; Latanoprost; Primary Open Angle Glaucoma; Ocular Discomfort Scala; Timolol; Ocular Tolerability.


  • Hollows FC, Graham PA. Intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and glaucoma suspects in a defined population. Br J Ophthalmol 1966;50:570-86.
  • Shield MB. Textbook of glaucoma, 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1992;26:405-6.
  • Chan K, Testa M, McCluskey P. Ocular comfort of combination glaucoma therapies: Brimonidin 0.2% / timolol 0.5% compared with dorzolamid 0.2% / timolol 0.5%. J of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007;23:372-6.
  • Sheerwood MB, Craven ER, Chou C, DuBiner HB, Batoosingh AL, Schiffman RM et al. Twice-daily 0.2% brimonidine/ 0.5% timolol fixed combination therapy vs monotherapy with timolol or brimonidine in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension: A 12-month randomized trial. Arch Ophthalmol 2006;124:1230-8.
  • Cvetkovie D, Parunovie A, Kontie DJ. Konjunktivale Veraengederungen bei der lokalen laengjahrigen medikamentösen therapie des glaucomas. Fortschr Ophthalmol 1986;83:407-9.
  • Elcioglu M, Gozum N, Urgancıoglu M, Turker G, Sansoy N, Erbengi T. Pilokarpin ve/veya timolol maleat kullanan hastalarda konjonktiva sitolojisinin ve gözyaşı fonksiyon testlerinin özellikleri. Köker ÖF, Ersöz TR, Mürşitoğlu M ve ark, editörler, TOD 23. Ulus Kong Bült, Çukurova Üniv Basımevi, Adana,1989:324-6.
  • Steward RH, Kimbrough RL, Ward RL. Betaxolol and timolol: A six month double blind comparison. Arch Ophthalmol 1986;104:64-8.
  • Ersahin C, Izgi B, Manav G, Turker G. %0.5 Betaxolol HCl ve % 0.5 timolol maleatın gözyaşı yapım ve niteliğine etkisi. T Oft Gaz 1992;22:358-63.
  • Feghali JG, Kaufman PL, Radius RL, Mandell A. A comparison of betaxolol and timolol in open angle glaucoma. Ophthalmol 1986;93(8):117.
  • Başmak H, Yıldırım N, Cantürk E, Başer G, Yurdakul S. Topikal. Beta-bloker kullanan olguların gözyaşı fonksiyon testlerive impresyon sitolojisi sonuçları. MN Oftalmoloji 1995;2:106-8.
  • Kennedy RE, Roca PD, Landers PH. Atypical band keratopathy in glaucomatous patients Am J Ophthalmol 1971;72:917-22.
  • De Saint Jean M, Debbosch C, Brignole F, Rat P, Warnet JM. Boudovin C. Toxicity of preserved and unpreserved antiglaucoma topical drugs in an invitro model of conjunctival cells. Curr Eye Res 2000;20: 85-94.
  • Crichton AC, Vold S, Williams JM, Hollander DA. Ocular surface tolerability of prostaglandin analogs and prostamides in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Adv Ther. 2013;30(3):260-70.
  • Chander A, Kapoor H, Thomas S. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of bimatoprost (0.03%) and travoprost (0.004%) in patients with primary open angle glaucoma.Nepal J Ophthalmol. 2013;5(9):75-80.
  • Sanseau A, Sampaolesi J, Suzuki ER Jr, Lopes JF, Borel H. Preference for a fixed combination of brinzolamide/timolol versus dorzolamide/timolol among patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Clin Ophthalmol. 2013;7(2):357-62.
  • Craven ER, Walters TR, Williams R, Chou C, Cheetham JK, Schiffma R. Brimonidine and timolol fixed-combination therapy versus monotherapy: a 3-month randomized trial in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2005;21:337-48.
  • Garcia-Sanchez J, Rouland JF, Spiegel D, Pajic B, Cunliffe I, Traverso C, et al. A comparison of the fixed combination of latanoprost and timolol with the unfixed combination of brimonidine and timolol in patients with elevated intraocular pressure. A six month, evaluator masked, multicentre study in Europe. Br J Ophthalmol 2004;88:877-83.
  • Ozkurt YB, Sengor T, Evciman T, Haboglu M, Bas G, Aydin S. Administration of the fixed combination of latanoprost 0.005% and timolol 0.5% in glaucoma patients with an intraocular pressure over 30 mmHg. Clin Ophthalmol 2009;3:337-9.
  • Solish AM, DeLucca PT, Cassel DA, Kolodny AH, Hustad CM, Skobieranda F. Dorzolamide/timolol fixed combination versus concomitant administration of brimonidine and timolol in patients with elevated intraocular pressure: A 3- month comparison of efficacy, tolerability, and patient- reported measures. J Glaucoma 2004;13:149-57.

Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 27 - 32, 01.02.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmada primer açık açılı glokom hastalarında klinik pratikte de rutin uygulanmakta olan; brimonidin tartrat-timolol maleat, latanoprost-timolol maleat ve dorzolamid hidroklorür-timolol maleat sabit kombine topikal ilaç tedavilerinin oküler tolerabilitelerini incelemek amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim dalında Şubat-Temmuz 2009 tarihleri arasında, primer açık açılı glokom tanısı ile izlenen toplam 58 hasta (116 göz) rastgele atama ile; grup 1 (brimonidin tartrat- timolol maleat) için 18 hasta (34 göz), grup 2 (dorzolamid hidroklorür- timolol maleat) için 20 hasta (34 göz) ve grup 3 (latanoprost- timolol maleat) için 20 hastaya (36 göz) ayrılarak çalışmaya alındı. Hastalarda ilaçlar başlandıktan sonra beşinci dakikada ve ikinci aydaki yan etki skor ortalamaları kaydedildi. Kaydedilen yan etki skor ortalamaları her üç grup arasında kıyaslandı. Bulgular: İlaç başlangıcından beş dakika sonraki yan etkiler için ortalama skorlar grup 1, grup 2 ve grup 3 için, sırası ile 0.44±0.51, 0.55±0.32 ve 0.49±0.41 olarak bulundu. Her üç grup arasında istatistiksel açıdan fark bulunamadı (p>0.05). 2. ayda kaydedilen ortalama skorlar ise sırası ile 0.41±0.39, 0.60±0.71 ve 0.51±0.65 olarak bulundu. Her üç grup arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. (p>0.05). Sonuç: Her üç ilaçta da tolere edilebilir düzeyde oküler yan etkiler görüldü. Her üç ilancın da oküler tolerabilite skor ortalamaları birbiri ile benzer olarak değerlendirildi. Anahtar kelimeler: Brimonidin; Dorzolamid; Latanoprost; Primer Açık Açılı Glokom; Ocular Discomfort Scala; Timolol; Oküler Tolerabilite.


  • Hollows FC, Graham PA. Intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and glaucoma suspects in a defined population. Br J Ophthalmol 1966;50:570-86.
  • Shield MB. Textbook of glaucoma, 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1992;26:405-6.
  • Chan K, Testa M, McCluskey P. Ocular comfort of combination glaucoma therapies: Brimonidin 0.2% / timolol 0.5% compared with dorzolamid 0.2% / timolol 0.5%. J of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007;23:372-6.
  • Sheerwood MB, Craven ER, Chou C, DuBiner HB, Batoosingh AL, Schiffman RM et al. Twice-daily 0.2% brimonidine/ 0.5% timolol fixed combination therapy vs monotherapy with timolol or brimonidine in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension: A 12-month randomized trial. Arch Ophthalmol 2006;124:1230-8.
  • Cvetkovie D, Parunovie A, Kontie DJ. Konjunktivale Veraengederungen bei der lokalen laengjahrigen medikamentösen therapie des glaucomas. Fortschr Ophthalmol 1986;83:407-9.
  • Elcioglu M, Gozum N, Urgancıoglu M, Turker G, Sansoy N, Erbengi T. Pilokarpin ve/veya timolol maleat kullanan hastalarda konjonktiva sitolojisinin ve gözyaşı fonksiyon testlerinin özellikleri. Köker ÖF, Ersöz TR, Mürşitoğlu M ve ark, editörler, TOD 23. Ulus Kong Bült, Çukurova Üniv Basımevi, Adana,1989:324-6.
  • Steward RH, Kimbrough RL, Ward RL. Betaxolol and timolol: A six month double blind comparison. Arch Ophthalmol 1986;104:64-8.
  • Ersahin C, Izgi B, Manav G, Turker G. %0.5 Betaxolol HCl ve % 0.5 timolol maleatın gözyaşı yapım ve niteliğine etkisi. T Oft Gaz 1992;22:358-63.
  • Feghali JG, Kaufman PL, Radius RL, Mandell A. A comparison of betaxolol and timolol in open angle glaucoma. Ophthalmol 1986;93(8):117.
  • Başmak H, Yıldırım N, Cantürk E, Başer G, Yurdakul S. Topikal. Beta-bloker kullanan olguların gözyaşı fonksiyon testlerive impresyon sitolojisi sonuçları. MN Oftalmoloji 1995;2:106-8.
  • Kennedy RE, Roca PD, Landers PH. Atypical band keratopathy in glaucomatous patients Am J Ophthalmol 1971;72:917-22.
  • De Saint Jean M, Debbosch C, Brignole F, Rat P, Warnet JM. Boudovin C. Toxicity of preserved and unpreserved antiglaucoma topical drugs in an invitro model of conjunctival cells. Curr Eye Res 2000;20: 85-94.
  • Crichton AC, Vold S, Williams JM, Hollander DA. Ocular surface tolerability of prostaglandin analogs and prostamides in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Adv Ther. 2013;30(3):260-70.
  • Chander A, Kapoor H, Thomas S. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of bimatoprost (0.03%) and travoprost (0.004%) in patients with primary open angle glaucoma.Nepal J Ophthalmol. 2013;5(9):75-80.
  • Sanseau A, Sampaolesi J, Suzuki ER Jr, Lopes JF, Borel H. Preference for a fixed combination of brinzolamide/timolol versus dorzolamide/timolol among patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Clin Ophthalmol. 2013;7(2):357-62.
  • Craven ER, Walters TR, Williams R, Chou C, Cheetham JK, Schiffma R. Brimonidine and timolol fixed-combination therapy versus monotherapy: a 3-month randomized trial in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2005;21:337-48.
  • Garcia-Sanchez J, Rouland JF, Spiegel D, Pajic B, Cunliffe I, Traverso C, et al. A comparison of the fixed combination of latanoprost and timolol with the unfixed combination of brimonidine and timolol in patients with elevated intraocular pressure. A six month, evaluator masked, multicentre study in Europe. Br J Ophthalmol 2004;88:877-83.
  • Ozkurt YB, Sengor T, Evciman T, Haboglu M, Bas G, Aydin S. Administration of the fixed combination of latanoprost 0.005% and timolol 0.5% in glaucoma patients with an intraocular pressure over 30 mmHg. Clin Ophthalmol 2009;3:337-9.
  • Solish AM, DeLucca PT, Cassel DA, Kolodny AH, Hustad CM, Skobieranda F. Dorzolamide/timolol fixed combination versus concomitant administration of brimonidine and timolol in patients with elevated intraocular pressure: A 3- month comparison of efficacy, tolerability, and patient- reported measures. J Glaucoma 2004;13:149-57.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Murat Atabey Özer Bu kişi benim

Cem Yıldırım Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özer, M. A., & Yıldırım, C. (2014). Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center, 21(1), 27-32.
AMA Özer MA, Yıldırım C. Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. Şubat 2014;21(1):27-32.
Chicago Özer, Murat Atabey, ve Cem Yıldırım. “Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 21, sy. 1 (Şubat 2014): 27-32.
EndNote Özer MA, Yıldırım C (01 Şubat 2014) Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 21 1 27–32.
IEEE M. A. Özer ve C. Yıldırım, “Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi”, J Turgut Ozal Med Cent, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 27–32, 2014.
ISNAD Özer, Murat Atabey - Yıldırım, Cem. “Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 21/1 (Şubat 2014), 27-32.
JAMA Özer MA, Yıldırım C. Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. 2014;21:27–32.
MLA Özer, Murat Atabey ve Cem Yıldırım. “Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center, c. 21, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 27-32.
Vancouver Özer MA, Yıldırım C. Primer Açık Açılı Glokomda Topikal Sabit Kombinasyon İlaç Tedavilerinin Tolerabilitelerinin İncelenmesi. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. 2014;21(1):27-32.