Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin öznel iyi oluşları ile kariyer uyumlulukları arasındaki amaçlar için mücadele etmenin aracılık etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmaya ölçüt örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen 244 öğretmen katılmıştır. Bu öğretmenlerin 76’sı (%31) erkek ve 168’u (%69) kadından oluşmaktadır. Öğretmenlerin yaş aralığı 26-62 arasında değişmektedir. Çalışmada veri toplama araçları olarak, amaçlar için mücadele etme ölçeği, olumlu ve olumsuz duygu ölçeği, yaşam doyumu ölçeği ve kariyer uyumluluğu ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, veriler yapısal eşitlik modelliyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin öznel iyi oluşlarını kariyer uyumluluğu artırırken bu süreçte amaçlar için mücadele etmenin de aracılık etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin öznel iyi oluşlarını artırmada bu çalışmada ele alınan modelin boyutları kullanılabilir. İkinci olarak kariyer uyumlulukları yüksek ve düşük olan öğretmenler, bu modelde yer alan değişkenler açısından karşılaştırılabilir. Üçüncü olarak, yüksek öznel iyi oluşu sahip öğretmenlerin öğrencilere olan etkileri de ilerleyen süreçte incelenebilir.
Büyükgöze-Kavas, A., Duffy, R. D., & Douglass, R. P. (2015). Exploring links between career adaptability, work volition, and well-being among Turkish students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, 122-131.
Cenkseven-Onder, F.,& Sari, M. (2009). TheQuality of School Life andburnout as predictors of subjectivewell-beingamongteachers. EducationalSciences: Theoryand Practice, 9(3), 1223-1235.
Chan, D. W. (2010). Gratitude, gratitudeinterventionandsubjectivewell‐beingamong Chineseschoolteachers in Hong Kong. EducationalPsychology, 30(2), 139-153.
Chan, D. W. (2013). Subjectivewell-being of Hong Kong Chineseteachers: Thecontribution ofgratitude, forgiveness, andtheorientationstohappiness. TeachingandTeacher Education, 32, 22-30.
Cohen, J. (2006). Social, emotional, ethical, andacademiceducation: Creating a climatefor learning, participation in democracy, andwell-being. Harvard EducationalReview, 76(2), 201-237.
Creed, P. A.,Fallon, T., &Hood, M. (2009). Therelationshipbetweencareer adaptability, personandsituationvariables, andcareerconcerns in young adults. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 74(2), 219-229.
Creed, P.,Buys, N., Tilbury, C., &Crawford, M. (2013). Therelationshipbetweengoal orientationandcareerstriving in youngadolescents. Journal of AppliedSocial Psychology, 43(7), 1480-1490.
Diener, E. (1984). Subjectivewell-being. PsychologicalBulletin, 95(3), 542-575.
Durak, M.,Senol-Durak, E., &Gencoz, T. (2010). Psychometricproperties of thesatisfaction with life scaleamongTurkishuniversitystudents, correctionalofficers, andelderlyadults. SocialIndicatorResearch, 99(3), 413-429.
Emmons, R. A. (1986). Personalstrivings: An approachtopersonalityandsubjectivewell- being. Journal Of PersonalityAndSocialPsychology, 51(5), 1058-1068.
Ergün, E.,&Nartgün, Ş. S. (2017). Öğretmen öznel iyi oluş ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Sakarya UniversityJournal of Education, 7(2), 385-397.
Eryilmaz, A. (2011). Satisfaction of needs and determining of life goals: a model of subjective well-being for adolescents in high school. Educational Sciences: Theory andPractice, 11(4), 1757-1764.
Eryılmaz, A. (2012a). A model of subjective well-being for adolescents in high school. Journal of HappinessStudies, 13(2), 275-289.
Eryilmaz, A. (2012b). A model for subjective well-being in adolescence: Need satisfaction and reasons for living. Social IndicatorsResearch, 107(3), 561-574.
Eryılmaz, A. (2015). Amaçlar için mücadele ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(4), 233-244.
Eryılmaz, A. (2016). Herkes için mutluluğun başucu kitabı. (2. Baskı).Ankara: Pegem.
Eryılmaz, A.,&Kara A. (2016). Investigation of psychometricproperties of career adaptabilityscale. The Online Journal of CounselingandEducation, 5(1), 29-39.
Eryılmaz, A.,& Mutlu, T. (2017). Yaşam boyu gelişim yaklaşımı perspektifinden kariyer gelişimi ve ruh sağlığı. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 9(2), 227-249.
Hefferon, K.,&Boniwell, I. (2011). Positivepsychology: Theory, researchandapplications. McGraw-HillEducation (UK).
García-Moya, I.,Brooks, F., Morgan, A., &Moreno, C. (2015). Subjectivewell-being in adolescenceandteacherconnectedness: A healthassetanalysis. HealthEducation Journal, 74(6), 641-654.
Gençöz, T. (2000). Pozitif ve negatif duygu ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15, 19-26.
Ginevra, M. C.,Magnano, P., Lodi, E., Annovazzi, C., Camussi, E., Patrizi, P., & Nota, L. (2018). The role of careeradaptabilityandcourage on life satisfaction in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 62, 1-8.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1993). Goalachievement: The role of intentions. EuropeanReview of SocialPsychology, 4, 141-185.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementationintentions: Strongeffects of simpleplans. AmericanPsychologist, 54, 493-503.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Schaal, B. (1998). Metacognition in action: Theimportance of implementationintentions. PersonalityandSocialPsychologyReview, 2, 124–136.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Sheeran, P. (2006). Implementationintentionsandgoalachievement: A meta- analysis of effectsandprocesses. Advances in ExperimentalSocialPsychology, 38, 69–119.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Wicklund, R. A. (1985). Self-symbolizingandtheneglect of others’ perspectives. Journal of PersonalityandSocialPsychology, 56, 531–715.
Hirschi, A. (2009). Careeradaptabilitydevelopment in adolescence: Multiplepredictors andeffect on sense of powerand life satisfaction. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 74(2), 145-155.
Hofer, J.,Busch, H., Bond, M. H., Li, M., &Law, R. (2010). Effects of motive-goal congruence on well-being in thepower domain: Consideringgoalsandvalues in a GermanandtwoChinesesamples. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(5), 610-620.
Klug, H. J.,&Maier, G. W. (2015). Linkinggoalprogressandsubjectivewell-being: A meta- analysis. Journal of HappinessStudies, 16(1), 37-65.
Konstam, V., Tomek, S., Celen-Demirtas, S., & Sweeney, K. (2015). Volunteering and reemployment status in unemployed emerging adults: a time-worthy investment?. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(1), 152-165.
Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeyinin karşılaştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, A.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Locke, E. A.,&Latham, G. P. (2006). New directions in goal-settingtheory. Current Directions in PsychologicalScience, 15, 265–268.
Lykken, D.,&Tellegen, A. (1996). Happiness is a stochasticphenomenon. Psychological Science, 7, 186–189.
Maggiori, C.,Johnston, C. S., Krings, F., Massoudi, K., &Rossier, J. (2013). The role of careeradaptabilityandworkconditions on general and Professional well-being. Journal ofVocationalBehavior, 83(3), 437-449.
Myers, D. G.,&Diener, E. (1995). Who is happy?.PsychologicalScience, 6(1), 10-19.
Neuman, L. (2016).Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri (S. Özge, Çev.). İstanbul: Yayın Odası Yayınları.
Nicholls, A. R.,Levy, A. R., Carson, F., Thompson, M. A., & Perry, J. L. (2016). The applicability of self-regulationtheories in sport: goaladjustmentcapacities, stress appraisals, coping, andwell-beingamongathletes. Psychology of SportandExercise, 27, 47-55.
Patton, W.,Bartrum, D. A., &Creed, P. A. (2004). Genderdifferencesforoptimism, self- esteem, expectationsandgoals in predictingcareerplanningandexploration in adolescents. International JournalforEducationalandVocationalGuidance, 4(2-3), 193-209.
Praskova, A.,Creed, P. A., &Hood, M. (2013). Facilitatingengagement in newcareer goals: Themoderatingeffects of personalresourcesandcareeractions. International JournalforEducationalandVocationalGuidance, 13(2), 115-134.
Ramos, K.,& Lopez, F. G. (2018). Attachmentsecurityandcareeradaptability as predictors ofsubjectivewell-beingamongcareertransitioners. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 104, 72-85.
Renshaw, T. L.,Long, A. C., &Cook, C. R. (2015). Assessingteachers’ positive psychologicalfunctioning at work: Development andvalidation of theTeacher subjectivewellbeingQuestionnaire. School PsychologyQuarterly, 30(2), 289-306.
Santilli, S., Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., &Soresi, S. (2014). Careeradaptability, hopeand life satisfaction in workerswithintellectualdisability. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 85(1), 67-74.
Savickas,M.L.(2005).Thetheoryandpractice of careerconstruction. Careerdevelopmentand counseling: PuttingTheoryandResearchtoWork, 1, 42-70.
Savickas, M. L. (2012). Life design: A paradigmforcareerintervention in the 21st century. Journal of Counselingand Development, 90, 13-19.
Sheldon, K. M.,&Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goalstriving, needsatisfaction, andlongitudinalwell- being: the self-concordance model. JournalOf PersonalityAndSocialPsychology, 76(3), 482-497.
Spilt, J. L.,Koomen, H. M., &Thijs, J. T. (2011). Teacherwellbeing: Theimportance of teacher–studentrelationships. EducationalPsychologyReview, 23(4), 457-477.
Super, D. E. (1980). A life-span, life-spaceapproachtocareerdevelopment. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 16(3), 282-298.
L. R.,Garcia, P. R. J. M., Lu, V. N., Restubog, S. L. D., Bordia, P., &Plewa, C. (2014). Careeradaptation: Therelation of adaptabilitytogoalorientation, proactive personality, andcareeroptimism. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 84(1), 39-48.
Watson, D.,Clark, L.A. &Tellegen, A. (1988). “Development andvalidation of briefmeasure ofpositiveandnegativeaffect: The PANAS scales”. Journal of PersonalityandSocial Psychology, 54(6), 1063-1070.
Zikic, J.,&Klehe, U.-C. (2006). Jobloss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career explorationandcareerplanning in predictingreemploymentquality. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 69, 391-409.
Year 2019,
Volume: 9 Issue: 52, 1 - 21, 01.03.2019
Büyükgöze-Kavas, A., Duffy, R. D., & Douglass, R. P. (2015). Exploring links between career adaptability, work volition, and well-being among Turkish students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, 122-131.
Cenkseven-Onder, F.,& Sari, M. (2009). TheQuality of School Life andburnout as predictors of subjectivewell-beingamongteachers. EducationalSciences: Theoryand Practice, 9(3), 1223-1235.
Chan, D. W. (2010). Gratitude, gratitudeinterventionandsubjectivewell‐beingamong Chineseschoolteachers in Hong Kong. EducationalPsychology, 30(2), 139-153.
Chan, D. W. (2013). Subjectivewell-being of Hong Kong Chineseteachers: Thecontribution ofgratitude, forgiveness, andtheorientationstohappiness. TeachingandTeacher Education, 32, 22-30.
Cohen, J. (2006). Social, emotional, ethical, andacademiceducation: Creating a climatefor learning, participation in democracy, andwell-being. Harvard EducationalReview, 76(2), 201-237.
Creed, P. A.,Fallon, T., &Hood, M. (2009). Therelationshipbetweencareer adaptability, personandsituationvariables, andcareerconcerns in young adults. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 74(2), 219-229.
Creed, P.,Buys, N., Tilbury, C., &Crawford, M. (2013). Therelationshipbetweengoal orientationandcareerstriving in youngadolescents. Journal of AppliedSocial Psychology, 43(7), 1480-1490.
Diener, E. (1984). Subjectivewell-being. PsychologicalBulletin, 95(3), 542-575.
Durak, M.,Senol-Durak, E., &Gencoz, T. (2010). Psychometricproperties of thesatisfaction with life scaleamongTurkishuniversitystudents, correctionalofficers, andelderlyadults. SocialIndicatorResearch, 99(3), 413-429.
Emmons, R. A. (1986). Personalstrivings: An approachtopersonalityandsubjectivewell- being. Journal Of PersonalityAndSocialPsychology, 51(5), 1058-1068.
Ergün, E.,&Nartgün, Ş. S. (2017). Öğretmen öznel iyi oluş ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Sakarya UniversityJournal of Education, 7(2), 385-397.
Eryilmaz, A. (2011). Satisfaction of needs and determining of life goals: a model of subjective well-being for adolescents in high school. Educational Sciences: Theory andPractice, 11(4), 1757-1764.
Eryılmaz, A. (2012a). A model of subjective well-being for adolescents in high school. Journal of HappinessStudies, 13(2), 275-289.
Eryilmaz, A. (2012b). A model for subjective well-being in adolescence: Need satisfaction and reasons for living. Social IndicatorsResearch, 107(3), 561-574.
Eryılmaz, A. (2015). Amaçlar için mücadele ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(4), 233-244.
Eryılmaz, A. (2016). Herkes için mutluluğun başucu kitabı. (2. Baskı).Ankara: Pegem.
Eryılmaz, A.,&Kara A. (2016). Investigation of psychometricproperties of career adaptabilityscale. The Online Journal of CounselingandEducation, 5(1), 29-39.
Eryılmaz, A.,& Mutlu, T. (2017). Yaşam boyu gelişim yaklaşımı perspektifinden kariyer gelişimi ve ruh sağlığı. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 9(2), 227-249.
Hefferon, K.,&Boniwell, I. (2011). Positivepsychology: Theory, researchandapplications. McGraw-HillEducation (UK).
García-Moya, I.,Brooks, F., Morgan, A., &Moreno, C. (2015). Subjectivewell-being in adolescenceandteacherconnectedness: A healthassetanalysis. HealthEducation Journal, 74(6), 641-654.
Gençöz, T. (2000). Pozitif ve negatif duygu ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15, 19-26.
Ginevra, M. C.,Magnano, P., Lodi, E., Annovazzi, C., Camussi, E., Patrizi, P., & Nota, L. (2018). The role of careeradaptabilityandcourage on life satisfaction in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 62, 1-8.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1993). Goalachievement: The role of intentions. EuropeanReview of SocialPsychology, 4, 141-185.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementationintentions: Strongeffects of simpleplans. AmericanPsychologist, 54, 493-503.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Schaal, B. (1998). Metacognition in action: Theimportance of implementationintentions. PersonalityandSocialPsychologyReview, 2, 124–136.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Sheeran, P. (2006). Implementationintentionsandgoalachievement: A meta- analysis of effectsandprocesses. Advances in ExperimentalSocialPsychology, 38, 69–119.
Gollwitzer, P. M.,&Wicklund, R. A. (1985). Self-symbolizingandtheneglect of others’ perspectives. Journal of PersonalityandSocialPsychology, 56, 531–715.
Hirschi, A. (2009). Careeradaptabilitydevelopment in adolescence: Multiplepredictors andeffect on sense of powerand life satisfaction. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 74(2), 145-155.
Hofer, J.,Busch, H., Bond, M. H., Li, M., &Law, R. (2010). Effects of motive-goal congruence on well-being in thepower domain: Consideringgoalsandvalues in a GermanandtwoChinesesamples. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(5), 610-620.
Klug, H. J.,&Maier, G. W. (2015). Linkinggoalprogressandsubjectivewell-being: A meta- analysis. Journal of HappinessStudies, 16(1), 37-65.
Konstam, V., Tomek, S., Celen-Demirtas, S., & Sweeney, K. (2015). Volunteering and reemployment status in unemployed emerging adults: a time-worthy investment?. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(1), 152-165.
Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeyinin karşılaştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, A.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Locke, E. A.,&Latham, G. P. (2006). New directions in goal-settingtheory. Current Directions in PsychologicalScience, 15, 265–268.
Lykken, D.,&Tellegen, A. (1996). Happiness is a stochasticphenomenon. Psychological Science, 7, 186–189.
Maggiori, C.,Johnston, C. S., Krings, F., Massoudi, K., &Rossier, J. (2013). The role of careeradaptabilityandworkconditions on general and Professional well-being. Journal ofVocationalBehavior, 83(3), 437-449.
Myers, D. G.,&Diener, E. (1995). Who is happy?.PsychologicalScience, 6(1), 10-19.
Neuman, L. (2016).Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri (S. Özge, Çev.). İstanbul: Yayın Odası Yayınları.
Nicholls, A. R.,Levy, A. R., Carson, F., Thompson, M. A., & Perry, J. L. (2016). The applicability of self-regulationtheories in sport: goaladjustmentcapacities, stress appraisals, coping, andwell-beingamongathletes. Psychology of SportandExercise, 27, 47-55.
Patton, W.,Bartrum, D. A., &Creed, P. A. (2004). Genderdifferencesforoptimism, self- esteem, expectationsandgoals in predictingcareerplanningandexploration in adolescents. International JournalforEducationalandVocationalGuidance, 4(2-3), 193-209.
Praskova, A.,Creed, P. A., &Hood, M. (2013). Facilitatingengagement in newcareer goals: Themoderatingeffects of personalresourcesandcareeractions. International JournalforEducationalandVocationalGuidance, 13(2), 115-134.
Ramos, K.,& Lopez, F. G. (2018). Attachmentsecurityandcareeradaptability as predictors ofsubjectivewell-beingamongcareertransitioners. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 104, 72-85.
Renshaw, T. L.,Long, A. C., &Cook, C. R. (2015). Assessingteachers’ positive psychologicalfunctioning at work: Development andvalidation of theTeacher subjectivewellbeingQuestionnaire. School PsychologyQuarterly, 30(2), 289-306.
Santilli, S., Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., &Soresi, S. (2014). Careeradaptability, hopeand life satisfaction in workerswithintellectualdisability. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 85(1), 67-74.
Savickas,M.L.(2005).Thetheoryandpractice of careerconstruction. Careerdevelopmentand counseling: PuttingTheoryandResearchtoWork, 1, 42-70.
Savickas, M. L. (2012). Life design: A paradigmforcareerintervention in the 21st century. Journal of Counselingand Development, 90, 13-19.
Sheldon, K. M.,&Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goalstriving, needsatisfaction, andlongitudinalwell- being: the self-concordance model. JournalOf PersonalityAndSocialPsychology, 76(3), 482-497.
Spilt, J. L.,Koomen, H. M., &Thijs, J. T. (2011). Teacherwellbeing: Theimportance of teacher–studentrelationships. EducationalPsychologyReview, 23(4), 457-477.
Super, D. E. (1980). A life-span, life-spaceapproachtocareerdevelopment. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 16(3), 282-298.
L. R.,Garcia, P. R. J. M., Lu, V. N., Restubog, S. L. D., Bordia, P., &Plewa, C. (2014). Careeradaptation: Therelation of adaptabilitytogoalorientation, proactive personality, andcareeroptimism. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 84(1), 39-48.
Watson, D.,Clark, L.A. &Tellegen, A. (1988). “Development andvalidation of briefmeasure ofpositiveandnegativeaffect: The PANAS scales”. Journal of PersonalityandSocial Psychology, 54(6), 1063-1070.
Zikic, J.,&Klehe, U.-C. (2006). Jobloss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career explorationandcareerplanning in predictingreemploymentquality. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 69, 391-409.
Eryılmaz, A., & Kara, A. (2019). Öğretmenlerin Öznel İyi Oluşlarıyla Kariyer Uyumlulukları Arasında Amaçlar İçin Mücadele Etmenin Aracı Rolü. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 9(52), 1-21.