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From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 27 Sayı: IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı, 81 - 106, 14.03.2025


This paper investigates the interconnectedness between the Chinese and Indian stock markets using Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Threshold ARCH (TARCH) model (VAR-VECH-TARCH). Our analysis focuses on the dynamic spillover effects, particularly their intensification following the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic. The empirical results suggest a differentiated short-term volatility transmission. The Indian market exhibits lower dependence on its own past volatility and weaker short-term linkages with other markets compared to China and the US. However, in the long-term, cointegration is evident, implying interconnectedness across all three markets. Furthermore, our findings reveal a positive dynamic conditional correlation between the Chinese and Indian stock markets, reaching its peak during the pandemic period. Interestingly, this correlation converges to zero after July 2022, potentially reflecting a shift in investment strategies. These results contribute to a nuanced understanding of the recent investment shift from China (SHENZHENCSI) to India (BSESENSEX), highlighting the importance of recognizing the unique dynamics of each market and avoiding oversimplified interpretations.


  • Abounoori, Esmaiel and Mansour Tour. “Stock market interactions among Iran, USA, Turkey, and UAE. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 524, 297-305, 2019.
  • Agmon, Tamir. “The Relations Among Equity Markets: A Study Of Share Price Comovements in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan” Journal of Finance, 27(3), 839-855, 1972.
  • Alfreedi, Ajab A. “Shocks and Volatility Spillover Between Stock Markets of Developed Countries and GCC Stock Markets." Journal of Taibah University for Science, 13(1), 112-120, 2019.
  • Baele, Lieven. “Volatility Spillover Effects in European Equity Markets” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 40(2), 373–401. 2005.
  • Bala, Dahiru A and Tara Takimoto. “Stock Markets Volatility Spillovers During Financial Crises: A DCC-MGARCH with Skewed-T Density Approach”. Borsa Istanbul Review, 17(1): 25-48, 2017.
  • Balcilar, Mehmet and Zeynel A. Ozdemir. The Volatility Effect On Precious Metals Prices in A Stochastic Volatility in Mean Model with Time-Varying Parameters (No. 15-34), 2018.
  • Batareddy, Murali. Gopalaswamy, Arun K and Chai-Hsang Huang. “The Stability of Long‐Run Relationships: A Study on Asian Emerging and Developed Stock Markets (Japan And US)”. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 7(1): 31-48, 2018.
  • BenSaïda, Ahmet, Boubaker, Sabri and Duc Khong Nguyen. “The Shifting Dependence Dynamics Between the G7 Stock Markets”. Quantitative Finance, 18(5), 801–812, 2018.
  • Chen, Heng, Lobo, Bento. J., and Wing Keung Wong. “Links Between the Indian, US and Chinese Stock Markets.” National University of Singapore, Department of Economics, Working Paper, 602, 2006.
  • Chen, Qiang, Zheng, Xu, and Zihuyan Pan. “Asymptotically Distribution-Free Tests for the Volatility Function of a Diffusion”. Journal of Econometrics, 184(1), 124-144, 2015.
  • Gérard, Bruno., Thanyalakpark, Kessara and Jonathan V Batten. “Are The East Asian Markets Integrated? Evidence from The ICAPM.” Journal of Economics and Business, 55(5-6): 585-607, 2003.
  • Glosten, Lawrance R, Jagannathan, Ravi and David E. Runkle. “On The Relation Between the Expected Value and the Volatility of the Nominal Excess Return on Stocks.” The Journal of Finance, 48(5), 1779-1801, 1993.
  • Guimaraes-Filho, Roberto and Gee Hee, Hong. “Dynamic Connectedness of Asian Equity Markets.” International Monetary Fund (IMF) Working Paper, WP/ 16/57, 2016.
  • Habiba, Umm E., Peilong, Shen, Zhang, Wenlong and Kashif Hamid. “International Stock Markets Integration and Dynamics of Volatility Spillover Between the USA and South Asian Markets: Evidence from Global Financial Crisis.” Journal of Asia Business Studies, 14(5), 779-794, 2020.
  • Hamao, Yasushi, Masulis, Ronald W. and Victor Ng. “Correlations in Price Changes and Volatility Across International Stock Markets”. The Review of Financial Studies. 3(2): 281-307, 1990.
  • Hilliard, Jimmy E. “The Relationship Between Equity Indices on World Exchanges.” The Journal of Finance, 34(1), 103-114, 1979.
  • Hung, Ngo T. “Return and Volatility Spillover Across Equity Markets Between China and Southeast Asian Countries.” Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. 24(47): 66-81. 2019.
  • Jebran, Khalil and Amjad Iqbal. “Dynamics of Volatility Spillover Between Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market: Evidence from Asian Countries.” Financial Innovation, 2, 1-20, 2016.
  • Jebran, Khalil Chen, Shihua., Ullah, Irfan and Sultan S. Mirza. “Does Volatility Spillover Among Stock Markets Varies from Normal to Turbulent Periods? Evidence from Emerging Markets of Asia.” The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 3(1-4): 20-30, 2017.
  • Joshi, Prashant. “Return and Volatility Spillovers among Asian Stock Markets”. Sage Open, 1(1): 2158244011413474, 2011.
  • Kirkulak Uludag, Berna and Muzammil Khurshid. “Volatility Spillover from the Chinese Stock Market to E7 and G7 Stock Markets.” Journal of Economic Studies, 46(1), 90-105, 2019.
  • Kumar, Kiran K. and Chiranjit C. Mukhopadyay. “Equity Market Interlinkages: Transmission of Volatility-A Case of US and India. NSE”. India Research paper, Source: www. nseindia. com. 2002
  • Lee, Byung-Joo. “Asian Financial Market Integration and the Role of Chinese Financial Market.” International Review of Economics & Finance, 59, 490-499, 2019.
  • Li, Matthew C. “Wealth, Volume and Stock Market Volatility: Case of Hong Kong (1993–2001).” Applied Economics, 39(15), 1937-1953, 2007.
  • Li, Yanan and David E. Giles. “Modelling Volatility Spillover Effects Between Developed Stock Markets and Asian Emerging Stock Markets.” International Journal of Finance & Economics, 20(2): 155-177, 2015.
  • Ling, Siqhing and Micahael McAleer. “Asymptotic Theory for a Vector ARMA-GARCH Model.” Econometric Theory, 19(2), 280-310, 2003.
  • Liu, Ziefeng, Huynh, Toaan. L. D., and Peng-Fei Dai “The impact of COVID-19 on the stock market crash risk in China”. Research in international Business and Finance, 57, 101419. 2021.
  • Mishra, Alok K., Rath, Badri N and Aruna K. Dash. (2021). “Does The Indian Financial Market Nosedive Because Of The COVID-19 Outbreak, In Comparison to After Demonetisation and The GST?”, Research on Pandemics (pp. 30-48). Routledge, 2021.
  • Moon, Gyu-Hen, and Choun Yu Wei. “Volatility Spillovers Between the US and China Stock Markets: Structural Break Test with Symmetric and Asymmetric GARCH Approaches.” Global Economic Review, 39(2), 129-149, 2010.
  • Mukherjee, Kedar and Ram K. Mishra. “Stock Market Integration and Volatility Spillover: India and Its Major Asian Counterparts” Research in International Business and Finance, 24(2), 235-251,2010.
  • Ross, Stephen A. “Information and Volatility: The No‐Arbitrage Martingale Approach to Timing and Resolution Irrelevancy.” The Journal of Finance, 44(1), 1-17, 1989.
  • Sakthivel, P., Bodkhe, N. and B. Kamaiah “Correlation and Volatility Transmission Across International Stock Markets: A Bivariate GARCH Analysis”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(3), 253-264, 2012.
  • Syriopoulos, Theodore., Makram, Beljid, and Boubaker, Adel “Stock Market Volatility Spillovers and Portfolio Hedging: BRICS and the Financial Crisis.” International Review of Financial Analysis, 39, 7-18, 2015.
  • Singh, Pardeep., Kumar, Arnav and CA Deepak. “Volatility Spillover Across Major Equity Markets: A Critical Review of Literature.” International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 6(4), 2015.
  • Vlasova, E. and D. Luo.“Volatility Spillover Between the Russia–India–China Triad and The United States: A Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Analysis.” The New Economic Association, 111, 2022.
  • Vo, Xuan V. and Thi Tuan A. Tran. “Modelling Volatility Spillovers from The US Equity Market to ASEAN Stock Markets.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 59:101246, 2020.
  • Vuong, Giang Thi H., Nguyen, Manh H. and Anh Ngoc Q. Huynh “Volatility Spillovers from the Chinese Stock Market to The US Stock Market: The Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 26, e00276, 2022.
  • Worthington, Andrew and Hellen Higgs. “Random Walks and Market Efficiency in European Equity Markets.” The Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(1), 59-78, 2004.
  • Zehri, Chokri. “Stock Market Comovements: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 24: e00228, 2021.
  • Zhang, Guofu, and Wei Liu. “Analysis of the International Propagation of Contagion Between Oil and Stock Markets.” Energy, 165, 469-486, 2018.
  • Zhong, Yi. and Jiapeng Liu. “Correlations and Volatility Spillovers Between China and Southeast Asian Stock Markets” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 81: 57-69, 2021.

Ejderha'dan File: Çin ve Hindistan Borsaları Arasındaki Son Etkileşimleri Deşifre Etmek

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 27 Sayı: IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı, 81 - 106, 14.03.2025


Bu çalışma, Vektör Otoregresyon (VAR) ile eşik ARCH (TARCH) modelini (VAR-VECH-TARCH) kullanarak Çin ve Hindistan borsaları arasındaki bağlantıyı araştırmaktadır. Analizimiz, Covid-19 salgını sonrası yoğunlaşan dinamik sıçrama etkilerine odaklanmaktadır. Ampirik sonuçlar, farklılaştırılmış kısa vadeli volatilite aktarımına işaret etmektedir. Hindistan pazarı, Çin ve ABD'ye kıyasla kendi geçmiş volatilitesine daha az bağımlılık ve diğer piyasalara da daha zayıf kısa vadeli bağlantı göstermektedir. Ancak, uzun vadede tüm üç pazar da birbirine bağlılığı ima eden eşbütünleşme açıktır. Ayrıca, bulgularımız Çin ve Hindistan borsa piyasaları arasında pozitif bir dinamik koşullu korelasyon olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu korelasyonun pandemi döneminde zirveye ulaşması dikkate değerdir. İlginç bir şekilde, bu korelasyon Temmuz 2022'den sonra sıfıra yakınsarken potansiyel olarak yatırım stratejilerinde bir değişikliği yansıtmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar, Çin'den (SHENZHENCSI) Hindistan'a (BSESENSEX) yapılan son yatırım kaymasını nüanslı bir şekilde anlamaya katkıda bulunmakta ve her bir piyasanın benzersiz dinamiklerini tanımanın ve aşırı basitleştirilmiş yorumlardan kaçınmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Abounoori, Esmaiel and Mansour Tour. “Stock market interactions among Iran, USA, Turkey, and UAE. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 524, 297-305, 2019.
  • Agmon, Tamir. “The Relations Among Equity Markets: A Study Of Share Price Comovements in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan” Journal of Finance, 27(3), 839-855, 1972.
  • Alfreedi, Ajab A. “Shocks and Volatility Spillover Between Stock Markets of Developed Countries and GCC Stock Markets." Journal of Taibah University for Science, 13(1), 112-120, 2019.
  • Baele, Lieven. “Volatility Spillover Effects in European Equity Markets” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 40(2), 373–401. 2005.
  • Bala, Dahiru A and Tara Takimoto. “Stock Markets Volatility Spillovers During Financial Crises: A DCC-MGARCH with Skewed-T Density Approach”. Borsa Istanbul Review, 17(1): 25-48, 2017.
  • Balcilar, Mehmet and Zeynel A. Ozdemir. The Volatility Effect On Precious Metals Prices in A Stochastic Volatility in Mean Model with Time-Varying Parameters (No. 15-34), 2018.
  • Batareddy, Murali. Gopalaswamy, Arun K and Chai-Hsang Huang. “The Stability of Long‐Run Relationships: A Study on Asian Emerging and Developed Stock Markets (Japan And US)”. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 7(1): 31-48, 2018.
  • BenSaïda, Ahmet, Boubaker, Sabri and Duc Khong Nguyen. “The Shifting Dependence Dynamics Between the G7 Stock Markets”. Quantitative Finance, 18(5), 801–812, 2018.
  • Chen, Heng, Lobo, Bento. J., and Wing Keung Wong. “Links Between the Indian, US and Chinese Stock Markets.” National University of Singapore, Department of Economics, Working Paper, 602, 2006.
  • Chen, Qiang, Zheng, Xu, and Zihuyan Pan. “Asymptotically Distribution-Free Tests for the Volatility Function of a Diffusion”. Journal of Econometrics, 184(1), 124-144, 2015.
  • Gérard, Bruno., Thanyalakpark, Kessara and Jonathan V Batten. “Are The East Asian Markets Integrated? Evidence from The ICAPM.” Journal of Economics and Business, 55(5-6): 585-607, 2003.
  • Glosten, Lawrance R, Jagannathan, Ravi and David E. Runkle. “On The Relation Between the Expected Value and the Volatility of the Nominal Excess Return on Stocks.” The Journal of Finance, 48(5), 1779-1801, 1993.
  • Guimaraes-Filho, Roberto and Gee Hee, Hong. “Dynamic Connectedness of Asian Equity Markets.” International Monetary Fund (IMF) Working Paper, WP/ 16/57, 2016.
  • Habiba, Umm E., Peilong, Shen, Zhang, Wenlong and Kashif Hamid. “International Stock Markets Integration and Dynamics of Volatility Spillover Between the USA and South Asian Markets: Evidence from Global Financial Crisis.” Journal of Asia Business Studies, 14(5), 779-794, 2020.
  • Hamao, Yasushi, Masulis, Ronald W. and Victor Ng. “Correlations in Price Changes and Volatility Across International Stock Markets”. The Review of Financial Studies. 3(2): 281-307, 1990.
  • Hilliard, Jimmy E. “The Relationship Between Equity Indices on World Exchanges.” The Journal of Finance, 34(1), 103-114, 1979.
  • Hung, Ngo T. “Return and Volatility Spillover Across Equity Markets Between China and Southeast Asian Countries.” Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. 24(47): 66-81. 2019.
  • Jebran, Khalil and Amjad Iqbal. “Dynamics of Volatility Spillover Between Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market: Evidence from Asian Countries.” Financial Innovation, 2, 1-20, 2016.
  • Jebran, Khalil Chen, Shihua., Ullah, Irfan and Sultan S. Mirza. “Does Volatility Spillover Among Stock Markets Varies from Normal to Turbulent Periods? Evidence from Emerging Markets of Asia.” The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 3(1-4): 20-30, 2017.
  • Joshi, Prashant. “Return and Volatility Spillovers among Asian Stock Markets”. Sage Open, 1(1): 2158244011413474, 2011.
  • Kirkulak Uludag, Berna and Muzammil Khurshid. “Volatility Spillover from the Chinese Stock Market to E7 and G7 Stock Markets.” Journal of Economic Studies, 46(1), 90-105, 2019.
  • Kumar, Kiran K. and Chiranjit C. Mukhopadyay. “Equity Market Interlinkages: Transmission of Volatility-A Case of US and India. NSE”. India Research paper, Source: www. nseindia. com. 2002
  • Lee, Byung-Joo. “Asian Financial Market Integration and the Role of Chinese Financial Market.” International Review of Economics & Finance, 59, 490-499, 2019.
  • Li, Matthew C. “Wealth, Volume and Stock Market Volatility: Case of Hong Kong (1993–2001).” Applied Economics, 39(15), 1937-1953, 2007.
  • Li, Yanan and David E. Giles. “Modelling Volatility Spillover Effects Between Developed Stock Markets and Asian Emerging Stock Markets.” International Journal of Finance & Economics, 20(2): 155-177, 2015.
  • Ling, Siqhing and Micahael McAleer. “Asymptotic Theory for a Vector ARMA-GARCH Model.” Econometric Theory, 19(2), 280-310, 2003.
  • Liu, Ziefeng, Huynh, Toaan. L. D., and Peng-Fei Dai “The impact of COVID-19 on the stock market crash risk in China”. Research in international Business and Finance, 57, 101419. 2021.
  • Mishra, Alok K., Rath, Badri N and Aruna K. Dash. (2021). “Does The Indian Financial Market Nosedive Because Of The COVID-19 Outbreak, In Comparison to After Demonetisation and The GST?”, Research on Pandemics (pp. 30-48). Routledge, 2021.
  • Moon, Gyu-Hen, and Choun Yu Wei. “Volatility Spillovers Between the US and China Stock Markets: Structural Break Test with Symmetric and Asymmetric GARCH Approaches.” Global Economic Review, 39(2), 129-149, 2010.
  • Mukherjee, Kedar and Ram K. Mishra. “Stock Market Integration and Volatility Spillover: India and Its Major Asian Counterparts” Research in International Business and Finance, 24(2), 235-251,2010.
  • Ross, Stephen A. “Information and Volatility: The No‐Arbitrage Martingale Approach to Timing and Resolution Irrelevancy.” The Journal of Finance, 44(1), 1-17, 1989.
  • Sakthivel, P., Bodkhe, N. and B. Kamaiah “Correlation and Volatility Transmission Across International Stock Markets: A Bivariate GARCH Analysis”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(3), 253-264, 2012.
  • Syriopoulos, Theodore., Makram, Beljid, and Boubaker, Adel “Stock Market Volatility Spillovers and Portfolio Hedging: BRICS and the Financial Crisis.” International Review of Financial Analysis, 39, 7-18, 2015.
  • Singh, Pardeep., Kumar, Arnav and CA Deepak. “Volatility Spillover Across Major Equity Markets: A Critical Review of Literature.” International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 6(4), 2015.
  • Vlasova, E. and D. Luo.“Volatility Spillover Between the Russia–India–China Triad and The United States: A Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Analysis.” The New Economic Association, 111, 2022.
  • Vo, Xuan V. and Thi Tuan A. Tran. “Modelling Volatility Spillovers from The US Equity Market to ASEAN Stock Markets.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 59:101246, 2020.
  • Vuong, Giang Thi H., Nguyen, Manh H. and Anh Ngoc Q. Huynh “Volatility Spillovers from the Chinese Stock Market to The US Stock Market: The Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 26, e00276, 2022.
  • Worthington, Andrew and Hellen Higgs. “Random Walks and Market Efficiency in European Equity Markets.” The Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(1), 59-78, 2004.
  • Zehri, Chokri. “Stock Market Comovements: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 24: e00228, 2021.
  • Zhang, Guofu, and Wei Liu. “Analysis of the International Propagation of Contagion Between Oil and Stock Markets.” Energy, 165, 469-486, 2018.
  • Zhong, Yi. and Jiapeng Liu. “Correlations and Volatility Spillovers Between China and Southeast Asian Stock Markets” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 81: 57-69, 2021.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Finansal Piyasalar ve Kurumlar
Bölüm Makaleler

Caner Özdurak 0000-0003-0793-7480

Derya Hekim 0000-0002-2478-2305

Kaan Evren Bolgün 0000-0002-6338-0026

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 27 Sayı: IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdurak, C., Hekim, D., & Bolgün, K. E. (2025). From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 27(IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı), 81-106.
AMA Özdurak C, Hekim D, Bolgün KE. From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Mart 2025;27(IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı):81-106. doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1515655
Chicago Özdurak, Caner, Derya Hekim, ve Kaan Evren Bolgün. “From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts Between China and India Stock Exchanges”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 27, sy. IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı (Mart 2025): 81-106.
EndNote Özdurak C, Hekim D, Bolgün KE (01 Mart 2025) From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 27 IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı 81–106.
IEEE C. Özdurak, D. Hekim, ve K. E. Bolgün, “From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 27, sy. IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı, ss. 81–106, 2025, doi: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1515655.
ISNAD Özdurak, Caner vd. “From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts Between China and India Stock Exchanges”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 27/IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı (Mart 2025), 81-106.
JAMA Özdurak C, Hekim D, Bolgün KE. From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2025;27:81–106.
MLA Özdurak, Caner vd. “From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts Between China and India Stock Exchanges”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 27, sy. IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı, 2025, ss. 81-106, doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1515655.
Vancouver Özdurak C, Hekim D, Bolgün KE. From Dragon to Elephant: Decoding Recent Shifts between China and India Stock Exchanges. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2025;27(IERFM 2025 Özel Sayı):81-106.

Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ile lisanslanmıştır.