Incidental pathologies found in neck dissection: an unusual case report
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 167 - 170, 08.06.2009
İclal Gürses
Murat Ünal
Tuba Karabacak
During the pathologic examination of neck dissection specimens, unexpected findings within lymph nodes may occasionally be uncovered. Such findings may include the presence of a second primary tumor or inflammatory disease, the discovery of which may have implications on management and prognosis. Incidental papillary thyroid carcinoma and necrotizing granulomatous inflammation were found in addition to squamous cell carcinoma metastasis in the pathological study of the neck dissection specimen in a 70-year-old male patient with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic features of this rare association were discussed in the light of the current literature.
- Sheahan P, Hafidh M, Toner M, Timon C. Unexpected findings in neck dissection for squamous cell carci- noma: incidence and implications. Head Neck 2005; 27:28-35.
- León X, Sancho FJ, García J, Sañudo JR, Orşs C, Quer M. Incidence and significance of clinically unsus- pected thyroid tissue in lymph nodes found during neck dissection in head and neck carcinoma patients. Laryngoscope 2005;115:470-4.
- Ratcliffe RJ, Soutar DS. Unexpected lymph node pathol- ogy in neck dissection for head and neck cancer. Head Neck 1990;12:244-6.
- Rosai J, Carcangiu ML, Delellis RA. Tumor of the thy- roid gland. In: Rosai J, Sobin L, editors. Atlas of the tumor pathology. 3rd ed. Washington: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1992. p. 317-26.
- Fliegelman LJ, Genden EM, Brandwein M, Mechanick J, Urken ML. Significance and management of thyroid lesions in lymph nodes as an incidental finding during neck dissection. Head Neck 2001;23:885-91.
- Vassilopoulou-Sellin R, Weber RS. Metastatic thyroid cancer as an incidental finding during neck dissec- tion: significance and management. Head Neck 1992; 14:459-63.
- Resta L, Piscitelli D, Fiore MG, Di Nicola V, Fiorella ML, Altavilla A, et al. Incidental metastases of well- differentiated thyroid carcinoma in lymph nodes of patients with squamous cell head and neck cancer: eight cases with a review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2004;261:473-8.
- Özcan M, Tezer MS, Şahin C, Han Ö, Ünal A, Tuncel Ü. Larenks karsinomu nedeniyle boyun diseksiyonu yapılan olgularda rastlantısal olarak rastlanan tiroid papiller karsinom metastazı. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2007;27:294-7.
- Coskun H, Erisen L, Tolunay S, Basut O, Onart S, Tezel I. Incidental association of thyroid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. Am J Otolaryngol 2002;23:228-32.
Boyun diseksiyonunda bulunan tesadüfi patolojiler: Nadir bir olgu sunumu
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 167 - 170, 08.06.2009
İclal Gürses
Murat Ünal
Tuba Karabacak
Boyun diseksiyonu örneklerinin patolojik incele- mesinde lenf nodlarında beklenmedik bulgular nadiren ortaya çıkabilir. Bu bulgular ikinci bir pri- mer tümör varlığı veya enflamatuvar hastalıklar şeklinde olabilir; bunların saptanması hastaya yaklaşım ve prognozu etkileyebilir. Yetmiş yaşın- da, larenks skuamöz hücreli karsinomlu erkek hastada, boyun diseksiyonu örneğinin patolojik değerlendirmesinde skuamöz hücreli karsinom yayılımına ek olarak lenf nodlarında tesadüfen tiroid papiller karsinomu ve nekrotizan granülo- matöz iltihap bulundu. Bu nadir birlikteliğin tanısı, tedavisi ve prognozu güncel literatür bilgileri ışı- ğında tartışıldı
- Sheahan P, Hafidh M, Toner M, Timon C. Unexpected findings in neck dissection for squamous cell carci- noma: incidence and implications. Head Neck 2005; 27:28-35.
- León X, Sancho FJ, García J, Sañudo JR, Orşs C, Quer M. Incidence and significance of clinically unsus- pected thyroid tissue in lymph nodes found during neck dissection in head and neck carcinoma patients. Laryngoscope 2005;115:470-4.
- Ratcliffe RJ, Soutar DS. Unexpected lymph node pathol- ogy in neck dissection for head and neck cancer. Head Neck 1990;12:244-6.
- Rosai J, Carcangiu ML, Delellis RA. Tumor of the thy- roid gland. In: Rosai J, Sobin L, editors. Atlas of the tumor pathology. 3rd ed. Washington: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1992. p. 317-26.
- Fliegelman LJ, Genden EM, Brandwein M, Mechanick J, Urken ML. Significance and management of thyroid lesions in lymph nodes as an incidental finding during neck dissection. Head Neck 2001;23:885-91.
- Vassilopoulou-Sellin R, Weber RS. Metastatic thyroid cancer as an incidental finding during neck dissec- tion: significance and management. Head Neck 1992; 14:459-63.
- Resta L, Piscitelli D, Fiore MG, Di Nicola V, Fiorella ML, Altavilla A, et al. Incidental metastases of well- differentiated thyroid carcinoma in lymph nodes of patients with squamous cell head and neck cancer: eight cases with a review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2004;261:473-8.
- Özcan M, Tezer MS, Şahin C, Han Ö, Ünal A, Tuncel Ü. Larenks karsinomu nedeniyle boyun diseksiyonu yapılan olgularda rastlantısal olarak rastlanan tiroid papiller karsinom metastazı. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2007;27:294-7.
- Coskun H, Erisen L, Tolunay S, Basut O, Onart S, Tezel I. Incidental association of thyroid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. Am J Otolaryngol 2002;23:228-32.