Hemangiomas are the most common masses of the major salivary glands in parotid glands in childhood particularly. They occur more frequently in the parotid gland and rarely the submandibular gland. Changes in blood flow dynamics within hemangiomas may induce thrombus formation and phleboliths. Cavernous hemangioma may lead to thrombophlebitis in major salivary glands in adults. To our knowledge, cavernous hemangioma of submandibular glands containing phleboliths in childhood has not been described so far in the literature. In this article, we report the first pediatric case of a cavernous hemangioma containing multiple phleboliths in the submandibular gland mimicking submandibular sialolithiasis in a seven-year-old boy.
McMenamin M, Quinn A, Barry H, Sleeman D, Wilson G, Toner M. Cavernous hemangioma in the submandibular gland masquerading as sialadenitis: case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84:146-8.
Endothelium (CD-31, 20x and 200x).
Cankaya H, Unal O, Ugras S, Yuca K, Kiriş M. Hemangioma with phleboliths in the sublingual gland: as a cause of submental opacity. Tohoku J Exp Med 2003;199:187-91.
Bentz BG, Hughes CA, Lüdemann JP, Maddalozzo J. Masses of the salivary gland region in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;126:1435-9.
Chuang CC, Lin HC, Huang CW. Submandibular cavernous hemangiomas with multiple phleboliths masquerading as sialolithiasis. J Chin Med Assoc 2005;68:441-3.
Kowalik S. Cavernous angioma with venous stones simulating sialolithiasis in the submandibular gland. Czas Stomatol 1967;20:1069-71. [Abstract]
Hopkins R. Submandibular sialolithiasis with a case of a cavernous haemangioma presenting as a salivary calculus. Br J Oral Surg 1969;6:215-21.
Submandibüler bezin sialoliti taklit eden multipl flebolitler içeren hemanjiyomu: İlk pediatrik olgu
Hemanjiyomlar, çocukluk çağında majör tükürük bezi, özellikle parotis bezlerinin, en sık görülen kitleleridir. Sıklıkla paro- tis bezinde nadiren de submandibüler bezde görülürler. Hemanjiyom içerisinde kan akımındaki değişiklikler, trombüs oluşumu ve flebolitleri tetikleyebilir. Kavernöz hemanjiyom, erişkinlerde majör tükürük bezlerinde tromboflebite neden olabilir. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla bugüne kadar literatürde çocukluk çağında submandibüler bezde flebolitler içeren bir kavernöz hemanjiyom olgusu tanımlanmamıştır. Bu yazıda, yedi yaşında bir erkek çocukta submandibüler sialoliti taklit eden, çok sayıda flebolit içeren ilk pediatrik kavernöz hemanjiyom olgusu sunuldu
McMenamin M, Quinn A, Barry H, Sleeman D, Wilson G, Toner M. Cavernous hemangioma in the submandibular gland masquerading as sialadenitis: case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84:146-8.
Endothelium (CD-31, 20x and 200x).
Cankaya H, Unal O, Ugras S, Yuca K, Kiriş M. Hemangioma with phleboliths in the sublingual gland: as a cause of submental opacity. Tohoku J Exp Med 2003;199:187-91.
Bentz BG, Hughes CA, Lüdemann JP, Maddalozzo J. Masses of the salivary gland region in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;126:1435-9.
Chuang CC, Lin HC, Huang CW. Submandibular cavernous hemangiomas with multiple phleboliths masquerading as sialolithiasis. J Chin Med Assoc 2005;68:441-3.
Kowalik S. Cavernous angioma with venous stones simulating sialolithiasis in the submandibular gland. Czas Stomatol 1967;20:1069-71. [Abstract]
Hopkins R. Submandibular sialolithiasis with a case of a cavernous haemangioma presenting as a salivary calculus. Br J Oral Surg 1969;6:215-21.
Aynalı, G., Ünal, F., Yarıktaş, M., Yasan, H., vd. (2014). Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 24(3), 168-171.
Aynalı G, Ünal F, Yarıktaş M, Yasan H, Çiriş M, Yılmaz Ö. Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case. Tr-ENT. Haziran 2014;24(3):168-171.
Aynalı, Giray, Fatih Ünal, Murat Yarıktaş, Hasan Yasan, Metin Çiriş, ve Ömer Yılmaz. “Submandibular Hemangioma With Multiple Phleboliths Mimicking Sialolithiasis: The First Pediatric Case”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24, sy. 3 (Haziran 2014): 168-71.
Aynalı G, Ünal F, Yarıktaş M, Yasan H, Çiriş M, Yılmaz Ö (01 Haziran 2014) Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24 3 168–171.
G. Aynalı, F. Ünal, M. Yarıktaş, H. Yasan, M. Çiriş, ve Ö. Yılmaz, “Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case”, Tr-ENT, c. 24, sy. 3, ss. 168–171, 2014.
Aynalı, Giray vd. “Submandibular Hemangioma With Multiple Phleboliths Mimicking Sialolithiasis: The First Pediatric Case”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24/3 (Haziran 2014), 168-171.
Aynalı G, Ünal F, Yarıktaş M, Yasan H, Çiriş M, Yılmaz Ö. Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case. Tr-ENT. 2014;24:168–171.
Aynalı, Giray vd. “Submandibular Hemangioma With Multiple Phleboliths Mimicking Sialolithiasis: The First Pediatric Case”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, c. 24, sy. 3, 2014, ss. 168-71.
Aynalı G, Ünal F, Yarıktaş M, Yasan H, Çiriş M, Yılmaz Ö. Submandibular hemangioma with multiple phleboliths mimicking sialolithiasis: the first pediatric case. Tr-ENT. 2014;24(3):168-71.