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Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758)

Yıl 2013, , - , 01.08.2013


The aim of this study was to compare growth, gonadal structure and red blood cell sizes of triploid and diploid brown trout (Salmo trutta fario). Triploidy was induced by providing a heat shock treatment to the fertilized eggs. From the 18th month post-fertilization triploid (TBT) and control diploid (CBT) brown trout groups were investigated up to 32nd month. Survival, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, condition factor, relative growth rate, absolute growth rate, gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index and carcass yield were determined in both groups. It has been determined that the triploid fish showed greater live weight than diploid fish despite the difference was not significant (P>0.05). In triploid group triploidisation success was obtained as 95% and male/female ratio was found as 44.4-55.6%. The red blood cells were significantly larger in triploids than diploid ones (P<0.05). Regarding histological section of gonads, triploidy resulted in reduced gonadal development in female, while triploid males seem to exhibit normal gonadal development. Our results suggest that since triploid females could grow more than males, the growth performance studies on triploid brown trout should be performed with all-female stocks under fish farming practices especially for the production of large size trout.


  • Arai, K. and Wilkins, N.P. 1987. Triploidization of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by heat shocks. Aquaculture, 64: 97- doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(86)90345-0
  • Bagenal, T.B. and Tesch, F.W. 1978. Age and growth. In: T. Bagenal (Ed.), Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters, 3 rd edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 101-136.
  • Benfey, T.J.N. 1988. The reproductive physiology of triploid Pacific salmonids. PhD. thesis. British Columbia: The University of British Columbia.
  • Benfey, T.J., Dye, H.M., Solar, I.I. and Donaldson, E.M. 19 The growth and reproductive endocrinology of adult triploid Pacific salmonids. Fish Physiol. Biochem., 6(2): 113-120. doi: 10.1007/BF01875483
  • Benfey, T.J. 1999. The physiology and behaviour of triploid fishes. Rev. Fish. Sci., 7: 39– doi: 1080/10641269991319162
  • Bhat, S.A., Chalkoo, S.R. and Shammi, Q.J. 2011. Nutrient Utilization and Food Conversion of Rainbow Trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Subjected to Mixed Feeding Schedules. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11: 273-281. doi: 10.4194/trjfas.2011.0212
  • Bonnet, S., Haffray, P., Blanc, J.M., Vallee, F., Vauchez, C., Faure, A. and Fauconneau, B. 1999. Genetic variation in growth parameters until commercial size in diploid and triploid freshwater rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and seawater brown trout Salmo trutta. Aquaculture, 173: 359-375. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(98)00460-8
  • Bromage, N. 1992. Propagation and Stock Improvement. In: J. Sheperd and N. Bromage (Eds.), Intensive fish farming, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 103-150
  • Brydges, K. and Benfey, T.J. 1991. Triploid brown trout (Salmo trutta) produced by hydrostatic pressure shock. Bull. Aquacul. Assoc. Canada, 91(3): 31-33.
  • Busacker, G.P., Adelman, I.R. and Goolish, E.M. 1990. Growth. In: C.B. Schreck and P.B. Moyle (Eds), Methods for Fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Maryland: 363-387.
  • Cal, R.M., Vidal, S., Gomez, C., Blazquez, B.A., Martinez, P. and Piferrer, F. 2006. Growth and gonadal development in diploid and triploid turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture, 251: 99-108. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2005.05.010
  • Crozier, W.W. and Moffett, I.J.J. 1989. Experimental production of triploid brown trout, Salmo trutta L., using heat shock. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 20: 343-353. doi: 10.1111/j.136521989.tb00362.x
  • Felip, A., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Martinez, G., Ramos, J. and Piferrer, F. 1997. Optimal conditions for the induction of triploidy in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Aquaculture, 152: 287-298. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(96)01509-8
  • Felip, A., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Piferrer, F. 1999. Growth and gonadal development in triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) during the first two years of age. Aquaculture, 173: 389-399. doi: 10.1016/S00448486(98)00464-5
  • Felip, A., Piferrer, F., Carrillo, M. and Zanuy, S. 2001. Comparison of the gonadal development and plasma levels of sex steroid hormones in diploid and triploid sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 290: 384-3 doi: 1002/jez.1079
  • Gao, Z., Wang, W., Abbas, K., Zhou, X., Yang, Y., Diana, J.S., Wang, H., Wang, H., Li, Y., Sun, Y. 2007. Haematological characterization of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: Comparison among diploid, triploid and tetraploid specimens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology PartA, 147: 1001-1008. doi: 1016/j.cbpa.2007.03.006
  • Gillet, C., Vauchez, C. and Haffray, P. 2001. Triploidy induced by pressure shock in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): growth, survival and maturation until the third year. Aquat. Living Resour., 14: 327-334. doi: 1016/S0990-7440(01)01129-9
  • Guner, Y., Kayim, M., Kizak, V. and Gulu, K. 2005. Production and performance of triploid rainbow trout in Turkey. Indian Vet. J., 82: 1077-1079.
  • Henken, A.M., Brunink, A.M., Richter, C.J.J. 1987. Differences in growth rate and feed utilization between diploid and triploid African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822.. Aquaculture, 63: 233-242. doi: 1016/0044-8486(87)90075-5
  • Hinton, D.E. 1990. Histological Techniques. In: C.B. Schreck and P.B. Moyle (Eds.), Methods for Fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Maryland: 19120
  • Jackson, A. 1988. Growth, nutrition and feeding. In: L. Laird and T. Needham (Eds.), Salmon and Trout Farming, Ellis Horwood Boks: 202-216.
  • Johnstone, R. 1992. Production and performance of triploid Atlantic salmon in Scotland. Scottish Aquaculture Research Report Number 2.
  • Kankaya, E. 1998. A study on inducing of triploidy by heat shock in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) (In Turkish). MSc. thesis. Van: Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Kerby, J.H., Everson, J.M., Harrell, R.M., Geiger, J.G., Starling, C.C. and Revels, H. 2002. Performance comparisons between diploid and triploid sunshine bass in fresh water ponds. Aquaculture, 211: 91-108. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(02)00009-1
  • Kizak, V., Guner, Y., Turel, M., Can, E. and Kayim, M. 20 A comparison of the survival and growth performance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) fry. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 6(5): 1274-1276. doi: 5897/AJAR10.838
  • Koedprang, W. and Nakorn, U.N. 2000. Preliminary study on performance of triploid Thai silver barb, Puntius gonionotus. Aquaculture, 190: 211-2 doi: 1016/S0044-8486(00)00405-1
  • Korkut, A.Y., Kop, A., Demirtaş, N. and Cihaner, A., 2007. Determination methods of growth performance in fish feeding (In Turkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 24(1-2): 201-205.
  • Krisfalusi, M., Wheeler, P.A., Thorgaard, G.H. and Cloud, J.G. 2000. Gonadal morphology of female diploid gynogenetic and triploid rainbow trout. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 286: 505-5 doi: 1002/(SICI)1097-010X(20000401)
  • Lincoln, R.F. and Scott, A.P. 1984. Sexual maturation in triploid rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, Journal of Fish Biology, 25: 385-392. doi: 1111/j.1095-8649.1984.tb04886.x
  • Lincoln, R. 1996. Progress towards the commercial production of triploid brown trout. Trout News, 22: 23Loopstra, D.P. and Hansen, P.A. 2008. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using hydrostatic pressure. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series, No.08-22.
  • McGeachy, S.A., Benfey, T.J. and Fiars, G.W. 1995. Freshwater performance of triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in New Brunswick aquaculture. Aquaculture, 137(1-4): 333-341. doi: 10.1016/00448486(95)01100-5
  • Ojolick, E.J., Cusack, R., Benfey, T.J. and Kerr, S.R. 1995. Survival and growth of all-female diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared at chronic high temperature. Aquaculture, 131(3-4): 1771 doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(94)00338-O
  • Okada, H. 1985. Studies on the artificial sex control in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Scientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery, 40: 1-49.
  • Oppedal, F., Taranger, G.L. and Hansen, T. 2003. Growth performance and sexual maturation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater tanks exposed to continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod. Aquaculture, 215: 145-1 doi: 1016/S0044-8486(02)00223-5
  • Pandian, T.J. and Koteeswaran, R. 1998. Ploidy induction and sex control in fish. Hydrobiologia, 384: 167-243. doi: 1023/A:1003332526659
  • Piferrer, F., Beaumont, A., Falguière, J.C., Flajšhans, M., Haffray, P. and Colombo, L. 2009. Polyploid fish and shellfish: Production, biology and applications to aquaculture for performance improvement and genetic containment.
  • Aquaculture, 293: 125-156. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2009.04.036
  • Piferrer, F., Cal, R.M., Gomez, C., Bouza, C. and Martinez, P. 2003. Induction of triploidy in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) II. Effects of cold shock timing and induction of triploidy in a large volume of eggs. Aquaculture, 220: 821-831. doi: 10.1016/S00448486(02)00535-5
  • Pradeep, P.J., Srijaya, T.C., Papini, A. and Chatterji, A.K. 20 Effects of triploidy induction on growth and masculinization of red tilapia [Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) × Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)]. Aquaculture, 344-349: 181-187. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.006
  • Purdom, C. 1983. Genetic engineering by the manipulation of chromosomes. In: N.P. Wilkins and E.M. Gosling (Eds.), Genetics in Aquaculture, Elsevier, Amsterdam: 287-300.
  • Qin, J.G., Fast, A.W. and Ako, H. 1998. Growout performance of diploid and triploid Chinese catfish Clarias fuscus. Aquaculture, 166: 247-258. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(98)00287-7
  • Quillet, E., Foisil, L., Chevassus, B., Chourrout, D. and Liu, F.G. 1991. Production of all-triploid and all-female brown trout for aquaculture. Aquatic Living Resources, 4(1): 27-32. doi: 10.1051/alr:1991002
  • Razak, S.A., Hwang, G.L., Rahman, M.A. and Maclean, N. 19 Growth performance and gonadal development of growth enhanced transgenic tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) following heat shock induced triploidy. Marine Biotechnology, 1: 533-5 doi: 1007/PL00011808
  • Shelton, C.J., MacDonald, A.G. and Johnstone, R. 1986. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout using nitrous oxide. Aquaculture, 58: 155-159. doi: 10.1016/00448486(86)90166-3
  • Solar, I.I., Donaldson, E.M. and Hunter, G.A. 1984. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) by heat shock, and investigation of early growth. Aquaculture, 42: 57-67. doi: 1016/0044-8486(84)90313-2
  • Sutterlin, A.M., Holder, J. and Benfey, T.J. 1987. Early survival rates and subsequent morphological abnormalities in landlocked, anadromous and hybrid (landlocked × anadromous) diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 64: 157-164. doi: 1016/0044-8486(87)90351-6 Werner, C., Poontawee, K., Mueller-Belecke, A., Hoerstgen-Schwark, G. and Wicke, M. 2008. Flesh characteristics of pan-size triploid and diploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in a commercial fish farm. Arch. Tierz., Dummerstorf, 51: 71

Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758)

Yıl 2013, , - , 01.08.2013


Bu çalışmada, triploit ve diploit dere alabalıklarının (Salmo trutta fario) gelişimleri, gonat yapıları ve eritrosit büyüklükleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Döllenmiş yumurtlara sıcaklık şoku uygulamasıyla triploidizasyon yapılmıştır. Döllenmeden sonraki 18.aydan itibaren 32.aya kadar triploid (TBT) ve diploit (CBT) dere alabalığı grupları incelenmiştir. Her iki deneme grubunda yaşama oranı, spesifik büyüme oranı, yem dönüşüm oranı, kondisyon faktörü, nisbi ve mutlak büyüme oranı, gonadosomatik indeks, hepatosomatik indeks ve karkas verimi saptanmıştır. Triploit balıklar istatiksel olarak önemli olmasa da diploit balıklara göre daha fazla gelişim göstermiştir (P>0,05). Triploit grubunda triploidizasyon başarısı %95 olup erkek/dişi oranı %44,4-55,6 olarak bulunmuştur. Kırmızı kan hücreleri triploitlerde diploitlere göre önemli derecede büyüktür (P<0,05). Gonatların histolojik kesitlerine bakıldığında, triploit uygulaması dişilerin düşük gonat gelişimine sebep olurken erkeklerin normal gonat gelişimi sergilediği görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, triploit dişiler erkek balıklardan daha iyi geliştiğinden, gelişme performansı ile ilgili çalışmaların özellikle kiloluk alabalık üretiminin yapıldığı çiftlik şartlarında tümü-dişi populasyonlar ile yapılması faydalı olacaktır.


  • Arai, K. and Wilkins, N.P. 1987. Triploidization of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by heat shocks. Aquaculture, 64: 97- doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(86)90345-0
  • Bagenal, T.B. and Tesch, F.W. 1978. Age and growth. In: T. Bagenal (Ed.), Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters, 3 rd edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 101-136.
  • Benfey, T.J.N. 1988. The reproductive physiology of triploid Pacific salmonids. PhD. thesis. British Columbia: The University of British Columbia.
  • Benfey, T.J., Dye, H.M., Solar, I.I. and Donaldson, E.M. 19 The growth and reproductive endocrinology of adult triploid Pacific salmonids. Fish Physiol. Biochem., 6(2): 113-120. doi: 10.1007/BF01875483
  • Benfey, T.J. 1999. The physiology and behaviour of triploid fishes. Rev. Fish. Sci., 7: 39– doi: 1080/10641269991319162
  • Bhat, S.A., Chalkoo, S.R. and Shammi, Q.J. 2011. Nutrient Utilization and Food Conversion of Rainbow Trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Subjected to Mixed Feeding Schedules. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11: 273-281. doi: 10.4194/trjfas.2011.0212
  • Bonnet, S., Haffray, P., Blanc, J.M., Vallee, F., Vauchez, C., Faure, A. and Fauconneau, B. 1999. Genetic variation in growth parameters until commercial size in diploid and triploid freshwater rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and seawater brown trout Salmo trutta. Aquaculture, 173: 359-375. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(98)00460-8
  • Bromage, N. 1992. Propagation and Stock Improvement. In: J. Sheperd and N. Bromage (Eds.), Intensive fish farming, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 103-150
  • Brydges, K. and Benfey, T.J. 1991. Triploid brown trout (Salmo trutta) produced by hydrostatic pressure shock. Bull. Aquacul. Assoc. Canada, 91(3): 31-33.
  • Busacker, G.P., Adelman, I.R. and Goolish, E.M. 1990. Growth. In: C.B. Schreck and P.B. Moyle (Eds), Methods for Fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Maryland: 363-387.
  • Cal, R.M., Vidal, S., Gomez, C., Blazquez, B.A., Martinez, P. and Piferrer, F. 2006. Growth and gonadal development in diploid and triploid turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture, 251: 99-108. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2005.05.010
  • Crozier, W.W. and Moffett, I.J.J. 1989. Experimental production of triploid brown trout, Salmo trutta L., using heat shock. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 20: 343-353. doi: 10.1111/j.136521989.tb00362.x
  • Felip, A., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Martinez, G., Ramos, J. and Piferrer, F. 1997. Optimal conditions for the induction of triploidy in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Aquaculture, 152: 287-298. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(96)01509-8
  • Felip, A., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Piferrer, F. 1999. Growth and gonadal development in triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) during the first two years of age. Aquaculture, 173: 389-399. doi: 10.1016/S00448486(98)00464-5
  • Felip, A., Piferrer, F., Carrillo, M. and Zanuy, S. 2001. Comparison of the gonadal development and plasma levels of sex steroid hormones in diploid and triploid sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 290: 384-3 doi: 1002/jez.1079
  • Gao, Z., Wang, W., Abbas, K., Zhou, X., Yang, Y., Diana, J.S., Wang, H., Wang, H., Li, Y., Sun, Y. 2007. Haematological characterization of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: Comparison among diploid, triploid and tetraploid specimens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology PartA, 147: 1001-1008. doi: 1016/j.cbpa.2007.03.006
  • Gillet, C., Vauchez, C. and Haffray, P. 2001. Triploidy induced by pressure shock in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): growth, survival and maturation until the third year. Aquat. Living Resour., 14: 327-334. doi: 1016/S0990-7440(01)01129-9
  • Guner, Y., Kayim, M., Kizak, V. and Gulu, K. 2005. Production and performance of triploid rainbow trout in Turkey. Indian Vet. J., 82: 1077-1079.
  • Henken, A.M., Brunink, A.M., Richter, C.J.J. 1987. Differences in growth rate and feed utilization between diploid and triploid African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822.. Aquaculture, 63: 233-242. doi: 1016/0044-8486(87)90075-5
  • Hinton, D.E. 1990. Histological Techniques. In: C.B. Schreck and P.B. Moyle (Eds.), Methods for Fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Maryland: 19120
  • Jackson, A. 1988. Growth, nutrition and feeding. In: L. Laird and T. Needham (Eds.), Salmon and Trout Farming, Ellis Horwood Boks: 202-216.
  • Johnstone, R. 1992. Production and performance of triploid Atlantic salmon in Scotland. Scottish Aquaculture Research Report Number 2.
  • Kankaya, E. 1998. A study on inducing of triploidy by heat shock in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) (In Turkish). MSc. thesis. Van: Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Kerby, J.H., Everson, J.M., Harrell, R.M., Geiger, J.G., Starling, C.C. and Revels, H. 2002. Performance comparisons between diploid and triploid sunshine bass in fresh water ponds. Aquaculture, 211: 91-108. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(02)00009-1
  • Kizak, V., Guner, Y., Turel, M., Can, E. and Kayim, M. 20 A comparison of the survival and growth performance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) fry. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 6(5): 1274-1276. doi: 5897/AJAR10.838
  • Koedprang, W. and Nakorn, U.N. 2000. Preliminary study on performance of triploid Thai silver barb, Puntius gonionotus. Aquaculture, 190: 211-2 doi: 1016/S0044-8486(00)00405-1
  • Korkut, A.Y., Kop, A., Demirtaş, N. and Cihaner, A., 2007. Determination methods of growth performance in fish feeding (In Turkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 24(1-2): 201-205.
  • Krisfalusi, M., Wheeler, P.A., Thorgaard, G.H. and Cloud, J.G. 2000. Gonadal morphology of female diploid gynogenetic and triploid rainbow trout. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 286: 505-5 doi: 1002/(SICI)1097-010X(20000401)
  • Lincoln, R.F. and Scott, A.P. 1984. Sexual maturation in triploid rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, Journal of Fish Biology, 25: 385-392. doi: 1111/j.1095-8649.1984.tb04886.x
  • Lincoln, R. 1996. Progress towards the commercial production of triploid brown trout. Trout News, 22: 23Loopstra, D.P. and Hansen, P.A. 2008. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using hydrostatic pressure. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series, No.08-22.
  • McGeachy, S.A., Benfey, T.J. and Fiars, G.W. 1995. Freshwater performance of triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in New Brunswick aquaculture. Aquaculture, 137(1-4): 333-341. doi: 10.1016/00448486(95)01100-5
  • Ojolick, E.J., Cusack, R., Benfey, T.J. and Kerr, S.R. 1995. Survival and growth of all-female diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared at chronic high temperature. Aquaculture, 131(3-4): 1771 doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(94)00338-O
  • Okada, H. 1985. Studies on the artificial sex control in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Scientific Reports of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery, 40: 1-49.
  • Oppedal, F., Taranger, G.L. and Hansen, T. 2003. Growth performance and sexual maturation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater tanks exposed to continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod. Aquaculture, 215: 145-1 doi: 1016/S0044-8486(02)00223-5
  • Pandian, T.J. and Koteeswaran, R. 1998. Ploidy induction and sex control in fish. Hydrobiologia, 384: 167-243. doi: 1023/A:1003332526659
  • Piferrer, F., Beaumont, A., Falguière, J.C., Flajšhans, M., Haffray, P. and Colombo, L. 2009. Polyploid fish and shellfish: Production, biology and applications to aquaculture for performance improvement and genetic containment.
  • Aquaculture, 293: 125-156. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2009.04.036
  • Piferrer, F., Cal, R.M., Gomez, C., Bouza, C. and Martinez, P. 2003. Induction of triploidy in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) II. Effects of cold shock timing and induction of triploidy in a large volume of eggs. Aquaculture, 220: 821-831. doi: 10.1016/S00448486(02)00535-5
  • Pradeep, P.J., Srijaya, T.C., Papini, A. and Chatterji, A.K. 20 Effects of triploidy induction on growth and masculinization of red tilapia [Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) × Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)]. Aquaculture, 344-349: 181-187. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.006
  • Purdom, C. 1983. Genetic engineering by the manipulation of chromosomes. In: N.P. Wilkins and E.M. Gosling (Eds.), Genetics in Aquaculture, Elsevier, Amsterdam: 287-300.
  • Qin, J.G., Fast, A.W. and Ako, H. 1998. Growout performance of diploid and triploid Chinese catfish Clarias fuscus. Aquaculture, 166: 247-258. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(98)00287-7
  • Quillet, E., Foisil, L., Chevassus, B., Chourrout, D. and Liu, F.G. 1991. Production of all-triploid and all-female brown trout for aquaculture. Aquatic Living Resources, 4(1): 27-32. doi: 10.1051/alr:1991002
  • Razak, S.A., Hwang, G.L., Rahman, M.A. and Maclean, N. 19 Growth performance and gonadal development of growth enhanced transgenic tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) following heat shock induced triploidy. Marine Biotechnology, 1: 533-5 doi: 1007/PL00011808
  • Shelton, C.J., MacDonald, A.G. and Johnstone, R. 1986. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout using nitrous oxide. Aquaculture, 58: 155-159. doi: 10.1016/00448486(86)90166-3
  • Solar, I.I., Donaldson, E.M. and Hunter, G.A. 1984. Induction of triploidy in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) by heat shock, and investigation of early growth. Aquaculture, 42: 57-67. doi: 1016/0044-8486(84)90313-2
  • Sutterlin, A.M., Holder, J. and Benfey, T.J. 1987. Early survival rates and subsequent morphological abnormalities in landlocked, anadromous and hybrid (landlocked × anadromous) diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 64: 157-164. doi: 1016/0044-8486(87)90351-6 Werner, C., Poontawee, K., Mueller-Belecke, A., Hoerstgen-Schwark, G. and Wicke, M. 2008. Flesh characteristics of pan-size triploid and diploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in a commercial fish farm. Arch. Tierz., Dummerstorf, 51: 71
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Volkan Kızak Bu kişi benim

Yusuf Güner Bu kişi benim

Murat Türel Bu kişi benim

Murathan Kayım Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızak, V., Güner, Y., Türel, M., Kayım, M. (2013). Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13(4).
AMA Kızak V, Güner Y, Türel M, Kayım M. Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Ağustos 2013;13(4). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_4_02
Chicago Kızak, Volkan, Yusuf Güner, Murat Türel, ve Murathan Kayım. “Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta Fario L, 1758)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2013).
EndNote Kızak V, Güner Y, Türel M, Kayım M (01 Ağustos 2013) Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 4
IEEE V. Kızak, Y. Güner, M. Türel, ve M. Kayım, “Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758)”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, c. 13, sy. 4, 2013, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_4_02.
ISNAD Kızak, Volkan vd. “Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta Fario L, 1758)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13/4 (Ağustos 2013).
JAMA Kızak V, Güner Y, Türel M, Kayım M. Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_4_02.
MLA Kızak, Volkan vd. “Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta Fario L, 1758)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, c. 13, sy. 4, 2013, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_4_02.
Vancouver Kızak V, Güner Y, Türel M, Kayım M. Comparison of Growth Performance, Gonadal Structure and Erythrocyte Size in Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13(4).