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Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.)

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, - , 01.02.2011


45 fishes Cirrhinus mrigala weighing 55±10 g were divided into 3 groups of fifteen each. Group 1st received fish diet only and served as control, while group 2nd exposed with bisphenol-A (BPA) (2mg/l) and group 3rd exposed with vitamin-C (50mg/L) and BPA (2mg/L) for 15, 30 and 60 days and histopathological studies were observed in their liver and kidney. Bisphenol-A showed degenerative changes in hepatic and renal cells after 15 days exposures. However, these changes were more prominent and severe in later part i.e. 30 and 60 of the experiments. The animals exposed with BPA for 30 and 60 days showed atrophied changes in uriniferous tubules and hypertrophied hepatic nuclei, necrosis in hepatocytes and interrenal cells as compared to control group. The animals exposed with vitamin-C along with BPA showed recovery in their hepatic cells, interrenal cells, and uriniferous tubules after 15, 30 and 60 days as compared to BPA groups. These observations denotes that vitamin-C i.e. antioxidant has some antidote role or protective action against bisphenol-A toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala.


  • Ambali, S., Akanbi, D., Igbokwe, N., Shittu, M., Kawu,M. and J avo, J. 2007. Evaluation of subchronic chlorpyrifos poisoning on hematological and serum biochemical changes in mice and protective effects of vitamin-C. J. of Toxicological Science, 32(1): 111-20.
  • Aniladevi Kunjamma, K.P., Philip, B., Smitha, V., Bhanu, S.V. and Jose, J. 2008. Histopathological effects on Oreochromis mosswnbicus (Tilapia) exposed to chlorpyrifos. Journal of Environmental Research and Developmental, 2(4): 553-559.
  • Atienzar, F.A., Billinghurst, Z. and Depledge, M.H. 2002. 4—n-Nonylphenol and 17—beta estradiol may induce common DNA effects in developing barnacle larvae. Environmental Pollution, 120(3):735-738.
  • Atkinson, A. and Roy, D. 1995. In vitro conversion of environmental estrogenic chemical bisphenol-A to DNA binding metabolite(s). Biochemical and Biophy sical Research Commun., 210: 424-433.
  • Aughey, E., Feli, G.S., Scott, R. and Black, M. 1984. Histop athology of early effects of oral cadmium in the rat kidney, Env. and Health Perspectives, 54: 153-161.
  • Bendich, A. 1990. Antioxidant micronutrients and immune responses. In: A. Bendich, and R.K. Chandra (Eds), Micronutrients and immune functions. N.Y. Academy of Sciences, New York, 175 pp.
  • Biles, J.E., McNeal, T.P., Begley, T.H. and Hillifield, H.C. 1997. Determination of bisphenol—A in reusable polycarbonate food-contact plastics and migration to food-simulating liquids. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 45: 3541-3544.
  • Birnbaum, L.S. and Fenton, S.E. 2003. Cancer and developmental exposure to endocrine disruptors. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111: 389—394.
  • Brand, D.G., Fink, R., Bengeyfield, W., Birtwell, LK. and McAllister, C.D. 2001. Salt water—acclimated pink salmon fry (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) develop stress- related visceral lesions after 10-day exposure to sublethal concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of North Slope crude oil. Toxicologic Pathology, 29(5): 574-584.
  • Brotons, J.A., Olea-Serrano, M.F., Villalobos, M., Pedraza, V. and Olea, N. 1995. Xenoestrogens released from lacquer coatings in food cans. Environmental Health Perspectives, 103: 753—758.
  • Camargo, MM.P. and Martinez, C.B.R. 2007. Histop athology of gills, kidney and liver of a neotrop ical fish caged in an urban stream. Neotropical Ichthyology, 5(3): 327-336.
  • Dodds, E.C. and Lawson, W. 1936. Synthetic oestrogenic agents without the phenanthrene nucleus. Nature, 137: 996.
  • Dutton, G.J. 1980. Glucuronidation of Drugs and Other
  • S. Murmu and V. K. Shrivastava / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 11:25-29 (2011) 29
  • Comp ounds, CRC Press, Boca Raton: 99-180.
  • Ehrlich, P. 1986. Fragkaster Zeitshift Fur Wissenschfliche Microskopic and Fur MikroscopichaTechnik, 3: 150.
  • Gaby, S.K. and Singh, V.N. 1991. “Vitamin-C,”-Vitamin intake and health: A scientific review, In: S.K. Gaby, A. Bendich, V.N. Sin gh and L. Machlin (Eds.), Marcel Dedder, New York: 320—325 .
  • Hilakivi—Clarke, L., Cho, E., deAssis, S., Olivo, S., Ealley, E., Bouker, K.B., Welch, J.N., Khan, G., Clarke, R. and Cabanes, A. 2001. Maternal and prepubertal diet, mammary development and breast cancer risk. Journal of Nutrition, 131: 154-157.
  • Hinton, D.E., Baumann, P.C., Gardner, G.R., Hawkins, W.E., Hendricks, J .D., Murchelano, R.A. and Okihiro, M.S. 1992. Histopathologic biomarkers. In: Huggett RJ, Kimerle RA, Mehrle JR, Bergman HL, Editors, Bio- markers: Biochemical, Physiological and Histological Markers of Anthropogenic Stress, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton: 155-209.
  • Inkielewicz, I. and Krechniak, J. 2003. Fluoride content in soft tissues and urine of rats exposed to sodium şuoride in drinking water, şuoride, Research Report, 36(4): 263-266.
  • Karrow, N.A., Guo, T.L., Delclos, K.B., Newbold, R.R., Weis, C. and Germolec, D.R. 2004. Nonylphenol alters the activity of sp lenic NK cells and the numbers of leukocyte subpopulations in Sprague-Dawley rats: a two-generation feeding study. Toxicology, 196(3): 237-245.
  • Kjellstrom, T. 1986. Renal effects in cadmium and health: In: L. Friberg, C.G. Elinder, T. Kjellstrom, and G.F. Norgderg (Eds.), A Toxicology and Epidemiological Appraisal, CRC Press, Boca Raton: 21-109
  • Knaak, J .B. and Sullivan, L.J. 1966. Metabolism of bisphenol A in the rat. Toxicolo gy and Applied Pharmacology, 8:175-184.
  • Koehler, A. 2004. The gender-speciŞc risk to liver toxicity and cancer of şounder (Platichthys şesus L.) at the German Wadden Sea coast. Aquatic Toxicological, 70(4): 257-276.
  • Krishnan, A.V., Stathis, P., Permuth, S.F., Tokes, L. and Feldman, D. 1993. Bisphenol-A: an estrogenic substance is released from polycarbonate şasks during autoclaving. Endocrinology, 132: 2279-2286.
  • Kronhausen, E., Kronhausen, P. and Demopoulos, H.B. 1989. Formula for Life, William Morrow Co., New York: 95-103.
  • Lee, H.J ., Chattopadhyay, S., Gong, E.Y., Ahn, R.S. and. Lee, K. 2003. Antiandrogenic effects of bisphenol-A and nonylphenol on the function of androgen receptor. Toxicololigical Sciences, 75-40.
  • MacLusky, N.J., Hajszan, T. and Leranth, C. 2005. The environmental estrogen bisphenol-A inhibits estrogen- induced hippocarnpal synaptogenesis. Environmental Health Perspective, 113: 675-679.
  • Magliulo, L., Schreibman, M.P., Cepriano, J. and Ling, J. 2002. Endocrine disruption caused by two common pollutants at “acceptable” concentrations. Neurotoxicology and Teratology,24(1):71-79.
  • Meerts, I.A., Letcher, R.J., Hoving, S., Marsh, G., Bergman, A., Lemmen, J.G., van der Burg, B. and Brouwer, A. 2001. In vitro estrogenicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hydroxylated PBDEs and polybrominated bisphenol-A compounds. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109: 399-409.
  • Mitsumari, K., Shibutani, S., Sato, S., Ondoera, H., Hacagawa, J., Hayashi, Y. and Ando, M. 1998. Relationship between the development of hep atorenal toxicity and cadmium accumulation in rats. Archives of Toxicology, 72: 545-552.
  • Moriyarna, K., Tagami, T., Akamizu, T., Usui, T., Saljo, M., Kanamoto, N., Hatay a, Y., Shimatsu, A., Kuzuya, H. and Nakao, K. 2002. Thyroid hormone action is disrupted by bisphenol-A as an antagonist. Journal of Clinical Endocrin. and Metabolism, 87: 5185-5190.
  • Myers, M.S., Johnson, L.L., Olson, O.P., Sther, CM., Homess, B.H., Collier, T.K. and McCain, B.B. 1998. Toxicop athic hepatic lesions as biomarkers of chemical contaminant exposure and effects in marine bottomŞsh species from the Northeast PaciŞc Coast. USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 37: 92-113.
  • Olea, N., Pulgar, R., Perez, P., Olea-Serrano, F., Rivas, A., Norvillo-Fertell, A., Pedraza, V. Soto, A.M. and Sonnenschein, C. 1996. Estrogenicity of resin-based composites and sealants used in dentistry. Environmental Health Perpectives 104: 298-305.
  • Olojo, E.A.A., Olurin, K.B., Mbaka, G. and Oluwemimo, A.D. 2005. Histop athology of the gill and liver tissues of the African catŞsh Cları'as gariepı'nus exposed to lead. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(1): 117- 122.
  • Peters, N., Köhler, A. and Kranz, H. 1987. Liver pathology in Şshes from the lower Elbe as a consequence of pollution. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2: 87-97.
  • Radhaiah, V. and Jayantha, Rao. K. 1992. Fenvalerate toxicity to the liver in a freshwater teleost, Tilapia mossambica (Peters). Comparative Physiology and Ecology, 17(2): 48-53.
  • Staples, C.A., Doms, P.B., Klecka, G.M., O’Block, S.T. and Harris, L.R. 1998. A review of the environmental fate, effects and exposures of bisphenol—A. Chemosphere, 36: 2149-2173.
  • Tilak, K.S., Koteswara, R. and Veeraiah, K. 2005. Effects of chlorpyrifos on histopathology of the Şsh Catla catla. Journal of Ecotoxicological & Environmental Monitoring, 15(2): 127-140.
  • Wahbi, O.M. and El—Greisy, Z.A. 2007. Comparative impact of different waste sources on the reproductive parameters and histology of gonads, liver and pituitary gland of Siganus rivaltus. Journal Applied Sciences Research, 3(3): 236-244.
  • Wang, C., Liang, J., Zhang, C., Bi, Y., Shi, X. and Shi, Q. 2007. Effects of Ascorbic acid and thiamine supplementation at different concentrations on lead toxicity in liver. Annals Occupational Hygiene, 51(6): 563-569.
  • Wetherill, Y.B., Petra, C.E., Monk, K.R., Puga, A. and Knudsen, KB. 2002. The xenoestrogen bisphenol-A induces inappropriate androgen receptor activation and mitogenesis. In prostate adenocarcinoma cells. Molecular Cancer Therapy, 7: 515-524.
  • Yokota, H., Iwano, H., Endo, M., Kobayashi, T., Inone, H., lkushiro, SI. and Yuasa, A. 1999. Glucuronidation of the environmental oestrogen bisphenol-A by an isoform of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, UGT2B1, in the rat liver. Biochemical Journal, 340: 405-409.
  • Zsamovszky, A., Le, H.H., Wang, H.S. and Belcher, S.M. 2005. Ontogeny of rapid estrogen-mediated extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in the rat cerebellar cortex: potent nongenomic agonist and endocrine disrupting activity of the xenoestrogen bisphenol—A. Endocrinology, 146: 5388-5396.

Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.)

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, - , 01.02.2011


45 fishes Cirrhinus mrigala weighing 55±10 g were divided into 3 groups of fifteen each. Group 1st received fish diet only and served as control, while group 2nd exposed with bisphenol-A (BPA) (2mg/l) and group 3rd exposed with vitamin-C (50mg/L) and BPA (2mg/L) for 15, 30 and 60 days and histopathological studies were observed in their liver and kidney. Bisphenol-A showed degenerative changes in hepatic and renal cells after 15 days exposures. However, these changes were more prominent and severe in later part i.e. 30 and 60 of the experiments. The animals exposed with BPA for 30 and 60 days showed atrophied changes in uriniferous tubules and hypertrophied hepatic nuclei, necrosis in hepatocytes and interrenal cells as compared to control group. The animals exposed with vitamin-C along with BPA showed recovery in their hepatic cells, interrenal cells, and uriniferous tubules after 15, 30 and 60 days as compared to BPA groups. These observations denotes that vitamin-C i.e. antioxidant has some antidote role or protective action against bisphenol-A toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala.


  • Ambali, S., Akanbi, D., Igbokwe, N., Shittu, M., Kawu,M. and J avo, J. 2007. Evaluation of subchronic chlorpyrifos poisoning on hematological and serum biochemical changes in mice and protective effects of vitamin-C. J. of Toxicological Science, 32(1): 111-20.
  • Aniladevi Kunjamma, K.P., Philip, B., Smitha, V., Bhanu, S.V. and Jose, J. 2008. Histopathological effects on Oreochromis mosswnbicus (Tilapia) exposed to chlorpyrifos. Journal of Environmental Research and Developmental, 2(4): 553-559.
  • Atienzar, F.A., Billinghurst, Z. and Depledge, M.H. 2002. 4—n-Nonylphenol and 17—beta estradiol may induce common DNA effects in developing barnacle larvae. Environmental Pollution, 120(3):735-738.
  • Atkinson, A. and Roy, D. 1995. In vitro conversion of environmental estrogenic chemical bisphenol-A to DNA binding metabolite(s). Biochemical and Biophy sical Research Commun., 210: 424-433.
  • Aughey, E., Feli, G.S., Scott, R. and Black, M. 1984. Histop athology of early effects of oral cadmium in the rat kidney, Env. and Health Perspectives, 54: 153-161.
  • Bendich, A. 1990. Antioxidant micronutrients and immune responses. In: A. Bendich, and R.K. Chandra (Eds), Micronutrients and immune functions. N.Y. Academy of Sciences, New York, 175 pp.
  • Biles, J.E., McNeal, T.P., Begley, T.H. and Hillifield, H.C. 1997. Determination of bisphenol—A in reusable polycarbonate food-contact plastics and migration to food-simulating liquids. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 45: 3541-3544.
  • Birnbaum, L.S. and Fenton, S.E. 2003. Cancer and developmental exposure to endocrine disruptors. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111: 389—394.
  • Brand, D.G., Fink, R., Bengeyfield, W., Birtwell, LK. and McAllister, C.D. 2001. Salt water—acclimated pink salmon fry (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) develop stress- related visceral lesions after 10-day exposure to sublethal concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of North Slope crude oil. Toxicologic Pathology, 29(5): 574-584.
  • Brotons, J.A., Olea-Serrano, M.F., Villalobos, M., Pedraza, V. and Olea, N. 1995. Xenoestrogens released from lacquer coatings in food cans. Environmental Health Perspectives, 103: 753—758.
  • Camargo, MM.P. and Martinez, C.B.R. 2007. Histop athology of gills, kidney and liver of a neotrop ical fish caged in an urban stream. Neotropical Ichthyology, 5(3): 327-336.
  • Dodds, E.C. and Lawson, W. 1936. Synthetic oestrogenic agents without the phenanthrene nucleus. Nature, 137: 996.
  • Dutton, G.J. 1980. Glucuronidation of Drugs and Other
  • S. Murmu and V. K. Shrivastava / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 11:25-29 (2011) 29
  • Comp ounds, CRC Press, Boca Raton: 99-180.
  • Ehrlich, P. 1986. Fragkaster Zeitshift Fur Wissenschfliche Microskopic and Fur MikroscopichaTechnik, 3: 150.
  • Gaby, S.K. and Singh, V.N. 1991. “Vitamin-C,”-Vitamin intake and health: A scientific review, In: S.K. Gaby, A. Bendich, V.N. Sin gh and L. Machlin (Eds.), Marcel Dedder, New York: 320—325 .
  • Hilakivi—Clarke, L., Cho, E., deAssis, S., Olivo, S., Ealley, E., Bouker, K.B., Welch, J.N., Khan, G., Clarke, R. and Cabanes, A. 2001. Maternal and prepubertal diet, mammary development and breast cancer risk. Journal of Nutrition, 131: 154-157.
  • Hinton, D.E., Baumann, P.C., Gardner, G.R., Hawkins, W.E., Hendricks, J .D., Murchelano, R.A. and Okihiro, M.S. 1992. Histopathologic biomarkers. In: Huggett RJ, Kimerle RA, Mehrle JR, Bergman HL, Editors, Bio- markers: Biochemical, Physiological and Histological Markers of Anthropogenic Stress, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton: 155-209.
  • Inkielewicz, I. and Krechniak, J. 2003. Fluoride content in soft tissues and urine of rats exposed to sodium şuoride in drinking water, şuoride, Research Report, 36(4): 263-266.
  • Karrow, N.A., Guo, T.L., Delclos, K.B., Newbold, R.R., Weis, C. and Germolec, D.R. 2004. Nonylphenol alters the activity of sp lenic NK cells and the numbers of leukocyte subpopulations in Sprague-Dawley rats: a two-generation feeding study. Toxicology, 196(3): 237-245.
  • Kjellstrom, T. 1986. Renal effects in cadmium and health: In: L. Friberg, C.G. Elinder, T. Kjellstrom, and G.F. Norgderg (Eds.), A Toxicology and Epidemiological Appraisal, CRC Press, Boca Raton: 21-109
  • Knaak, J .B. and Sullivan, L.J. 1966. Metabolism of bisphenol A in the rat. Toxicolo gy and Applied Pharmacology, 8:175-184.
  • Koehler, A. 2004. The gender-speciŞc risk to liver toxicity and cancer of şounder (Platichthys şesus L.) at the German Wadden Sea coast. Aquatic Toxicological, 70(4): 257-276.
  • Krishnan, A.V., Stathis, P., Permuth, S.F., Tokes, L. and Feldman, D. 1993. Bisphenol-A: an estrogenic substance is released from polycarbonate şasks during autoclaving. Endocrinology, 132: 2279-2286.
  • Kronhausen, E., Kronhausen, P. and Demopoulos, H.B. 1989. Formula for Life, William Morrow Co., New York: 95-103.
  • Lee, H.J ., Chattopadhyay, S., Gong, E.Y., Ahn, R.S. and. Lee, K. 2003. Antiandrogenic effects of bisphenol-A and nonylphenol on the function of androgen receptor. Toxicololigical Sciences, 75-40.
  • MacLusky, N.J., Hajszan, T. and Leranth, C. 2005. The environmental estrogen bisphenol-A inhibits estrogen- induced hippocarnpal synaptogenesis. Environmental Health Perspective, 113: 675-679.
  • Magliulo, L., Schreibman, M.P., Cepriano, J. and Ling, J. 2002. Endocrine disruption caused by two common pollutants at “acceptable” concentrations. Neurotoxicology and Teratology,24(1):71-79.
  • Meerts, I.A., Letcher, R.J., Hoving, S., Marsh, G., Bergman, A., Lemmen, J.G., van der Burg, B. and Brouwer, A. 2001. In vitro estrogenicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hydroxylated PBDEs and polybrominated bisphenol-A compounds. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109: 399-409.
  • Mitsumari, K., Shibutani, S., Sato, S., Ondoera, H., Hacagawa, J., Hayashi, Y. and Ando, M. 1998. Relationship between the development of hep atorenal toxicity and cadmium accumulation in rats. Archives of Toxicology, 72: 545-552.
  • Moriyarna, K., Tagami, T., Akamizu, T., Usui, T., Saljo, M., Kanamoto, N., Hatay a, Y., Shimatsu, A., Kuzuya, H. and Nakao, K. 2002. Thyroid hormone action is disrupted by bisphenol-A as an antagonist. Journal of Clinical Endocrin. and Metabolism, 87: 5185-5190.
  • Myers, M.S., Johnson, L.L., Olson, O.P., Sther, CM., Homess, B.H., Collier, T.K. and McCain, B.B. 1998. Toxicop athic hepatic lesions as biomarkers of chemical contaminant exposure and effects in marine bottomŞsh species from the Northeast PaciŞc Coast. USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 37: 92-113.
  • Olea, N., Pulgar, R., Perez, P., Olea-Serrano, F., Rivas, A., Norvillo-Fertell, A., Pedraza, V. Soto, A.M. and Sonnenschein, C. 1996. Estrogenicity of resin-based composites and sealants used in dentistry. Environmental Health Perpectives 104: 298-305.
  • Olojo, E.A.A., Olurin, K.B., Mbaka, G. and Oluwemimo, A.D. 2005. Histop athology of the gill and liver tissues of the African catŞsh Cları'as gariepı'nus exposed to lead. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(1): 117- 122.
  • Peters, N., Köhler, A. and Kranz, H. 1987. Liver pathology in Şshes from the lower Elbe as a consequence of pollution. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2: 87-97.
  • Radhaiah, V. and Jayantha, Rao. K. 1992. Fenvalerate toxicity to the liver in a freshwater teleost, Tilapia mossambica (Peters). Comparative Physiology and Ecology, 17(2): 48-53.
  • Staples, C.A., Doms, P.B., Klecka, G.M., O’Block, S.T. and Harris, L.R. 1998. A review of the environmental fate, effects and exposures of bisphenol—A. Chemosphere, 36: 2149-2173.
  • Tilak, K.S., Koteswara, R. and Veeraiah, K. 2005. Effects of chlorpyrifos on histopathology of the Şsh Catla catla. Journal of Ecotoxicological & Environmental Monitoring, 15(2): 127-140.
  • Wahbi, O.M. and El—Greisy, Z.A. 2007. Comparative impact of different waste sources on the reproductive parameters and histology of gonads, liver and pituitary gland of Siganus rivaltus. Journal Applied Sciences Research, 3(3): 236-244.
  • Wang, C., Liang, J., Zhang, C., Bi, Y., Shi, X. and Shi, Q. 2007. Effects of Ascorbic acid and thiamine supplementation at different concentrations on lead toxicity in liver. Annals Occupational Hygiene, 51(6): 563-569.
  • Wetherill, Y.B., Petra, C.E., Monk, K.R., Puga, A. and Knudsen, KB. 2002. The xenoestrogen bisphenol-A induces inappropriate androgen receptor activation and mitogenesis. In prostate adenocarcinoma cells. Molecular Cancer Therapy, 7: 515-524.
  • Yokota, H., Iwano, H., Endo, M., Kobayashi, T., Inone, H., lkushiro, SI. and Yuasa, A. 1999. Glucuronidation of the environmental oestrogen bisphenol-A by an isoform of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, UGT2B1, in the rat liver. Biochemical Journal, 340: 405-409.
  • Zsamovszky, A., Le, H.H., Wang, H.S. and Belcher, S.M. 2005. Ontogeny of rapid estrogen-mediated extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in the rat cerebellar cortex: potent nongenomic agonist and endocrine disrupting activity of the xenoestrogen bisphenol—A. Endocrinology, 146: 5388-5396.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sarita Murmu Bu kişi benim

Vinoy K. Shrivastava Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Murmu, S., & Shrivastava, V. K. (2011). Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11(1).
AMA Murmu S, Shrivastava VK. Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Şubat 2011;11(1).
Chicago Murmu, Sarita, ve Vinoy K. Shrivastava. “Protective Action of an Anti-Oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-Toxicity in Cirrhinus Mrigala (Ham.)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11, sy. 1 (Şubat 2011).
EndNote Murmu S, Shrivastava VK (01 Şubat 2011) Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11 1
IEEE S. Murmu ve V. K. Shrivastava, “Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.)”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, c. 11, sy. 1, 2011.
ISNAD Murmu, Sarita - Shrivastava, Vinoy K. “Protective Action of an Anti-Oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-Toxicity in Cirrhinus Mrigala (Ham.)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11/1 (Şubat 2011).
JAMA Murmu S, Shrivastava VK. Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2011;11.
MLA Murmu, Sarita ve Vinoy K. Shrivastava. “Protective Action of an Anti-Oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-Toxicity in Cirrhinus Mrigala (Ham.)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, c. 11, sy. 1, 2011.
Vancouver Murmu S, Shrivastava VK. Protective Action of an Anti-oxidant (vitamin-C) Against Bisphenol-toxicity in Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2011;11(1).