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Yıl 2017, , 177 - 181, 31.08.2017



  • Abbaszadeh A, Sahebzamani M, Seifadini MA, Samsampour D. Effect of an 8-week corrective exercise on hyperlordosis girl students. Hormozgan Medical Journal, 2012; 16(5): 377-386.
  • Azizi A, Mahdavinejad R, Allah Taheri Tizabi A, BabaiMazreno A, SalmaniNodoushan I, Reza Behdoust M. (2012). The effect of 8 weeks specific corrective exercise in water and land on angle of kyphosis and some pulmonary indices in kyphotic boy students. Sport Science, 2012; 2: 62‐65.
  • Briggs AM, Wrigley TV, Tully EA, Adams PE, Greig AM, Bennell KL. (2007). Radiographic measures of thoracic kyphosis in osteoporosis: Cobb and vertebral centroid angles. Skeletal Radiology, 2007; 36(8): 761–767.
  • Choi EH, Hur JK, Yang JI, Park DS. Poster 98: The effect of thoracic exercise program on thoracic pain, kyphosis, and spinal Mobility. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2005; 86(9): e23.
  • Cil A, Yazici M, Uzumcugil A, Kandemir U, Alanay A, Alanay Y, Acaroglu RE, Surat A. The evolution of sagittal segmental alignment of the spine during childhood. Spine, 2005; 30(1): 93-100.
  • Culter WB, Friedman E, Genovese SE. (1993). Prevalence of kyphosis in healthy sample of pre and postmenopausal women. AM J Phys Med Rehabil, 1993; 72(4): 219-225.
  • Espinoza-Navarro O, Valle S, Berrios G, Horta J, Rodríguez H, Rodríguez M. Prevalence of postural alterations and effects of a program to improve the posture in children from Arica-Chile. Int J Morphol, 2009; 27(1): 25-30.
  • Fanucchi GL. Specific exercises as a secondary preventative intervention programme for low back pain in 12-13 year old children. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, 2007.
  • Ghorbani L, Ghasemi G. Effects of eight weeks corrective exercises on lumbar lordosis. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2008; 3(2): 59-71.
  • Granito RN, Aveiro MC, Renno AC, Oishi J, Driusso P. Comparison of thoracic kyphosis degree, trunk muscle strength and joint position sense among healthy and osteoporotic elderly women: A cross-sectional preliminary study. Arch Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2012; 54: 199-202.
  • Hasanvand B, Bahrami F, Darvishi A, Karimi K. Effect of corrective exercise on muscle-skeletal abnormality of Khoram Abad city school girl. Lorestan Med J, 2011; 1(13): 79-85.
  • Katzman WB, Sellmeyer DE, Stewart AL, Wanek L, Hamel KA. Changes in flexed posture, musculoskeletal impairments, and physical performance after group exercise in community-dwelling older women. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2007; 88: 192–199.
  • Katzman WB, Wanek L, Shepherd JA, Sellmeyer DE. Age-related hyperkyphosis: its causes, consequences, and management. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010; 40(6): 352.
  • Kratenova J, Ejglicova KZ, Maly M, Filipova V. Prevalence and risk factors of poor posture in school children in the Czech Republic. J Sch Health, 2007; 77(3): 131-137.
  • Lynn H. Exercise may ease kyphosis effect. Improving posture and muscle strength reduce curvature of spin. Journal of American College of Rheumatology, 2001.
  • Mackenzie WG, Sampath JS, Kruse RW, Sheir-Neiss GJ. Backpacks in children. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 2003; 409: 78-84.
  • MajidiSiahtan S, Behbudi L. (2015). The impact of 8-week selected Pilates exercises on lordosis correction and BMI in female teens aged 15-18. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 2015; 7(1): 1267-1271.
  • Malepe MM, Goon DT, Anyanwu FC Amusa LO. The relationship between postural deviations and body mass index among university students. Biomedical Research. 2015; 26(3): 437-442.
  • Mashhadi M, Gholamali G, Zolaktaf V. Effect of combined training exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of mentally retarded adolescents. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2012; 8(1): 192-201.
  • Milne JS, Williamson J. A longitudinal study of kyphosis in older people. Age Aging, 1983; 12: 225-233.
  • Miyakoshi N, Hongo M, Maekawa S, Ishikawa Y, Shimada Y, Itoi E. Back extensor strength and lumbar spinal mobility are predictors of quality of life in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int, 2007; 18: 1397–1403.
  • Nazarian AB, Daneshjoo A, Ghorbani L, Ghaedi H. The prevalence of lordotic and kyphotic deformities among different age groups. Research in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2010; 5(1): 24-32.
  • Penha PJ, Casarotto RA, Sacco ICN, Marques AP, João SMA. Qualitative postural analysis among boys and girls of seven to ten years of age. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008; 12(5): 386-918.
  • Rajabi R, Seidi F, Mohamadi F. Which method is accurate when using the flexible ruler to measure the lumbar curvature angle? Deep pint or mid-point of arch? World Applied Sciences Journal, 2008; 4(6): 849-852.
  • Gardocki RJ, Watkinsm RG, Williams LA. Measurements of lumbopelvic lordosis using the pelvic radius technique as it correlate with sagittal spinal balance and sacral translation. The Spine Journal, 2002; 2: 421-429.
  • Rezvankhah N, Alizadeh MH, Kordi MR. The effect of four months of detraining following eight months of corrective exercises on lumbar lordosis of schoolgirls. Annals of Applied Sport Science, 2013; 1(2): 19-24.
  • Rezvankhah N, Alizadeh MH, Kordi MR. The effect of puberty on effectiveness of corrective exercise on school girls. Zahedan J Res Med Sci, 2014; 16(6): 83-84.
  • Seidi F, Rajabi R, Ebrahimi I, Alizadeh MH, Minoonejad H. The efficiency of corrective exercise interventions on thoracic hyper-kyphosis angle. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2014; 27: 7-16.
  • Shavandi N, Shahrjerdi S, Heidarpor R, Sheikh-Hoseini R. The effect of 7 weeks corrective exercise on thoracic kyphosis in hyper-kyphotic students. Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, 2011; 13(4): 42-50.
  • Skaf GS, Ayoub CM, Domloj NT, Turbay MJ, El-Zein C, Hourani MH. Effect of age and lordotic angle on the level of lumbar disc herniation. Advances in Orthopedics, 2011; ID: 950576. doi:10.4061/2011/950576
  • Zagyapan R, Iyem C, Kurkcuoglu A, Pelin C, Tekindal MA. The relationship between balance, muscles, and anthropomorphic features in young adults. Ant Res Int, 2012; Article ID: 146063, 1-6.

The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students

Yıl 2017, , 177 - 181, 31.08.2017


Corrective actions are a branch of applied science and include the identification, education, prevention, correction of wrong habits of body and motor abnormalities. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of eight-week corrective exercises on boy students with kyphosis and lordosis. 40 boy students were randomly divided into two groups with 20 subjects in each group including experimental group and control group. The experimental groups performed the corrective exercises for eight weeks with three sessions a week. Pre and post measures of kyphosis and lordosis curve were obtained using a spinal mouse. Measuring of variables was performed before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the protocol. Eight weeks corrective exercise period can be resulted in the reduction of kyphosis angle and lordosis angle boy student. In general, implementation of corrective exercise in patients with kyphosis and lordosis was a successful plan.


  • Abbaszadeh A, Sahebzamani M, Seifadini MA, Samsampour D. Effect of an 8-week corrective exercise on hyperlordosis girl students. Hormozgan Medical Journal, 2012; 16(5): 377-386.
  • Azizi A, Mahdavinejad R, Allah Taheri Tizabi A, BabaiMazreno A, SalmaniNodoushan I, Reza Behdoust M. (2012). The effect of 8 weeks specific corrective exercise in water and land on angle of kyphosis and some pulmonary indices in kyphotic boy students. Sport Science, 2012; 2: 62‐65.
  • Briggs AM, Wrigley TV, Tully EA, Adams PE, Greig AM, Bennell KL. (2007). Radiographic measures of thoracic kyphosis in osteoporosis: Cobb and vertebral centroid angles. Skeletal Radiology, 2007; 36(8): 761–767.
  • Choi EH, Hur JK, Yang JI, Park DS. Poster 98: The effect of thoracic exercise program on thoracic pain, kyphosis, and spinal Mobility. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2005; 86(9): e23.
  • Cil A, Yazici M, Uzumcugil A, Kandemir U, Alanay A, Alanay Y, Acaroglu RE, Surat A. The evolution of sagittal segmental alignment of the spine during childhood. Spine, 2005; 30(1): 93-100.
  • Culter WB, Friedman E, Genovese SE. (1993). Prevalence of kyphosis in healthy sample of pre and postmenopausal women. AM J Phys Med Rehabil, 1993; 72(4): 219-225.
  • Espinoza-Navarro O, Valle S, Berrios G, Horta J, Rodríguez H, Rodríguez M. Prevalence of postural alterations and effects of a program to improve the posture in children from Arica-Chile. Int J Morphol, 2009; 27(1): 25-30.
  • Fanucchi GL. Specific exercises as a secondary preventative intervention programme for low back pain in 12-13 year old children. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, 2007.
  • Ghorbani L, Ghasemi G. Effects of eight weeks corrective exercises on lumbar lordosis. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2008; 3(2): 59-71.
  • Granito RN, Aveiro MC, Renno AC, Oishi J, Driusso P. Comparison of thoracic kyphosis degree, trunk muscle strength and joint position sense among healthy and osteoporotic elderly women: A cross-sectional preliminary study. Arch Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2012; 54: 199-202.
  • Hasanvand B, Bahrami F, Darvishi A, Karimi K. Effect of corrective exercise on muscle-skeletal abnormality of Khoram Abad city school girl. Lorestan Med J, 2011; 1(13): 79-85.
  • Katzman WB, Sellmeyer DE, Stewart AL, Wanek L, Hamel KA. Changes in flexed posture, musculoskeletal impairments, and physical performance after group exercise in community-dwelling older women. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2007; 88: 192–199.
  • Katzman WB, Wanek L, Shepherd JA, Sellmeyer DE. Age-related hyperkyphosis: its causes, consequences, and management. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010; 40(6): 352.
  • Kratenova J, Ejglicova KZ, Maly M, Filipova V. Prevalence and risk factors of poor posture in school children in the Czech Republic. J Sch Health, 2007; 77(3): 131-137.
  • Lynn H. Exercise may ease kyphosis effect. Improving posture and muscle strength reduce curvature of spin. Journal of American College of Rheumatology, 2001.
  • Mackenzie WG, Sampath JS, Kruse RW, Sheir-Neiss GJ. Backpacks in children. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 2003; 409: 78-84.
  • MajidiSiahtan S, Behbudi L. (2015). The impact of 8-week selected Pilates exercises on lordosis correction and BMI in female teens aged 15-18. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 2015; 7(1): 1267-1271.
  • Malepe MM, Goon DT, Anyanwu FC Amusa LO. The relationship between postural deviations and body mass index among university students. Biomedical Research. 2015; 26(3): 437-442.
  • Mashhadi M, Gholamali G, Zolaktaf V. Effect of combined training exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of mentally retarded adolescents. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2012; 8(1): 192-201.
  • Milne JS, Williamson J. A longitudinal study of kyphosis in older people. Age Aging, 1983; 12: 225-233.
  • Miyakoshi N, Hongo M, Maekawa S, Ishikawa Y, Shimada Y, Itoi E. Back extensor strength and lumbar spinal mobility are predictors of quality of life in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int, 2007; 18: 1397–1403.
  • Nazarian AB, Daneshjoo A, Ghorbani L, Ghaedi H. The prevalence of lordotic and kyphotic deformities among different age groups. Research in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2010; 5(1): 24-32.
  • Penha PJ, Casarotto RA, Sacco ICN, Marques AP, João SMA. Qualitative postural analysis among boys and girls of seven to ten years of age. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008; 12(5): 386-918.
  • Rajabi R, Seidi F, Mohamadi F. Which method is accurate when using the flexible ruler to measure the lumbar curvature angle? Deep pint or mid-point of arch? World Applied Sciences Journal, 2008; 4(6): 849-852.
  • Gardocki RJ, Watkinsm RG, Williams LA. Measurements of lumbopelvic lordosis using the pelvic radius technique as it correlate with sagittal spinal balance and sacral translation. The Spine Journal, 2002; 2: 421-429.
  • Rezvankhah N, Alizadeh MH, Kordi MR. The effect of four months of detraining following eight months of corrective exercises on lumbar lordosis of schoolgirls. Annals of Applied Sport Science, 2013; 1(2): 19-24.
  • Rezvankhah N, Alizadeh MH, Kordi MR. The effect of puberty on effectiveness of corrective exercise on school girls. Zahedan J Res Med Sci, 2014; 16(6): 83-84.
  • Seidi F, Rajabi R, Ebrahimi I, Alizadeh MH, Minoonejad H. The efficiency of corrective exercise interventions on thoracic hyper-kyphosis angle. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2014; 27: 7-16.
  • Shavandi N, Shahrjerdi S, Heidarpor R, Sheikh-Hoseini R. The effect of 7 weeks corrective exercise on thoracic kyphosis in hyper-kyphotic students. Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, 2011; 13(4): 42-50.
  • Skaf GS, Ayoub CM, Domloj NT, Turbay MJ, El-Zein C, Hourani MH. Effect of age and lordotic angle on the level of lumbar disc herniation. Advances in Orthopedics, 2011; ID: 950576. doi:10.4061/2011/950576
  • Zagyapan R, Iyem C, Kurkcuoglu A, Pelin C, Tekindal MA. The relationship between balance, muscles, and anthropomorphic features in young adults. Ant Res Int, 2012; Article ID: 146063, 1-6.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makeleler

Ahmet Gökhan Yazıcı

Mohsen Mohammadı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2017
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Yazıcı, A. G., & Mohammadı, M. (2017). The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 19(2), 177-181.
AMA Yazıcı AG, Mohammadı M. The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students. Turk J Sport Exe. Ağustos 2017;19(2):177-181. doi:10.15314/tsed.293311
Chicago Yazıcı, Ahmet Gökhan, ve Mohsen Mohammadı. “The Effect of Corrective Exercises on the Thoracic Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis of Boy Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2017): 177-81.
EndNote Yazıcı AG, Mohammadı M (01 Ağustos 2017) The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19 2 177–181.
IEEE A. G. Yazıcı ve M. Mohammadı, “The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students”, Turk J Sport Exe, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 177–181, 2017, doi: 10.15314/tsed.293311.
ISNAD Yazıcı, Ahmet Gökhan - Mohammadı, Mohsen. “The Effect of Corrective Exercises on the Thoracic Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis of Boy Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19/2 (Ağustos 2017), 177-181.
JAMA Yazıcı AG, Mohammadı M. The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19:177–181.
MLA Yazıcı, Ahmet Gökhan ve Mohsen Mohammadı. “The Effect of Corrective Exercises on the Thoracic Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis of Boy Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, c. 19, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 177-81, doi:10.15314/tsed.293311.
Vancouver Yazıcı AG, Mohammadı M. The effect of corrective exercises on the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of boy students. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19(2):177-81.

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