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A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players

Yıl 2017, , 307 - 312, 30.08.2017


The purpose of the research was to analyze imagery and attention capacities in badminton players. 85 players aged 16-18 who participated in Badminton Turkey Championship in 2016, were involved in this research. Bourdon Attention Test for the attention levels of players participating in the research, Sport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ) developed by Hall et al. for their imagery capacity were used herein. In evaluation of data, frequency analysis, t-test and correlation analysis were done. In conclusion; any significant differences were not found between imagery capacity and gender variable in badminton players. But a significant difference was found between sport age, cognitive imagery and motivational general competence. When cognitive imagery values increase, motivational general arousal values increase. And when motivational general competence values go up, motivational specific imagery rate rises. In badminton players there was a significant relation between imagery and attention. There was a positive relation between motivational specific imagery and attention. When capacity for motivational specific imagery rises, attention capacity rises in players. When players win the match or perform well, they imagine to be appreciated (Motivational Specific Imagery), this positively affects attention capacity. Imagery trials accompanied by physical trainings are influential for improving players’ attention capacity.


  • Abdin, Junayd M. Imagery for sport performance: A comprehensive literature review. Yayınlanmamış Master Tezi. Muncie, Indiana: Ball State University Applied Sciences and Technology, 2010.
  • Aldemir YG, Biçer T, Kale EK. The effect of imagery interventions on problem solving skill in elite athletes. Journal of Sports and Performance Researches, 2014; 5(2): 37-45.
  • Altıntaş A, Akalan C. Zihinsel antrenman ve yüksek performans. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008; 6(1): 39-43.
  • Bańkosz Z, Nawara H, Ociepa M. Assessment of simple reaction time in badminton players. Trends in Sport Sciences, 2013; 20(1): 54- 61.
  • Baron R, Petschnig R, Bachl N, Raberger G, Smekal G, Kastner P. Catecholamine excretion and heart rate as factors of psychophysical stress in table tennis. Int J Sports Med, 1992; 13(7): 501-505.
  • Baştuğ G, Mollaoğulları H, Göral K, Kocacan SA. Investigation of the effect of mental training method on balance and attention of 10-12 years old football players. International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Researches, 2015; 4: 167-176.
  • Beşiktaş MY. Spor müsabakalarına psikolojik hazırlıkta imgelemenin rolü ve önemi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Boot WR, Kramer AF, Simons DJ, Fabiani M, Gratton G. The effects of video game playing on attention, memory, and executive control. Acta Psychologica, 2008; 129: 387–398.
  • Brickenkamp R, Bleck I, Dzida W, Heinrich P, Hellwig HJ, Krüger Naumann R, Rothe R, Speck D, Speck R, Thiede L. Handbuch psychologischer undpaedagogischertests. Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie, 1975.
  • Brunner YY. Luçse, çem Super¬vnimaniye. Rostov-na Donu: Feniks, 2006: 15-16.
  • Calmels, Berthoumieux, d’Arripe-Longueville. Effects of an imagery training program on selective attention of national softball players. Sport Psychologist, 2004; 18(3): 272-296.
  • Callow N, Hardy L. Types of imagery associated with sport confidence in netball players of varying skill levels. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2001: 13(1): 1-17.
  • Demirci A, Demirci N. Adım Adım Badminton. Ankara, 2007.
  • Dewey D, Brawley LR, Allard F. Do the TAIS attentional-style scales predict how visual information is processed? J Sport Exercise Psy, 1989; 11: 171-186.
  • Faude O, Meyer T, Rosenberger F, Fries M, Huber G, Kindermann W. Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2007; 100: 479–485.
  • Feltz D, Landers DM. The effects of mental practice on motor skill learning and performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1989; 5: 25-27.
  • Gawain S. Yaratıcı İmgeleme, (çev: Ayanbaşı, S), İstanbul: Akaşa Yayınevi, 2007.
  • Hall CR, Mack D, Paivio A, Hausenblas HA. Imagery use by athletes: Development of the sport imagery questionnaire. Int J Sport Psychol, 1998; 29(1): 73-89.
  • Jing X, Wu P, Liu F. Guided imagery, anxiety, heart rate, and heart rate variability during centrifuge training. Aviat Space Env Med, 2011; 82(2): 92-96.
  • Karaduman BD. Effect of Gather¬ing Attention Training program on gathering attention level, sense of self and success level of 4th and 5th class primary school students. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Education Sciences, 2004.
  • Kızıldağ E. Farklı spor branşındaki sporcuların imgeleme biçimleri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mersin, 2007.
  • Kolayiş H, Sarı İ, Köle Ö. Investigating the relationship among imagery, motivation and anxiety in female athletes from team sports. Ankara Üniversitesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2015; 13(2): 129-136.
  • McIntyre TE, Moran AP. A qualitative investigation of meta-imagery processes and imagery direction among elite athletes. J Imagery Res Sport Phys Activ, 2007; 2(1): 1-20 7.
  • Memedov RC, Kale R. Uçan Tüytop Badminton. Başak Ofset, İstanbul, 1994.
  • Munroe-Chandler Krista J. Effects of a cognitive specific imagery intervention on the soccer skill performance of young athletes: Age group comparisons. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2012; 13(3): 324-331.
  • Nideffer RM, Segal M. Concentration and attention control training. In J. M. Williams (Ed.), Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (4th ed., pp.312-332). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 2001.
  • Nordin SM, Cumming J. Types and functions of athletes’ imagery: Testing predictions from the applied model of imagery use by examining effectiveness. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2008; 6(2): 189-206.
  • Robin N, Dominique L, Toussaint L, Blandin Y, Guillot A, Le Her M. Effects of motor imagery training on service return accuracy in tennis: The role of image ability. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2007; 2: 175-186.
  • Rostami R, Rezaee M. Prediction of cognitive and motivational functions of sports imagery in veteran basketball players. Iranian Journal of War and Public Health, 2014; 6(3): 87-93.
  • Sarı I. An investigation of imagery, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and performance in Athletes. Anthropologist, 2015; 20(3): 675-688.
  • Schmidt RA. Motor control and learning: A behavioral emphasis. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1982.
  • Stanley DM, Cumming J, Standage M. Images of exercising: Exploring the links between exercise imagery use, autonomous and controlled motivation to exercise, and exercise intention and behavior. Psychol Sport Exerc, 2012; 13(2): 133-141.
  • Uğur Y. The effects of imagery types on sports performance. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Psychology, Master Thesis, Bolu, 2016.
  • Yumuk S. Badminton. Eskişehir: Lale Matbaası, 2004.
  • Weinberg R, Gould D. Imagery. Foundations of Sport ad Exercise Psychology (4. Baskı) içinde (296-317). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2007.
  • Weinberg R. Does imagery work? Effects on performance and mental skills. J Imagery Res Sport Phys Activ, 2008; 3(1): 1-21.
  • Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (Çeviren: Şahin, M., Koruç, Z.), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2015: 372.
Yıl 2017, , 307 - 312, 30.08.2017



  • Abdin, Junayd M. Imagery for sport performance: A comprehensive literature review. Yayınlanmamış Master Tezi. Muncie, Indiana: Ball State University Applied Sciences and Technology, 2010.
  • Aldemir YG, Biçer T, Kale EK. The effect of imagery interventions on problem solving skill in elite athletes. Journal of Sports and Performance Researches, 2014; 5(2): 37-45.
  • Altıntaş A, Akalan C. Zihinsel antrenman ve yüksek performans. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008; 6(1): 39-43.
  • Bańkosz Z, Nawara H, Ociepa M. Assessment of simple reaction time in badminton players. Trends in Sport Sciences, 2013; 20(1): 54- 61.
  • Baron R, Petschnig R, Bachl N, Raberger G, Smekal G, Kastner P. Catecholamine excretion and heart rate as factors of psychophysical stress in table tennis. Int J Sports Med, 1992; 13(7): 501-505.
  • Baştuğ G, Mollaoğulları H, Göral K, Kocacan SA. Investigation of the effect of mental training method on balance and attention of 10-12 years old football players. International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Researches, 2015; 4: 167-176.
  • Beşiktaş MY. Spor müsabakalarına psikolojik hazırlıkta imgelemenin rolü ve önemi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Boot WR, Kramer AF, Simons DJ, Fabiani M, Gratton G. The effects of video game playing on attention, memory, and executive control. Acta Psychologica, 2008; 129: 387–398.
  • Brickenkamp R, Bleck I, Dzida W, Heinrich P, Hellwig HJ, Krüger Naumann R, Rothe R, Speck D, Speck R, Thiede L. Handbuch psychologischer undpaedagogischertests. Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie, 1975.
  • Brunner YY. Luçse, çem Super¬vnimaniye. Rostov-na Donu: Feniks, 2006: 15-16.
  • Calmels, Berthoumieux, d’Arripe-Longueville. Effects of an imagery training program on selective attention of national softball players. Sport Psychologist, 2004; 18(3): 272-296.
  • Callow N, Hardy L. Types of imagery associated with sport confidence in netball players of varying skill levels. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2001: 13(1): 1-17.
  • Demirci A, Demirci N. Adım Adım Badminton. Ankara, 2007.
  • Dewey D, Brawley LR, Allard F. Do the TAIS attentional-style scales predict how visual information is processed? J Sport Exercise Psy, 1989; 11: 171-186.
  • Faude O, Meyer T, Rosenberger F, Fries M, Huber G, Kindermann W. Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2007; 100: 479–485.
  • Feltz D, Landers DM. The effects of mental practice on motor skill learning and performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1989; 5: 25-27.
  • Gawain S. Yaratıcı İmgeleme, (çev: Ayanbaşı, S), İstanbul: Akaşa Yayınevi, 2007.
  • Hall CR, Mack D, Paivio A, Hausenblas HA. Imagery use by athletes: Development of the sport imagery questionnaire. Int J Sport Psychol, 1998; 29(1): 73-89.
  • Jing X, Wu P, Liu F. Guided imagery, anxiety, heart rate, and heart rate variability during centrifuge training. Aviat Space Env Med, 2011; 82(2): 92-96.
  • Karaduman BD. Effect of Gather¬ing Attention Training program on gathering attention level, sense of self and success level of 4th and 5th class primary school students. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Education Sciences, 2004.
  • Kızıldağ E. Farklı spor branşındaki sporcuların imgeleme biçimleri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mersin, 2007.
  • Kolayiş H, Sarı İ, Köle Ö. Investigating the relationship among imagery, motivation and anxiety in female athletes from team sports. Ankara Üniversitesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2015; 13(2): 129-136.
  • McIntyre TE, Moran AP. A qualitative investigation of meta-imagery processes and imagery direction among elite athletes. J Imagery Res Sport Phys Activ, 2007; 2(1): 1-20 7.
  • Memedov RC, Kale R. Uçan Tüytop Badminton. Başak Ofset, İstanbul, 1994.
  • Munroe-Chandler Krista J. Effects of a cognitive specific imagery intervention on the soccer skill performance of young athletes: Age group comparisons. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2012; 13(3): 324-331.
  • Nideffer RM, Segal M. Concentration and attention control training. In J. M. Williams (Ed.), Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (4th ed., pp.312-332). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 2001.
  • Nordin SM, Cumming J. Types and functions of athletes’ imagery: Testing predictions from the applied model of imagery use by examining effectiveness. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2008; 6(2): 189-206.
  • Robin N, Dominique L, Toussaint L, Blandin Y, Guillot A, Le Her M. Effects of motor imagery training on service return accuracy in tennis: The role of image ability. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2007; 2: 175-186.
  • Rostami R, Rezaee M. Prediction of cognitive and motivational functions of sports imagery in veteran basketball players. Iranian Journal of War and Public Health, 2014; 6(3): 87-93.
  • Sarı I. An investigation of imagery, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and performance in Athletes. Anthropologist, 2015; 20(3): 675-688.
  • Schmidt RA. Motor control and learning: A behavioral emphasis. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1982.
  • Stanley DM, Cumming J, Standage M. Images of exercising: Exploring the links between exercise imagery use, autonomous and controlled motivation to exercise, and exercise intention and behavior. Psychol Sport Exerc, 2012; 13(2): 133-141.
  • Uğur Y. The effects of imagery types on sports performance. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Psychology, Master Thesis, Bolu, 2016.
  • Yumuk S. Badminton. Eskişehir: Lale Matbaası, 2004.
  • Weinberg R, Gould D. Imagery. Foundations of Sport ad Exercise Psychology (4. Baskı) içinde (296-317). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2007.
  • Weinberg R. Does imagery work? Effects on performance and mental skills. J Imagery Res Sport Phys Activ, 2008; 3(1): 1-21.
  • Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (Çeviren: Şahin, M., Koruç, Z.), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2015: 372.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makeleler

Gulsum Bastug

Ali Agılonu Bu kişi benim

Nuri Balkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2017
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Bastug, G., Agılonu, A., & Balkan, N. (2017). A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 19(2), 307-312.
AMA Bastug G, Agılonu A, Balkan N. A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players. Turk J Sport Exe. Ağustos 2017;19(2):307-312. doi:10.15314/tsed.325694
Chicago Bastug, Gulsum, Ali Agılonu, ve Nuri Balkan. “A Study of Attention and Imagery Capacities in Badminton Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2017): 307-12.
EndNote Bastug G, Agılonu A, Balkan N (01 Ağustos 2017) A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19 2 307–312.
IEEE G. Bastug, A. Agılonu, ve N. Balkan, “A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players”, Turk J Sport Exe, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 307–312, 2017, doi: 10.15314/tsed.325694.
ISNAD Bastug, Gulsum vd. “A Study of Attention and Imagery Capacities in Badminton Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19/2 (Ağustos 2017), 307-312.
JAMA Bastug G, Agılonu A, Balkan N. A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19:307–312.
MLA Bastug, Gulsum vd. “A Study of Attention and Imagery Capacities in Badminton Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, c. 19, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 307-12, doi:10.15314/tsed.325694.
Vancouver Bastug G, Agılonu A, Balkan N. A study of attention and imagery capacities in badminton players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19(2):307-12.
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