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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 79 - 85, 13.02.2014


This study was performed as a descriptive study to identify the relationship of self-esteem of the students of physical education and sport department with childhood traumatic experience and psychological symptoms. The students joined the activity of ‘Turkey Kocfest” Sport Games comprised the universe of this study. A hundred and five students who agreed participating in the study and filled in the data collection forms fully were recruited the study. Data were collected by using the Student Information Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Brief Symptom Inventory and Self-Esteem Scale. ANOVA (F) t Test and the Correlation Test were used for data evaluation as well as Mann-Whitney U Test which is a non-parametric test. The average ages of the students was 22.38 (SD=3.48) and 58.1 % of them were male. The self-esteem scores of the students were found not to be associated with the socio-demographic variables while the scores were found associated with childhood abuse experience. In addition both the self-esteem scores and childhood abuse experience scores were found associated with the psychological symptoms of students. There was strong negative relationship between emotional abuse (r=0.45; <0.01), physical abuse (r=-.33; <0.01) and sexual abuse scores of students with self-esteem scores (r=0.3; <0.01). Furthermore, a strong negative correlation was detected between all psychological symptoms and self-esteem [somatization (r=-.48; <0.01), obsessive compulsive disorder (r=-.47; <0.01), personal sensitivity (r=-.50; <0.01), anxiety disorder (r=-.50; <0.01), depression (r=-.49; <0,01), hostility /r=0.41; <0.01), phobic anxiety (r=0.49; <0.01), paranoid thoughts (r=0.51; <0.01), psychoticism (r=.051; <0.01), additional topic (r=-.41; <0.01)]. Self-esteem is a concept which is necessary to deal with absolutely for improving the quality of life of students and supporting them to resume successful lives through the various dimensions of the life. Childhood experiences should not been disregarded when conducting studies devoted to improve the self-esteem of students; attention should be paid to this issue certainly


  • Altıntas A, Asçı H, Özenir B. Physical self-perception. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi.2007; 18 (2):91- 99.
  • Asçı H. A comparison of the physical self-perception of gender and physical activity level. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004; 15(1): 39-48.
  • Aslan SH, Alparslan ZN. The reliability, validity and factor structure of the childhood trauma questionnaire among a group of university students. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 1999; 10: 275–285.
  • Altunbas Ç. Examination of relationship between level of self esteem and academic success in university students majoring in physical education and sports. Cumhuriyet University Institute of health Science. Master Thesis, Sivas, 2006.
  • Crocker J, Park LE. The costly pursuit of selfesteem. Psychological Bulletin, 2004; 130: 392-414.
  • Cüceloğlu D. Human and Behavior. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1991.
  • Çelen N. Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Dubois DL, Flay BR. The healthy pursuit of self-esteem: comment on and alternative to the crocker and park formulation. Psychological Bulletin, 2004; 130: 415-420.
  • Durmuşoğlu N, Doğru SSY. The effects of childhood traumatic experiences of individuals close relationships in adolescence. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitü Dergisi, 2006; 15: 237-246.
  • Doğan O, Doğan S, Çorapçıoğlu, Çelik G. The effect of Active participation in social activities on self-image and self-esteem. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 1994; 2(1): 33-38.
  • Erol A, Toprak G, Yazıcı F, Erol S. Comparison of Locus of Control and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Severity of Anorexic Symptoms. Kilinik Psikiyatri, 2000; 3: 147-152.
  • Geçtan E. Psychoanalysis and its aftermath. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1988.
  • Gencer E, İlhan EL. Examınıng badmınton athletes’ self- esteem. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2012; 6(1).
  • Karademir T, Döşyılmaz E, Çoban B, Kafkas ME. The self- esteem and emotional intelligence of students who participate in special ability examinations in order to attend the department of physical education and sport. Kastamonu Education Journal, 2010; 18(2).
  • Karaırmak ÖS Çetinkaya R. The effect of self-esteem and locus of control on resilience: the mediating role of affects. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2011; 4(35):30- 43
  • Karakoç Ö, Çoban B, Konar N. The differences between deaf athletes and deaf non athletes in the levels of self respect. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2012; 14(1): 12-17.
  • Karataş Z. An investigation of self esteem levels and empathic skills of educational faculty students. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 2012; 12(23).
  • Kılıçarslan E. The comparison of physical personality perceptions between physical education teachers and the other branches: Kdz. Ereğli sample. Sakarya University Institute of Social Science. Master Thesis, Sakarya, 2006.
  • Korkmaz NH. The relationship between summer sports schools with children’s self-esteem. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2002; 20(1):49-65.
  • Stanford LT, Donovon ME. Women and Self-Esteem. 2. Ed, HYB Yayıncılık, 2006: 273.
  • Kurtmanlı E. The Factors Affecting High School Students' Self-Designing. Marmara University Institute of Educational Science. Doctoral Thesis, İstanbul. 1988
  • Oktan V, Sahin M. Examination of the relationship between the body image and self-esteem of female adolescents. International Journal of Human Sciences, 2010; 7(2).
  • Özerkan KN. Introduction to sports psychology. The basic concepts. 1.Ed., Ankara: Nobel Publishing, 2004.
  • Öztürk MO. Mental Health and Disorders. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2001.
  • Rosenberg M. Society and The Adolescent Selfimage. Princeton, Nj: Princeton University Press. 1965.
  • Sala Razı G, Kuzu A, Yıldız AN, Ocakcı AF, Çamkuşu Arifoğlu B. Self-esteem communication skills and coping with stress of young workers. Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2009: 8(1).
  • Şahin NH, Durak A. The validity, reliability and factor structure of the brief symptom inventory (BSI). Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 1994; 9: 44-56.
  • Toker T, Tiryaki A, Özçürümez G, İskender B. The relationship between traumatic childhood experiences and proclivities towards substance abuse, self-esteem and coping strategies. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2011; 22.
  • Tufan B, Turan N. The validity and reliability study on the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale. 23. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi Bildirileri, İstanbul, 1987.
  • Ünal Keskin G, Orgun F, Studying the strategies of students’ coping with the levels of selfefficacy-sufficiency. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 7: 92-98.
  • Vahip I. Domestic violence and its developmental dimension: a different perspective. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2002; 13 (4): 312-319.
  • Yavuzer H. Parenting and Children, 8. Ed., Istanbul: Remzi Publishing, 2001.

The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 79 - 85, 13.02.2014


This study was performed as a descriptive study to identify the relationship of self-esteem of the students of physical education and sport department with childhood traumatic experience and psychological symptoms. The students joined the activity of 'Turkey Kocfest” Sport Games comprised the universe of this study. A hundred and five students who agreed participating in the study and filled in the data collection forms fully were recruited the study. Data were collected by using the Student Information Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Brief Symptom Inventory and Self-Esteem Scale. ANOVA (F) t Test and the Correlation Test were used for data evaluation as well as Mann-Whitney U Test which is a non-parametric test. The average ages of the students was 22.38 (SD=3.48) and 58.1 % of them were male. The self-esteem scores of the students were found not to be associated with the socio-demographic variables while the scores were found associated with childhood abuse experience. In addition both the self-esteem scores and childhood abuse experience scores were found associated with the psychological symptoms of students. There was strong negative relationship between emotional abuse (r=0.45; <0.01), physical abuse (r=-.33; <0.01) and sexual abuse scores of students with self-esteem scores (r=0.3; <0.01). Furthermore, a strong negative correlation was detected between all psychological symptoms and self-esteem [somatization (r=-.48; <0.01), obsessive compulsive disorder (r=-.47; <0.01), personal sensitivity (r=-.50; <0.01), anxiety disorder (r=-.50; <0.01), depression (r=-.49; <0,01), hostility /r=0.41; <0.01), phobic anxiety (r=0.49; <0.01), paranoid thoughts (r=0.51; <0.01), psychoticism (r=.051; <0.01), additional topic (r=-.41; <0.01)]. Self-esteem is a concept which is necessary to deal with absolutely for improving the quality of life of students and supporting them to resume successful lives through the various dimensions of the life. Childhood experiences should not been disregarded when conducting studies devoted to improve the self-esteem of students; attention should be paid to this issue certainly. 


  • Altıntas A, Asçı H, Özenir B. Physical self-perception. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi.2007; 18 (2):91- 99.
  • Asçı H. A comparison of the physical self-perception of gender and physical activity level. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004; 15(1): 39-48.
  • Aslan SH, Alparslan ZN. The reliability, validity and factor structure of the childhood trauma questionnaire among a group of university students. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 1999; 10: 275–285.
  • Altunbas Ç. Examination of relationship between level of self esteem and academic success in university students majoring in physical education and sports. Cumhuriyet University Institute of health Science. Master Thesis, Sivas, 2006.
  • Crocker J, Park LE. The costly pursuit of selfesteem. Psychological Bulletin, 2004; 130: 392-414.
  • Cüceloğlu D. Human and Behavior. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1991.
  • Çelen N. Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Dubois DL, Flay BR. The healthy pursuit of self-esteem: comment on and alternative to the crocker and park formulation. Psychological Bulletin, 2004; 130: 415-420.
  • Durmuşoğlu N, Doğru SSY. The effects of childhood traumatic experiences of individuals close relationships in adolescence. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitü Dergisi, 2006; 15: 237-246.
  • Doğan O, Doğan S, Çorapçıoğlu, Çelik G. The effect of Active participation in social activities on self-image and self-esteem. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 1994; 2(1): 33-38.
  • Erol A, Toprak G, Yazıcı F, Erol S. Comparison of Locus of Control and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Severity of Anorexic Symptoms. Kilinik Psikiyatri, 2000; 3: 147-152.
  • Geçtan E. Psychoanalysis and its aftermath. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1988.
  • Gencer E, İlhan EL. Examınıng badmınton athletes’ self- esteem. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2012; 6(1).
  • Karademir T, Döşyılmaz E, Çoban B, Kafkas ME. The self- esteem and emotional intelligence of students who participate in special ability examinations in order to attend the department of physical education and sport. Kastamonu Education Journal, 2010; 18(2).
  • Karaırmak ÖS Çetinkaya R. The effect of self-esteem and locus of control on resilience: the mediating role of affects. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2011; 4(35):30- 43
  • Karakoç Ö, Çoban B, Konar N. The differences between deaf athletes and deaf non athletes in the levels of self respect. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2012; 14(1): 12-17.
  • Karataş Z. An investigation of self esteem levels and empathic skills of educational faculty students. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 2012; 12(23).
  • Kılıçarslan E. The comparison of physical personality perceptions between physical education teachers and the other branches: Kdz. Ereğli sample. Sakarya University Institute of Social Science. Master Thesis, Sakarya, 2006.
  • Korkmaz NH. The relationship between summer sports schools with children’s self-esteem. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2002; 20(1):49-65.
  • Stanford LT, Donovon ME. Women and Self-Esteem. 2. Ed, HYB Yayıncılık, 2006: 273.
  • Kurtmanlı E. The Factors Affecting High School Students' Self-Designing. Marmara University Institute of Educational Science. Doctoral Thesis, İstanbul. 1988
  • Oktan V, Sahin M. Examination of the relationship between the body image and self-esteem of female adolescents. International Journal of Human Sciences, 2010; 7(2).
  • Özerkan KN. Introduction to sports psychology. The basic concepts. 1.Ed., Ankara: Nobel Publishing, 2004.
  • Öztürk MO. Mental Health and Disorders. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2001.
  • Rosenberg M. Society and The Adolescent Selfimage. Princeton, Nj: Princeton University Press. 1965.
  • Sala Razı G, Kuzu A, Yıldız AN, Ocakcı AF, Çamkuşu Arifoğlu B. Self-esteem communication skills and coping with stress of young workers. Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2009: 8(1).
  • Şahin NH, Durak A. The validity, reliability and factor structure of the brief symptom inventory (BSI). Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 1994; 9: 44-56.
  • Toker T, Tiryaki A, Özçürümez G, İskender B. The relationship between traumatic childhood experiences and proclivities towards substance abuse, self-esteem and coping strategies. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2011; 22.
  • Tufan B, Turan N. The validity and reliability study on the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale. 23. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi Bildirileri, İstanbul, 1987.
  • Ünal Keskin G, Orgun F, Studying the strategies of students’ coping with the levels of selfefficacy-sufficiency. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 7: 92-98.
  • Vahip I. Domestic violence and its developmental dimension: a different perspective. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2002; 13 (4): 312-319.
  • Yavuzer H. Parenting and Children, 8. Ed., Istanbul: Remzi Publishing, 2001.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makeleler

Azize Atlı Ozbas

Nermin Gurhan Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Kocak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Atlı Ozbas, A., Gurhan, N., & Kocak, M. (2014). The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 15(3), 79-85.
AMA Atlı Ozbas A, Gurhan N, Kocak M. The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students. Turk J Sport Exe. Şubat 2014;15(3):79-85. doi:10.15314/tjse.14314
Chicago Atlı Ozbas, Azize, Nermin Gurhan, ve Mehmet Kocak. “The Relation of Traumatic Childhood Experiences With Psychological Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Physical Education and Sport Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15, sy. 3 (Şubat 2014): 79-85.
EndNote Atlı Ozbas A, Gurhan N, Kocak M (01 Şubat 2014) The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15 3 79–85.
IEEE A. Atlı Ozbas, N. Gurhan, ve M. Kocak, “The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students”, Turk J Sport Exe, c. 15, sy. 3, ss. 79–85, 2014, doi: 10.15314/tjse.14314.
ISNAD Atlı Ozbas, Azize vd. “The Relation of Traumatic Childhood Experiences With Psychological Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Physical Education and Sport Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 15/3 (Şubat 2014), 79-85.
JAMA Atlı Ozbas A, Gurhan N, Kocak M. The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;15:79–85.
MLA Atlı Ozbas, Azize vd. “The Relation of Traumatic Childhood Experiences With Psychological Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Physical Education and Sport Students”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, c. 15, sy. 3, 2014, ss. 79-85, doi:10.15314/tjse.14314.
Vancouver Atlı Ozbas A, Gurhan N, Kocak M. The relation of traumatic childhood experiences with psychological symptoms and self-esteem in physical education and sport students. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;15(3):79-85.
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