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Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 8 - 14, 31.08.2016


the carried study, it’s aimed to expose the effects of 16 weeks swimming
exercises of sedentary girl and boys aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements
and somatotype components. In total 114 children, healthy 53 girls, the average
age 9.35±2.14 years and 61 boys, the average age 9.56±2.74 years under the
summer school joining to swimming lessons participated to this research.
Height, body mass, chest, waist and hip circumference measurements and 10
anthropometric measurements of research group necessary for somatotype
calculation has taken before and after the 16 weekly swimming program.
Somatotype calculations evaluated by Heath-Carter somatotype method. Data
tested in p<0.05 significance level via Paired Samples t-Test. With the data
obtained before and after swimming exercises, as compared to boys and girls
separately, all the data apart from height, medial calf skinfold, waist/hip
ratio, mesomorph coefficient in girls and all the data apart from height and
waist/hip ratio are significantly different in boys. Somatotype values in
preliminary test of girls changed from 4.99-3.64-2.35 to 4.45-3.78-2.8 and of
boys changed from 4.67-3.72-2.24 to 3.92-4.15-2.38. The findings of the study
show that swimming exercises have effects on the decrease in body mass and
increase in muscle mass. Given the characteristics of the investigated age
group, the period of pre-adolescent girls tend to increase the lubrication,
swimming exercises to be held in this age group would benefit for weight
control and create a healthier future generation. Swimming exercises are
important for preventing weight gain and deal with existing problems of
technology and inactivated lifestyle especially in the puberty period children.


  • Alemzadeh R, Lifshitz F. Childhood obesity, In: Pediatric Endocrinology Lifshitz F. (ed), 4th ed, New York, Marcel Dekker: 2003. 823-858.
  • Arazi H, Mirzaei B, Nobari H. Anthropometric profile, body composition and somatotyping of national Iranian cross-country runners. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2015; (17)2: 35-41.
  • Avlonitou E. Somatometric variables for preadolescent swimmers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 1994; 34(2): 185-191.
  • Carbuhn AF, Fernandez TE, Bragg AF, Green JS, Crouse SF. Sport and training influence bone and body composition in women collegiate athletes. J Strength Cond Res, 2010; 24(7): 1710-1717.
  • Carter JEL, Heath BH. Somatotayping-Development and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1990.
  • Cicchella A, Jürimäe T, Stefanelli C, Purge P, Lätt E, Saar M. Correlations of skinfold thicknesses and circumferences at exactly defined body sites with leptin in 10-12-year-old boys with different BMIs. Coll Antropol, 2014; 38(2): 459-465.
  • Cochrane KC, Housh TJ, Smith CM, Hill EC, Jenkins ND, Johnson GO, Housh DJ, Schmidt RJ, Cramer JT. Relative contributions of strength, anthropometric, and body composition characteristics to estimated propulsive force in young male swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 2015; 29(6): 1473-1479.
  • Colwin, CM. Swimming into the 21st Century. Leisure Press. Champaign, Illinois; 1992: IX-XV.
  • Courteix D, Obert P, Lecoq AM, Guenon P, Koch G. Effect of intensive swimming training on lung volumes, airway resistance and on the maximal expiratory flow-volume relationship in prepubertal girls. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 1997; 76(3): 264-269.
  • Derman O, Cinemre A, Kanbur N, Doğan M, Kiliç M, Karaduman E. Effect of swimming on bone metabolism in adolescents. Turk J Pediatr, 2008; 50(2): 149-154.
  • Dingley AA, Pyne DB, Burkett B. Relationships between propulsion and anthropometry in paralympic swimmers. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 2015; 10(8): 978-985.
  • Doherty M, Dimitriou L. Comparison of lung volume in Greek swimmers, land based athletes, and sedentary controls using allometric scaling. Br J Sports Med, 1997; 31(4): 337-341.
  • Eston R, Reilly T. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. London: An Imprint of Chapman & Hall; 1996.
  • Geladas ND, Nassis GP, Pavlicevic S. Somatic and physical traits affecting sprint swimming performance in young swimmers. Int J Sports Med, 2005; 26(2): 139-144.
  • Godoy-Cumillaf AE, Cárcamo-Araneda CR, Hermosilla-Rodríguez FP, Oyarzún-Ruiz JP, Viveros-Herrera JF. Nutritional status by anthropometric and biochemical parameters of college basketball players. Nutr Hosp, 2015; 32(6): 2828-2831.
  • Guillén Rivas L, Mielgo-Ayuso J, Norte-Navarro A, Cejuela R, Cabañas MD, Martínez-Sanz JM. Body composition and somatotype in unıversıty triathletes. Nutr Hosp, 2015; 32(2): 799-807.
  • Jürimäe T, Hills AP. Body composition assessment in children and adolescents. Med Sport Sci Basel Karger, 2001; 44: 14-24.
  • Kandel M, Baeyens JP, Clarys P. Somatotype, training and performance in Ironman athletes. Eur J Sport Sci, 2014; 14(4): 301-308.
  • Kesavachandran C, Nair HR, Shashidhar S. Lung volumes in swimmers performing different styles of swimming. Indian J Med Sci, 2001; 55(12): 669-676.
  • Knechtle B, Wirth A, Baumann B, Knechtle P, Rosemann T, Oliver S. Differential correlations between anthropometry, training volume, and performance in male and female Ironman triathletes. J Strength Cond Res, 2010; 24(10): 2785-2793.
  • Kubiak-Janczaruk E. Spirometric evaluation of the respiratory system in adolescent swimmers. Ann Acad Med Stetin, 2005; 51(2): 105-113.
  • Lätt E, Jürimäe J, Haljaste K, Cicchella A, Purge P, Jürimäe T. Physical development and swimming performance during biological maturation in young female swimmers. Coll Antropol, 2009; 33(1): 117-122.
  • Lätt E, Jürimäe J, Mäestu J, Purge P, Rämson R, Haljaste K, Keskinen KL, Rodriguez FA, Jürimäe T. Physiological, biomechanical and anthropometrical predictors of sprint swimming performance in adolescent swimmers. J Sports Sci Med, 2010; 9(3): 398-404.
  • Leake CN, Carter JE. Comparison of body composition and somatotype of trained female triathletes. J Sports Sci, 1991; 9(2): 125-135.
  • Martínez S, Pasquarelli BN, Romaguera D, Arasa C, Tauler P, Aguiló A. Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional profile of young amateur swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 2011; 25(4): 1126-1133.
  • Moura T, Costa M, Oliveira S, Júnior MB, Ritti-Dias R, Santos M. Height and body composition determine arm propulsive force in youth swimmers independent of a maturation stage. J Hum Kinet, 2014; 42: 277-284.
  • Neyzi O, Günöz H, Furman A, Bundak R, Gökçay G, Darendeliler F, Baş F. Türk çocuklarında vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2008; 51: 1-14.
  • Psycharakis SG, Sanders RH. Body roll in swimming: a review. J Sports Sci, 2010; 28(3): 229-236.
  • Raine JE, Donaldson MDC, Gregory JW, Savage MO. Obesity. In: Raine JE, Donaldson MDC, Gregory JW, Savage MO (eds), Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children, United Kingdom, Blackwell Science: 2001: 161- 171.
  • Santos MAM, Leandro CG, Fernando José de Sá Guimarães JS. Body composition and somatic maturation of athletes and non-athlete of swimmers girls from Recife city. Brazil Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant Recife, 2007: 7(2): 175-181.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 8 - 14, 31.08.2016



  • Alemzadeh R, Lifshitz F. Childhood obesity, In: Pediatric Endocrinology Lifshitz F. (ed), 4th ed, New York, Marcel Dekker: 2003. 823-858.
  • Arazi H, Mirzaei B, Nobari H. Anthropometric profile, body composition and somatotyping of national Iranian cross-country runners. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2015; (17)2: 35-41.
  • Avlonitou E. Somatometric variables for preadolescent swimmers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 1994; 34(2): 185-191.
  • Carbuhn AF, Fernandez TE, Bragg AF, Green JS, Crouse SF. Sport and training influence bone and body composition in women collegiate athletes. J Strength Cond Res, 2010; 24(7): 1710-1717.
  • Carter JEL, Heath BH. Somatotayping-Development and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1990.
  • Cicchella A, Jürimäe T, Stefanelli C, Purge P, Lätt E, Saar M. Correlations of skinfold thicknesses and circumferences at exactly defined body sites with leptin in 10-12-year-old boys with different BMIs. Coll Antropol, 2014; 38(2): 459-465.
  • Cochrane KC, Housh TJ, Smith CM, Hill EC, Jenkins ND, Johnson GO, Housh DJ, Schmidt RJ, Cramer JT. Relative contributions of strength, anthropometric, and body composition characteristics to estimated propulsive force in young male swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 2015; 29(6): 1473-1479.
  • Colwin, CM. Swimming into the 21st Century. Leisure Press. Champaign, Illinois; 1992: IX-XV.
  • Courteix D, Obert P, Lecoq AM, Guenon P, Koch G. Effect of intensive swimming training on lung volumes, airway resistance and on the maximal expiratory flow-volume relationship in prepubertal girls. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 1997; 76(3): 264-269.
  • Derman O, Cinemre A, Kanbur N, Doğan M, Kiliç M, Karaduman E. Effect of swimming on bone metabolism in adolescents. Turk J Pediatr, 2008; 50(2): 149-154.
  • Dingley AA, Pyne DB, Burkett B. Relationships between propulsion and anthropometry in paralympic swimmers. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 2015; 10(8): 978-985.
  • Doherty M, Dimitriou L. Comparison of lung volume in Greek swimmers, land based athletes, and sedentary controls using allometric scaling. Br J Sports Med, 1997; 31(4): 337-341.
  • Eston R, Reilly T. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. London: An Imprint of Chapman & Hall; 1996.
  • Geladas ND, Nassis GP, Pavlicevic S. Somatic and physical traits affecting sprint swimming performance in young swimmers. Int J Sports Med, 2005; 26(2): 139-144.
  • Godoy-Cumillaf AE, Cárcamo-Araneda CR, Hermosilla-Rodríguez FP, Oyarzún-Ruiz JP, Viveros-Herrera JF. Nutritional status by anthropometric and biochemical parameters of college basketball players. Nutr Hosp, 2015; 32(6): 2828-2831.
  • Guillén Rivas L, Mielgo-Ayuso J, Norte-Navarro A, Cejuela R, Cabañas MD, Martínez-Sanz JM. Body composition and somatotype in unıversıty triathletes. Nutr Hosp, 2015; 32(2): 799-807.
  • Jürimäe T, Hills AP. Body composition assessment in children and adolescents. Med Sport Sci Basel Karger, 2001; 44: 14-24.
  • Kandel M, Baeyens JP, Clarys P. Somatotype, training and performance in Ironman athletes. Eur J Sport Sci, 2014; 14(4): 301-308.
  • Kesavachandran C, Nair HR, Shashidhar S. Lung volumes in swimmers performing different styles of swimming. Indian J Med Sci, 2001; 55(12): 669-676.
  • Knechtle B, Wirth A, Baumann B, Knechtle P, Rosemann T, Oliver S. Differential correlations between anthropometry, training volume, and performance in male and female Ironman triathletes. J Strength Cond Res, 2010; 24(10): 2785-2793.
  • Kubiak-Janczaruk E. Spirometric evaluation of the respiratory system in adolescent swimmers. Ann Acad Med Stetin, 2005; 51(2): 105-113.
  • Lätt E, Jürimäe J, Haljaste K, Cicchella A, Purge P, Jürimäe T. Physical development and swimming performance during biological maturation in young female swimmers. Coll Antropol, 2009; 33(1): 117-122.
  • Lätt E, Jürimäe J, Mäestu J, Purge P, Rämson R, Haljaste K, Keskinen KL, Rodriguez FA, Jürimäe T. Physiological, biomechanical and anthropometrical predictors of sprint swimming performance in adolescent swimmers. J Sports Sci Med, 2010; 9(3): 398-404.
  • Leake CN, Carter JE. Comparison of body composition and somatotype of trained female triathletes. J Sports Sci, 1991; 9(2): 125-135.
  • Martínez S, Pasquarelli BN, Romaguera D, Arasa C, Tauler P, Aguiló A. Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional profile of young amateur swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 2011; 25(4): 1126-1133.
  • Moura T, Costa M, Oliveira S, Júnior MB, Ritti-Dias R, Santos M. Height and body composition determine arm propulsive force in youth swimmers independent of a maturation stage. J Hum Kinet, 2014; 42: 277-284.
  • Neyzi O, Günöz H, Furman A, Bundak R, Gökçay G, Darendeliler F, Baş F. Türk çocuklarında vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2008; 51: 1-14.
  • Psycharakis SG, Sanders RH. Body roll in swimming: a review. J Sports Sci, 2010; 28(3): 229-236.
  • Raine JE, Donaldson MDC, Gregory JW, Savage MO. Obesity. In: Raine JE, Donaldson MDC, Gregory JW, Savage MO (eds), Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children, United Kingdom, Blackwell Science: 2001: 161- 171.
  • Santos MAM, Leandro CG, Fernando José de Sá Guimarães JS. Body composition and somatic maturation of athletes and non-athlete of swimmers girls from Recife city. Brazil Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant Recife, 2007: 7(2): 175-181.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makeleler

Defne Ocal Kaplan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ocal Kaplan, D. (2016). Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 18(2), 8-14.
AMA Ocal Kaplan D. Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype. Turk J Sport Exe. Ağustos 2016;18(2):8-14.
Chicago Ocal Kaplan, Defne. “Analyzing the Effects of 16 Weeks Swimming Exercises of Children Aged 7-13 on Anthropometric Measurements and Somatotype”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 18, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2016): 8-14.
EndNote Ocal Kaplan D (01 Ağustos 2016) Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 18 2 8–14.
IEEE D. Ocal Kaplan, “Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype”, Turk J Sport Exe, c. 18, sy. 2, ss. 8–14, 2016.
ISNAD Ocal Kaplan, Defne. “Analyzing the Effects of 16 Weeks Swimming Exercises of Children Aged 7-13 on Anthropometric Measurements and Somatotype”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 18/2 (Ağustos 2016), 8-14.
JAMA Ocal Kaplan D. Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype. Turk J Sport Exe. 2016;18:8–14.
MLA Ocal Kaplan, Defne. “Analyzing the Effects of 16 Weeks Swimming Exercises of Children Aged 7-13 on Anthropometric Measurements and Somatotype”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, c. 18, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 8-14.
Vancouver Ocal Kaplan D. Analyzing the effects of 16 weeks swimming exercises of children aged 7-13 on anthropometric measurements and somatotype. Turk J Sport Exe. 2016;18(2):8-14.
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