As an indicator that carries oxygen through the circulatory system, oxygen pulse has recently been considered in clinical and exercise studies. There is no a lot of information about performance of the cardiovascular evaluator index. This study aims to compare trends of oxygen pulse (VO² / RH) during maximal exercise after moderate and severe warming in women basketball players. For this purpose, there were purposely selected seven women basketball players among players of basketball teams in League 1 of Tehran with average age of 21±1.52 years old, mean height of 166.8±3.72 cm, weighing average of 60.85±5.76 kg, body mass index of 21.71±1.72 kg/m2 and peak VO2 of 44.1±3.40 mL/kg/min with average of 6 years’ experience in basketball. After seven minutes of stretching exercises, each subject performed two warm up protocols before maximum exercise on two different days with 72 hours pause. The indicators of oxygen volume and oxygen pulse were measured using the device of breath-to-breath analysis. The research results showed that oxygen pulse during maximum exercise after intense warming has higher significant average than mean warming in times 0, 3 and 6. Accordingly, coaches should note that athletes should choose one of warm-up levels based on their physical fitness.
Abbasi A, Tartibian B, Seyyed Ameri MH, 2008. Estimating and comparing maximum oxygen pulse in male adolescents. Movement, 2008; 2(35): 69-78.
Azmy F, Keith R, Beavers AD, Robertson D, Richard LH. Prior moderate and heavy exercise accelerate oxygen uptake and cardiac output kinetics in endurance athletes. J Appl Physiol. 2009; 106: 1553–1563.
Balk B, Ware R. An experimental study of physical fitness of air force personally. Us-Armed Forces Medical Journal, 1959; 10: 675-688.
Barffield GP, Cells P, Rowe DA, Hannigan K. Practice effect of the wingate anaerobic test. Strength & Conditioning Res, 2002; 16(3): 472-473.
Crystelle K, Grant. Influence of cardiac output on oxygen uptake kinetics. BYU scholar archive, 2010.
Geor RJ, Mccutcheon LJ, Hinchcliff KW. Effects of warm-up intensity on kinetics of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during high intensity exercise in horses. Am J Vet Res, 2000; 61(6): 638-645.
Gray S, Nimmo M. Effects of active, passive or no warm-up on metabolism and performance during high-intensity exercise'. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2001; 19(9): 693-700.
Hamer M. The relative influences of fitness and fatness on inflammatory factors. Preventive Medicine, 2007; 44: 3-11.
Kilding A, Fysh E٫ Winter EM. Relationships between pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics and other measures of aerobic fitness in middle and long-distance runners. European Jornal of Applied Physiolog, 2007. 10.1007/s00421-007-0413.
Korzeniewsk B, Zoladz JA. Factors determining the oxygen consumption rate (VO2) on-kinetics in skeletal muscles. Biochem J, 2003; 379: 703-710.
Laukanen JA, Laaksonen D, Lakka A, Savonen K, Rauramma R, Makikalio T, Kurl S. Determinants of cardio-respiratory fitness in men aged 42-60 years with and without cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Cardiology, 2009; 103: 1598-1604.
Midgley AW, Mc Naughton LR, Wilkinson M. The relationship between the lactate turn-point and the time at VO2max during a constant velocity run to exhaustion. Int J Sport Med, 2006; 27: 278.
Nicole D, Paterson J, Kowalchuk M, Donald H, Paterson DH. Effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise during single-leg knee extension on VO2 kinetics and limb blood flow. J Appl Physiol, 2005; 99: 1462–1470.
Omran S, Falah, Ziaei N, Ravasi AA. The relationship between inflammatory indicators associated with cardiovascular diseases with maximal oxygen uptake in healthy women. Research in Sports Sciences, 2009; 25: 149-158.
Rezaeinejad N. The effect of warming up on dynamicity of oxygen consumption and respiratory index of exercise activity of women in National Futsal Team players. Research in Sports Sciences, 2009; 26: 145-158.
Tartibian B, Abbasi A, Mohebbi H. Estimating maximum oxygen pulse in female athletes: Comparing four protocols. Olympic, 2007; 2(38): 59-68.
Zoladz JA, Korzeniewsk B. Factors determining the oxygen consumption rate (VO2) on-kinetics in skeletal muscles. Biochem J, 2004; 379: 703–710
Abbasi A, Tartibian B, Seyyed Ameri MH, 2008. Estimating and comparing maximum oxygen pulse in male adolescents. Movement, 2008; 2(35): 69-78.
Azmy F, Keith R, Beavers AD, Robertson D, Richard LH. Prior moderate and heavy exercise accelerate oxygen uptake and cardiac output kinetics in endurance athletes. J Appl Physiol. 2009; 106: 1553–1563.
Balk B, Ware R. An experimental study of physical fitness of air force personally. Us-Armed Forces Medical Journal, 1959; 10: 675-688.
Barffield GP, Cells P, Rowe DA, Hannigan K. Practice effect of the wingate anaerobic test. Strength & Conditioning Res, 2002; 16(3): 472-473.
Crystelle K, Grant. Influence of cardiac output on oxygen uptake kinetics. BYU scholar archive, 2010.
Geor RJ, Mccutcheon LJ, Hinchcliff KW. Effects of warm-up intensity on kinetics of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during high intensity exercise in horses. Am J Vet Res, 2000; 61(6): 638-645.
Gray S, Nimmo M. Effects of active, passive or no warm-up on metabolism and performance during high-intensity exercise'. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2001; 19(9): 693-700.
Hamer M. The relative influences of fitness and fatness on inflammatory factors. Preventive Medicine, 2007; 44: 3-11.
Kilding A, Fysh E٫ Winter EM. Relationships between pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics and other measures of aerobic fitness in middle and long-distance runners. European Jornal of Applied Physiolog, 2007. 10.1007/s00421-007-0413.
Korzeniewsk B, Zoladz JA. Factors determining the oxygen consumption rate (VO2) on-kinetics in skeletal muscles. Biochem J, 2003; 379: 703-710.
Laukanen JA, Laaksonen D, Lakka A, Savonen K, Rauramma R, Makikalio T, Kurl S. Determinants of cardio-respiratory fitness in men aged 42-60 years with and without cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Cardiology, 2009; 103: 1598-1604.
Midgley AW, Mc Naughton LR, Wilkinson M. The relationship between the lactate turn-point and the time at VO2max during a constant velocity run to exhaustion. Int J Sport Med, 2006; 27: 278.
Nicole D, Paterson J, Kowalchuk M, Donald H, Paterson DH. Effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise during single-leg knee extension on VO2 kinetics and limb blood flow. J Appl Physiol, 2005; 99: 1462–1470.
Omran S, Falah, Ziaei N, Ravasi AA. The relationship between inflammatory indicators associated with cardiovascular diseases with maximal oxygen uptake in healthy women. Research in Sports Sciences, 2009; 25: 149-158.
Rezaeinejad N. The effect of warming up on dynamicity of oxygen consumption and respiratory index of exercise activity of women in National Futsal Team players. Research in Sports Sciences, 2009; 26: 145-158.
Tartibian B, Abbasi A, Mohebbi H. Estimating maximum oxygen pulse in female athletes: Comparing four protocols. Olympic, 2007; 2(38): 59-68.
Zoladz JA, Korzeniewsk B. Factors determining the oxygen consumption rate (VO2) on-kinetics in skeletal muscles. Biochem J, 2004; 379: 703–710
Hosseını, M., Agha-alınezhad, H., & Karımı, M. (2017). Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 19(2), 273-278.
Hosseını M, Agha-alınezhad H, Karımı M. Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players. Turk J Sport Exe. Ağustos 2017;19(2):273-278. doi:10.15314/tsed.297585
Hosseını, Maryam, Hamid Agha-alınezhad, ve Mansoureh Karımı. “Comparing the Trend of Changes in Oxygen Pulse (RH/VO2) During Maximal Exercise After Severe and Moderate Warming in Women Basketball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2017): 273-78.
Hosseını M, Agha-alınezhad H, Karımı M (01 Ağustos 2017) Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19 2 273–278.
M. Hosseını, H. Agha-alınezhad, ve M. Karımı, “Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players”, Turk J Sport Exe, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 273–278, 2017, doi: 10.15314/tsed.297585.
Hosseını, Maryam vd. “Comparing the Trend of Changes in Oxygen Pulse (RH/VO2) During Maximal Exercise After Severe and Moderate Warming in Women Basketball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 19/2 (Ağustos 2017), 273-278.
Hosseını M, Agha-alınezhad H, Karımı M. Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19:273–278.
Hosseını, Maryam vd. “Comparing the Trend of Changes in Oxygen Pulse (RH/VO2) During Maximal Exercise After Severe and Moderate Warming in Women Basketball Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, c. 19, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 273-8, doi:10.15314/tsed.297585.
Hosseını M, Agha-alınezhad H, Karımı M. Comparing the trend of changes in oxygen pulse (RH/VO2) during maximal exercise after severe and moderate warming in women basketball players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2017;19(2):273-8.