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A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs

Yıl 2023, , 357 - 383, 08.08.2023


Karkemish is located on the West bank of Euphrates River, about 60 kilometres southeast of Gaziantep, Turkey, and 100 kilometres northeast of Aleppo, Syria. Ruins of the city, over 90 hectares, of which over 55 lie in Turkey and around 35 in Syria. Since 2011 Karkemish has been newly explored by a joint Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition. During the 2016 excavation campaign by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition at Karkemish, a fragment of a funerary stele bearing a Hieroglyphic Luwian text was unearthed in the Lower Palace area. The stele probably dates to the early eighth century BCE (reign of Yariri/Yarri) and belonged to the wife of a cultic official. In this article, after presenting an edition of the inscription in question, new values for the Anatolian hieroglyphic sign L375 (which is attested on the stele in the writing PURUS-L375-sá of the word *kummayalli(ya)s, “sacred priest”) and related signs such as L375, L144 (= *521), L74, L129, and L398 are suggested while reinterpreting several passages of hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions from both the Empire and Late Hittite periods.


  • Baykan, Daniş, “İkonografide MÖ 1. Bine Kadar Alıcı Kuşlar”, Işık Şahin’e Armağan (Studies in Honour of Işık Şahin), eds. S. Melike Zeren-Hasdağlı - Emre Taştemür, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları, Edirne 2022, pp. 39-58.
  • Bauer, Anna H., Morphosyntax of the Noun Phrase in Hieroglyphic Luwian, Brill, Leiden - Boston 2014.
  • Beran, Thomas, “Stempelsiegel und gesiegelte Bullen”, MDOG, Vol. 93, 1962, pp. 59-68.
  • Bittel, Kurt - Naumann, Rudolf - Beran, Thomas - Hachmann, Rolf - Gottfried, Kurth, Boğazköy III, Funde aus den Grabungen 1952-1955, Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin 1957.
  • Bittel, Kurt - Güterbock, Hans Gustav - Neumann, Günter - Neve, Peter - Otten, Heinrich - Seidl, Ursula, Boğazköy V. Funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 1975.
  • Bossert, Helmuth Theodor, “Die Felsinschrift von Şırzı”, AfO, Vol. 17, 1954-1956, pp. 56-70.
  • Canby, Jeany Vorys, “Falconry (Hawking) in Hittite Lands”, JNES, Vol. 61, 2002, pp. 161-201.
  • d’Alfonso, Lorenzo, “War in Anatolia in the Post-Hittite Period: The Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscription of Topada Revised”, JCS, Vol. 71, 2019, pp. 133-152.
  • Astour, Michael C., “The Kingdom of Siyannu-Ušnatu”, UF, Vol. 11, 1979, pp. 13-28.
  • Dinçol, Ali, “Adana, Hatay ve İstanbul Müzelerinde Bulunan Hitit Hiyeroglif Mühürleri/Hethitische Hieroglyphensigel in den Museen zu Adana, Hatay und Istanbul”. JKF, Vol. 19, 1983, pp. 173-249.
  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkıs, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Bulunan Hitit Hiyeroglif Mühürleri/ Hethitische Hieroglyphensiegel im Museum für Anatolische Zivilisationen, Ankara Turizmi, Eskieserleri ve Müzeleri Sevenler Derneği Yayınları, Ankara 1981.
  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkıs, “Neue hethitische Siegelabdrücke aus den Ausgrabungen von Soli und aus der Privatsammlung Halûk Perk”, Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu’na 65. Yaş Armağanı EUERGETES Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu zum 65. Geburtstag, 1. Cilt, eds. İnci Delemen - Sedef Çokay-Kepçe - Aşkım Özdizbay
  • Özgür Turak, Suna - İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya 2008, pp. 383-387.
  • Emre, Kutlu - Çınaroğlu, Aykut, “A Group of Metal Hittite Vessels from Kınık – Kastamonu”, Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and Its Neighbors: Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç, eds. Machteld J. Mellink - Edith Porada - Tahsin Özgüç,Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara 1993, pp. 675-713.
  • Gelb, Ignace J., “Hittite Hieroglyphic Seals and Seal Impressions”, Hetty Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus II, Princeton University Press, Princeton - New Jersey 1956, pp. 242-256.
  • Goedegebuure, Petra, “The Hieroglyphic Luwian particle REL-i=pa”, Acts of the Third International Congress of Hittitology, eds. Sedat Alp - Aygül Süel, Nurol Matbacılık, Ankara 1998, pp. 233-245.
  • Goedegebuure, Petra, “The Hieroglyphic Luwian Signs *128 (AVIS ‘BIRD’) = waX and *30 = HAPA”, Acts of the Ninth International Congress of Hittitology, Cilt 1, ed. Aygül Süel, T.C. Çorum Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Çorum 2019, pp. 295-316.
  • Görke, Susanne - Kozal, Ekin, “Birds of Prey in Pre-Hittite and Hittite Anatolia (c.1970–1180 BCE): textual evidence and image representation”, Raptor and Human Falconry and Bird Symbolism throughout the Millennia on A Global Scale, Book 4, eds. KarlHeinz Gersmann - Oliver Grimm, Wachholtz Verlag - Murmann Publishers, Kiel - Hamburg 2018, pp. 1667-1689.
  • Hawkins, John David, The Hieroglyphic Inscription of the Sacred Pool Complex at Hattusa, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1995.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Tarkasnawa King of Mira ‘Tarkondemos’, Boǧazköy Sealings and Karabel”. AnSt Vol. 48, 1998, pp. 1-31.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Tudhaliya the Hunter”, The Life and Times of Hattušili III and Tuthaliya IV: Proceedings of a Symposioum held in Honour of J. De Roos, 12-13
  • December 2003, ed. Theo PJ. van den Hout, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, Leiden 2006, pp. 49-76.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Hittite Monuments and Their Sanctity”, Sacred Landscapes of Hittite and Luwians. Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Franca Pecchioli Daddi, Florence, February 6th–8th 2014, eds. Anacleto D’Agostino - Valentina Orsi - Giulia Torri, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2015, pp. 1-9.
  • Hutter, Manfred, “‘The Lady’ Kubaba (ANCOZ 1 § 2, etc.) in Hieroglyphic Luwian”, NABU, Vol. 2016/4, 2016, pp. 30-32.
  • Kennedy, Douglas A., “The inscribed Hittite seals in the Ashmolean Museum”, RHA, Vol. 63, 1958, pp. 65-84.
  • Kennedy, Douglas A., “Sceaux hittites conservés à Paris”, RHA, Vol. 65, 1959, pp. 147-172.
  • Klein, Jeffrey J., “Urartian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Altintepe”, AnSt, Vol. 24, 1974, pp. 77-94.
  • Laroche, Emmanuel, “Les hiéroglyphes d’Altintepe”, Anadolu, Vol. 15, 1971[1973], pp. 55-61.
  • Marchetti, Nicolò, “Recent archaeological discoveries at Karkemish. Anatomy and trajectories of a capital city on the Middle Euphrates”, News from the Lands of the Hittites. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research, Vol. 3-4, 2020, pp. 251-400.
  • McMahon, Gregory, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago 1991.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, Self-published, Chapel Hill 1993.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Hieroglyphic Luvian REL-ipa ‘indeed, certainly’”, Indo European Perspectives, Papers from the 18th East Coast Indo-European Conference, eds. Mark RV. Southern, Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, Washington D.C. 2002, pp. 223-232.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Naming Practices in Second- and First-Millennium Western Anatolia”, Names in Ancient Anatolia, ed. Robert Parker, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013, pp. 31-49.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Enclitic Subject Pronouns in Hieroglyphic Luvian”, AJNES, Vol. 6/2, 2011, pp. 73-86.
  • Müller-Karpe, Andreas, “Kulthandlungen und Kultpersonal in hethitischen Palästen”, Cult, Temple, Sacred Spaces. Cult Practices and Cult Spaces in Hittite Anatolia and Neighbouring Cultures, Proceedings of the First International HFR Symposium, Mainz, 3-5 June 2019, eds. Susanne Görke - Charles W. Steitler, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2020, pp. 179-220.
  • Peker, Hasan, “Some Remarks on the Imperial Hittite Sealings from the 2017 Excavations at Karkemish”. NABU, Vol. 2017/4, 2017, pp. 178-179.
  • Peker, Hasan, Anadolu Hiyeroglif Yazılı Belgeler 1: Geç Hitit Karkamış Krallığı Yazıtları, Ante Quem, Bologna 2022. Peker, Hasan, “Philological Remarks on the Sealings from Empire Period of Karkemish”, Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE, eds. Clelia Mora - Giulia Torri, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2023, pp. 127-159.
  • Poetto, Massimo, “Un nuovo verbo luvio-geroglifico: zapa-, e la sua correlazione al luvio cuneiforme zapp(a)-”, Ex Anatolia Lux. Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of H. Craig Melchert on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday, eds. Ronald Kim - Norbert Oettinger - Elisabeth Rieken - Michael Weiss, Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor - New York 2010, pp. 296-302.
  • Poetto, Massimo - Salvatori, Sandro, La collezione anatolica di E. Borowski, Gjes Edizioni, Pavia 1981.
  • Rieken, Elisabeth - Yakubovich, Ilya, “The new values of Luwian signs L 319 and L 172”, Ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis. Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. Itamar Singer, Published by the Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology (Bequeathed by the Yass Estate, Sydney, Australia) of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 2010, pp. 199-219.
  • Simon, Zsolt, “What was built in the Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription of ŞIRZI?”. NABU, Vol. 2014/4, 2014, pp. 151-152.
  • van den Hout, Theo PJ., “The Silver Stag Vessel: A Royal Gift”, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 53, 2018, pp. 114-127.
  • Weeden, Mark, “Tuwati and Wasusarma: Imitating the Behaviour of Assyria”. Iraq, Vol. 73, 2010, pp. 39-61.
  • Weeden, Mark, Hittite Logograms and Hittite Scholarship, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011.
  • Weeden, Mark, “Hittite Epigraphic Finds from Büklükale 2010-14”, Anatolian Archaeological Studies, Vol. 19, 2016, pp. 81-104.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya, “Nugae Luvicae”, Anatolian Languages, eds. Vitaly Shevoroshkin - Paul J. Sidwell, Association for the History of Language, Canberra 2002, pp. 189-209.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya, “The Luwian Word for ‘Place’ and its Cognates”, Kadmos, Vol. 56/1-2, 2017, pp. 1-27.

Karkamış’tan Yeni Bir Mezar Steli ve Bazı Anadolu Hiyeroglif Yazısı İşaretleri için Yeni Değerler

Yıl 2023, , 357 - 383, 08.08.2023


Karkamış antik kenti, Fırat Nehri’nin batı kıyısında, Gaziantep (Türkiye) kentinin yaklaşık 60 kilometre güneydoğusunda ve Halep (Suriye) kentinin 100 kilometre kuzeydoğusunda yer almaktadır. 90 hektarın üzerinde bir alana sahip kentin kalıntılarının 55 hektarı Türkiye’de, 35 hektarı ise Suriye sınırları içerisindedir. 2011 yılından bu yana Karkamış antik kentinde, Bologna Üniversitesi, Gaziantep Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi’nin kurucusu olduğu bir Türk-İtalyan ekip çalışmalara başlamıştır. Türk-İtalyan Karkamış Kazılarının 2016 sezonunda, Aşağı Saray Bölgesinde, Anadolu hiyeroglif yazılı Luvice büyük bir mezar steli parçası (KH.16.O.378) ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Stel muhtemelen MÖ. 8. yüzyılın başına (Yarri/Yariri’nin hükümdarlığına) tarihlendirilmelidir ve bir kült görevlisinin eşine aittir. Bu makalede söz konusu yazıtın edisyonu sunulduktan sonra, İmparatorluk ve Geç Hitit dönemlerinden çeşitli Anadolu hiyeroglif yazılı Luvice yazıtlardan pasajlar yeniden yorumlanırken, stelde PURUS-L375-sá olarak geçen *kummayalli(ya)s sözcüğünü yazmakta kullanılan Anadolu hiyeroglif yazısı işareti L375 ve L144 (= *521), L74, L129 ve L398 gibi ilgili işaretler için yeni değerler önerilmiştir.


  • Baykan, Daniş, “İkonografide MÖ 1. Bine Kadar Alıcı Kuşlar”, Işık Şahin’e Armağan (Studies in Honour of Işık Şahin), eds. S. Melike Zeren-Hasdağlı - Emre Taştemür, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları, Edirne 2022, pp. 39-58.
  • Bauer, Anna H., Morphosyntax of the Noun Phrase in Hieroglyphic Luwian, Brill, Leiden - Boston 2014.
  • Beran, Thomas, “Stempelsiegel und gesiegelte Bullen”, MDOG, Vol. 93, 1962, pp. 59-68.
  • Bittel, Kurt - Naumann, Rudolf - Beran, Thomas - Hachmann, Rolf - Gottfried, Kurth, Boğazköy III, Funde aus den Grabungen 1952-1955, Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin 1957.
  • Bittel, Kurt - Güterbock, Hans Gustav - Neumann, Günter - Neve, Peter - Otten, Heinrich - Seidl, Ursula, Boğazköy V. Funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 1975.
  • Bossert, Helmuth Theodor, “Die Felsinschrift von Şırzı”, AfO, Vol. 17, 1954-1956, pp. 56-70.
  • Canby, Jeany Vorys, “Falconry (Hawking) in Hittite Lands”, JNES, Vol. 61, 2002, pp. 161-201.
  • d’Alfonso, Lorenzo, “War in Anatolia in the Post-Hittite Period: The Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscription of Topada Revised”, JCS, Vol. 71, 2019, pp. 133-152.
  • Astour, Michael C., “The Kingdom of Siyannu-Ušnatu”, UF, Vol. 11, 1979, pp. 13-28.
  • Dinçol, Ali, “Adana, Hatay ve İstanbul Müzelerinde Bulunan Hitit Hiyeroglif Mühürleri/Hethitische Hieroglyphensigel in den Museen zu Adana, Hatay und Istanbul”. JKF, Vol. 19, 1983, pp. 173-249.
  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkıs, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Bulunan Hitit Hiyeroglif Mühürleri/ Hethitische Hieroglyphensiegel im Museum für Anatolische Zivilisationen, Ankara Turizmi, Eskieserleri ve Müzeleri Sevenler Derneği Yayınları, Ankara 1981.
  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkıs, “Neue hethitische Siegelabdrücke aus den Ausgrabungen von Soli und aus der Privatsammlung Halûk Perk”, Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu’na 65. Yaş Armağanı EUERGETES Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu zum 65. Geburtstag, 1. Cilt, eds. İnci Delemen - Sedef Çokay-Kepçe - Aşkım Özdizbay
  • Özgür Turak, Suna - İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya 2008, pp. 383-387.
  • Emre, Kutlu - Çınaroğlu, Aykut, “A Group of Metal Hittite Vessels from Kınık – Kastamonu”, Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and Its Neighbors: Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç, eds. Machteld J. Mellink - Edith Porada - Tahsin Özgüç,Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara 1993, pp. 675-713.
  • Gelb, Ignace J., “Hittite Hieroglyphic Seals and Seal Impressions”, Hetty Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus II, Princeton University Press, Princeton - New Jersey 1956, pp. 242-256.
  • Goedegebuure, Petra, “The Hieroglyphic Luwian particle REL-i=pa”, Acts of the Third International Congress of Hittitology, eds. Sedat Alp - Aygül Süel, Nurol Matbacılık, Ankara 1998, pp. 233-245.
  • Goedegebuure, Petra, “The Hieroglyphic Luwian Signs *128 (AVIS ‘BIRD’) = waX and *30 = HAPA”, Acts of the Ninth International Congress of Hittitology, Cilt 1, ed. Aygül Süel, T.C. Çorum Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Çorum 2019, pp. 295-316.
  • Görke, Susanne - Kozal, Ekin, “Birds of Prey in Pre-Hittite and Hittite Anatolia (c.1970–1180 BCE): textual evidence and image representation”, Raptor and Human Falconry and Bird Symbolism throughout the Millennia on A Global Scale, Book 4, eds. KarlHeinz Gersmann - Oliver Grimm, Wachholtz Verlag - Murmann Publishers, Kiel - Hamburg 2018, pp. 1667-1689.
  • Hawkins, John David, The Hieroglyphic Inscription of the Sacred Pool Complex at Hattusa, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1995.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Tarkasnawa King of Mira ‘Tarkondemos’, Boǧazköy Sealings and Karabel”. AnSt Vol. 48, 1998, pp. 1-31.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Tudhaliya the Hunter”, The Life and Times of Hattušili III and Tuthaliya IV: Proceedings of a Symposioum held in Honour of J. De Roos, 12-13
  • December 2003, ed. Theo PJ. van den Hout, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, Leiden 2006, pp. 49-76.
  • Hawkins, John David, “Hittite Monuments and Their Sanctity”, Sacred Landscapes of Hittite and Luwians. Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Franca Pecchioli Daddi, Florence, February 6th–8th 2014, eds. Anacleto D’Agostino - Valentina Orsi - Giulia Torri, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2015, pp. 1-9.
  • Hutter, Manfred, “‘The Lady’ Kubaba (ANCOZ 1 § 2, etc.) in Hieroglyphic Luwian”, NABU, Vol. 2016/4, 2016, pp. 30-32.
  • Kennedy, Douglas A., “The inscribed Hittite seals in the Ashmolean Museum”, RHA, Vol. 63, 1958, pp. 65-84.
  • Kennedy, Douglas A., “Sceaux hittites conservés à Paris”, RHA, Vol. 65, 1959, pp. 147-172.
  • Klein, Jeffrey J., “Urartian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Altintepe”, AnSt, Vol. 24, 1974, pp. 77-94.
  • Laroche, Emmanuel, “Les hiéroglyphes d’Altintepe”, Anadolu, Vol. 15, 1971[1973], pp. 55-61.
  • Marchetti, Nicolò, “Recent archaeological discoveries at Karkemish. Anatomy and trajectories of a capital city on the Middle Euphrates”, News from the Lands of the Hittites. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research, Vol. 3-4, 2020, pp. 251-400.
  • McMahon, Gregory, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago 1991.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, Self-published, Chapel Hill 1993.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Hieroglyphic Luvian REL-ipa ‘indeed, certainly’”, Indo European Perspectives, Papers from the 18th East Coast Indo-European Conference, eds. Mark RV. Southern, Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, Washington D.C. 2002, pp. 223-232.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Naming Practices in Second- and First-Millennium Western Anatolia”, Names in Ancient Anatolia, ed. Robert Parker, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013, pp. 31-49.
  • Melchert, H. Craig, “Enclitic Subject Pronouns in Hieroglyphic Luvian”, AJNES, Vol. 6/2, 2011, pp. 73-86.
  • Müller-Karpe, Andreas, “Kulthandlungen und Kultpersonal in hethitischen Palästen”, Cult, Temple, Sacred Spaces. Cult Practices and Cult Spaces in Hittite Anatolia and Neighbouring Cultures, Proceedings of the First International HFR Symposium, Mainz, 3-5 June 2019, eds. Susanne Görke - Charles W. Steitler, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2020, pp. 179-220.
  • Peker, Hasan, “Some Remarks on the Imperial Hittite Sealings from the 2017 Excavations at Karkemish”. NABU, Vol. 2017/4, 2017, pp. 178-179.
  • Peker, Hasan, Anadolu Hiyeroglif Yazılı Belgeler 1: Geç Hitit Karkamış Krallığı Yazıtları, Ante Quem, Bologna 2022. Peker, Hasan, “Philological Remarks on the Sealings from Empire Period of Karkemish”, Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE, eds. Clelia Mora - Giulia Torri, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2023, pp. 127-159.
  • Poetto, Massimo, “Un nuovo verbo luvio-geroglifico: zapa-, e la sua correlazione al luvio cuneiforme zapp(a)-”, Ex Anatolia Lux. Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of H. Craig Melchert on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday, eds. Ronald Kim - Norbert Oettinger - Elisabeth Rieken - Michael Weiss, Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor - New York 2010, pp. 296-302.
  • Poetto, Massimo - Salvatori, Sandro, La collezione anatolica di E. Borowski, Gjes Edizioni, Pavia 1981.
  • Rieken, Elisabeth - Yakubovich, Ilya, “The new values of Luwian signs L 319 and L 172”, Ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis. Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. Itamar Singer, Published by the Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology (Bequeathed by the Yass Estate, Sydney, Australia) of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 2010, pp. 199-219.
  • Simon, Zsolt, “What was built in the Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription of ŞIRZI?”. NABU, Vol. 2014/4, 2014, pp. 151-152.
  • van den Hout, Theo PJ., “The Silver Stag Vessel: A Royal Gift”, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 53, 2018, pp. 114-127.
  • Weeden, Mark, “Tuwati and Wasusarma: Imitating the Behaviour of Assyria”. Iraq, Vol. 73, 2010, pp. 39-61.
  • Weeden, Mark, Hittite Logograms and Hittite Scholarship, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011.
  • Weeden, Mark, “Hittite Epigraphic Finds from Büklükale 2010-14”, Anatolian Archaeological Studies, Vol. 19, 2016, pp. 81-104.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya, “Nugae Luvicae”, Anatolian Languages, eds. Vitaly Shevoroshkin - Paul J. Sidwell, Association for the History of Language, Canberra 2002, pp. 189-209.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya, “The Luwian Word for ‘Place’ and its Cognates”, Kadmos, Vol. 56/1-2, 2017, pp. 1-27.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hasan Peker

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Peker, H. (2023). A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. BELLETEN, 87(309), 357-383.
AMA Peker H. A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. TTK BELLETEN. Ağustos 2023;87(309):357-383. doi:10.37879/belleten.2023.357
Chicago Peker, Hasan. “A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs”. BELLETEN 87, sy. 309 (Ağustos 2023): 357-83.
EndNote Peker H (01 Ağustos 2023) A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. BELLETEN 87 309 357–383.
IEEE H. Peker, “A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs”, TTK BELLETEN, c. 87, sy. 309, ss. 357–383, 2023, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2023.357.
ISNAD Peker, Hasan. “A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs”. BELLETEN 87/309 (Ağustos 2023), 357-383.
JAMA Peker H. A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. TTK BELLETEN. 2023;87:357–383.
MLA Peker, Hasan. “A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs”. BELLETEN, c. 87, sy. 309, 2023, ss. 357-83, doi:10.37879/belleten.2023.357.
Vancouver Peker H. A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. TTK BELLETEN. 2023;87(309):357-83.