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The Founding of the Ottoman Empire

Yıl 2004, , 63 - 104, 01.04.2004


The onslaught of the Mongolian invasions in the 13th century disturbed the earlier settled conditions in the Near East, with the populace running for their lives from the Mongolians. They passed through Seljuk lands, as that society was also coming apart, and took shelter in Western Anatolia. Among these people who were searching for plunder and land were the Ottoman ancestors. The Ottomans traveled as far as the Byzantine province of Bythnia. A by product of the establishment by the clan of Oğuz of the Uç (Outer) Beglik was that the site they chose for this principality turned out to be very important. Not only was it surrounded by other powerful Turkish emirates, to its left was the Byzantine empire, an empire on the point of disintegration and dissolution. This situation privded the Ottomans with tremendous opportunities for plunder and growth. The Ottoman took advantage of this advantage and in one hundred years transformed their principality into a world empire. The Ottomans were to lay the foundations of their empire on European (Rumeli) lands. The fact that the Byzantine and other Balkan governments were weak and that the Western European lands were in a state of confusion acted to open broad horizons for this young and dynamic state. At the beginning the Ottomans played a role in Byzantine inner conflicts, got to know these countries, and were able to learn first hand the weaknesses of the Balkan states. At a later period Byzantines themselves weakened due to conflicts within the church, struggles for the throne, rebellions, attacks by Italian states, and the lack of interest of western governments. Powerless and lacking the wherewithall to converge its own troops, it was impossible for the Byzantines to withstand the rise of the Ottomans. The founders of the Ottoman state were Orhan Gazi and Murad Hudavendigar. At that time, Venice and Genoa and Serbia and Bulgaria constituted the Ottoman's main competitors. While the pope initially acted as leader of the Western Christian forces, he fell prey to disputes from within and weakened accordingly. Diffcrences in religious thought. led to disputes between the Greeks and the Latins who divided into two seperate camps. It was thus that the Ottomans, candidates for a bright future, came face to face with such a chaotic world.


  • Die Altosmanischen Anonymen Chroniken Tevarih-i âl-i Osman I, her-ausg. von Friedrich Giese, Breslau 1922.
  • Die Altosmanische Chronik des Aşıkpaşazade, herausg. von Fr. Giese, Leipzig 1929.
  • Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi, İstanbul 1332.
  • Behişti, Tarih-i Âl-i Osman, British Museum nr.add.7896.
  • Beldicenau, N., Les actes des premiers Sultans dans les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque National à Paris, I 1960, II 1964.
  • Bonfinis, A., Rerum Ungaricarum decades, edd. Fógel-Iványi-Juhász, Lipsiae 1936.
  • Chalcandylae, Laonici, Demonstrationes, ed. E.Darkó, I-II Budapestini, 1922-1927.
  • Chronique Brève, Bonn 1834.
  • Chronique Brève, Du Codex Mosquensis 426, Vizantiyski Vremennik 2 (1949) 481- 487.
  • Critobul, History of Mehmed the Conqueror, trans. Charles Riggis, Princeton 1954.
  • Critobul din Imbros, din Domina lui Mohamed al II-lea, anii 1451-1467, Editie de V. Grecu, Bucureşti 1963.
  • Dölger, F., Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des Oströmishen Reiches, Teil 4, 1282-1341, Teil 5, 1341-1453, München 1960, 1965.
  • Ducas, Declin and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks. An Annoted Translation of “Historia Turco-Byzantina” by H. J Magolinas, Detroit 1975.
  • Ducas, Istoria Turco-Bizantina 1341-1462. editie Critica de V. Grecu, Bucureşti 1958.
  • Enveri, Düstürname, yay. Mükrimin Halil, İstanbul 1928.
  • Enveri, Le Destan d’Umur Pacha. Texe, trad. et Notes par I. Melikoff-Sayar, Bibl. Byzantine, Documents 2, Paris 1954.
  • Gazavat-ı Sultan Murad b. Mehmed Han, yayınlayanlar, Halil İnalcık, Mevlud Oğuz, Ankara 1978.
  • Gelcich, J., Raguza és Magyarország Összeköttetésénék Oklevéltára, Budapest 1887.
  • Giese, F., Die Altosmanischen Anonymen Chroniken, Übersetzung, Leipzig 1925.
  • Giustiniani, H., Hieronimo Giustiani’s History of Chios, ed. By Ph. Argenti, Cambridge 1943.
  • Gyóni, M., Ungarn und Ungartum im Spiegel der Byzantinischen Quellen Budapest 1938.
  • Hováth, J., Székely, G., Középroki Kştföink Kritikus Kérdései, Budapest 1974.
  • Iorga, N., Notes et Extraits Pour Servir à l’Historie des Croiasedes au XV Siècle I-VI, Paris 1899-1902, Bucarest 1915.
  • Kantakuzenos, J., Imperator Historiarum Libri IV, ed. J. Schopen, I-III Bonn 1828- 1832.
  • Konstantin Mihailoviç, Memoirs of a Janissary. Trans. By B. Stolz. Hist. Comm. and Notes by S. Soucek, Ann Arbor, Mishingan 1975.
  • Loenertz, R-J., Ordre et Désordre dans les Mémoires de Jean Cantacuzène, Byzantina et Franco-Graeca, Roma 1970.
  • Memorien eines Janitscharen oder Türkische Chronik, Einleitung und Übersetzt von Renate Lachmann, Kommentiert von Claus Peter-Hase-Renate Lachmann-Günter Prinzing, Graz-Wien-Köln 1975.
  • Mirmiroğlu, V1., Fatih Sultan Mehmed II Devrine Ait Tarihî Vesikalar, İstanbul 1945.
  • Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede, Tarihi, I-II İstanbul 1974.
  • Neşri, M., Cihannuma I, Ankara 1949.
  • Sathas, K., Documents inédits Relatifs à l’Historie de la Grèce au Moyen Âge (1400- 1500) I-II,Venise1880.
  • Schiltberger, H., Reise in Europa, Asien und Africa 1394-1427, herausg. Neumann, München 1859.
  • Schreiner, P., Studien zu den Vrachea Chronica, Miscellane Byzantina Monacensia, München 1967.
  • Sphrantzes, G., Memorii (1401-1477), Editie Critica de Vasile Grecu, Bucureşti 1966.
  • Teleki, J., Hunyadiak Kora Magyarországon X, Pest 1853.
  • Thiriet, F., Regestes des Délibérations du Sénat de Venise Concernant la Romanie, 1329-1463, 3 vols, La haye 1958-1961.
  • Thuróczy, J., Amagyarok Kronikája. Horváth Jànos forditása, Budapest, 1978.
  • Thşry, J. Török Történetirók I, Budapest 1893.
  • Tursun Bey, Tarih-i Ebul-Feth Sultan Mehmed Han, İstanbul 1330.
  • Die Frühosmanischen Jahrbücher des Urudsch, berausg. F.Babinger, Honnover 1925.
  • Vasiliev, A.A., Jorg of Nurenberg, a Writer Contemporary with the Fall of Constantinople (1453), Bruxelles 1953.

Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa

Yıl 2004, , 63 - 104, 01.04.2004


Anadolu’nun kuzey batısında, 14. yüzyılın başında kurulan bu küçük Türk Beyliği, o devirde benzerleri çok görülen olaylardan biri olduğundan başlangıçta hemen hiç dikkati çekmemiş ve ancak 1354’te Rumeli’ye geçtikten sonra Osmanlı Beyliği’nin hayatı temelinden ve süratle değişmiştir. Osmanlıların yüzyıllık bir zaman içinde bir uç beyliğinden bir dünya imparatorluğu haline gelmesi, Ortaçağ sonrası Doğu Avrupa ve hatta dünya tarihinin de benzeri az görülen olaylarından biridir. Bu gelişmede, bir Oğuz boyu olan Osmanlıların devlet kurma işinde sahip bulundukları dinamizmin büyük payı olmakla beraber, o devirde Bizans’ta ve Avrupa’da mevcut şartların bu büyük başarıdaki katkılarının bugüne kadar gereği gibi araştırılmadığı da bir gerçektir.


  • Die Altosmanischen Anonymen Chroniken Tevarih-i âl-i Osman I, her-ausg. von Friedrich Giese, Breslau 1922.
  • Die Altosmanische Chronik des Aşıkpaşazade, herausg. von Fr. Giese, Leipzig 1929.
  • Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi, İstanbul 1332.
  • Behişti, Tarih-i Âl-i Osman, British Museum nr.add.7896.
  • Beldicenau, N., Les actes des premiers Sultans dans les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque National à Paris, I 1960, II 1964.
  • Bonfinis, A., Rerum Ungaricarum decades, edd. Fógel-Iványi-Juhász, Lipsiae 1936.
  • Chalcandylae, Laonici, Demonstrationes, ed. E.Darkó, I-II Budapestini, 1922-1927.
  • Chronique Brève, Bonn 1834.
  • Chronique Brève, Du Codex Mosquensis 426, Vizantiyski Vremennik 2 (1949) 481- 487.
  • Critobul, History of Mehmed the Conqueror, trans. Charles Riggis, Princeton 1954.
  • Critobul din Imbros, din Domina lui Mohamed al II-lea, anii 1451-1467, Editie de V. Grecu, Bucureşti 1963.
  • Dölger, F., Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des Oströmishen Reiches, Teil 4, 1282-1341, Teil 5, 1341-1453, München 1960, 1965.
  • Ducas, Declin and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks. An Annoted Translation of “Historia Turco-Byzantina” by H. J Magolinas, Detroit 1975.
  • Ducas, Istoria Turco-Bizantina 1341-1462. editie Critica de V. Grecu, Bucureşti 1958.
  • Enveri, Düstürname, yay. Mükrimin Halil, İstanbul 1928.
  • Enveri, Le Destan d’Umur Pacha. Texe, trad. et Notes par I. Melikoff-Sayar, Bibl. Byzantine, Documents 2, Paris 1954.
  • Gazavat-ı Sultan Murad b. Mehmed Han, yayınlayanlar, Halil İnalcık, Mevlud Oğuz, Ankara 1978.
  • Gelcich, J., Raguza és Magyarország Összeköttetésénék Oklevéltára, Budapest 1887.
  • Giese, F., Die Altosmanischen Anonymen Chroniken, Übersetzung, Leipzig 1925.
  • Giustiniani, H., Hieronimo Giustiani’s History of Chios, ed. By Ph. Argenti, Cambridge 1943.
  • Gyóni, M., Ungarn und Ungartum im Spiegel der Byzantinischen Quellen Budapest 1938.
  • Hováth, J., Székely, G., Középroki Kştföink Kritikus Kérdései, Budapest 1974.
  • Iorga, N., Notes et Extraits Pour Servir à l’Historie des Croiasedes au XV Siècle I-VI, Paris 1899-1902, Bucarest 1915.
  • Kantakuzenos, J., Imperator Historiarum Libri IV, ed. J. Schopen, I-III Bonn 1828- 1832.
  • Konstantin Mihailoviç, Memoirs of a Janissary. Trans. By B. Stolz. Hist. Comm. and Notes by S. Soucek, Ann Arbor, Mishingan 1975.
  • Loenertz, R-J., Ordre et Désordre dans les Mémoires de Jean Cantacuzène, Byzantina et Franco-Graeca, Roma 1970.
  • Memorien eines Janitscharen oder Türkische Chronik, Einleitung und Übersetzt von Renate Lachmann, Kommentiert von Claus Peter-Hase-Renate Lachmann-Günter Prinzing, Graz-Wien-Köln 1975.
  • Mirmiroğlu, V1., Fatih Sultan Mehmed II Devrine Ait Tarihî Vesikalar, İstanbul 1945.
  • Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede, Tarihi, I-II İstanbul 1974.
  • Neşri, M., Cihannuma I, Ankara 1949.
  • Sathas, K., Documents inédits Relatifs à l’Historie de la Grèce au Moyen Âge (1400- 1500) I-II,Venise1880.
  • Schiltberger, H., Reise in Europa, Asien und Africa 1394-1427, herausg. Neumann, München 1859.
  • Schreiner, P., Studien zu den Vrachea Chronica, Miscellane Byzantina Monacensia, München 1967.
  • Sphrantzes, G., Memorii (1401-1477), Editie Critica de Vasile Grecu, Bucureşti 1966.
  • Teleki, J., Hunyadiak Kora Magyarországon X, Pest 1853.
  • Thiriet, F., Regestes des Délibérations du Sénat de Venise Concernant la Romanie, 1329-1463, 3 vols, La haye 1958-1961.
  • Thuróczy, J., Amagyarok Kronikája. Horváth Jànos forditása, Budapest, 1978.
  • Thşry, J. Török Történetirók I, Budapest 1893.
  • Tursun Bey, Tarih-i Ebul-Feth Sultan Mehmed Han, İstanbul 1330.
  • Die Frühosmanischen Jahrbücher des Urudsch, berausg. F.Babinger, Honnover 1925.
  • Vasiliev, A.A., Jorg of Nurenberg, a Writer Contemporary with the Fall of Constantinople (1453), Bruxelles 1953.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Şerif Baştav Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004

Kaynak Göster

APA Baştav, Ş. (2004). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa. BELLETEN, 68(251), 63-104.
AMA Baştav Ş. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa. TTK BELLETEN. Nisan 2004;68(251):63-104. doi:10.37879/belleten.2004.63
Chicago Baştav, Şerif. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans Ve Avrupa”. BELLETEN 68, sy. 251 (Nisan 2004): 63-104.
EndNote Baştav Ş (01 Nisan 2004) Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa. BELLETEN 68 251 63–104.
IEEE Ş. Baştav, “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa”, TTK BELLETEN, c. 68, sy. 251, ss. 63–104, 2004, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2004.63.
ISNAD Baştav, Şerif. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans Ve Avrupa”. BELLETEN 68/251 (Nisan 2004), 63-104.
JAMA Baştav Ş. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa. TTK BELLETEN. 2004;68:63–104.
MLA Baştav, Şerif. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans Ve Avrupa”. BELLETEN, c. 68, sy. 251, 2004, ss. 63-104, doi:10.37879/belleten.2004.63.
Vancouver Baştav Ş. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu Esnasında Bizans ve Avrupa. TTK BELLETEN. 2004;68(251):63-104.