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Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi

Yıl 2001, , 37 - 62, 20.04.2001


Burdur Müze Müdürlüğü tarafından 1995 yılında Dudu Özmen'den satın alınmış olan bu define, Burdur İli, Yeşilova İlçesi, Çeltek Köyü'nde (batı Pisidia, Kibyratis ve güney batı Phrygia sınırında, Phrygia’nın Eriza, Pisidia’nın Olbasa ve Palaipolis antik kentlerinin ortasına düşen bir yerde) bulunmuştur. Define 33 adet erken baskılı Side tetradrahmisinden oluşmaktadır. Side’nin M.Ö. 205 - 190 tarihli darpları olan bu definede 12 farklı magistrat (sikke basımından sorumlu yetkili memur) ismine rastladık. Sikkelerin arka yüzünde yeralan bu yetkili memur isim kısaltmaları bize bu sikkelerin 205 ile 190 tarihleri arasındaki 12 yıl süresinde basılmış olduklarını (genellikle sikke basımından sorumlu memurlar bir yıllığına göreve geliyorlardı) göstermektedir.


  • Arslan 1999a M. Arslan-C. Lightfoot, Antik Sikke Defineleri. Ankara, 1999.
  • Arslan 1999b M. Arslan and C. Lightfoot, Greek Coin Hoards in Turkey. Ankara, 1999.
  • Atlan 1967 S. Atlan, Side’nin Milattan önce V. ve IV. Yüzyıl Sikkeleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar -Untersuchungen über die Sidetischen Münzen des V. und IV. Jahrhunder v. Chr., TTK , Ankara. 1967. s.1-181.
  • Atlan 1975 S. Atlan, Side'de Basılan Amyntas Sikkeleri - Die Münzpragung des Amyntas in Side. Belleten 39, Ankara. 1975. s. 575-611
  • Bauslaugh 1990 R. Bauslaugh, Cistophoric countermarks and the monetary system of Eumenes II, NC 150 (1990). s. 39-65.
  • Boehringer 1972 C. Boehringer, Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistisch Münzserien 220-160 v. Chr., Berlin. 1972.
  • Bosch 1957 Cle. E. Bosch, Pamphylia Tarihine Dair Tetkikler - Studien Zur Geschichte Pamphyliens. TTK.V. Seri No. 17 Ankara. 1957. s. 1-48
  • BMC 19 G. F. Hill, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia. London. 1897.
  • Kleiner – Noe 1977 F. S. Kleiner - S. P. Noe, The Early Cistophoric Coinage. New York. 1977.
  • Leschhorn Side 1989 P.R. Franke - W. Leschhorn - B. MüllerŞJ. Nollé, SIDE. Münzpragung, Inschriftes und Geschichte einer antiken Stadt in der Türkei. in : W. Leschhorn, Ein Schatzfund sidetischer Münzen. Saarbrücken. 1989. s. 23-42.
  • Le Rider 1975 G. Le Rider, Contremarques et surfrappes dans l’Antiquité grecque in NAPM Nancy - Louvain. 1975. s. 27 – 56.
  • Morkholm 1979 O. Morkholm, Some reflections on the early cistophoric coinage. ANSMN 24 (1979), s. 47-61.
  • Morkholm 1982c O. Morkholm, Some reflexions on the production and use of coinage in ancient Greece. Historia 31 (1982). s. 290-305.
  • Mowat 1906 R. Mowat, Trois contremarques inédites sur des tétradrachmes de Sidé in Corolla numismatica. Numismatic essays in honour of Barclay V. Head. New York-London. 1906, s. 189-207.
  • Seyrig 1958b H. Seyrig, Monnaies contremarquées en Syrie. Syria 35 (1958), s. 187 -197. Antiquités syriennes 6.
  • Seyrig 1963 H. Seyrig, Monnaies hellénistisques. RN 5 (1963). s. 7-64.
  • SNG France 3 E. Levante, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France 3: Pamphylie, Pisidie, Lycaonie, Galatie. Paris 1994.
  • SNG PfPs J. Nollé, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland: Pfalzer Privatsammlungen. 4. Band. Pamphylien. München 1992.
  • SNG v. Aulock H. von Aulock, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutscland. Sammlung Von Aulock. Pamphylien. Berlin 1965.

The Tetradrachma Hoard of Side in the Burdur Museum

Yıl 2001, , 37 - 62, 20.04.2001


The hoard, comprising 33 coins, was found in 1995 at the village of Çeltek in the Yeşilova district of Burdur province; it was subsequently acquired by purchase by the Burdur Museum. The find-spot lies on the ancient regions of Pisidia and Phrygia All of the coins are silver tetradrachms of the Side mint with an average weight of 16.71 g., which is unsually high. Six specimens bear countermarks comprising a boj in its case and the intial letter of the city that made the countermark. Such countermarks, known as 'cistophoric countermarks' are associated with cities that were controlled by the Kingdom of Pergamum. The present hoard includes clear examples for Pergamum, Apameia and Sardis, and two other countermarks probably represent Ephesus and Synnada, while one further type remians unassigned. Scholarly opinion is divided about when such contuermarks were made on the coins of Side; one view favorus a date after 166 BC, another attributes them to the period beginning in 188 BC. The hoard contains 12 different magistrates' names, one of which is previously unrecorded. According to the tables compiled by Prefossor Leschorn, these belong to the first series of Sidetan tetradrachms, starting in 205 BC. The conis may thus be dated to between 205 and 190 BC but remained in circulation for some time. Deposition connat be dated earlier than c. 178 BC and, if the later dating of the countermarks is followed, even as late as the mid-second century BC.


  • Arslan 1999a M. Arslan-C. Lightfoot, Antik Sikke Defineleri. Ankara, 1999.
  • Arslan 1999b M. Arslan and C. Lightfoot, Greek Coin Hoards in Turkey. Ankara, 1999.
  • Atlan 1967 S. Atlan, Side’nin Milattan önce V. ve IV. Yüzyıl Sikkeleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar -Untersuchungen über die Sidetischen Münzen des V. und IV. Jahrhunder v. Chr., TTK , Ankara. 1967. s.1-181.
  • Atlan 1975 S. Atlan, Side'de Basılan Amyntas Sikkeleri - Die Münzpragung des Amyntas in Side. Belleten 39, Ankara. 1975. s. 575-611
  • Bauslaugh 1990 R. Bauslaugh, Cistophoric countermarks and the monetary system of Eumenes II, NC 150 (1990). s. 39-65.
  • Boehringer 1972 C. Boehringer, Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistisch Münzserien 220-160 v. Chr., Berlin. 1972.
  • Bosch 1957 Cle. E. Bosch, Pamphylia Tarihine Dair Tetkikler - Studien Zur Geschichte Pamphyliens. TTK.V. Seri No. 17 Ankara. 1957. s. 1-48
  • BMC 19 G. F. Hill, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia. London. 1897.
  • Kleiner – Noe 1977 F. S. Kleiner - S. P. Noe, The Early Cistophoric Coinage. New York. 1977.
  • Leschhorn Side 1989 P.R. Franke - W. Leschhorn - B. MüllerŞJ. Nollé, SIDE. Münzpragung, Inschriftes und Geschichte einer antiken Stadt in der Türkei. in : W. Leschhorn, Ein Schatzfund sidetischer Münzen. Saarbrücken. 1989. s. 23-42.
  • Le Rider 1975 G. Le Rider, Contremarques et surfrappes dans l’Antiquité grecque in NAPM Nancy - Louvain. 1975. s. 27 – 56.
  • Morkholm 1979 O. Morkholm, Some reflections on the early cistophoric coinage. ANSMN 24 (1979), s. 47-61.
  • Morkholm 1982c O. Morkholm, Some reflexions on the production and use of coinage in ancient Greece. Historia 31 (1982). s. 290-305.
  • Mowat 1906 R. Mowat, Trois contremarques inédites sur des tétradrachmes de Sidé in Corolla numismatica. Numismatic essays in honour of Barclay V. Head. New York-London. 1906, s. 189-207.
  • Seyrig 1958b H. Seyrig, Monnaies contremarquées en Syrie. Syria 35 (1958), s. 187 -197. Antiquités syriennes 6.
  • Seyrig 1963 H. Seyrig, Monnaies hellénistisques. RN 5 (1963). s. 7-64.
  • SNG France 3 E. Levante, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France 3: Pamphylie, Pisidie, Lycaonie, Galatie. Paris 1994.
  • SNG PfPs J. Nollé, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland: Pfalzer Privatsammlungen. 4. Band. Pamphylien. München 1992.
  • SNG v. Aulock H. von Aulock, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutscland. Sammlung Von Aulock. Pamphylien. Berlin 1965.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Melih Arslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001

Kaynak Göster

APA Arslan, M. (2001). Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi. BELLETEN, 65(242), 37-62.
AMA Arslan M. Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. Nisan 2001;65(242):37-62. doi:10.37879/belleten.2001.37
Chicago Arslan, Melih. “Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN 65, sy. 242 (Nisan 2001): 37-62.
EndNote Arslan M (01 Nisan 2001) Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi. BELLETEN 65 242 37–62.
IEEE M. Arslan, “Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi”, TTK BELLETEN, c. 65, sy. 242, ss. 37–62, 2001, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2001.37.
ISNAD Arslan, Melih. “Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN 65/242 (Nisan 2001), 37-62.
JAMA Arslan M. Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. 2001;65:37–62.
MLA Arslan, Melih. “Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN, c. 65, sy. 242, 2001, ss. 37-62, doi:10.37879/belleten.2001.37.
Vancouver Arslan M. Burdur Müzesi’ndeki Side Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. 2001;65(242):37-62.