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The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 72 Sayı: 264, 395 - 412, 01.08.2008


The Ubaid culture, which takes its name from Tell-al Ubaid, plays a crucial role in the process of urbanization in the Near East. Surviving for more than 1500 years (5500-3800 BC), it was characterised by important social, economic and political developments which influenced the development of urban polities both the Near East and the East and Southeastern Anatolia Regions. With this culture, certain radical structural changes peculiar to complex societies, urban societies, such as political and economic centralisation based on control over product, production and labor organisation with sealing practices, socio-economic differences, a high degree of economic specialisation and technological development, indicate that a complex economy, and organised trade had begun to take place in the social, political and economical organisations of the societies of the Near East. This paper is concerned with enlightening the role of the Ubaid Culture in the development of urban societies in the Near East. With this aim, this culture will be analyzed from the viewpoint of those characteristics peculiar to urban societies mentioned above.


  • Adams, R. Mcc, “Factors Influencing the Rise of Civilization in the Alluvium: Illustrated by Mesopotamia”, City Invincible. A Symposium on Urbanization and Cultural Development in the Near East, (Eds). C.H. Kraeling, R.Mcc. Adams, Chicago: University of Chicago, 24-46, 1960.
  • _____, Heartland of Cities, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981.
  • Akkermans, P. M. M. G, “Tradition and Social Change in Northern Mesopotamia during Later Fifth and Fourth Millennium B.C.”, Upon This Foundation: The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 339-69, 1989.
  • Algaze, G., The Uruk World System: The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilisation, Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1993. Esin 1985: 254.
  • Arsebük, G., “An Assemblage of Microlithic Engravers from the Chalcolithic Levels of Değirmentepe (Malatya)”, Anadolu Araştırmaları 10 (1986), 131-136.
  • Berman, J., “The Ceramic Evidence for Sociopolitical Organization in ‘Ubaid Southwestern”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 23-33, 1994.
  • Breniquet, C., “Les Origines de la Culture d’Obeid en Mesopotamie du Nord”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 325-338
  • Brumfiel, E. M., Early, T. K, “Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies: An Introduction”, Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies (Eds). E. M. Brumfıel, T. K. Early, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1-7, 1990.
  • Earle, T. K., “Specialization and the Production of Wealth: Hawaiian Chiefdoms and the Inka Empire”, Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies, (Eds). E. M. Brumfıel, T. K. Early, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 64-75, 1990.
  • Erarslan, A., The Initial Stages of the Urbanisation Process of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia (5500-1900 BC), Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 2004.
  • Esin, U., “Some Small Finds from the Chalcolithic Occupation at Değirmentepe (Malatya) in Eastern Turkey”, Studi di Palentologia in Onore di Salvatore M. Puglisi, (Eds). M. Liverani, A. Palmieri, A. Peroni, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 253-263, 1985.
  • _____, “Doğu Anadolu’da Bulunan Obeyd Tipi Çanak Çömlek ve Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazıları”, IX/1Türk Tarih Kongresi (1986), 81-89.
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazıları Arkeometrik Araştırmalarına Toplu Bir Bakış”, Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Toplantı Bildirileri VI (1986a), 131-153.
  • _____, “An Early Trading Center in Eastern Anatolia”, Anatolia and the Ancient Near East Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç, (Eds). K. Emre, B. Hrouda, M. Mellink, N. Özgüç, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 135-38
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kalkolitik Obeyd Evresi Damga Mühür ve Mühür Baskıları”, X. Türk Tarih Kongresi (1990), 47-58, 1990.
  • _____, “The Functional Evidence of Seals and Sealings of Değirmentepe”, Archives Before Writing, (Eds). P. Ferioli, E. Fiandra, G. G. Fissore, M. Frangipane, Publicazioni degli Archivi di Stato 1, Sargraf, Torino, 59- 82, 1994.
  • _____, “Die Tempel von Değirmentepe wahrend der Chalkolithischen Obedperiode”, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale XXXIV (1998), 659-677.
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazıları”, Türkiye Arkeolojisi ve Istanbul Üniversitesi, (Ed). O. Belli, Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi, 80- 86, 2002.
  • Esin, U., Harmankaya, S, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı 1986”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı IX (1987), 79-127.
  • Forest, J. D., “La Grande Architecture Obeidienne: Sa Forme et sa Fonction”, Préhistoire de la Mésopotamie, (Eds). J. L. Huot, Paris: CNRS Publications, 385-425, 1987.
  • Frangipane, M., “Local Components in the Development of Centralised Societies in Syro-Anatolian Regions”, Between the Rivers and Over the Mountains. Archaeologica Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicate, (Eds). M. Frangipane, H. Hauptman, M. Liverani, M. Mattiae, M. Mellink, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 133-61, 1993.
  • _____, “The Development of Administration from Collective to Centralized Economies in the Mesopotamian World. The Transformation of an Institution from System-Serving to Self-Serving”, Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Viewpoints, (Eds). G. M. Feinman, L. Manzanilla, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 215-32, 2000.
  • _____, “Centralization Process in Greater Mesopotamia. Uruk Expansion as the Climax of Systemic Interactions among Areas of the Greater Mesopotamian Region”, Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross- Cultural Interactions and their Consequences in the Era of State Formation, (Eds). M. S. Rothman, Santa Fe: SAR Press, 307-348, 2001.
  • _____, Yakındoğu’da Devletin Doğuşu, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları
  • _____, “Developments in Fourth Millennium Public Architecture in the Malatya Plain: From Simple Tripartite to Complex and Bipartite Pattern”, From Village to Cities. Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin, I, (Eds). M. Özdoğan, H. Hauptmann, N. Başgelen, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 147-169, 2003.
  • Harmankaya, S., Tanındı, O., Özbaşaran, M., Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri 3, Kalkolitik. Ege Yayınları: Istanbul, 1998.
  • Helwing, B., “Feste in Değirmentepe ?. Die Sociale Dynamik des Feierns in Frühen Komplexen Gesellschaften”, From Village to Cities. Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin, I, (Eds). M. Özdoğan, H. Hauptmann, N. Başgelen, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 57-72, 2003.
  • Huot, J. L., “Ubaidian Village of Lower Mesopotamia. Permanence and Evolution from ‘Ubaid 0 to ‘Ubaid 4 as Seen from Tell el’Queili”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 19-42, 1989.
  • _____, Les Premiers Villageois de Mesopotamie, du Village à la Ville, Paris : Armand Colin Press, 1994.
  • Jasim, S. A., The Ubaid Period in Iraq, Oxford: BAR International Series 267(i), 1985.
  • _____, “Structure and Function in an Ubaid Village”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 79-91, 1989.
  • Jawad, A. J., The Advent of the Era of Townships in Northern Mesopotamia, Leiden, 1965.
  • Kayani, P. I., “Formative Pyrotechnology in Northern Mesopotamia”, Pale orient 22/2 (1997), 133-43.
  • Kubba, S. A. A., Architecture and Linear Measurement During the Ubaid Periode in Mesopotamia, Oxford: BAR International Series 707, 1998.
  • Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., “Houehold, Land Tenure and Communication Systems in the 6th-4th Millennia of Greater Mesopotamia”, Urbanisation and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, (Eds). M. Hudson, B. A. Levine, Cambridge: New York University, 167-197, 1999.
  • Lloyd, S. - Safar, F., “Tell Uqair: Excavations by the Iraq Government Directorate of Antiquities in 1940-1941”, JNES II (1943), 131-58.
  • Makkay, J., “The Origins of the “Temple-Economy”, As seen in the Light of Prehistoric Evidence”, Iraq XLV (1983), 1-7.
  • Matthews, P., The Archaeology of Mesopotamia, Theories and Approaches. London and New York: Routlegde, 2003.
  • Moore, A. M. T., “Pottery Kiln Sites at Al’Ubaid and Eridu”, Iraq LXIV (2002), 69-77.
  • Nissen, H. J., “The Ubaid Period in the Context of the Early History of the Ancient Near East”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 245-255, 1989.
  • Oates, J., “The Background and Development of Early Farming Communities in Mesopotamia and Zagros”, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 39 (1973), 147-181.
  • Özbal, H., “Değirmentepe Metal, Cüruf ve Filiz Analizleri”, Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Toplantı Bildirileri VI (1986), 26-34.
  • Özdoğan, M., “Köyden Kente. Kalkolitik Çağ”, Arkeo Atlas 1 (2002), 110- 30.
  • Pollock, S., Ancient Mesopotamia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Roaf, M., “Ubaid Houses and Temples”, Sumer XLIII (1984), 80-90.
  • Rothman, M. S., “Another Look at the Uruk Expansion from the Tigris Piedmont”, Between the Rivers and Over the Mountains. Archaeologica Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicate, (Eds). M. Frangipane, H. Hauptman, M. Liverani, M. Mattiae, M. Mellink, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 163-175, 1993.
  • _____, “Evolutionary Typologies and Cultural Complexity”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 1-13, 1994.
  • _____, “The Tigris Piedmont, Eastern Jazira and Highland Western Iran in the Fourth Millennium B.C.”, Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross-Cultural Interactions and their Consequences in the Era of State Formation, (Eds). M. S. Rothman, Santa Fe: SAR Press, 349-401, 2001.
  • _____, Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq, Philadelphia: University Museum Monographs 112, 2002.
  • _____, “Tepe Gawra: Chronology and Socio-Economic Change in the Foothills of Northern Iraq in the Era of State Formation”, Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, (Ed). J. N. Postgate, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: Aris & Philips, 49-77, 2002a.
  • Rothman, M. S. - Blackman, M. J., “Monitoring Administrative Spheres of Action in Late Prehistoric Northern Mesopotamia with the Aid of Chemical Characterisation of Sealing Clays”, Economy and Settlement in the Near East: Analyses of Ancient Sites and Materials, (Ed). N. F. Miller, Philadelphia: MASCA Research Reports in Science, 19-46, 1990.
  • Rothman, M. S. - Peasnall, B., “Sociental Evolution of Small, Pre-State Centers and Polities: The Example of Tepe Gawra in Northern Mesoptamia”, Paléorient 25/1 (2000), 101-21.
  • Safar, F., Mustafa, M.A., Lloyd, S., Eridu, Baghdad: State Organisation of Antiquities and Heritage, 1981.
  • Stein, G. J., “Economy, Ritual and Power in Ubaid Mesopotamia”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 35-47, 1994.
  • _____, “Producers, Patrons and Prestige: Craft Specialists and Emergent Elits in Mesopotamia from 5500-3100 BC”, Craft Specialisation and Social Evolution, (Ed). B. Wailes, Philadelphia: University of Pennylvania Museum, 25-38, 1996.
  • Streily, A. H., “Early Pottery Kilns in the Middle East”, Pale orient 26/2 (2001), 69-82.
  • Thuesen, I., “Information Exchange in the Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia and Syria”, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale XXXVIII (1992), 658-76.
  • Tobler, A. J., Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. II. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1950.
  • Tusa, S., “Notes on the Tell Abu Husaini Excavations”, Paleorient 6 (1980), 225-27.
  • Wright, H. T., “Recent Research on the Origin of the State”, Annual Review Anthropologist 6 (1977), 379-397.
  • _____, “Prestate Political Formations”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 67-82, 1994.
  • Wright, H. T., Pollock, S, “Regional Socio-Economic Organisation in Southern Mesopotamia: The Middle and Later Fifth Millenium”, Préhistoire de la Mésopotamie, (Ed). J. L. Huot, Paris: CNRS, 318-329
  • Yakar, J, “Anatolian Trade with Syro-Mesopotamia Prior to the Establishment at the Assyrian Merchant Colonies”, XXXIV. Rencontre Assyriologique International (1997), 364-372.
  • _____, “East Anatolian Metallurgy in the Fourth and Third Millennia BC: Some Remarks”, Anatolian Metals II, (Ed). U. Yalçin, Bochum: Der Anschnitt Beiheft 15, 15-25, 2002.
  • Yener, A, The Domestication of Metals: The Rise of Complexity Metal Industries in Anatolia, Boston, 2000.

The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 72 Sayı: 264, 395 - 412, 01.08.2008


The Ubaid culture, which takes its name from Tell-al Ubaid, plays a crucial role in the process of urbanization in the Near East. Surviving for more than 1500 years (5500-3800 BC), it was characterised by important social, economic and political developments which influenced the development of urban polities both the Near East and the East and Southeastern Anatolia Regions. With this culture, certain radical structural changes peculiar to complex societies, urban societies, such as political and economic centralisation based on control over product, production and labor organisation with sealing practices, socio-economic differences, a high degree of economic specialisation and technological development, indicate that a complex economy, and organised trade had begun to take place in the social, political and economical organisations of the societies of the Near East. This paper is concerned with enlightening the role of the Ubaid Culture in the development of urban societies in the Near East. With this aim, this culture will be analyzed from the viewpoint of those characteristics peculiar to urban societies mentioned above.


  • Adams, R. Mcc, “Factors Influencing the Rise of Civilization in the Alluvium: Illustrated by Mesopotamia”, City Invincible. A Symposium on Urbanization and Cultural Development in the Near East, (Eds). C.H. Kraeling, R.Mcc. Adams, Chicago: University of Chicago, 24-46, 1960.
  • _____, Heartland of Cities, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981.
  • Akkermans, P. M. M. G, “Tradition and Social Change in Northern Mesopotamia during Later Fifth and Fourth Millennium B.C.”, Upon This Foundation: The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 339-69, 1989.
  • Algaze, G., The Uruk World System: The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilisation, Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1993. Esin 1985: 254.
  • Arsebük, G., “An Assemblage of Microlithic Engravers from the Chalcolithic Levels of Değirmentepe (Malatya)”, Anadolu Araştırmaları 10 (1986), 131-136.
  • Berman, J., “The Ceramic Evidence for Sociopolitical Organization in ‘Ubaid Southwestern”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 23-33, 1994.
  • Breniquet, C., “Les Origines de la Culture d’Obeid en Mesopotamie du Nord”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 325-338
  • Brumfiel, E. M., Early, T. K, “Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies: An Introduction”, Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies (Eds). E. M. Brumfıel, T. K. Early, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1-7, 1990.
  • Earle, T. K., “Specialization and the Production of Wealth: Hawaiian Chiefdoms and the Inka Empire”, Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies, (Eds). E. M. Brumfıel, T. K. Early, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 64-75, 1990.
  • Erarslan, A., The Initial Stages of the Urbanisation Process of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia (5500-1900 BC), Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 2004.
  • Esin, U., “Some Small Finds from the Chalcolithic Occupation at Değirmentepe (Malatya) in Eastern Turkey”, Studi di Palentologia in Onore di Salvatore M. Puglisi, (Eds). M. Liverani, A. Palmieri, A. Peroni, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 253-263, 1985.
  • _____, “Doğu Anadolu’da Bulunan Obeyd Tipi Çanak Çömlek ve Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazıları”, IX/1Türk Tarih Kongresi (1986), 81-89.
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazıları Arkeometrik Araştırmalarına Toplu Bir Bakış”, Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Toplantı Bildirileri VI (1986a), 131-153.
  • _____, “An Early Trading Center in Eastern Anatolia”, Anatolia and the Ancient Near East Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç, (Eds). K. Emre, B. Hrouda, M. Mellink, N. Özgüç, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 135-38
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kalkolitik Obeyd Evresi Damga Mühür ve Mühür Baskıları”, X. Türk Tarih Kongresi (1990), 47-58, 1990.
  • _____, “The Functional Evidence of Seals and Sealings of Değirmentepe”, Archives Before Writing, (Eds). P. Ferioli, E. Fiandra, G. G. Fissore, M. Frangipane, Publicazioni degli Archivi di Stato 1, Sargraf, Torino, 59- 82, 1994.
  • _____, “Die Tempel von Değirmentepe wahrend der Chalkolithischen Obedperiode”, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale XXXIV (1998), 659-677.
  • _____, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazıları”, Türkiye Arkeolojisi ve Istanbul Üniversitesi, (Ed). O. Belli, Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi, 80- 86, 2002.
  • Esin, U., Harmankaya, S, “Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı 1986”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı IX (1987), 79-127.
  • Forest, J. D., “La Grande Architecture Obeidienne: Sa Forme et sa Fonction”, Préhistoire de la Mésopotamie, (Eds). J. L. Huot, Paris: CNRS Publications, 385-425, 1987.
  • Frangipane, M., “Local Components in the Development of Centralised Societies in Syro-Anatolian Regions”, Between the Rivers and Over the Mountains. Archaeologica Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicate, (Eds). M. Frangipane, H. Hauptman, M. Liverani, M. Mattiae, M. Mellink, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 133-61, 1993.
  • _____, “The Development of Administration from Collective to Centralized Economies in the Mesopotamian World. The Transformation of an Institution from System-Serving to Self-Serving”, Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Viewpoints, (Eds). G. M. Feinman, L. Manzanilla, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 215-32, 2000.
  • _____, “Centralization Process in Greater Mesopotamia. Uruk Expansion as the Climax of Systemic Interactions among Areas of the Greater Mesopotamian Region”, Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross- Cultural Interactions and their Consequences in the Era of State Formation, (Eds). M. S. Rothman, Santa Fe: SAR Press, 307-348, 2001.
  • _____, Yakındoğu’da Devletin Doğuşu, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları
  • _____, “Developments in Fourth Millennium Public Architecture in the Malatya Plain: From Simple Tripartite to Complex and Bipartite Pattern”, From Village to Cities. Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin, I, (Eds). M. Özdoğan, H. Hauptmann, N. Başgelen, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 147-169, 2003.
  • Harmankaya, S., Tanındı, O., Özbaşaran, M., Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri 3, Kalkolitik. Ege Yayınları: Istanbul, 1998.
  • Helwing, B., “Feste in Değirmentepe ?. Die Sociale Dynamik des Feierns in Frühen Komplexen Gesellschaften”, From Village to Cities. Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin, I, (Eds). M. Özdoğan, H. Hauptmann, N. Başgelen, Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 57-72, 2003.
  • Huot, J. L., “Ubaidian Village of Lower Mesopotamia. Permanence and Evolution from ‘Ubaid 0 to ‘Ubaid 4 as Seen from Tell el’Queili”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 19-42, 1989.
  • _____, Les Premiers Villageois de Mesopotamie, du Village à la Ville, Paris : Armand Colin Press, 1994.
  • Jasim, S. A., The Ubaid Period in Iraq, Oxford: BAR International Series 267(i), 1985.
  • _____, “Structure and Function in an Ubaid Village”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 79-91, 1989.
  • Jawad, A. J., The Advent of the Era of Townships in Northern Mesopotamia, Leiden, 1965.
  • Kayani, P. I., “Formative Pyrotechnology in Northern Mesopotamia”, Pale orient 22/2 (1997), 133-43.
  • Kubba, S. A. A., Architecture and Linear Measurement During the Ubaid Periode in Mesopotamia, Oxford: BAR International Series 707, 1998.
  • Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., “Houehold, Land Tenure and Communication Systems in the 6th-4th Millennia of Greater Mesopotamia”, Urbanisation and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, (Eds). M. Hudson, B. A. Levine, Cambridge: New York University, 167-197, 1999.
  • Lloyd, S. - Safar, F., “Tell Uqair: Excavations by the Iraq Government Directorate of Antiquities in 1940-1941”, JNES II (1943), 131-58.
  • Makkay, J., “The Origins of the “Temple-Economy”, As seen in the Light of Prehistoric Evidence”, Iraq XLV (1983), 1-7.
  • Matthews, P., The Archaeology of Mesopotamia, Theories and Approaches. London and New York: Routlegde, 2003.
  • Moore, A. M. T., “Pottery Kiln Sites at Al’Ubaid and Eridu”, Iraq LXIV (2002), 69-77.
  • Nissen, H. J., “The Ubaid Period in the Context of the Early History of the Ancient Near East”, Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, (Eds). E. F. Henrickson, I. Thuesen, Copenhagen: CNI Publications, 245-255, 1989.
  • Oates, J., “The Background and Development of Early Farming Communities in Mesopotamia and Zagros”, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 39 (1973), 147-181.
  • Özbal, H., “Değirmentepe Metal, Cüruf ve Filiz Analizleri”, Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Toplantı Bildirileri VI (1986), 26-34.
  • Özdoğan, M., “Köyden Kente. Kalkolitik Çağ”, Arkeo Atlas 1 (2002), 110- 30.
  • Pollock, S., Ancient Mesopotamia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Roaf, M., “Ubaid Houses and Temples”, Sumer XLIII (1984), 80-90.
  • Rothman, M. S., “Another Look at the Uruk Expansion from the Tigris Piedmont”, Between the Rivers and Over the Mountains. Archaeologica Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicate, (Eds). M. Frangipane, H. Hauptman, M. Liverani, M. Mattiae, M. Mellink, Roma: Universita La Sapienza, 163-175, 1993.
  • _____, “Evolutionary Typologies and Cultural Complexity”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 1-13, 1994.
  • _____, “The Tigris Piedmont, Eastern Jazira and Highland Western Iran in the Fourth Millennium B.C.”, Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross-Cultural Interactions and their Consequences in the Era of State Formation, (Eds). M. S. Rothman, Santa Fe: SAR Press, 349-401, 2001.
  • _____, Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq, Philadelphia: University Museum Monographs 112, 2002.
  • _____, “Tepe Gawra: Chronology and Socio-Economic Change in the Foothills of Northern Iraq in the Era of State Formation”, Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, (Ed). J. N. Postgate, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: Aris & Philips, 49-77, 2002a.
  • Rothman, M. S. - Blackman, M. J., “Monitoring Administrative Spheres of Action in Late Prehistoric Northern Mesopotamia with the Aid of Chemical Characterisation of Sealing Clays”, Economy and Settlement in the Near East: Analyses of Ancient Sites and Materials, (Ed). N. F. Miller, Philadelphia: MASCA Research Reports in Science, 19-46, 1990.
  • Rothman, M. S. - Peasnall, B., “Sociental Evolution of Small, Pre-State Centers and Polities: The Example of Tepe Gawra in Northern Mesoptamia”, Paléorient 25/1 (2000), 101-21.
  • Safar, F., Mustafa, M.A., Lloyd, S., Eridu, Baghdad: State Organisation of Antiquities and Heritage, 1981.
  • Stein, G. J., “Economy, Ritual and Power in Ubaid Mesopotamia”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 35-47, 1994.
  • _____, “Producers, Patrons and Prestige: Craft Specialists and Emergent Elits in Mesopotamia from 5500-3100 BC”, Craft Specialisation and Social Evolution, (Ed). B. Wailes, Philadelphia: University of Pennylvania Museum, 25-38, 1996.
  • Streily, A. H., “Early Pottery Kilns in the Middle East”, Pale orient 26/2 (2001), 69-82.
  • Thuesen, I., “Information Exchange in the Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia and Syria”, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale XXXVIII (1992), 658-76.
  • Tobler, A. J., Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. II. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1950.
  • Tusa, S., “Notes on the Tell Abu Husaini Excavations”, Paleorient 6 (1980), 225-27.
  • Wright, H. T., “Recent Research on the Origin of the State”, Annual Review Anthropologist 6 (1977), 379-397.
  • _____, “Prestate Political Formations”, Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: The Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, (Eds). G. Stein, M. S. Rothman, Madison Wi: Prehistory Press, 67-82, 1994.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Alev Erarslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 72 Sayı: 264

Kaynak Göster

APA Erarslan, A. (2008). The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.). BELLETEN, 72(264), 395-412.
AMA Erarslan A. The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.). TTK BELLETEN. Ağustos 2008;72(264):395-412. doi:10.37879/belleten.2008.395
Chicago Erarslan, Alev. “The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)”. BELLETEN 72, sy. 264 (Ağustos 2008): 395-412.
EndNote Erarslan A (01 Ağustos 2008) The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.). BELLETEN 72 264 395–412.
IEEE A. Erarslan, “The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)”, TTK BELLETEN, c. 72, sy. 264, ss. 395–412, 2008, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2008.395.
ISNAD Erarslan, Alev. “The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)”. BELLETEN 72/264 (Ağustos 2008), 395-412.
JAMA Erarslan A. The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.). TTK BELLETEN. 2008;72:395–412.
MLA Erarslan, Alev. “The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.)”. BELLETEN, c. 72, sy. 264, 2008, ss. 395-12, doi:10.37879/belleten.2008.395.
Vancouver Erarslan A. The Ubaid Period In The Urbanisation Process; The Birth Of Urbanism In The Near East (5500-3800 B.C.). TTK BELLETEN. 2008;72(264):395-412.