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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 258, 561 - 588, 20.08.2006



  • Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Osmanlı Arşivi, (The Ottoman Archive of the General Directorate of State Archives: formerly Başbakanlık Arşivi-Prime Ministry Archive), İstanbul, (DAGM)
  • 1. Kamil Kepeci Classification [KK]
  • Avârizhane Registers 2587-1050/1640, 2604-1053/1643, 2623-1065/1655, 2625-1067/1657, 3810- 1070/1660, 3354-1074-75/1665, 2651-1080/1670, 2790-1082/1672, 2659- 1084/1674, 2665-1086/1676, 3809-1089/1679.
  • 2. Maliyeden Müdevver Classification [MM]
  • Avârizhane Registers 2751-1030/1621, 3862-1038/1628, 3382-1050/1640, 3845-1051/1641, 3074- 1051-52/1642, 2808-1055/1645, 3832-1058/1648, 3835-1057-59/1649, 4950- 1060/1650, 2780-1061/1651, 1980-1061/1651, 3844-1062/1652, 2989- 1064/1654, 3847-1066/1656, 3850-1067-68/1658, 2998-1068/1658, 2749- 1068/1658, 2653-1080/1670, 7857-1080/1670, 3067-1073-74/1664, 2783- 1075/1665, 3836-1078/1668, 3003-1081/1671, 3834-1081/1671, 2412- 1083/1673, 2505-1085/1675, 3841-1088/1678, 3837-1090/1680, 3830- 1091/1681, 9480-1096/1686, 2805-1097/1687, 2800-1098/1688, 3839- 1098/1688, 2793-1103/1691, 2471-1104/1692, 2987-1106/1694, 3807- 1108/1696, 3820-1111/1699, 3826-1112/1700
  • Abou-El-Haj, Rifa'at 'Ali, Formation of the Modern State. The Ottoman Empire Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, State University of New York Press, 1991.
  • Açikel, Ali, Changes in settlement patterns, Population and Society in North Central Anatolia: A Case Study of the District of Tokat (1574-1643), Unpublished PhD Thesis, the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K, 1999.
  • Akdağ, Mustafa, "Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Kuruluşu ve İnkişafi Devrinde Türkiyenin İktisâdi Vaziyeti", T.T.K Belleten 13(1949): 497-568; 14(1950):319-411.
  • "Celali İsyanlarının Başlaması ", AÜDTCFD 4 (1964): 1-49.
  • "Genel Çizgileri ile XVII.yy Türkiye Tarihi,", TAD, 4 (1966):203-47
  • Türk Halkının Dirlik ve Düzenlik Kavgası Celâli İsyanları, Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara, 1975.
  • Barkan, Ö. Lütfi; "Avâriz" IA 2:13-19.
  • "Tarihi Demografi Araştırmaları ve Osmanlı Tarihi", Türkiyat Mecmuası, X (1953): 1-29.
  • Barkey, Karen, Bandits and Bureaucrats. The Ottoman Route to State Centralization, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1994.
  • Bowen, H, "Awarid," EI2 1:760-761.
  • Bülbül, Zekeriye; Konya'nin Merkezi Yönetim İle İlişkileri (1685-1700), Unpublished PhD Thesis, Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Konya, 1988.
  • Cezar, Mustafa, Osmanlı Tarihinde Levendler, İstanbul, 1965.
  • Darling, Linda; Revenue-Raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire 1560-1660, New York 1996.
  • "Ottoman Fiscal Administration: Decline or Adaptation?" The Journal of European Economic History, v. 26, no. 1 (Roma1997): 157- 177.
  • Demir, Naile; 70/12 Numaralı Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili Metin Transkripsiyonu (1069/1658), Unpublished BA dissertation, Erciyes University, Department of History, Kayseri 1999.
  • Demirci, Süleyman; The Functioning of Ottoman Avâriz Taxation: An Aspect of the Relationship Between Centre and Periphery. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1621-1700, (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 2001)
  • "Complaints about avâriz assessment and payment in the avâriz-tax system: An aspect of the relationship between centre and periphery. A case study of Kayseri,1618-1700",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 46.4 (November 2003): 437-474.
  • "Demography and History: The Value of the Avârizhâne Registers for Demographic Research: A Case Study of the Ottoman Sub-provinces of Konya, Kayseri, Sivas and Bozok, 1620s-1700" a paper presented at an international conference held at the University-of Chicago; April 30th and May 1st 2004: the 19th Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, Chicago, İll-USA
  • "Collectors of Avâriz and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1621-1700", Belieten, 69/255 (August 2005): 539-565.
  • "Collections of Avâriz and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1620-1700", Belleten, 69/256 (December 2005): 897-912.
  • "State, Society and Economy in the Ottoman Empire: Some notes on the avârizhânes and cash avâriz rate in the province of Trabzon, c.1640-1700" a paper to be delivered at an international conference CIEPO-17 held at Karadeniz Technical University; September 18th -23rd, 2006:Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Erder, L., "The Measurement of Pre-industrial Population Changes, The Ottoman Empire from the 15th to 17th Century", Middle Eastern Studies, XI (1975) : 284-301.
  • Erder and Faroqhi; "Population Rise and Fail in Anatolia, 1550-1620", MES, XV (1979): 322-45.
  • Erdoğan, Hacer; 1086-1089 Tarihleri Arasında Konya 'ya Gönderilen Bazı Fermanlar, Unpublished BA dissertation, Selçuk University, Department of History, Konya 1988.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya, "Part II: Crisis and Change, 1590-1699", in An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, eds. H. İnalcık and D. Quataert, Part II (1600-1914): 411-636, Cambridge, 1994.
  • Finkel, Caroline; The Administration of Warfare: the Ottoman Military Campaigns in Hungary, 1597-1606, VWGO WIEN 1988.
  • Güçer, Lütfi; XVI-XVII. Asırlarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Hububat Meselesi ve Hububattan Alınan Vegiler, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul, 1964.
  • Gündüz, Ahmet; 27 Numarali Kayseri Ser'iyye Sicili H.1035/36-M.1625/26, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Science, Kayseri, 1995.
  • Griswold, William, The Great Anatolian Rebellion 1591-1611, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 1983.
  • İnalcık, Halil, "The Ottoman Decline and Its Effects upon the Reaya", in Aspects of the Balkans, Continuity and Change, Contributions to the International Balkan Conference, UCLA 1969, eds. H. Birnbaum and S. Vryonis, The Hague: Mouton, 1972: 338-54.
  • "The Socio-Political Effects of the Diffusion of Fire-Arms in the Middle East", in War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, eds. V. J. Parry and M. E. Yapp, (London, 1974): 195-217.
  • "Military and Fiscal Transformation in the Ottoman Empire, 1600- 1700", AO, VI (1980): 283-337. [Reprinted in H. İnalcık, Studies in Ottoman Social and Economic History, London, 1985.]
  • "The Ottoman State: Economy and Society, 1300-1600", in An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914, eds. Halil İnalcık and Donald Quataert, Cambridge, 1994: 1-410.
  • İlgürel, Mücteba, "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Ateşli Silâhların Yayılışı", İÜEFTD, 32 (1979): 301-18.
  • Jennings, R, "Urban Population in Anatolia in the Sixteenth Century: A Study of Kayseri, Karaman, Amasya, Trabzon and Erzurum", IJMES, 7 (1976): 21-57.
  • "Firearms, Bandits, and Gun-control: Some Evidence on Ottoman Policy Towards Firearms in the Possession of Reaya, from Judicial Records of Kayseri, 1600-1627", AO, VI (1980): 339-58.
  • Kafadar, Cemal; "The Question of Ottoman Decline", Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, 4 (1997-1998): 30-75.
  • Kalıpçioğlu, M. Ali; 65 Numarali Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili H.1067/68- M.1656/58, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Science, Kayseri, 1996.
  • Koçi Bey; Koçi Bey Risâlesi, ed, Ali Kemali Akşit, İstanbul, 1939.
  • Lewis, Bernard; "Some Reflections on the Decline of the Ottoman Empire", Studia Islamica, 9 (1958):111-27.
  • Ottoman Observers of Ottoman Decline" , Islamic Studies, 1 (1962):82-87.
  • Mcgowan, Bruce; "Osmanli Avâriz-Nüzul Teşekkülü, 1600-1830", VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 3 volume, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Ankara 1981, vol 2: 1327-31.
  • Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade and Struggle for Land, 1600-1800, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  • "The Study of Land and Agriculture in the Ottoman provinces within the Context of an Expanding World Economy", Internadonal Journal of Turkish Studies 2, no.1 (1981): 57-63.
  • Murphey, Rhoads; "Continuity and Discontinuity in Ottoman Administrative Theory and Practice during the Late Seventeenth Century", Poetics Today, 14 (Summer 1993): 419-443.
  • Ottoman Warfare: 1500-1700, UCL Press, London, 1999.
  • Öter, Ahmet Ali; 1645 Tarihinde Konya'ya Gönderilen Fermanlar, Unpublished BA dissertation, Selçuk University, Department of History, Konya.
  • Öz, Mehmet, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Çözülme ve Gelenekçi Yorumcuları, Ankara. Nisan 1997.
  • "The Seventeenth Century: The Period of Dissolution and Crisis", The Turks, Yeni Türkiye Publications, ed. H.C.Güzel-Cem Oğuz-O. Karatay, Volume III, (Ankara 2002): 359-378.
  • Özçelik, Ali; 1079/1668-69, 1085/1674-75 Yılları Arasında Olağanüstü Vergilerle ilgili Olarak Konya'ya Gönderilen Bazı Hükümler, Selçuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anbilim Dalı Yeniçağ Tarihi Semineri, Konya 1991.
  • Özel, Oktay; Changes in Settlement Patterns, Population and Society in Rural Anatolia: A Case Study of Amasya (1576-1642), Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K, 1993.
  • Sahillioğlu, Halil; "Avâriz", Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, vol. 4:108-109.
  • Türkiye İktisat Tarihi (Giriş-Bazı Kurum ve Kavramlar), Menteş Kitabevi, İstanbul 1989.
  • "Bolu'da Avâriz Vakıfları", Çele, 30 (1965): 4-7.
  • Shmuelevitz, Aryeh, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the Late 15th and 16th Centuries: Administrative, Economic, Legal, and Social Relations as Reflected in the Reponsa, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1984.
  • Tabakoğlu, Ahmet; Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Mâliyesi, Dergah Yayinlari, 117;Tarih Dizisi, 10 İstanbul, 1985.
  • Türkmen, Ayşe; 96 Numarali Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili H.1099/1100-M.1687/89, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kayseri, 1998.
  • Uluçay, Çağatay; XVII. Asırda Saruhan 'da Eşkiyalık ve Halk Hareketleri, İstanbul 1945.
  • Ürekli, Bayram; Konya'nın Merkezi İdare İle İlişkileri (1650-1675). Unpublished PhD Thesis, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 1989.

Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 258, 561 - 588, 20.08.2006


Basing on firsthand research on original, largely unused Ottoman archival registers (Anadolu ve Rumeli eyâletleri avârizhâne defterleri), this paper intends to examine in a systematic way avâriz and nüzul levies and their rates in the province of Karaman from 1620s to 1700. The focus of this paper will be the development of avâriz and nüzul levies as an alternative major source of regular taxation for the Ottoman government during the seventeenth century. It is a line of research that has so far attracted little attention from scholars despite the fact that there is now more debate on Ottoman socio-economic history generally.This examination will enables us to see for the first time how the avâriz and nüzul rates fluctuated during the seventeenth century down to the level of livas within the Province.


  • Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Osmanlı Arşivi, (The Ottoman Archive of the General Directorate of State Archives: formerly Başbakanlık Arşivi-Prime Ministry Archive), İstanbul, (DAGM)
  • 1. Kamil Kepeci Classification [KK]
  • Avârizhane Registers 2587-1050/1640, 2604-1053/1643, 2623-1065/1655, 2625-1067/1657, 3810- 1070/1660, 3354-1074-75/1665, 2651-1080/1670, 2790-1082/1672, 2659- 1084/1674, 2665-1086/1676, 3809-1089/1679.
  • 2. Maliyeden Müdevver Classification [MM]
  • Avârizhane Registers 2751-1030/1621, 3862-1038/1628, 3382-1050/1640, 3845-1051/1641, 3074- 1051-52/1642, 2808-1055/1645, 3832-1058/1648, 3835-1057-59/1649, 4950- 1060/1650, 2780-1061/1651, 1980-1061/1651, 3844-1062/1652, 2989- 1064/1654, 3847-1066/1656, 3850-1067-68/1658, 2998-1068/1658, 2749- 1068/1658, 2653-1080/1670, 7857-1080/1670, 3067-1073-74/1664, 2783- 1075/1665, 3836-1078/1668, 3003-1081/1671, 3834-1081/1671, 2412- 1083/1673, 2505-1085/1675, 3841-1088/1678, 3837-1090/1680, 3830- 1091/1681, 9480-1096/1686, 2805-1097/1687, 2800-1098/1688, 3839- 1098/1688, 2793-1103/1691, 2471-1104/1692, 2987-1106/1694, 3807- 1108/1696, 3820-1111/1699, 3826-1112/1700
  • Abou-El-Haj, Rifa'at 'Ali, Formation of the Modern State. The Ottoman Empire Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, State University of New York Press, 1991.
  • Açikel, Ali, Changes in settlement patterns, Population and Society in North Central Anatolia: A Case Study of the District of Tokat (1574-1643), Unpublished PhD Thesis, the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K, 1999.
  • Akdağ, Mustafa, "Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Kuruluşu ve İnkişafi Devrinde Türkiyenin İktisâdi Vaziyeti", T.T.K Belleten 13(1949): 497-568; 14(1950):319-411.
  • "Celali İsyanlarının Başlaması ", AÜDTCFD 4 (1964): 1-49.
  • "Genel Çizgileri ile XVII.yy Türkiye Tarihi,", TAD, 4 (1966):203-47
  • Türk Halkının Dirlik ve Düzenlik Kavgası Celâli İsyanları, Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara, 1975.
  • Barkan, Ö. Lütfi; "Avâriz" IA 2:13-19.
  • "Tarihi Demografi Araştırmaları ve Osmanlı Tarihi", Türkiyat Mecmuası, X (1953): 1-29.
  • Barkey, Karen, Bandits and Bureaucrats. The Ottoman Route to State Centralization, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1994.
  • Bowen, H, "Awarid," EI2 1:760-761.
  • Bülbül, Zekeriye; Konya'nin Merkezi Yönetim İle İlişkileri (1685-1700), Unpublished PhD Thesis, Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Konya, 1988.
  • Cezar, Mustafa, Osmanlı Tarihinde Levendler, İstanbul, 1965.
  • Darling, Linda; Revenue-Raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire 1560-1660, New York 1996.
  • "Ottoman Fiscal Administration: Decline or Adaptation?" The Journal of European Economic History, v. 26, no. 1 (Roma1997): 157- 177.
  • Demir, Naile; 70/12 Numaralı Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili Metin Transkripsiyonu (1069/1658), Unpublished BA dissertation, Erciyes University, Department of History, Kayseri 1999.
  • Demirci, Süleyman; The Functioning of Ottoman Avâriz Taxation: An Aspect of the Relationship Between Centre and Periphery. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1621-1700, (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 2001)
  • "Complaints about avâriz assessment and payment in the avâriz-tax system: An aspect of the relationship between centre and periphery. A case study of Kayseri,1618-1700",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 46.4 (November 2003): 437-474.
  • "Demography and History: The Value of the Avârizhâne Registers for Demographic Research: A Case Study of the Ottoman Sub-provinces of Konya, Kayseri, Sivas and Bozok, 1620s-1700" a paper presented at an international conference held at the University-of Chicago; April 30th and May 1st 2004: the 19th Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, Chicago, İll-USA
  • "Collectors of Avâriz and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1621-1700", Belieten, 69/255 (August 2005): 539-565.
  • "Collections of Avâriz and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire. A Case Study of the Province of Karaman, 1620-1700", Belleten, 69/256 (December 2005): 897-912.
  • "State, Society and Economy in the Ottoman Empire: Some notes on the avârizhânes and cash avâriz rate in the province of Trabzon, c.1640-1700" a paper to be delivered at an international conference CIEPO-17 held at Karadeniz Technical University; September 18th -23rd, 2006:Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Erder, L., "The Measurement of Pre-industrial Population Changes, The Ottoman Empire from the 15th to 17th Century", Middle Eastern Studies, XI (1975) : 284-301.
  • Erder and Faroqhi; "Population Rise and Fail in Anatolia, 1550-1620", MES, XV (1979): 322-45.
  • Erdoğan, Hacer; 1086-1089 Tarihleri Arasında Konya 'ya Gönderilen Bazı Fermanlar, Unpublished BA dissertation, Selçuk University, Department of History, Konya 1988.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya, "Part II: Crisis and Change, 1590-1699", in An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, eds. H. İnalcık and D. Quataert, Part II (1600-1914): 411-636, Cambridge, 1994.
  • Finkel, Caroline; The Administration of Warfare: the Ottoman Military Campaigns in Hungary, 1597-1606, VWGO WIEN 1988.
  • Güçer, Lütfi; XVI-XVII. Asırlarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Hububat Meselesi ve Hububattan Alınan Vegiler, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul, 1964.
  • Gündüz, Ahmet; 27 Numarali Kayseri Ser'iyye Sicili H.1035/36-M.1625/26, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Science, Kayseri, 1995.
  • Griswold, William, The Great Anatolian Rebellion 1591-1611, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 1983.
  • İnalcık, Halil, "The Ottoman Decline and Its Effects upon the Reaya", in Aspects of the Balkans, Continuity and Change, Contributions to the International Balkan Conference, UCLA 1969, eds. H. Birnbaum and S. Vryonis, The Hague: Mouton, 1972: 338-54.
  • "The Socio-Political Effects of the Diffusion of Fire-Arms in the Middle East", in War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, eds. V. J. Parry and M. E. Yapp, (London, 1974): 195-217.
  • "Military and Fiscal Transformation in the Ottoman Empire, 1600- 1700", AO, VI (1980): 283-337. [Reprinted in H. İnalcık, Studies in Ottoman Social and Economic History, London, 1985.]
  • "The Ottoman State: Economy and Society, 1300-1600", in An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914, eds. Halil İnalcık and Donald Quataert, Cambridge, 1994: 1-410.
  • İlgürel, Mücteba, "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Ateşli Silâhların Yayılışı", İÜEFTD, 32 (1979): 301-18.
  • Jennings, R, "Urban Population in Anatolia in the Sixteenth Century: A Study of Kayseri, Karaman, Amasya, Trabzon and Erzurum", IJMES, 7 (1976): 21-57.
  • "Firearms, Bandits, and Gun-control: Some Evidence on Ottoman Policy Towards Firearms in the Possession of Reaya, from Judicial Records of Kayseri, 1600-1627", AO, VI (1980): 339-58.
  • Kafadar, Cemal; "The Question of Ottoman Decline", Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, 4 (1997-1998): 30-75.
  • Kalıpçioğlu, M. Ali; 65 Numarali Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili H.1067/68- M.1656/58, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Science, Kayseri, 1996.
  • Koçi Bey; Koçi Bey Risâlesi, ed, Ali Kemali Akşit, İstanbul, 1939.
  • Lewis, Bernard; "Some Reflections on the Decline of the Ottoman Empire", Studia Islamica, 9 (1958):111-27.
  • Ottoman Observers of Ottoman Decline" , Islamic Studies, 1 (1962):82-87.
  • Mcgowan, Bruce; "Osmanli Avâriz-Nüzul Teşekkülü, 1600-1830", VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 3 volume, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Ankara 1981, vol 2: 1327-31.
  • Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade and Struggle for Land, 1600-1800, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  • "The Study of Land and Agriculture in the Ottoman provinces within the Context of an Expanding World Economy", Internadonal Journal of Turkish Studies 2, no.1 (1981): 57-63.
  • Murphey, Rhoads; "Continuity and Discontinuity in Ottoman Administrative Theory and Practice during the Late Seventeenth Century", Poetics Today, 14 (Summer 1993): 419-443.
  • Ottoman Warfare: 1500-1700, UCL Press, London, 1999.
  • Öter, Ahmet Ali; 1645 Tarihinde Konya'ya Gönderilen Fermanlar, Unpublished BA dissertation, Selçuk University, Department of History, Konya.
  • Öz, Mehmet, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Çözülme ve Gelenekçi Yorumcuları, Ankara. Nisan 1997.
  • "The Seventeenth Century: The Period of Dissolution and Crisis", The Turks, Yeni Türkiye Publications, ed. H.C.Güzel-Cem Oğuz-O. Karatay, Volume III, (Ankara 2002): 359-378.
  • Özçelik, Ali; 1079/1668-69, 1085/1674-75 Yılları Arasında Olağanüstü Vergilerle ilgili Olarak Konya'ya Gönderilen Bazı Hükümler, Selçuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anbilim Dalı Yeniçağ Tarihi Semineri, Konya 1991.
  • Özel, Oktay; Changes in Settlement Patterns, Population and Society in Rural Anatolia: A Case Study of Amasya (1576-1642), Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K, 1993.
  • Sahillioğlu, Halil; "Avâriz", Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, vol. 4:108-109.
  • Türkiye İktisat Tarihi (Giriş-Bazı Kurum ve Kavramlar), Menteş Kitabevi, İstanbul 1989.
  • "Bolu'da Avâriz Vakıfları", Çele, 30 (1965): 4-7.
  • Shmuelevitz, Aryeh, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the Late 15th and 16th Centuries: Administrative, Economic, Legal, and Social Relations as Reflected in the Reponsa, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1984.
  • Tabakoğlu, Ahmet; Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Mâliyesi, Dergah Yayinlari, 117;Tarih Dizisi, 10 İstanbul, 1985.
  • Türkmen, Ayşe; 96 Numarali Kayseri Şer'iyye Sicili H.1099/1100-M.1687/89, Metin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirme, Unpublished MA Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kayseri, 1998.
  • Uluçay, Çağatay; XVII. Asırda Saruhan 'da Eşkiyalık ve Halk Hareketleri, İstanbul 1945.
  • Ürekli, Bayram; Konya'nın Merkezi İdare İle İlişkileri (1650-1675). Unpublished PhD Thesis, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 1989.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Süleyman Demirci Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 70 Sayı: 258

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirci, S. (2006). Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700. BELLETEN, 70(258), 561-588.
AMA Demirci S. Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700. TTK BELLETEN. Ağustos 2006;70(258):561-588. doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.561
Chicago Demirci, Süleyman. “Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700”. BELLETEN 70, sy. 258 (Ağustos 2006): 561-88.
EndNote Demirci S (01 Ağustos 2006) Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700. BELLETEN 70 258 561–588.
IEEE S. Demirci, “Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700”, TTK BELLETEN, c. 70, sy. 258, ss. 561–588, 2006, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2006.561.
ISNAD Demirci, Süleyman. “Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700”. BELLETEN 70/258 (Ağustos 2006), 561-588.
JAMA Demirci S. Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70:561–588.
MLA Demirci, Süleyman. “Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700”. BELLETEN, c. 70, sy. 258, 2006, ss. 561-88, doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.561.
Vancouver Demirci S. Avârız and Nüzul Levies in the Ottoman Empire: A Case Study of the Province of Karaman 1620s-1700. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70(258):561-88.