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Yıl 2023, , 277 - 287, 14.07.2023


Bodrum kentinde, 2018 yılında, Bodrum Sualtı Arkeoloji Müzesi arkeologları tarafından, antik Halikarnassos kentinin Doğu Nekropolisinin güneyinde yer alan Çarşı Mahallesinde kazı çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kazı çalışmaları sırasında tespit edilen seramik buluntusu içeren 3 tabakada ele geçen cürufların yanı sıra ithal amphoralara ait 10 adet amphora mühürü ile karşılaşılmıştır. Çoğunluğu Rhodos olmak üzere, Knidos, Khios ve Miletos kökenli amphora mühürleri Halikarnassos kentinin Hellenistik Dönem ticaretine ilişkin bilgiler sunmaktadır.


  • ALKAÇ, E., 2012 Hellenistik Dönem’de Khios’da Mühürlü Amphora Üretimi ve Mühürleme Sistemleri, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Arkeoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Mersin.
  • ALKAÇ, E., CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2016 “Amphora Mühürleri Işığında Miletos ve Alexandria Ticari İlişkileri”, Olba XXIV, s. 191-216.
  • ARIEL, D., T., FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 1994 “Stamped Amphora Handles”, Tel Anafa I.1. Final Report On Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel, Ed. S.C. Herbert, JRA-Suppl. 10,1, Ann Arbor, s. 183-240.
  • BARKER, C., 2004 “The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus”, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Eds. J. Eiring, J. Lund, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 5, Denmark, s. 73-84.
  • BÖRKER, Chr., BUROW, J., 1998 Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon, Berlin, New York.
  • BRIESE, M., B., 2005 “Halikarnassian Wine-Production? The Evidence from two Households”, in Trade relations in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity: The Ceramic Evidence, Eds. M. B. Briese, L. E. Vaag, Copenhagen, s. 184-201.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2001 “Stamped Amphora Handles from the Necropolis of Gabbari”, Nécropolis 1, Eds. J.-Y. Empereur, M. D. Nenna, ÉtAlex 5, Cairo, s. 397-408.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2015 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 2, Eponyms B-K, Études Alexandrines 35, Amphoralex 4, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2016 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 3, Eponyms L-S, Études Alexandrines 36, Amphoralex 5, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2017 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 4, Eponyms Τ-Χ, Études Alexandrines 39, Amphoralex 6, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-ŞENOL, G., BENLİ-BAĞCI, E., DENİZ-KESİCİ, S. “Halikarnassos’dan Amphora Mühürleri-I: Türk Kuyusu Mahallesi Kazıları” (baskıda).
  • CANKARDEŞ-ŞENOL, G., UZALA, G. “Halikarnassos’dan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları” (baskıda).
  • CONOVICI, N., GARLAN, Y., 2004 “Les Timbres Amphoriques Etrangers Trouvés à Sinope (I)”, Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 12, s. 105-122.
  • CONOVICI, N., IRIMIA, M., 1991 “Timbres Amphoriques et Autres Inscriptions Céramiques Découverts à Satu Nou (comm. d’Oltina, dép. de Contantza)”, Dacia 35, s. 139-175.
  • COULSON W., D., E., MOOK, M., S., REHARD, J., M., 1997 “Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Beersheba”, Basor 306, s. 47-62.
  • DOĞER, E., 1996 “Hisarönü/Çubucak Rodos Amphora Atölyeleri Kazısı”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 18.2, Ankara, s. 235-254.
  • EMPEREUR, J.-Y., 1977 Catalogue des Timbres Amphoriques de Medinet- El-Fayoum (Crocodilopolis - Arsinoe), (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Université Paris IV, Paris.
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 1993 Amphores et timbres d’amphores importés en Palestine à l’époque hellénistique: Études de chronologie et d’histoire, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Thèse de Doctorat en Archéologie des Périodes Historiques de l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Vol.I-III,
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 2001 Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ, Premier bilan, BAR-IS 990, Oxford.
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 2021 “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data”, The Middle Maccabees, Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom, A.M. Berlin, P.J. Kosmin (ed.), Archaeology of Biblical Studies 28, SBL Press, Atlanta, s. 193-214.
  • GRACE V., R., 1963 “Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula”, Hesperia 32.3, s. 319-334.
  • GRACE V., R., 1985 “The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps”, Hesperia 54.1, s. 1-54.
  • HANNESTAD, L., 1983 “Greek Wine Amphorae”, Ikaros, The Hellenistic Settlements, Vol. 2.1. The Hellenistic Pottery from Failaka with a Survey of Hellenistic Pottery in the Near East, Jutland Archaeological Society Publications, 16.2, Aarhus, s. 71-72, 116-117, 128, 132-133.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2001 “Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais”, Eurasia Antiqua 7, s. 367-479.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2004 “Amphorenstempel aus Didyma”, Die hellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Gebrauchkeramik. auf Grundlage der stratifizierten Fundkeramik aus dem Bereich der Heiligen Strasse, Eds. U. Wintermeyer, H. Bumke, Mainz, s. 153-164.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2009 “Funde aus Milet, XXVII. Amphorenstempel aus den Grabungen in Milet 1899-2007”, AA 2009/I, s. 205-235.
  • LAWALL, M., 2007 “Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles”, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos 2. Teil: Funde klassischer bis römischer Zeit. Forschungen Ephesos IX/2/3, Eds. V. Mitsopoulos-Leon, C. Lang-Auinger, Wien, s. 28-60.
  • LEVI, D., 1965-1966 “Nuovi Bolli Vascolari da Iasos”, ASAtene 27/28, s. 518-577.
  • LODI, G., 2014 Bolli Anforici da Iasos (scavi 1961-2010). Uno Studio Sull’instrumentum Inscriptum, Roma.
  • MIRCEV, M., 1958 Amphori Pechati ot Muzeia viv Varna, Arkheologiceski Institut, Epigraphika Poredinshia 4, Sofia (Rusça).
  • NICOLAOU, I., 2005 Paphos Volume V, The stamped amphora handles from the House of Dionysos, Nicosia.
  • NICOLAOU, I., EMPEREUR, J.-Y., 1986 “Amphores rhodiennes du Musée de Nicosie”, Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques, Eds. J.-Y. Empereur, Y. Garlan, BCH Suppl. 13, s. 515-533.
  • NILSSON, M., P., 1909 Timbres amphoriques de Lindos, Publiés avec une étude sur les timbres amphoriques rhodien, Exploration Archéologique de Rhodes (Fondation Carlsberg) V, Bulletin de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres du Danmark Copenhague.
  • ROTROFF, S., 1982 Hellenistic Pottery, Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, The Athenian Agora XXII, Athens.
  • SZTETYŁŁO, Z., 2010 Nea Paphos VI, Pottery Stamps from Nea Paphos (Excavations in 1990-2006), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Monograph Series 2, Warsaw.
  • ŞENOL, A., K., 2018 Commercial Amphorae in the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria, Etudes Alexandrines 44, Amphoralex 7, Peteers, Belgium.
  • WALLACE-MATHESON, P., M.,WALLACE, M., B., 1982 “Some Rhodian Amphora Capacities”, Hesperia 51.3, s. 293-320.


Yıl 2023, , 277 - 287, 14.07.2023


The rescue excavations at the Çarşı Quarter, placed in the south of the East Necropolis in the ancient Halikarnassos, were carried out by the archaeologists from the Museum of Underwater Archaeology in Bodrum in 2018. Besides ceramic residues attested in 3 strata containing ceramics, 10 stamped amphora handles belonging to imported amphorae were unearthed. The handles originated from Rhodes, Knidos, Khios and Miletos indicate the commercial ties of Halikarnassos with these cities in the Hellenistic Period.


  • ALKAÇ, E., 2012 Hellenistik Dönem’de Khios’da Mühürlü Amphora Üretimi ve Mühürleme Sistemleri, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Arkeoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Mersin.
  • ALKAÇ, E., CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2016 “Amphora Mühürleri Işığında Miletos ve Alexandria Ticari İlişkileri”, Olba XXIV, s. 191-216.
  • ARIEL, D., T., FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 1994 “Stamped Amphora Handles”, Tel Anafa I.1. Final Report On Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel, Ed. S.C. Herbert, JRA-Suppl. 10,1, Ann Arbor, s. 183-240.
  • BARKER, C., 2004 “The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus”, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Eds. J. Eiring, J. Lund, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 5, Denmark, s. 73-84.
  • BÖRKER, Chr., BUROW, J., 1998 Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon, Berlin, New York.
  • BRIESE, M., B., 2005 “Halikarnassian Wine-Production? The Evidence from two Households”, in Trade relations in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity: The Ceramic Evidence, Eds. M. B. Briese, L. E. Vaag, Copenhagen, s. 184-201.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2001 “Stamped Amphora Handles from the Necropolis of Gabbari”, Nécropolis 1, Eds. J.-Y. Empereur, M. D. Nenna, ÉtAlex 5, Cairo, s. 397-408.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2015 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 2, Eponyms B-K, Études Alexandrines 35, Amphoralex 4, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2016 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 3, Eponyms L-S, Études Alexandrines 36, Amphoralex 5, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-SENOL, G., 2017 Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 4, Eponyms Τ-Χ, Études Alexandrines 39, Amphoralex 6, Alexandrie.
  • CANKARDEŞ-ŞENOL, G., BENLİ-BAĞCI, E., DENİZ-KESİCİ, S. “Halikarnassos’dan Amphora Mühürleri-I: Türk Kuyusu Mahallesi Kazıları” (baskıda).
  • CANKARDEŞ-ŞENOL, G., UZALA, G. “Halikarnassos’dan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları” (baskıda).
  • CONOVICI, N., GARLAN, Y., 2004 “Les Timbres Amphoriques Etrangers Trouvés à Sinope (I)”, Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 12, s. 105-122.
  • CONOVICI, N., IRIMIA, M., 1991 “Timbres Amphoriques et Autres Inscriptions Céramiques Découverts à Satu Nou (comm. d’Oltina, dép. de Contantza)”, Dacia 35, s. 139-175.
  • COULSON W., D., E., MOOK, M., S., REHARD, J., M., 1997 “Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Beersheba”, Basor 306, s. 47-62.
  • DOĞER, E., 1996 “Hisarönü/Çubucak Rodos Amphora Atölyeleri Kazısı”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 18.2, Ankara, s. 235-254.
  • EMPEREUR, J.-Y., 1977 Catalogue des Timbres Amphoriques de Medinet- El-Fayoum (Crocodilopolis - Arsinoe), (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Université Paris IV, Paris.
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 1993 Amphores et timbres d’amphores importés en Palestine à l’époque hellénistique: Études de chronologie et d’histoire, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Thèse de Doctorat en Archéologie des Périodes Historiques de l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Vol.I-III,
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 2001 Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ, Premier bilan, BAR-IS 990, Oxford.
  • FINKIELSZTEJN, G., 2021 “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data”, The Middle Maccabees, Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom, A.M. Berlin, P.J. Kosmin (ed.), Archaeology of Biblical Studies 28, SBL Press, Atlanta, s. 193-214.
  • GRACE V., R., 1963 “Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula”, Hesperia 32.3, s. 319-334.
  • GRACE V., R., 1985 “The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps”, Hesperia 54.1, s. 1-54.
  • HANNESTAD, L., 1983 “Greek Wine Amphorae”, Ikaros, The Hellenistic Settlements, Vol. 2.1. The Hellenistic Pottery from Failaka with a Survey of Hellenistic Pottery in the Near East, Jutland Archaeological Society Publications, 16.2, Aarhus, s. 71-72, 116-117, 128, 132-133.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2001 “Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais”, Eurasia Antiqua 7, s. 367-479.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2004 “Amphorenstempel aus Didyma”, Die hellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Gebrauchkeramik. auf Grundlage der stratifizierten Fundkeramik aus dem Bereich der Heiligen Strasse, Eds. U. Wintermeyer, H. Bumke, Mainz, s. 153-164.
  • JÖHRENS, G., 2009 “Funde aus Milet, XXVII. Amphorenstempel aus den Grabungen in Milet 1899-2007”, AA 2009/I, s. 205-235.
  • LAWALL, M., 2007 “Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles”, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos 2. Teil: Funde klassischer bis römischer Zeit. Forschungen Ephesos IX/2/3, Eds. V. Mitsopoulos-Leon, C. Lang-Auinger, Wien, s. 28-60.
  • LEVI, D., 1965-1966 “Nuovi Bolli Vascolari da Iasos”, ASAtene 27/28, s. 518-577.
  • LODI, G., 2014 Bolli Anforici da Iasos (scavi 1961-2010). Uno Studio Sull’instrumentum Inscriptum, Roma.
  • MIRCEV, M., 1958 Amphori Pechati ot Muzeia viv Varna, Arkheologiceski Institut, Epigraphika Poredinshia 4, Sofia (Rusça).
  • NICOLAOU, I., 2005 Paphos Volume V, The stamped amphora handles from the House of Dionysos, Nicosia.
  • NICOLAOU, I., EMPEREUR, J.-Y., 1986 “Amphores rhodiennes du Musée de Nicosie”, Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques, Eds. J.-Y. Empereur, Y. Garlan, BCH Suppl. 13, s. 515-533.
  • NILSSON, M., P., 1909 Timbres amphoriques de Lindos, Publiés avec une étude sur les timbres amphoriques rhodien, Exploration Archéologique de Rhodes (Fondation Carlsberg) V, Bulletin de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres du Danmark Copenhague.
  • ROTROFF, S., 1982 Hellenistic Pottery, Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, The Athenian Agora XXII, Athens.
  • SZTETYŁŁO, Z., 2010 Nea Paphos VI, Pottery Stamps from Nea Paphos (Excavations in 1990-2006), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Monograph Series 2, Warsaw.
  • ŞENOL, A., K., 2018 Commercial Amphorae in the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria, Etudes Alexandrines 44, Amphoralex 7, Peteers, Belgium.
  • WALLACE-MATHESON, P., M.,WALLACE, M., B., 1982 “Some Rhodian Amphora Capacities”, Hesperia 51.3, s. 293-320.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kültürel çalışmalar
Bölüm Research Article

Gonca Şenol 0000-0001-8540-6648

Ece Benli Bağcı 0000-0002-5334-1365

Nizamettin Özkan 0000-0002-0950-6468

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenol, G., Benli Bağcı, E., & Özkan, N. (2023). HALIKARNASSOS’DAN AMPHORA MÜHÜRLERİ-III: ÇARŞI MAHALLESi KAZILARI. TÜBA-KED Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi(27), 277-287. https://doi.org/10.22520/tubaked.1175466

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