Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 57 - 68, 30.12.2016
Gozde Alp
Canan Eren Atay
Data warehouses and relational databases are two different areas for data storage. A special structured data warehouse is prepared in this study that is bitemporal and its structure is formed as nested. Same data is stored in data warehouse and the relational database. These two data storage area is competed with each other. Same resulting queries are queried by using relational database objects and data warehouse components. The results are compared and evaluated in terms of query sets, processing time and disk space usage.
- ABELLÓ A., MARTÍN C. The Data Warehouse: An Object-Oriented Temporal Database. JISBD, 675-684, 2003.
- ATAY C. E., TANSEL A. U. Bitemporal databases: Modeling and implementation, VDM Publishing, Germany, 2009.
- BEN-ZVI J. The time relational model, Doktora Tezi, University of California, Los Angeles, 1982.
- CECI M., CUZZOCREA A., MALERBA D. Effectively and efficiently supporting roll-up and drill-down OLAP operations over continuous dimensions via hierarchical clustering. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1–25, 2013.
- COMBI C., OLIBONI B., POZZI G. Modeling and querying temporal semistructured data warehouses. New Trends in Data Warehousing and Data Analysis Annals of Information Systems, 1-25, 2009.
- EDER J., KONCILIA C., MORZY T. A. model for a temporal data warehouse. OES-SEO Workshop,48-54, 2001.
- GOLFARELLI M., RIZZI S. Temporal data warehousing: Approaches and techniques, PA: Information Science Reference, 1-18, 2011.
- INMON W., KRISHNAN K. Building the Unstructured Data Warehouse, Technics Publications, New Jersey, 2011.
- JANET E., RAM´IREZ R., GUERRERO E. B. A model and language for bitemporal schema versioning in data warehouses, IEEE, CIC '06. 15th International Conference, 309–314, 2006.
- KAUFMANN M., FISCHER P. M., MAY N., TONDER A., KOSSMANN D. Tpc-bih: A Benchmark for Bitemporal Databases. Springer International Publishing, 8391, 16-31, 2014.
- MALINOWSKI E., ZIMANYI E. A conceptual solution for representing time in data warehouse dimensions. 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 45–54, 2006.
- PONNIAH P. Data warehousing fundamentals for IT professionals, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
- PORTER L. M. L. Bitemporal relational databases and methods of manufacturing and use. U.S. Patent Application, 614-609, 2012.
- RAVAT F., TESTE O. Supporting Data Changes in Multidimensional Data Warehouses. International Review on Computers and Software, 251-259, 2006.
- SUBOTIĆ D., POŠČIĆ P., JOVANOVIĆ V. Data Warehouse Schema Evolution: State of the Art , Centra, European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 18-23, 2014.
- WREMBEL R. A survey on managing the evolution of data warehouses. International Journal of Database Management Systems, IJDMS, 2010.
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 57 - 68, 30.12.2016
Gozde Alp
Canan Eren Atay
Veri ambarları ve ilişkisel veri tabanları büyük veriyi saklamak ve işlemek için kullanılan iki farklı depolama alanıdır. Bu çalışmada; yapısal olarak özelleştirilmiş iki zamanlı ve iç içe yapıda bir veri ambarı hazırlanmıştır. Aynı veriler veri ambarında ve ilişkisel veri tabanında saklanarak bu iki depolama alanı arasında karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Aynı sonucu verecek sorgular hem veri tabanı tabloları kullanılarak hem de veri ambarı bileşenleri kullanılarak sorgulanmıştır. Sonuçlar sorgu setleri, yürütme zamanları ve disk alanı kullanımı açısından değerlendirilmiştir ve karşılaştırılmıştır.
- ABELLÓ A., MARTÍN C. The Data Warehouse: An Object-Oriented Temporal Database. JISBD, 675-684, 2003.
- ATAY C. E., TANSEL A. U. Bitemporal databases: Modeling and implementation, VDM Publishing, Germany, 2009.
- BEN-ZVI J. The time relational model, Doktora Tezi, University of California, Los Angeles, 1982.
- CECI M., CUZZOCREA A., MALERBA D. Effectively and efficiently supporting roll-up and drill-down OLAP operations over continuous dimensions via hierarchical clustering. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1–25, 2013.
- COMBI C., OLIBONI B., POZZI G. Modeling and querying temporal semistructured data warehouses. New Trends in Data Warehousing and Data Analysis Annals of Information Systems, 1-25, 2009.
- EDER J., KONCILIA C., MORZY T. A. model for a temporal data warehouse. OES-SEO Workshop,48-54, 2001.
- GOLFARELLI M., RIZZI S. Temporal data warehousing: Approaches and techniques, PA: Information Science Reference, 1-18, 2011.
- INMON W., KRISHNAN K. Building the Unstructured Data Warehouse, Technics Publications, New Jersey, 2011.
- JANET E., RAM´IREZ R., GUERRERO E. B. A model and language for bitemporal schema versioning in data warehouses, IEEE, CIC '06. 15th International Conference, 309–314, 2006.
- KAUFMANN M., FISCHER P. M., MAY N., TONDER A., KOSSMANN D. Tpc-bih: A Benchmark for Bitemporal Databases. Springer International Publishing, 8391, 16-31, 2014.
- MALINOWSKI E., ZIMANYI E. A conceptual solution for representing time in data warehouse dimensions. 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 45–54, 2006.
- PONNIAH P. Data warehousing fundamentals for IT professionals, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
- PORTER L. M. L. Bitemporal relational databases and methods of manufacturing and use. U.S. Patent Application, 614-609, 2012.
- RAVAT F., TESTE O. Supporting Data Changes in Multidimensional Data Warehouses. International Review on Computers and Software, 251-259, 2006.
- SUBOTIĆ D., POŠČIĆ P., JOVANOVIĆ V. Data Warehouse Schema Evolution: State of the Art , Centra, European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 18-23, 2014.
- WREMBEL R. A survey on managing the evolution of data warehouses. International Journal of Database Management Systems, IJDMS, 2010.