Green leafy
vegetables are predominantly known for their high nutritional content, fibers,
minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They are mostly consumed for their health
and nutritional benefits. However, both vital and lethal elements are present
in vegetables, they can absorb and accumulate more essential metals from soil.
Copper and Iron
are essential micronutrient obtained from vegetables, it acting as a ligand to
many proteins and enzymes. The synergetic interaction of Cu and Fe is crucial
in human health.
The aim of this
study was to analyze the level of Cu and Fe by ICP-OES in seven type of green
leafy vegetables collected from agricultural sites of Arak city in Iran.
Results (mean ±SD) showed that Mint and Parsley are hyper accumulator of
Cu and Fe with, 471±73.38 for Cu and 2240.13±4823.6 For Fe. The order of Cu
concentrate in plant was Mint>
Parsley> Tarragon> Corianderv Cressv Radish> Fenugreek varied 471.51±73.38 to
391.68±75.39. The order for Iron was Parsley> Radish> Coriander> Cress> Fenugreek> Tarragon> Mint varied 2240.13±4823.6to
688.21±182.21 (µg/kg).Our finding shows that vegetables are an important source
of Fe and Cu in diet and Parsley have a high concentration of essential metals
in green leaves. The concentrations of metals in all vegetable samples were
found to be lower than FAO/WHO guidelines and it’s to be safe for consumers.
Bölüm | Articles |
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Yayımlanma Tarihi | 16 Şubat 2017 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2017 Cilt: Volume 2 Sayı: İssue 1 (1) - 2.İnternational Congress Of Forensic Toxicology |