BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 1983, Sayı: 46, 155 - 217, 01.01.1983


  • Entries mark ed with an aste risk ( * ) have appeared since the last Sardis field re p o rt («The S ardis C am paigns of 1979 and 1980») w as su bm itted.
  • Akerström -Hougen , G. 1974 The C alender and H unting M osaics of th e Villa of th e F alconer in Argos; A Study in E arly B yzantine Iconography. Skrifter U tgivna av Svenska In stitu te t i Athen, 4° 23. Stockholm : Paul Aström .
  • Alzinger, W. 1974 A ugusteische A rchitektur in E phesos. V ienna: Ö sterreichisches A rchäologisches In stitu t.
  • Baity, J. 1969 La G rande M osaïque de C hasse du T riclinos. Fouilles d ’Apamée de Syrie, M iscellanea 6. B russels: C entre Belge de R echerches A rchéologiuques à A pam ée de Syrie.
  • Barag, D. 1972 Two R om an G lass B ottles w ith R em nants of Oil. Israel Exploratio n Jo u rn al 22: 24-26.
  • Basch, A. 1972 Analyses of Oil fro m Two R om an G lass B ottles.Israel E xploration Jo u rn al 22: 27-32.
  • Butler, H. C. 1922 S ardis 1, the E xcavations P a rt I, 1910-1914. Leiden. E. J. Brill.
  • Butterbaugh, D. J., and Piggot, V. C. 1980 MASCA M udbrick/A dobe C onservation In te rim R eport, pp. 19-27 in Üçüncü U luslararası K erpiç K orum a S em pozyum u/T hird In tern atio n al Svm posium on M udhrick (A dobe) P reservation. A nkara: ICOM, ICOMOS.
  • Curtius, E. 1853 A rtem is Gygaia u n d die lydischen F ü rsten g räb er. A rchäologische Zeitung 11: 148-161.
  • Foss, C. 1982 A N eighbor of S ardis: The City of T m olus and Its S uccessors. C lassical A ntiquity 1: 178-201.
  • * Gale, N. H., G entner, W., and W agner, G. A. 1980 M ineralogical and G eographical Silver Sources of A rchaic G reek Coinage. M etallurgy in N um ism atics 1: 3-49.
  • von G erkan, A. 1959 Von Antike A rchitektur und T opographie; gesam m elte A ufsätze. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
  • Greenewalt, C. H., Jr. 1972 Two Lydian Graves at Sardis.California Studies in Classical Antiquity 5: 113-145.
  • 1978 The Sardis of Oriental Campaign of 1976. Bulletin Research 229: 57-73.
  • of the American Schools 1979 The Sardis of Oriental Campaign of 1977. Bulletin Research 233: 1-32.
  • of the American Schools 1982 Sardis, 1979
  • * Greenewalt, C. H., 1982 The Sardis of Oriental . Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26: 95-109.
  • Jr.; Sterud, E. L.; and Belknap, D. Campaign of 1978. Bulletin of the Research 245: 1-34.
  • F. American Schools * Greenewalt, C. J., Jr.; Ramage, A.; Sullivan, D. G.; Nayir, K.; and Tulga, A. 1983 The Sardis Campaigns of 1979 and 1980. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 248: XX -X X .
  • Graven, G. 1961 Beobachtungen zum Artemis-Tempel von Sardis. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 76: 155-196.
  • Gusmani, R. 1975 Neue Epiehorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis (1958-1971). Sardis M onograph 3. Cambridge, IvlA: H arvard University.
  • 1982a Lydisches W örterbuch Ergänzungsband, Lieferung 2. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
  • * ________________ 1932b Zwei Graffiti aus Sardis und Umbegung. Kadmos 21: 125-129.Habicht, C.
  • 1975 New Evidence on the Province of Asia. Journal of Hellenic Studies 65: 64-91.
  • Hanfmann, G. M A. 1960 Excavations at Sardis, 1959. BASOR 157: 8-43.
  • 1961 The Third Campaign at Sardis (1960). BASOR 162: 8-49.
  • 1962 The Fourth Campaign at Sardis (1961). BASOR 166: 1-57.
  • 1963 The Fifth Campaign at Sardis (1962). BASOR 170: 1-65.
  • 1965 The Seventh Campaign at Sardis (1964). BASOR 177: 2-37.
  • 1966 The Eight Campaign at Sardis (1965). BASOR 182: 2-54.
  • 1968 The Tenth Campaign at Sardis (1967). BASOR 191: 2-41.
  • Hanfmann, G. M. A., and Waldbaum, J. C. 1975 A Survey of Sardis and the M ajor M onuments Outside the City Walls. Sardis Reports 1. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Head, B. V. 1901 Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Lydia. A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. London: British Museum.
  • H ostetter, R. E. 1981 The Tiles of Ancient Sardis. Archaeology 34: 56-59.
  • Humann, K. 1904 Magnesia am Maender; Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Jalabert, L.; Mouterde, R.; and M ondésert, C. 1955 Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie IV. Laodicée, Apamène. Institut Français d ’Archéologie de Beyrouth. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 61. Paris: Paul Geuthner.
  • Krencker, D. M., and Schede, M. 1936 Der Tempel in Ankara. Denkmäler Antiker A rchitektur 3. BerlinW. De Gruyter.
  • Mitten, D. G., and Yuğrum, G. 1971 The Gygaean Lake, 1969: Eski Balıkhane, Prelim inary Report.
  • H arvard Studies in Classical Philology 75: 191-195.
  • von Olfers, J. F. M. 1858 Über die Lydischen Königsgräber bei Sardes und den Grabhügel des Alyattes, nach dem Bericht des K. General-Consuls Spiegelthal zu Smyrna. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1858). 539-556.
  • Oison, G. W. 1970 Field Report on Soils of Sardis, Turkey: A Description of Fieldwork and Research Orientation in a Study of Soils Environm ent Around the Ancient Lydian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Ruins.
  • Agronomy Mimeo 70-8. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Deparlment of Agronomy.
  • 1971 Descriptions, Notes, Maps and Data on Soils of Sardis, Turkey.
  • Agronomy Mimeo 70.1. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, D epartm ent of Agronomy.
  • Ramage, A. 1972 The Fourteenth Campaign at Sardis (1971). BASOR 206: 9-39.
  • 1978 Lydian Houses and Architectural Terracottas. Sardis Monograph, 5. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Ramage, N. H. 1983 A M errythought Cup from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology 87: XX -XX.
  • Robert, L. 1949 La Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d'Asie. Hellenics 7: 206-238.
  • Sevin, V. 1982 Lidialılar. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi İstanbul: Görsel.
  • Sherk, R. K. 1969 Roman Documents from the Greek East; Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltimore, MD: Jonhs Hopkins,
  • von Saldem , A. 1980 Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Sardis Monograph, 6. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Strocka, V. M. 1977 Die W andmalerei der Hanghäuser in Ephesos. Forschungen in Ephesos 8: 1. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Strong, D. E. 1953 Late Hadrianic Architectural Ornam ent in Rome .Papers of the B ritish School at Rome 21: 118-151.
  • Stuiver, M. 1982 A High-Precision Calibration of the AD Radiocarbon Time Scale. Radiocarbon 24: 1-26.
  • Umar, B. 1981 Lydia. Ak Yayınları K ültür Kitapları Serisi 4. Istanbul. Akyayınlan.
  • Vann, R. L. 1976 A Study of Roman Construction Techniques in Roman Asia Minor. Cornell University Diss.
  • 1983 The Unexcavated Buildings of Sardis. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs.
  • Ward-Perkins, J. B. 1948 Sever an Art and Architecture at Lepcis Magna. Journal of Roman Studies 38: 59-80.
  • 1958 Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine Architecture. Pp. 52-104 in The Great Palace of the Byzantine Em perors, 2. ed. D. Talbot Rice. Edinburgh: University.
  • 1980 The Marble Trade and its Organization: Evidence from Nicomedia. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 36: 325-338.
  • Weber, H. 1969 Der Zeus-Tempel von A izani-Ein Panhellenisches Heiligtum der Kaiserzeit. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 84: 182-201.
  • Wiegand, T., and Schrader, H. 1904 Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Wroth, W. W. 1892 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum; Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Mysia. London: B ritish Museum

SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982

Yıl 1983, Sayı: 46, 155 - 217, 01.01.1983


  • Entries mark ed with an aste risk ( * ) have appeared since the last Sardis field re p o rt («The S ardis C am paigns of 1979 and 1980») w as su bm itted.
  • Akerström -Hougen , G. 1974 The C alender and H unting M osaics of th e Villa of th e F alconer in Argos; A Study in E arly B yzantine Iconography. Skrifter U tgivna av Svenska In stitu te t i Athen, 4° 23. Stockholm : Paul Aström .
  • Alzinger, W. 1974 A ugusteische A rchitektur in E phesos. V ienna: Ö sterreichisches A rchäologisches In stitu t.
  • Baity, J. 1969 La G rande M osaïque de C hasse du T riclinos. Fouilles d ’Apamée de Syrie, M iscellanea 6. B russels: C entre Belge de R echerches A rchéologiuques à A pam ée de Syrie.
  • Barag, D. 1972 Two R om an G lass B ottles w ith R em nants of Oil. Israel Exploratio n Jo u rn al 22: 24-26.
  • Basch, A. 1972 Analyses of Oil fro m Two R om an G lass B ottles.Israel E xploration Jo u rn al 22: 27-32.
  • Butler, H. C. 1922 S ardis 1, the E xcavations P a rt I, 1910-1914. Leiden. E. J. Brill.
  • Butterbaugh, D. J., and Piggot, V. C. 1980 MASCA M udbrick/A dobe C onservation In te rim R eport, pp. 19-27 in Üçüncü U luslararası K erpiç K orum a S em pozyum u/T hird In tern atio n al Svm posium on M udhrick (A dobe) P reservation. A nkara: ICOM, ICOMOS.
  • Curtius, E. 1853 A rtem is Gygaia u n d die lydischen F ü rsten g räb er. A rchäologische Zeitung 11: 148-161.
  • Foss, C. 1982 A N eighbor of S ardis: The City of T m olus and Its S uccessors. C lassical A ntiquity 1: 178-201.
  • * Gale, N. H., G entner, W., and W agner, G. A. 1980 M ineralogical and G eographical Silver Sources of A rchaic G reek Coinage. M etallurgy in N um ism atics 1: 3-49.
  • von G erkan, A. 1959 Von Antike A rchitektur und T opographie; gesam m elte A ufsätze. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
  • Greenewalt, C. H., Jr. 1972 Two Lydian Graves at Sardis.California Studies in Classical Antiquity 5: 113-145.
  • 1978 The Sardis of Oriental Campaign of 1976. Bulletin Research 229: 57-73.
  • of the American Schools 1979 The Sardis of Oriental Campaign of 1977. Bulletin Research 233: 1-32.
  • of the American Schools 1982 Sardis, 1979
  • * Greenewalt, C. H., 1982 The Sardis of Oriental . Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26: 95-109.
  • Jr.; Sterud, E. L.; and Belknap, D. Campaign of 1978. Bulletin of the Research 245: 1-34.
  • F. American Schools * Greenewalt, C. J., Jr.; Ramage, A.; Sullivan, D. G.; Nayir, K.; and Tulga, A. 1983 The Sardis Campaigns of 1979 and 1980. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 248: XX -X X .
  • Graven, G. 1961 Beobachtungen zum Artemis-Tempel von Sardis. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 76: 155-196.
  • Gusmani, R. 1975 Neue Epiehorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis (1958-1971). Sardis M onograph 3. Cambridge, IvlA: H arvard University.
  • 1982a Lydisches W örterbuch Ergänzungsband, Lieferung 2. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
  • * ________________ 1932b Zwei Graffiti aus Sardis und Umbegung. Kadmos 21: 125-129.Habicht, C.
  • 1975 New Evidence on the Province of Asia. Journal of Hellenic Studies 65: 64-91.
  • Hanfmann, G. M A. 1960 Excavations at Sardis, 1959. BASOR 157: 8-43.
  • 1961 The Third Campaign at Sardis (1960). BASOR 162: 8-49.
  • 1962 The Fourth Campaign at Sardis (1961). BASOR 166: 1-57.
  • 1963 The Fifth Campaign at Sardis (1962). BASOR 170: 1-65.
  • 1965 The Seventh Campaign at Sardis (1964). BASOR 177: 2-37.
  • 1966 The Eight Campaign at Sardis (1965). BASOR 182: 2-54.
  • 1968 The Tenth Campaign at Sardis (1967). BASOR 191: 2-41.
  • Hanfmann, G. M. A., and Waldbaum, J. C. 1975 A Survey of Sardis and the M ajor M onuments Outside the City Walls. Sardis Reports 1. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Head, B. V. 1901 Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Lydia. A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. London: British Museum.
  • H ostetter, R. E. 1981 The Tiles of Ancient Sardis. Archaeology 34: 56-59.
  • Humann, K. 1904 Magnesia am Maender; Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Jalabert, L.; Mouterde, R.; and M ondésert, C. 1955 Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie IV. Laodicée, Apamène. Institut Français d ’Archéologie de Beyrouth. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 61. Paris: Paul Geuthner.
  • Krencker, D. M., and Schede, M. 1936 Der Tempel in Ankara. Denkmäler Antiker A rchitektur 3. BerlinW. De Gruyter.
  • Mitten, D. G., and Yuğrum, G. 1971 The Gygaean Lake, 1969: Eski Balıkhane, Prelim inary Report.
  • H arvard Studies in Classical Philology 75: 191-195.
  • von Olfers, J. F. M. 1858 Über die Lydischen Königsgräber bei Sardes und den Grabhügel des Alyattes, nach dem Bericht des K. General-Consuls Spiegelthal zu Smyrna. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1858). 539-556.
  • Oison, G. W. 1970 Field Report on Soils of Sardis, Turkey: A Description of Fieldwork and Research Orientation in a Study of Soils Environm ent Around the Ancient Lydian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Ruins.
  • Agronomy Mimeo 70-8. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Deparlment of Agronomy.
  • 1971 Descriptions, Notes, Maps and Data on Soils of Sardis, Turkey.
  • Agronomy Mimeo 70.1. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, D epartm ent of Agronomy.
  • Ramage, A. 1972 The Fourteenth Campaign at Sardis (1971). BASOR 206: 9-39.
  • 1978 Lydian Houses and Architectural Terracottas. Sardis Monograph, 5. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Ramage, N. H. 1983 A M errythought Cup from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology 87: XX -XX.
  • Robert, L. 1949 La Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d'Asie. Hellenics 7: 206-238.
  • Sevin, V. 1982 Lidialılar. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi İstanbul: Görsel.
  • Sherk, R. K. 1969 Roman Documents from the Greek East; Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltimore, MD: Jonhs Hopkins,
  • von Saldem , A. 1980 Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Sardis Monograph, 6. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
  • Strocka, V. M. 1977 Die W andmalerei der Hanghäuser in Ephesos. Forschungen in Ephesos 8: 1. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Strong, D. E. 1953 Late Hadrianic Architectural Ornam ent in Rome .Papers of the B ritish School at Rome 21: 118-151.
  • Stuiver, M. 1982 A High-Precision Calibration of the AD Radiocarbon Time Scale. Radiocarbon 24: 1-26.
  • Umar, B. 1981 Lydia. Ak Yayınları K ültür Kitapları Serisi 4. Istanbul. Akyayınlan.
  • Vann, R. L. 1976 A Study of Roman Construction Techniques in Roman Asia Minor. Cornell University Diss.
  • 1983 The Unexcavated Buildings of Sardis. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs.
  • Ward-Perkins, J. B. 1948 Sever an Art and Architecture at Lepcis Magna. Journal of Roman Studies 38: 59-80.
  • 1958 Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine Architecture. Pp. 52-104 in The Great Palace of the Byzantine Em perors, 2. ed. D. Talbot Rice. Edinburgh: University.
  • 1980 The Marble Trade and its Organization: Evidence from Nicomedia. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 36: 325-338.
  • Weber, H. 1969 Der Zeus-Tempel von A izani-Ein Panhellenisches Heiligtum der Kaiserzeit. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 84: 182-201.
  • Wiegand, T., and Schrader, H. 1904 Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Wroth, W. W. 1892 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum; Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Mysia. London: B ritish Museum
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Donald G Sullivan Bu kişi benim

Thomas N Howe Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 1983
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1983 Sayı: 46

Kaynak Göster

APA Sullivan, D. G., & Howe, T. N. (1983). SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi(46), 155-217.
AMA Sullivan DG, Howe TN. SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi. Ocak 1983;(46):155-217.
Chicago Sullivan, Donald G, ve Thomas N Howe. “SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982”. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 46 (Ocak 1983): 155-217.
EndNote Sullivan DG, Howe TN (01 Ocak 1983) SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 46 155–217.
IEEE D. G. Sullivan ve T. N. Howe, “SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982”, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 46, ss. 155–217, Ocak 1983.
ISNAD Sullivan, Donald G - Howe, Thomas N. “SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982”. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 46 (Ocak 1983), 155-217.
JAMA Sullivan DG, Howe TN. SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi. 1983;:155–217.
MLA Sullivan, Donald G ve Thomas N Howe. “SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982”. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 46, 1983, ss. 155-17.
Vancouver Sullivan DG, Howe TN. SARDIS, 1981 AND 1982. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi. 1983(46):155-217.