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Yıl 2014, Sayı: 21, 121 - 135, 01.12.2014


The tobacco controversy in the Early Modern Ottoman society has attracted the attention of many scholars. Social and legal aspects of the consumption of coffee and subsequently of tobacco depicted new forms of sociability that would become the hallmark of the Early Modern Period. Despite rulers’ ban and oppression from above, the new habit is to spread rapidly and transcend social, religious and confessional barriers. Albeit these important developments, the effort of ottoman elites Muslim and non-Muslim alike to restrain and manipulate social behaviour has received little attention. A comparison of Akhisari’s treatise against smoking and Nikolaos Mavrokordatos’ admonition against tobacco depicted that Muslim and non-Muslim ottoman elites shared the same ideas on the ban of tobacco consumption and uncontrollable sociability. It is thus to no surprise that in their quest for social control the ottoman elites employed even the same argumentation.


  • Çavuşoğlu, S. (1990). The Kadizadeli movement: An Attempt of Şeri’at-Minded Reform in the Ottoman Empire. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University.
  • Dapontes, K. (1754). Historia. Venice.
  • Dorotheos. (1631). Historia. Venice.
  • Fotic, A. (2011). The Introduction of Coffee and Tobacco to the Mid-West Balkans. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung, 64(1), 89-100.
  • Grehan, J. (2006). Smoking and “Early Modern” Sociability: The Great Tobacco Debate in the Ottoman Middle East (Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries). American Historical Review, 111(5), 1352-1377.
  • Hattox, R. (1985). Coffee and Coffeehouses: The origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East. University of Washington Press.
  • Kafadar, C. A. (2002). History of Coffee. The XIIIth Congress of the International Economic History Association (IEHA), 50-59.
  • Laqani, al. (1993). Kitab Nasihat al-Ikhwan Bi-Ijtinab al-Dukhan (al-Mahmud M. Ed.). Bahrain.
  • Lewis, G. (1957). The Balance of Truth by Katib Çelebi. Translated with an Inroduction and Notes. London.
  • Mandaville, J. E. (1979). Usurious Piety: The Cash Waqf Controversy in the Ottoman Empire. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 10, 289-308.
  • Matthee, R. (1995). Exotic Substances: The Introduction and Global Spread of Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Tea and Distilled Liquor, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. (Roy Porter, Ed.), Drugs and Narcotics in History in (pp. 24-52). Cambridge University Press.
  • Mavrokordatos, A. (1710). Admonition Against Nikotine and Reply to Mitrofanis Diakonos. Venice.
  • Michot, Y. (2010). Ahmad al-Rumi al-Aqhisari: Against Smoking an Ottoman Manifesto. U.K.
  • al-Nabulusi, (1924). Risala fi ibahat al-dukhan (A.M. Dahman, Ed.). Damascus.
  • Odorico, P. (1996). Conseils et Mémoires de Synadinos Prêtre de Serrès en Macédoine, XVIIe siècle. Paris.
  • Özen, Ş. (2012). Tütün. DİA, XLI, 5-7.
  • Pickthall, M. (2005). The Meaning of the Glorious Qur`an. Ankara.
  • Rubešová, Markéta P. (2008). Living in a Multicultural Neighbourhood: Ottoman Society Reflected in Rabbinic Responsa of the 16th and 17th Centuries. (L. Klus and L.Teuli, Eds.), Frontiers and identities: Cities in Regions and Nations in (pp. 137-152). Pisa University Press.
  • Sarris, K. (2005). Chrysanthos Notar as and the Publication of “Dodekavivlos” by Dositheos of Jerusalem: A Case of False Publication Date (1715/c. 1722). Mnimon, 27, 27-52.
  • Sathas, K. N. (1872). Medieval Library. Venice.
  • Şolakzade, M. (1297/ 1879-80). Şolakzade Tarihi. İstanbul.
  • Todorova, O. (2010). The Ottoman State and its Orthodox Christian Subjects: the Legitimistic Discourse in the Seventeenth-Century ‘Chronicle of Serres’ in a New Perspective. Turkish Historical Review, 1, 86-110.
  • Zilfi, M. (1988). The Politics of Piety: the Ottoman Ulema in the Postclassical Age (1600-1800). Minneapolis.

Yeni Çağ Başlarında Osmanlı İslam ve Hristiyan Dinî Söylemlerinde Tütün Tüketimi

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 21, 121 - 135, 01.12.2014


Erken Yeni Çağın Osmanlı toplumunda sigara veya tütün tüketimi konusunda ortaya çıkan tartışma pek çok uzmanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Önce kahve sonra da tütün tüketiminin sosyal ve hukuki veçheleri erken modern döneme damgasını vuracak sosyalleşmenin yeni biçimlerini gösterir. Yöneticilerin yasaklamasına ve yukarıdan aşağıya uygulanan baskılara rağmen bu yeni alışkanlık hızla yayılacak ve sosyal, dini ve mezhepsel engelleri aşacaktır. Bu önemli gelişmelere rağmen, Osmanlı müslim ve gayri-müslim eliti tarafından ortaya konan kısıtlama girişimi ve vaziyeti ustaca idare etme çabası çok az uzmanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Tütün tüketimine yönelik olarak Akhisarî ve Nikolas Mavrokordatos tarafından kaleme alınan risalelerin karşılaştırılması müslüman veya gayri müslim olsun Osmanlı elitinin, tütün tüketimi ve kontrol edilemez sosyalleşme konusunda ortak bir tutum sergilediğini gösterir. Bu sebeple, sosyal kontrol arayışlarında farklı dinlere mensup olsalar da Osmanlı elitinin aynı iddialar ve argümanları kullanıyor olmaları şaşırtıcı değildir.


  • Çavuşoğlu, S. (1990). The Kadizadeli movement: An Attempt of Şeri’at-Minded Reform in the Ottoman Empire. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University.
  • Dapontes, K. (1754). Historia. Venice.
  • Dorotheos. (1631). Historia. Venice.
  • Fotic, A. (2011). The Introduction of Coffee and Tobacco to the Mid-West Balkans. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung, 64(1), 89-100.
  • Grehan, J. (2006). Smoking and “Early Modern” Sociability: The Great Tobacco Debate in the Ottoman Middle East (Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries). American Historical Review, 111(5), 1352-1377.
  • Hattox, R. (1985). Coffee and Coffeehouses: The origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East. University of Washington Press.
  • Kafadar, C. A. (2002). History of Coffee. The XIIIth Congress of the International Economic History Association (IEHA), 50-59.
  • Laqani, al. (1993). Kitab Nasihat al-Ikhwan Bi-Ijtinab al-Dukhan (al-Mahmud M. Ed.). Bahrain.
  • Lewis, G. (1957). The Balance of Truth by Katib Çelebi. Translated with an Inroduction and Notes. London.
  • Mandaville, J. E. (1979). Usurious Piety: The Cash Waqf Controversy in the Ottoman Empire. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 10, 289-308.
  • Matthee, R. (1995). Exotic Substances: The Introduction and Global Spread of Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Tea and Distilled Liquor, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. (Roy Porter, Ed.), Drugs and Narcotics in History in (pp. 24-52). Cambridge University Press.
  • Mavrokordatos, A. (1710). Admonition Against Nikotine and Reply to Mitrofanis Diakonos. Venice.
  • Michot, Y. (2010). Ahmad al-Rumi al-Aqhisari: Against Smoking an Ottoman Manifesto. U.K.
  • al-Nabulusi, (1924). Risala fi ibahat al-dukhan (A.M. Dahman, Ed.). Damascus.
  • Odorico, P. (1996). Conseils et Mémoires de Synadinos Prêtre de Serrès en Macédoine, XVIIe siècle. Paris.
  • Özen, Ş. (2012). Tütün. DİA, XLI, 5-7.
  • Pickthall, M. (2005). The Meaning of the Glorious Qur`an. Ankara.
  • Rubešová, Markéta P. (2008). Living in a Multicultural Neighbourhood: Ottoman Society Reflected in Rabbinic Responsa of the 16th and 17th Centuries. (L. Klus and L.Teuli, Eds.), Frontiers and identities: Cities in Regions and Nations in (pp. 137-152). Pisa University Press.
  • Sarris, K. (2005). Chrysanthos Notar as and the Publication of “Dodekavivlos” by Dositheos of Jerusalem: A Case of False Publication Date (1715/c. 1722). Mnimon, 27, 27-52.
  • Sathas, K. N. (1872). Medieval Library. Venice.
  • Şolakzade, M. (1297/ 1879-80). Şolakzade Tarihi. İstanbul.
  • Todorova, O. (2010). The Ottoman State and its Orthodox Christian Subjects: the Legitimistic Discourse in the Seventeenth-Century ‘Chronicle of Serres’ in a New Perspective. Turkish Historical Review, 1, 86-110.
  • Zilfi, M. (1988). The Politics of Piety: the Ottoman Ulema in the Postclassical Age (1600-1800). Minneapolis.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Osmanlı Tarihi
Bölüm Makaleler

Eugenia Kermeli

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ekim 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 21

Kaynak Göster

APA Kermeli, E. (2014). THE TOBACCO CONTROVERSY IN EARLY MODERN OTTOMAN CHRISTIAN AND MUSLIM DISCOURSE. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları (HÜTAD)(21), 121-135.

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