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Results and Perspectives of Breeding by Resistance to Loose Smut in Barley

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1850 - 1855, 01.03.2014


The article presents the results of the selection of resistance to loose smut in barley during 1978-2012 year. Indicated methods and schemes of work. There are a significant number of breeding lines that can be used as donors in the selection of resistance


  • Dobrev, D., 1970 Opportunities to create resistant
  • varieties of barley brown loose smut
  • (Ustilago nuda (Jens) Rostr.) By studying
  • the specialization of parasites, Agricultural Science, 4, 46-49
  • Dobrev, D., 1972, resistance to brown loose smut (Ustilago productivity of some barley varieties, Plannt Sciences, 9, 1, 119-125 And
  • Dobrev, D. St.Navushtanov, 1974 Resistance of some barley varieties to three races established in our brown smut Ustilago nuda (Jens) Rostr., Scientific papers, p.4, Agricultural Academy; with. 167- 170
  • Dobrev, D. St.Navushtanov, 1975 Resistance of some varieties of winter barley to established country physiological races of the brown smut, SAA, Plant Science, god.12, №1, str.129- 132.
  • Dobrev, D., St.Navushtanov, 1976 New research on the racial composition of the cause of the brown loose smut in barley in Bulgaria, Plant Protection, 3 str.38- 43;
  • Dobrev D., E.Gospodinova, St.Navushtanov, 1986 Resistance of some barley varieties to economically important diseases, Soil Science, Protection, god.XXІ, №5, 112- 118;
  • Dobrev, D. 1987. Studies on the causes of economically important fungal diseases of barley in Bulgaria, Dissertation, C.
  • Dobrev, D., S.. Navushtanov.1989. Composition and dynamics of physiological races of the cause of the brown loose smut in barley during the period 1968-1984, in Bulgaria, "Scientific Works of VSI" t.XXXV.
  • Garkavyi P.F. Kirdoglo E.K., 1980, Guidelines for the study of immunity to barley loose smut and the selection of resistant varieties. Odessa, 28 p.
  • Garkavyi, P.F., 1983, Objectives and methods of barley breeding for complex disease resistance. Breeding and semenovodstvo-. №12, s.2-5 Geshele, E.E., 1978, Fundamentals of phytopathological evaluation in plant breeding, Moscow, Kolos.
  • Ishkova T.I., Berestetskaya L.I., Gasich E.L., Levitin M.M., Vlasov D.Yu. 2000. Diagnostic of the main diseases of cereals. Saint Petersburg: VIZR. 76 p. (In Russian)
  • Krivchenko, VI, 1967, A new method for differentiating races of smut, Chisinau.
  • Kadyrov, AM, 2002, Genetiko- phytopatological
  • ASPECTS barley to improve productivity
  • and sustainability to a complex of fungal diseases. Author's abstract dis.kand.s. agricultural Nauk.- Zhodino, p.22.
  • Krivchenko VI 1984 Stability of grain to the agents of smut diseases, Moscow, Kolos.
  • Kavanagh T., 1961, Temperature in relation to loose smut in barley and wheat.- Phytopath., v.51, К 3, p.175-177.
  • Mitov, N., (1972). Specialization prahovita Chief of wheat and vzmozhnosti for szdavane on sustainable varietal, Abstract, Sofia.
  • Mitov, N., D Dobrev, 1972, Physiologically Rasi on the causer on kafyavata prahovita Chief of echemika in Bulgaria, Plant science, №6, p. 117-123.
  • Moseman J.G., Metcalfe D.R., 1969, Identification of resistance genes in barley by reactions to Ustilago nuda.- Can.J.Plant Sci., v.49, N4,p.447-451 Navuschanov, Art., 1989, iztochnitsi on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / when echemika. VSI- Plovdiv, scientific labor, t.HHHІV, kn.1.
  • Navuschanov, Art., St.Zapryanov, 1990, Results from selektsiyata on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / when Zimen forage echemik, Rastenievdni Science, 9, 9-13.
  • Navuschanov, Art., Hr.Gorastev, 1990, Results from selektsiyata on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / Winter at dvureden echemik, scientific trudove- IE-Karnobat, 82-86.
  • Navuschanov, Art., 1991, Prouchvaniya vrhu Immunity km on three main Bolesta echemika. Methods and means for Borba, Habilitatsionen work Karnobat.
  • Navuschanov, S., D. Valcheva, D. Valchev, 1997, is biological and stopanski Especially on winter dvureden echemik grade Perun, Rastenievdni Science, 1, 38-39.
  • Poehlman J.M., 1945, A simple method of inoculating barley with loose smut.- Phytopath., v.35, И 8, p.640-644.
  • Popova T.,D.Dimova, 2009. Reaction of some introduction winter barley lines to true loose smut (Ustilago nuda). Plant Science, 46, 140-143.
  • Popova T., D.Valcheva, Dr.Vulchev, D.Dimova, Irfan Ozturk, 2010. Resistance of some two rowed barley varieties and lines to Loose smut Studies,vol.VІ, №1,p.133-138. Crops
  • Popova T., D.Valcheva, 2012. Evaluation of barley samples from the introduction resistanse to Loose smut (Ustilago nuda), Scientific works of Institite of Agriculture-Karnobat, vol.1, №1, 61-69.
  • Popova T., R.Todorova, 2007, Towards true Loose smut ( Ustilago nuda ) resistant Barley for Organic Farming, 9 Wissenschaftstagung Okologischer 9881 Landbau,
  • Stepanovskikh, AS, 1990, Golovnivye disease of barley, 396 p.
  • Shirokov A.Y, Paderin EV Virulence of pathogens and smut of barley breeding for resistance to them. In .: Variability of pathogenic microorganisms. - M ": Ear, 1983, s.113- 117.
  • Tapke Y.P. Physiologic races of U.nuda and technique for their study.- Phytopath., 1955, v.45, И 2, p.73-79. Valcheva D., Dr.Vulchev, 2005. T.Popova, perspectives in winter malting barley breeding. conference,Breeding and Cultural practices of the crops, І, p.75-79. and scientific Zapryanov, ST., Todorov, St.Navushtanov,
  • P.Atanasov, 1990. Exploring new genetic
  • sources of barley introduction, Scientific
  • papers of the Institute of barley, p. VII, 37- 41.

Results and Perspectives of Breeding by Resistance to Loose Smut in Barley

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1850 - 1855, 01.03.2014



  • Dobrev, D., 1970 Opportunities to create resistant
  • varieties of barley brown loose smut
  • (Ustilago nuda (Jens) Rostr.) By studying
  • the specialization of parasites, Agricultural Science, 4, 46-49
  • Dobrev, D., 1972, resistance to brown loose smut (Ustilago productivity of some barley varieties, Plannt Sciences, 9, 1, 119-125 And
  • Dobrev, D. St.Navushtanov, 1974 Resistance of some barley varieties to three races established in our brown smut Ustilago nuda (Jens) Rostr., Scientific papers, p.4, Agricultural Academy; with. 167- 170
  • Dobrev, D. St.Navushtanov, 1975 Resistance of some varieties of winter barley to established country physiological races of the brown smut, SAA, Plant Science, god.12, №1, str.129- 132.
  • Dobrev, D., St.Navushtanov, 1976 New research on the racial composition of the cause of the brown loose smut in barley in Bulgaria, Plant Protection, 3 str.38- 43;
  • Dobrev D., E.Gospodinova, St.Navushtanov, 1986 Resistance of some barley varieties to economically important diseases, Soil Science, Protection, god.XXІ, №5, 112- 118;
  • Dobrev, D. 1987. Studies on the causes of economically important fungal diseases of barley in Bulgaria, Dissertation, C.
  • Dobrev, D., S.. Navushtanov.1989. Composition and dynamics of physiological races of the cause of the brown loose smut in barley during the period 1968-1984, in Bulgaria, "Scientific Works of VSI" t.XXXV.
  • Garkavyi P.F. Kirdoglo E.K., 1980, Guidelines for the study of immunity to barley loose smut and the selection of resistant varieties. Odessa, 28 p.
  • Garkavyi, P.F., 1983, Objectives and methods of barley breeding for complex disease resistance. Breeding and semenovodstvo-. №12, s.2-5 Geshele, E.E., 1978, Fundamentals of phytopathological evaluation in plant breeding, Moscow, Kolos.
  • Ishkova T.I., Berestetskaya L.I., Gasich E.L., Levitin M.M., Vlasov D.Yu. 2000. Diagnostic of the main diseases of cereals. Saint Petersburg: VIZR. 76 p. (In Russian)
  • Krivchenko, VI, 1967, A new method for differentiating races of smut, Chisinau.
  • Kadyrov, AM, 2002, Genetiko- phytopatological
  • ASPECTS barley to improve productivity
  • and sustainability to a complex of fungal diseases. Author's abstract dis.kand.s. agricultural Nauk.- Zhodino, p.22.
  • Krivchenko VI 1984 Stability of grain to the agents of smut diseases, Moscow, Kolos.
  • Kavanagh T., 1961, Temperature in relation to loose smut in barley and wheat.- Phytopath., v.51, К 3, p.175-177.
  • Mitov, N., (1972). Specialization prahovita Chief of wheat and vzmozhnosti for szdavane on sustainable varietal, Abstract, Sofia.
  • Mitov, N., D Dobrev, 1972, Physiologically Rasi on the causer on kafyavata prahovita Chief of echemika in Bulgaria, Plant science, №6, p. 117-123.
  • Moseman J.G., Metcalfe D.R., 1969, Identification of resistance genes in barley by reactions to Ustilago nuda.- Can.J.Plant Sci., v.49, N4,p.447-451 Navuschanov, Art., 1989, iztochnitsi on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / when echemika. VSI- Plovdiv, scientific labor, t.HHHІV, kn.1.
  • Navuschanov, Art., St.Zapryanov, 1990, Results from selektsiyata on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / when Zimen forage echemik, Rastenievdni Science, 9, 9-13.
  • Navuschanov, Art., Hr.Gorastev, 1990, Results from selektsiyata on sustainable km kafyava prahovita chief administrative / Ustilago nuda / Winter at dvureden echemik, scientific trudove- IE-Karnobat, 82-86.
  • Navuschanov, Art., 1991, Prouchvaniya vrhu Immunity km on three main Bolesta echemika. Methods and means for Borba, Habilitatsionen work Karnobat.
  • Navuschanov, S., D. Valcheva, D. Valchev, 1997, is biological and stopanski Especially on winter dvureden echemik grade Perun, Rastenievdni Science, 1, 38-39.
  • Poehlman J.M., 1945, A simple method of inoculating barley with loose smut.- Phytopath., v.35, И 8, p.640-644.
  • Popova T.,D.Dimova, 2009. Reaction of some introduction winter barley lines to true loose smut (Ustilago nuda). Plant Science, 46, 140-143.
  • Popova T., D.Valcheva, Dr.Vulchev, D.Dimova, Irfan Ozturk, 2010. Resistance of some two rowed barley varieties and lines to Loose smut Studies,vol.VІ, №1,p.133-138. Crops
  • Popova T., D.Valcheva, 2012. Evaluation of barley samples from the introduction resistanse to Loose smut (Ustilago nuda), Scientific works of Institite of Agriculture-Karnobat, vol.1, №1, 61-69.
  • Popova T., R.Todorova, 2007, Towards true Loose smut ( Ustilago nuda ) resistant Barley for Organic Farming, 9 Wissenschaftstagung Okologischer 9881 Landbau,
  • Stepanovskikh, AS, 1990, Golovnivye disease of barley, 396 p.
  • Shirokov A.Y, Paderin EV Virulence of pathogens and smut of barley breeding for resistance to them. In .: Variability of pathogenic microorganisms. - M ": Ear, 1983, s.113- 117.
  • Tapke Y.P. Physiologic races of U.nuda and technique for their study.- Phytopath., 1955, v.45, И 2, p.73-79. Valcheva D., Dr.Vulchev, 2005. T.Popova, perspectives in winter malting barley breeding. conference,Breeding and Cultural practices of the crops, І, p.75-79. and scientific Zapryanov, ST., Todorov, St.Navushtanov,
  • P.Atanasov, 1990. Exploring new genetic
  • sources of barley introduction, Scientific
  • papers of the Institute of barley, p. VII, 37- 41.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Toshka Popova This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2


APA Popova, T. (2014). Results and Perspectives of Breeding by Resistance to Loose Smut in Barley. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-2), 1850-1855.