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Allelic Variation and Composition for Seed Proteins in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats (2n=42, BBAuAuDD)

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1891 - 1897, 01.03.2014


Seven hexaploid synthetic wheats (2n=42, BBAuAuDD), derived by crossing accessions and hybrids from T. turgidum (2n=28, BBAuAu) to diploid Aegilops tauschii (2n=14, DD), following by colchicine treatment for chromosome doubling, were subjected for seed protein analysis. Amphidiploids № 531 and № 107 revealed x-type subunit 1 at the Glu-A1 locus, but four other synthetics (№ 32, 106, 530, 532) expressed subunit 1Ax1.1, uncommon for bread wheat, that could be an example of expanding allelic diversity for HMW-GS along with the D-genome derived genes. At the Glu-B1 locus, five x-type subunits, viz., 7, 13, 17, 14 and 22, and four y-type subunits viz., 8, 16, 18 and 15, and their five combinations were detected. Diversity at the Glu-D1 was found to be greater than the variety of genes contained at Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 loci. In synthetics, the subunit 1Dx1.5+1Dy10 was predominantly observed, which is different from the T. aestivum genome and affect the wheat quality to great extent. Other detected D-genome subunits were 1Dx2+1Dy11 and 1Dx4+1Dy10.1. LMW-GS discovered two different lines in each of № 32, 530 and 532 (with b and c alleles) that was further supported by the gliadin compositions. D-genome synthetic hexaploid wheats seemed to be excellent sources for selecting different glutenin compositions in wheat breeding, as well for gliadins, revealing diverse ω- and γ genes


  • Branlard, G., Dardevet, M., 1985. Diversity of grain
  • proteins and bread wheat quality.
  • Correlation between high-molecular
  • weight subunits of glutenin and flour
  • quality characteristics. J Cereal Sci 3: 345- 354.
  • Ciaffi, M., Margiotta, B., Colaprico, G., De-Stafanis, E., Sgrulletta, D., Lafiandra, D., 1995. Effect of high temperatures during grain filling on the amount of insoluble proteins in durum wheat. J Genet Breed 49: 285-296.
  • Doneva, S., Spetsov, P., 2011. Polymorphism in glutenins and gliadins in Aegilops tauschii accessions (2n=14, DD). Field Crop Studies, t. VII-2: 243-254 (in Bulg.).
  • Doneva, S., Spetsov, P., 2013. Protein compositions in three synthetic hexaploid wheats (2n=42, ВВAUAUDD). Annual scientific book of TU–Varna, t. 2: 23-29 (in Bulg.).
  • Gupta, R.B., Shepherd, K.W., 1988. Low-molecular glutenin subunits in wheat: their variation, inheritance and association with bread- making quality. Proc of 7th Int. Wheat Genet. Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 13-19 July: 943-949.
  • Gupta, R.B., Shepherd, K.W., 1990. Two-step one- dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis of LMW subunits of glutenin. 1. Varation and genetic control of the subunits in hexaploid wheats. Theor Appl Genet 80: 65-74.
  • Jackson, E.A., Morel, M.H., Sontag-Strohm T., Branlard, G., Metakovsky, E.V., Redaelli, R., 1996. Proposal for combining the classification system of alleles of Gli-1 and Gli-3 loci in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). J Genet & Breed 50: 321-336.
  • Khan, K., Mcdonald, C.E., Banasik, O.J., 1983. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of gliadin identification – procedural modifications variety and observations. Cereal Chem 60: 178- 181.
  • Laemmli, U. K., 1970. Clavage of structural proteins
  • during the assembly of the head of
  • bacteriophage T4. Nature, vol. 227: 680 – 685.
  • Lafiandra, D., D’Ovodio, R., Porceddu, E., Margiotta, B., Colaprico, G., 1993. New data supporting high mol glutenin subunit 5 as the determinant of quality differences among the pairs 5+10 and 2+12. J Cereal Sci 18: 197 – 205.
  • Lagudah, E. S., MacRitchie, F., Halloran, G.M., 1987. The influence of high – molecular weight subunits of glutenin from T. tauschii on flour quality of synthetic hexaploid wheat. J Cereal Sci 5: 129 – 138.
  • Li, Y., Chengyan, H., Xinxia, S., Qiunqi, F., Genying, L., Xiusheng, C., 2009. Genetic variation of wheat landraces contributions improvement in China. Euphytica 169: 159- 168. between varieties to quality wheat
  • Metakovsky, E.V., 1991. Gliadin allele identification in common wheat. II. Catalogue of gliadin alleles in common wheat. J Genet & Breed 45: 325-344.
  • Payne, P.I., 1987. Genetics of wheat storage proteins and the effect of allelic variations on bread – making quality. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 38: 141 – 153.
  • Payne, P.I., Holt, M., Jackson, E.A., Law, C.N., 1984.
  • Wheat storage proteins: their
  • genetics and potential for manipulation by

Allelic Variation and Composition for Seed Proteins in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats (2n=42, BBAuAuDD)

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1891 - 1897, 01.03.2014



  • Branlard, G., Dardevet, M., 1985. Diversity of grain
  • proteins and bread wheat quality.
  • Correlation between high-molecular
  • weight subunits of glutenin and flour
  • quality characteristics. J Cereal Sci 3: 345- 354.
  • Ciaffi, M., Margiotta, B., Colaprico, G., De-Stafanis, E., Sgrulletta, D., Lafiandra, D., 1995. Effect of high temperatures during grain filling on the amount of insoluble proteins in durum wheat. J Genet Breed 49: 285-296.
  • Doneva, S., Spetsov, P., 2011. Polymorphism in glutenins and gliadins in Aegilops tauschii accessions (2n=14, DD). Field Crop Studies, t. VII-2: 243-254 (in Bulg.).
  • Doneva, S., Spetsov, P., 2013. Protein compositions in three synthetic hexaploid wheats (2n=42, ВВAUAUDD). Annual scientific book of TU–Varna, t. 2: 23-29 (in Bulg.).
  • Gupta, R.B., Shepherd, K.W., 1988. Low-molecular glutenin subunits in wheat: their variation, inheritance and association with bread- making quality. Proc of 7th Int. Wheat Genet. Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 13-19 July: 943-949.
  • Gupta, R.B., Shepherd, K.W., 1990. Two-step one- dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis of LMW subunits of glutenin. 1. Varation and genetic control of the subunits in hexaploid wheats. Theor Appl Genet 80: 65-74.
  • Jackson, E.A., Morel, M.H., Sontag-Strohm T., Branlard, G., Metakovsky, E.V., Redaelli, R., 1996. Proposal for combining the classification system of alleles of Gli-1 and Gli-3 loci in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). J Genet & Breed 50: 321-336.
  • Khan, K., Mcdonald, C.E., Banasik, O.J., 1983. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of gliadin identification – procedural modifications variety and observations. Cereal Chem 60: 178- 181.
  • Laemmli, U. K., 1970. Clavage of structural proteins
  • during the assembly of the head of
  • bacteriophage T4. Nature, vol. 227: 680 – 685.
  • Lafiandra, D., D’Ovodio, R., Porceddu, E., Margiotta, B., Colaprico, G., 1993. New data supporting high mol glutenin subunit 5 as the determinant of quality differences among the pairs 5+10 and 2+12. J Cereal Sci 18: 197 – 205.
  • Lagudah, E. S., MacRitchie, F., Halloran, G.M., 1987. The influence of high – molecular weight subunits of glutenin from T. tauschii on flour quality of synthetic hexaploid wheat. J Cereal Sci 5: 129 – 138.
  • Li, Y., Chengyan, H., Xinxia, S., Qiunqi, F., Genying, L., Xiusheng, C., 2009. Genetic variation of wheat landraces contributions improvement in China. Euphytica 169: 159- 168. between varieties to quality wheat
  • Metakovsky, E.V., 1991. Gliadin allele identification in common wheat. II. Catalogue of gliadin alleles in common wheat. J Genet & Breed 45: 325-344.
  • Payne, P.I., 1987. Genetics of wheat storage proteins and the effect of allelic variations on bread – making quality. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 38: 141 – 153.
  • Payne, P.I., Holt, M., Jackson, E.A., Law, C.N., 1984.
  • Wheat storage proteins: their
  • genetics and potential for manipulation by
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Sonya Doneva This is me

Diana Yordanova This is me

Nadia Daskalova This is me

Penko Spetsov This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2


APA Doneva, S., Yordanova, D., Daskalova, N., Spetsov, P. (2014). Allelic Variation and Composition for Seed Proteins in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats (2n=42, BBAuAuDD). Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-2), 1891-1897.