Araştırma Makalesi
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Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Kefir Drinks with Added Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 1193 - 1199, 12.10.2024


In this study, kefir drinks produced by adding 0.6% royal jelly and %0.8 bee pollen to cow milk were stored for 14 days, and their physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties were monitored during storage. Addition of royal jelly and bee pollen significantly increased (P <0.05) the content of dry matter, fat and protein statistically compared to the control group. It was observed that the pH value decreased during storage in all samples. The highest pH and lowest titratable acidity values were measured in the pollen added sample on the 14th day of storage. In microbiological analyses, Lactobacillus ssp., Lactococcus ssp. and yeast were counted and a decrease due to storage time was determined in all samples. The difference in microbiological counts between samples is statistically significant (P <0.05). The bee pollen added kefir was received the highest score in total. It was determined that the difference between the samples was significant (P <0.05) in all sensory tests.


  • Açık, M., Çakıroğlu, F.P., Altan, M., Baybo, T. 2020. Alternative source of probiotics for lactose and vegan individuals: sugary kefir. Food Science and Technology, 40 (3): 523-531.
  • Anonymous. 2022. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Fermente Süt Ürünleri Tebliği, Tebliğ No: 2022/44, Resmi Gazete: 30.11.2022, sayı 32029.
  • AOAC. 1997. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC. Atallah, A.A. 2016. The Production of Bio-yoghurt with Probiotic Bacteria, Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen Grains. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 6 (3): 1-7.
  • Bengi, S., Gürsoy, O., Dal, H.Ö.G., Yılmaz, Y. 2023. Effect of propolis extract addition on some physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of kefir drinks. Food Science and Nutrition, 11 (1): 7407-7417.
  • Choi, E.M. 2007. Antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities of pine (Pinus densiflora) pollen extract. Phytotherapy Research, 21 (5): 471-475.
  • Çetinkaya, F., Muş, T.E. 2012. Determination of microbiological and chemical characteristics of kefir consumed in Bursa. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 59: 217-221.
  • Denisow, B., Denisow-Pietrzyk, M. 2016. Biological and therapeutic properties of bee pollen: A review. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96 (13): 4303-4309.
  • Eraslan, G., Kanbur, M., Silici, S., Liman, B., Altinordulu, Ş., Sarıca, Z.S. 2009. Evaluation of protective effect of bee pollen against propoxur toxicity in rat. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (3): 931-937.
  • Gaspar, R. ve Seres, A.B. 2022. Royal jelly and fertility. Bee Products and Their Applications in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries, p. 201-219, Academic Press.
  • Guo, H., Saiga, A., Sato, M., Miyazawa, I., Shibata, M., Takahata Y., Fumiki Morimatsu, F. 2007. Royal jelly supplementation improves lipoprotein metabolism in humans. Journal of Nutritional Science Vitaminology, 53 (4):345-8.
  • Gürsoy, O., Kocatürk, K., Dal, H.Ö.G., Yakalı, H.N., Yılmaz, Y. 2020. Physicochemical and rheological properties of commercial kefir drinks. Akademik Gıda, 18 (4): 375-381.
  • Hong, W.S., Chen, Y.P., Chen, M.J. 2010. The anti-allergic effect of kefir lactobacilli. Journal of Food Science, 75 (8): 244-253.
  • Irigoyen, A., Arana, I., Castiella, M., Torre, P., Ibanez, F.C. 2005. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of kefir during storage. Food Chemistry, 90 (4): 613-620.
  • Karaolis, C., Botsaris, G., Pantelides, I., Tsaltas, D. 2013. Potential application of Saccharomyces boulardii as a probiotic in goat’s yoghurt: survival and organoleptic effects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48 (7): 1445-1452.
  • Komosinska-Vassev, K., Olczyk, P., Kafmierczak, J., Mencner, L., Olczyk, K. 2015. Bee pollen: Chemical composition and therapeutic application. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015 (1), 1-6.
  • Kramer, K.J., Tager, H.S., Childs, C.N., Speirs, R.D. 1977. Insulin-like hypoglycemic and immunological activities in honeybee royal jelly. Journal of Insect Physiology, 23 (2): 293-295.
  • Lee, M.Y., Ahn, K.S., Kwon, O.K., Kim, M.J., Kim, M.K., Lee, I.Y., Oh, S.R., Lee, H.K. 2007. Antiinflammatory and anti-allergic effects of kefir in a mouse asthma model. Immunobiology, 212 (8): 647-654.
  • Liu, J.R., Chen, M.J., Lin, C.W. 2005. Antimutagenic and antioxidant properties of milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (7): 2467-2474.
  • Maeda, H., Zhu, X., Suzuki, S., Suzuki, K., Kitamura, S. 2004. Structural characterization and biological activities of an exopolysaccharide kefiran produced by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens WT-2BT. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 52 (17): 5533-5538.
  • Meilgaard, M.C., Carr, B.T., Civille, G.V. 1999. Sensory Evaluation Techniques. In Boca Raton, FL:CRC Pres, Inc. (3rd ed.). Metry, W.A. ve Owayss, A.A. 2009. Influence of incorporating honey and royal jelly on the quality of yoghurt during storage. Egyptian Journal of Food Science, 37, 115-131.
  • Moritz, R. F. A. ve Southwick, E. E. 1992. Bees a superorganisms. An evolutionary reality, first ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Nakaya, M., Onda, H., Sasaki, K., Yukiyoshi, A., Tachibana, H., Yamada, K. 2007. Effect of royal jelly on bisphenol A-induced proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemisry, 71 (1), 253-255.
  • Pascoal, A., Rodrigues, S., Teixeira, A., Feas, X., Estevinho, L.M. 2014. Biological activities of commercial bee pollens: antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 63, 233-239.
  • Rizk, S., Maalouf, K., Baydoun, E. 2009. The antiproliferative effect of kefir cell-free fraction on HuT-102 malignant T lymphocytes. Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma, 9 (3): 198-203.
  • Rodrigues, K.L., Caputo, L.R., Carvalho, J.C., Evangelista, J., Schneedorf, J.M. 2005. Antimicrobial and healing activity of kefir and kefiran extract. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 25 (5): 404-408.
  • Samochowiec, L. ve Wojcicki, J. 1981. Effect of pollen on serum and liver lipids in rats fed on a high-lipid diet. Herba Polonica, 27, 333.
  • Taş, T.K., İlay, E., Öker, A. 2014. Determination of some quality criteria of the kefir produced with molasses and plum. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 2 (2): 86-91.
  • Teruya, K., Myojin-Maekawa, Y., Shimamoto, F., Watanabe, H., Nakamichi, N., Tokumaru, K., Tokumaru, S., Shirahata, S. 2013. Protective effects of the fermented milk kefir on X-Ray irradiation-induced intestinal damage in B6C3F1 Mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 36 (3): 352-359.
  • Teruya, K., Yamashita, M., Tominaga, R., Nagira, T., Shim, S.Y., Katakura, Y., Tokumaru S., Tokumaru, K., Barnes, D., Shirahata, S. 2002. Fermented milk, Kefram-Kefir enhances glucose uptake into insulinresponsive muscle cells. Cytotechnology, 40 (1-3): 107-116.
  • Tokunaga, K., Yoshida, C., Suzuki, K., Maruyama, H., Futamura, Y., Araki, Y., Mishima, S. 2004. Antihypertensive mechanism of royal jelly treated with protease in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biol Pharm Bull. 27 (2): 189-192.
  • Ünal, F.N., Kalyas, A., Gürbüz, Z., Şengül, M., Ürkek, B. 2020. Ticari kefirlerin bazı kalite parametrelerinin belirlenmesi. Gıda, 45 (3): 555-563.
  • Yerlikaya, O. 2014. Effect of bee pollen supplement on antimicrobial, chemical, rheological, sensorial properties and probiotic viability of fermented milk beverages. Mijekarstvo, 64 (4): 268-279.
  • Yücel, B., Topal, E., Kosoglu, M. 2017. Bee products as functional food. In book: Superfood and Functional Food - An Overview of Their Processing and Utilization (pp.21) Publisher: InTech.

Arı sütü ve Arı Poleni İlaveli Kefirlerin Fizikokimyasal, Mikrobiyal ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 1193 - 1199, 12.10.2024


Bu çalışmada inek sütüne, %0.6 arı sütü ve %0.8 arı poleni ilave edilerek üretilen iki farklı kefir örneği 14 gün süre ile depolanmış, fizikokimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal özellikleri üzerindeki zamana bağlı etkileri araştırılmıştır. Arı sütü ve poleni ile üretilen kefir örneklerinde kuru madde, yağ ve protein miktarlarında kontrol grubuna kıyasla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (P <0.05) bir artış olduğu bulunmuştur. Tüm örneklerde depolama zamanı artıkça, pH değerinde düşüş olduğu görülmüştür. En yüksek pH ve en düşük titrasyon asitliği değeri, depolamanın 14. gününde arı poleni eklenmiş örnekte ölçülmüştür. Mikrobiyolojik analizlerde, Lactobacillus ssp., Lactococcus ssp. ve maya sayıları hesaplanmış ve tüm örneklerde depolama zamanına bağlı azaldığı görülmüştür. Örnekler arası mikrobiyolojik sayı farkının, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (P <0.05) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Duyusal analizlerde arı poleni ilaveli kefir tüm parametrelerde en yüksek puanı almıştır. Tüm duyusal testlerde, örnekler arasındaki farkın önemli (P < 0.05) olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Açık, M., Çakıroğlu, F.P., Altan, M., Baybo, T. 2020. Alternative source of probiotics for lactose and vegan individuals: sugary kefir. Food Science and Technology, 40 (3): 523-531.
  • Anonymous. 2022. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Fermente Süt Ürünleri Tebliği, Tebliğ No: 2022/44, Resmi Gazete: 30.11.2022, sayı 32029.
  • AOAC. 1997. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC. Atallah, A.A. 2016. The Production of Bio-yoghurt with Probiotic Bacteria, Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen Grains. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 6 (3): 1-7.
  • Bengi, S., Gürsoy, O., Dal, H.Ö.G., Yılmaz, Y. 2023. Effect of propolis extract addition on some physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of kefir drinks. Food Science and Nutrition, 11 (1): 7407-7417.
  • Choi, E.M. 2007. Antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities of pine (Pinus densiflora) pollen extract. Phytotherapy Research, 21 (5): 471-475.
  • Çetinkaya, F., Muş, T.E. 2012. Determination of microbiological and chemical characteristics of kefir consumed in Bursa. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 59: 217-221.
  • Denisow, B., Denisow-Pietrzyk, M. 2016. Biological and therapeutic properties of bee pollen: A review. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96 (13): 4303-4309.
  • Eraslan, G., Kanbur, M., Silici, S., Liman, B., Altinordulu, Ş., Sarıca, Z.S. 2009. Evaluation of protective effect of bee pollen against propoxur toxicity in rat. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (3): 931-937.
  • Gaspar, R. ve Seres, A.B. 2022. Royal jelly and fertility. Bee Products and Their Applications in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries, p. 201-219, Academic Press.
  • Guo, H., Saiga, A., Sato, M., Miyazawa, I., Shibata, M., Takahata Y., Fumiki Morimatsu, F. 2007. Royal jelly supplementation improves lipoprotein metabolism in humans. Journal of Nutritional Science Vitaminology, 53 (4):345-8.
  • Gürsoy, O., Kocatürk, K., Dal, H.Ö.G., Yakalı, H.N., Yılmaz, Y. 2020. Physicochemical and rheological properties of commercial kefir drinks. Akademik Gıda, 18 (4): 375-381.
  • Hong, W.S., Chen, Y.P., Chen, M.J. 2010. The anti-allergic effect of kefir lactobacilli. Journal of Food Science, 75 (8): 244-253.
  • Irigoyen, A., Arana, I., Castiella, M., Torre, P., Ibanez, F.C. 2005. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of kefir during storage. Food Chemistry, 90 (4): 613-620.
  • Karaolis, C., Botsaris, G., Pantelides, I., Tsaltas, D. 2013. Potential application of Saccharomyces boulardii as a probiotic in goat’s yoghurt: survival and organoleptic effects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48 (7): 1445-1452.
  • Komosinska-Vassev, K., Olczyk, P., Kafmierczak, J., Mencner, L., Olczyk, K. 2015. Bee pollen: Chemical composition and therapeutic application. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015 (1), 1-6.
  • Kramer, K.J., Tager, H.S., Childs, C.N., Speirs, R.D. 1977. Insulin-like hypoglycemic and immunological activities in honeybee royal jelly. Journal of Insect Physiology, 23 (2): 293-295.
  • Lee, M.Y., Ahn, K.S., Kwon, O.K., Kim, M.J., Kim, M.K., Lee, I.Y., Oh, S.R., Lee, H.K. 2007. Antiinflammatory and anti-allergic effects of kefir in a mouse asthma model. Immunobiology, 212 (8): 647-654.
  • Liu, J.R., Chen, M.J., Lin, C.W. 2005. Antimutagenic and antioxidant properties of milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (7): 2467-2474.
  • Maeda, H., Zhu, X., Suzuki, S., Suzuki, K., Kitamura, S. 2004. Structural characterization and biological activities of an exopolysaccharide kefiran produced by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens WT-2BT. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 52 (17): 5533-5538.
  • Meilgaard, M.C., Carr, B.T., Civille, G.V. 1999. Sensory Evaluation Techniques. In Boca Raton, FL:CRC Pres, Inc. (3rd ed.). Metry, W.A. ve Owayss, A.A. 2009. Influence of incorporating honey and royal jelly on the quality of yoghurt during storage. Egyptian Journal of Food Science, 37, 115-131.
  • Moritz, R. F. A. ve Southwick, E. E. 1992. Bees a superorganisms. An evolutionary reality, first ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Nakaya, M., Onda, H., Sasaki, K., Yukiyoshi, A., Tachibana, H., Yamada, K. 2007. Effect of royal jelly on bisphenol A-induced proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemisry, 71 (1), 253-255.
  • Pascoal, A., Rodrigues, S., Teixeira, A., Feas, X., Estevinho, L.M. 2014. Biological activities of commercial bee pollens: antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 63, 233-239.
  • Rizk, S., Maalouf, K., Baydoun, E. 2009. The antiproliferative effect of kefir cell-free fraction on HuT-102 malignant T lymphocytes. Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma, 9 (3): 198-203.
  • Rodrigues, K.L., Caputo, L.R., Carvalho, J.C., Evangelista, J., Schneedorf, J.M. 2005. Antimicrobial and healing activity of kefir and kefiran extract. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 25 (5): 404-408.
  • Samochowiec, L. ve Wojcicki, J. 1981. Effect of pollen on serum and liver lipids in rats fed on a high-lipid diet. Herba Polonica, 27, 333.
  • Taş, T.K., İlay, E., Öker, A. 2014. Determination of some quality criteria of the kefir produced with molasses and plum. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 2 (2): 86-91.
  • Teruya, K., Myojin-Maekawa, Y., Shimamoto, F., Watanabe, H., Nakamichi, N., Tokumaru, K., Tokumaru, S., Shirahata, S. 2013. Protective effects of the fermented milk kefir on X-Ray irradiation-induced intestinal damage in B6C3F1 Mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 36 (3): 352-359.
  • Teruya, K., Yamashita, M., Tominaga, R., Nagira, T., Shim, S.Y., Katakura, Y., Tokumaru S., Tokumaru, K., Barnes, D., Shirahata, S. 2002. Fermented milk, Kefram-Kefir enhances glucose uptake into insulinresponsive muscle cells. Cytotechnology, 40 (1-3): 107-116.
  • Tokunaga, K., Yoshida, C., Suzuki, K., Maruyama, H., Futamura, Y., Araki, Y., Mishima, S. 2004. Antihypertensive mechanism of royal jelly treated with protease in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biol Pharm Bull. 27 (2): 189-192.
  • Ünal, F.N., Kalyas, A., Gürbüz, Z., Şengül, M., Ürkek, B. 2020. Ticari kefirlerin bazı kalite parametrelerinin belirlenmesi. Gıda, 45 (3): 555-563.
  • Yerlikaya, O. 2014. Effect of bee pollen supplement on antimicrobial, chemical, rheological, sensorial properties and probiotic viability of fermented milk beverages. Mijekarstvo, 64 (4): 268-279.
  • Yücel, B., Topal, E., Kosoglu, M. 2017. Bee products as functional food. In book: Superfood and Functional Food - An Overview of Their Processing and Utilization (pp.21) Publisher: InTech.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Teknolojileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gülden Koçak 0000-0002-3890-0579

Alparslan Koçak 0000-0002-4581-9736

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Koçak, G., & Koçak, A. (2024). Arı sütü ve Arı Poleni İlaveli Kefirlerin Fizikokimyasal, Mikrobiyal ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 1193-1199.