Articles submitted in English should be prepared using "Manuscript Template.".
The article text content must be in Calibri format, double spacing, 10-point font, whereas the headings must be in 12-point font.
Page setup in A4 size; 2.5 cm space should be given at the margins of pages.
It should be prepared as a single column.
The manuscript should not exceed 17 pages.
The beginning of the paraphrase should start 1.0 cm from the left.
Author names should certainly not be included in the manuscript Word file without authors’ names.
Author names should be included in the manuscript Word file with authors’ names.
The first letter of the author's surname should be capitalized.
Need to Author address details (University, faculty, department, etc.) If the article is originally is English, all of details must be English.
All authors must write email addresses.
All authors must write an ORCID No. (Graduate students must also declare the ORCID No.).
The title of the manuscript should be written in Turkish and English.
The title of the manuscript must be in 12-point font size, Calibri font, and bold.
The title of manuscript should be capitalized (first letter in each word) (except for the conjunctions such as and, with, etc.)
The title of the article should be left-aligned.
There should be a *postscript and explanation if the study is previously presented or composed out of a thesis or a project.
Main section headings (ABSTRACT, ÖZ, 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIAL AND METHOD, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 4. CONCLUSIONS, REFERENCES) should be capitalized (first letter in each word). Main section headings should be written 0.5 paragraphs from the left. Main section headings should be numbered. Main section headings must be in 12-point font size. The beginning of the paraphrase should start 1.0 cm from the left.
Subheadings are capitalized (only the first word is capitalized) and left justified, 0.5 cm indented, bold, and italicized, separated from the previous paragraph with a blank line.
2.1. Subsection title 1
2.1.1. Subsection title 2
2.1.1. Subsection title 3...
Table and figure expressions are directly used as Table 1 and Figure 1.
Table and figure headings should have only the first word capitalized and in italics.
Table and figure headings should be centered and bold.
Table headings should be above the table.
Figure headings should be under the figure.
All tables and figures must be referred to in the text (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Table 1. Title of the table
Figure 1. Title of the figure
Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and located at the right margin as in Equation (1) below.
Each equation should be referred to in the text.
Equations (Please use the Equation Editor of Word):
RMSE = √(1/n ∑_(i=1)^n▒〖(E_i-M_i)〗^2 ) (Eq.1).
Units of measurement should all be in SI units.
Use a period in decimal fractions (2.14 rather than 2,14).
Use (,) for thousands—1,230.6
Use " kg ha⁻¹," not "kg/ha.".
With space: 4 h, 4 kg, 4 m, Without space: 40, 4%
The article should include 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Method, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion(s) sections.
In the introduction, the importance of the subject should be explained with its place in the literature.
In the Method section, if a specific model is used, the model subdivision should include the Sample/Workgroup, Data Collection Tools, and Process subdivisions.
The materials and methods used in the research should be expressed clearly and understandably.
Results and discussion section: the results should be discussed with their place in the literature.
Conclusion: The main significant results of the study should be presented in a clear and concise way and should be numbered.
The position of tables should be vertical (portrait) only. Large tables should be avoided. If much data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide them over two (or more) tables. The preferred format for tables is MS Word. Tables should be numbered according to their sequence in the text in bold, e.g., Table 1. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Since the tables must be autonomous, any explanation essential to the understanding should be given as a note at the bottom of the table. The columns and rows in the tables should not be separated either by horizontal or vertical lines. Only horizontal lines should be used to separate column headings and the end of the table.
All illustrative material—graphs, diagrams, photos, drawings, pictures, etc.—is called by a common name of figures, e.g., Figure 1. To maintain clear contrast, use line patterns instead of shading and avoid thin, light lines. Graphs should be done using Microsoft Office Excel and provided in the text of the manuscript and by a separate Excel file. If figures are produced not in Excel, they should be in separate graphic .jpg or .tiff format files in a resolution of at least 300 dpi (3000 pixel about 26 cm in size). Calibri, font size 12, should be used; there should be no bold, no frames around figures.
Figure legends should be concise and should give enough information to make the figure understandable. All symbols presented in the figures must be defined, and all acronyms should be explained as a note at the bottom.
Tables and figures should be shown in the text. It should not be given separately.
All tables and figures must be referred to in the text (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Statistical analysis
The data provided in the tables and figures should be statistically processed.
Both in the text and in the source books, the rules of writing specified in the book Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA) (7. edition), published by the American Psychological Association, should be applied.
References will be prepared in Calibri and font 10. References in the text as author's family name should be followed by the year of the publication in parentheses (Mohsenin, 1970); (Muck and Holmes, 2000). Use "et al." after the first author's family name for citations with three or more authors (Savoie et al., 2004).
References should be arranged chronologically. All references should be listed alphabetically by author's surnames and chronologically. Names of journals should be in full titles rather than the abbreviations. All journal articles must include volume, number, and pages. For web pages, please write the date of the available data.
The list of references must be written in alphabetical order, following spelling rules, with a 1.0 cm hanging indent and single line spacing.
Journal article:
Akçura, M. (2011). The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(2), 115-125.
Akcura, M., Turan, V., Kokten, K., & Kaplan, M. (2019). Fatty acid and some micro element compositions of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) genotype seeds growing under Mediterranean climate. Industrial Crops and Products, 128, 140-146.
For online documents:
Anonymous (2025). Türkiye Hayvansal üretim istatistikleri. (Accessed date: 10.02.2025)
Mirik, M. (2005). Biberde bakteriyel leke etmeni Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria’nın tanılanması ve bitki büyüme düzenleyici rizobakteriler ile biyolojik mücadele olanakları. (Ph. D. Thesis) Cukurova University. The Institute of Natural Sciences, Adana, Turkey
Mohsenin, N.N. (1970). Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York
Conference Proceedings (Full papers):
Saglam, C., & Tan, F. (2017). An Environmentally Friendly Method of Fertilizer Application in Agriculture; Anhydrous Ammonia Application. International Conference on Environment and Natural Science. (ICENS). 9-10 September, P.7-9. Moscow, Russia.
Internet sources:
Anonymous, (2019). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),, (Accessed date: 13.11.2018)