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İshalli Yenidoğan Buzağılarda Elektrolit Bozukluklarının Prevalansı

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 62 - 66, 30.12.2020


Bu çalışmada, ishalli yenidoğan buzağılarda elektrolit bozukluklarının prevalansının belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma, 126 baş ishalli yenidoğan buzağı üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. 126 buzağının 89'unda en az bir elektrolit bozukluk gözlenirken, 37 buzağıda ise herhangi bir elektrolit bozukluğu belirlenmedi. İshalli buzağıların 50’sinde hiponatremi, 50’sinde hiperkalemi ve 38’inde ise hipokloremi belirlendi. Ayrıca buzağıların 3’ünde hipernatremi, 10’unda hipokalemi ve 15 buzağıda da hiperkloremi tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak, ishalli yenidoğan buzağılarda en yaygın gözlenen elektrolit bozukluklarının hiponatremi ve hipokloremi ile hiperkalemi olduğu ve bu elektrolit bozukluklarının ishalli buzağıların tedavisinde göz önüne alınması gerektiği kanısına varıldı.


  • 1. Abutarbush SM, Petrie L. Treatment of hypernatremia in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Can Vet J. 2007, 48(2): 184–187.
  • 2. Angelos SM, Smith BP, George LW, et al. Treatment of hypernatremia in an acidotic neonatal calf. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999;214:1364–1367.
  • 3. Aydogdu U, Isik N, Derinbay Ekici O, Yildiz R, Sen I, Coskun A. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Halofuginone Lactate and Paromomycin in the Treatment of Calves Naturally Infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2018. 46: 1524.
  • 4. Aydoğdu U, Gülersoy E, Şen İ. Buzağı İshalleri ve Oral Sıvı Takviyeleri. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anim Nutr&Nutr Dis Special Topics 2018;4(1):56-64.
  • 5. Aydoğdu U, Yıldız R, Güzelbekteş H, Coşkun A, Şen İ (2019). Yenidoğan ishalli buzağılarda mortalite indikatörü olarak kan laktat, glikoz, total protein ve gama glutamil transferaz seviyeleri. F.Ü. Sağ. Bil. Vet. Derg., 33, 201-206.
  • 6. Aydogdu U, Yildiz R, Guzelbektes H, Naseri A, Akyuz E, Sen I. Effect of combinations ofintravenous small-volume hypertonic sodium chloride, acetate Ringer, sodium bicarbonate, and lactate Ringer solutions along with oral fluid on the treatment of calf diarrhea. Pol J Vet Sci 2018;21(2):273-280.
  • 7. Basoglu A, Aydogdu U. Terminal atrial standstill with ventricular escape rhythm in a neonatal calf with acute diarrhea. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2013;37:362-365.
  • 8. Brobst D. Abnormalities of plasma sodium concentrations and water balance: A review. Calif Vet 1984;38:20–23.
  • 9. Carlson, G.P., Bruss, M., 2008. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base balance. In: Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W., Bruss, M.L. (Eds.), Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Ed. Academic Press, Elsevier, New York, San Diego, USA, pp. 529–559.
  • 10. Constable PD, Grünberg W. Hyperkalemia in diarrheic calves: Implications for diagnosis and treatment. Vet J. 2013 Mar;195(3):271-2
  • 11. Constable PD, Stampfli HR, Navetat H, Berchtold J, Schelcher F. Use of a quantitative strong ion approach to determine the mechanism for acid-base abnormalities in sick calves with or without diarrhea. J Vet Intern Med 2005;19:581-589.
  • 12. Constable PD, Walker PG, Morin DE, et al. Clinical and laboratory assessment of hydration status of neonatal calves with diarrhea. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998; 212:991–6.
  • 13. Coskun A, Sen I, Guzelbektes H, Ok M, Turgut K, Canikli S. Comparison of the effects of intravenous administration of isotonic and hypertonic sodium bicarbonate solutions on venous acid-base status in dehydrated calves with strong ion acidosis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;236(10):1098-103.
  • 14. Donovan GA, Dohoo IR, Montgomery DM, Bennett FL. Calf and disease factors affecting growth in female Holstein calves in Florida, USA. Prev Vet Med 1998;33(1-4):1-10.
  • 15. England JJ, Williams S. Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Calves. In: Cattle Producer’s Handbook Fourth Edition (online) p.641-643.
  • 16. Feig PU. Hypernatremic and hypertonic syndromes. Med Clin North Am 1981;65:271–290.
  • 17. Guzelbektes H, Coskun A, Sen I. Relationship between the degree of dehydration and the balance of acid-based changes in dehydrated calves with diarrhoea. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 2007;51:83-7.
  • 18. Hallowell G, Remnant J. Fluid therapy in calves. In Practice 2016;38:439-449.
  • 19. Hardy RM. Hypernatremia. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 1989;19:231–240.
  • 20. Lee SH, Choi EW, Kim D. Relationship between the values of blood parameters and physical status in Korean native calves with diarrhea. J Vet Sci. 2020 21(2):e17.
  • 21. Lewis LD, Phillips RW. Water and electrolyte losses in neonatal calves with acute diarrhea. A complete balance study. Cornell Vet 1972;62:596–607.
  • 22. Sen I, AltunokV, Ok M, Coskun A, Constable PD. Efficacy of oral rehydration therapy solutions containing sodium bicarbonate or sodium acetate for treatment of calves with naturally acquired diarrhea, moderate dehydration, and strong ion acidosis. Am Vet Med Assoc 2009; 234:926-34.
  • 23. Sen I, Constable PD, Marshall TS. Effect of suckling isotonic or hypertonic solutions of sodium bicarbonate or glucose on abomasal emptying rate in calves. Am J Vet Res 2006;67(8):1377-84.
  • 24. Sen I, Constable PD. General overview to treatment of strong ion (metabolic) acidosis in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Eurasian J Vet Sci 2013;29(3):114-20.
  • 25. Smith GW, Berchtold J. Fluid therapy in calves. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2014;30(2):409-427.
  • 26. Smith GW. Treatment of calf diarrhea: Oral fluid therapy. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2009;25(1):55-72.
  • 27. Sweeney, R.W., 1999. Treatment of potassium balance disorders. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice 15, 609–617.
  • 28. Şen İ, Güzelbekteş H, Yıldız R. Neonatal Buzağı İshalleri: Patofizyoloji, Epidemiyoloji, Klinik, Tedavi ve Koruma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci 2013;4(1):71-8.
  • 29. Trefz FM, Constable PD, Sauter-Louis C, Lorch A, Knubben-Schweizer G, Lorenz I. Hyperkalemia in neonatal diarrheic calves depends on the degree of dehydration and the cause of the metabolic acidosis but does not require the presence of acidemia. J Dairy Sci 2013;96(11):7234-7244.a
  • 30. Trefz FM, Lorch A, Feist M, Sauter-Louis C, Lorenz I. The prevalence and clinical relevance of hyperkalaemia in calves with neonatal diarrhoea. Vet J 2013;195(3):350-6. b
  • 31. Yağcı BB, Parlatır Y. Neonatal İshalli Buzağılarda Sıvı-Elektrolit Denge Bozuklukları ve Sağaltımı. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg. 2018, 58 (Özel Sayı) 50-55

Determination of the prevalence of electrolyte disorders in newborn calves with diarrhea

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 62 - 66, 30.12.2020


In this study, it was aimed to determine the prevalence of electrolyte disorders in newborn calves with diarrhea. The study was carried out on 96 newborn calves with diarrheaAt least one electrolyte disturbance was observed in 69 of the 96 calves, while no electrolyte disturbance was detected in the 27 calves. In the diarrhea calves, 36 had hyponatremia, 36 had hyperkalemia and 30 had hypochloremia. In addition, 9 of the calves had hypokalemia, 3 had hypernatremia and 9 had hyperchloremia. As a result, it was determined that hyponatremia, hypochloremia and hyperkalemia were the most common electrolyte disorders observed in newborn calves with diarrheal. Furthermore, it was concluded that these electrolyte disorders should be considered in the treatment of diarrhea in calves.


  • 1. Abutarbush SM, Petrie L. Treatment of hypernatremia in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Can Vet J. 2007, 48(2): 184–187.
  • 2. Angelos SM, Smith BP, George LW, et al. Treatment of hypernatremia in an acidotic neonatal calf. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999;214:1364–1367.
  • 3. Aydogdu U, Isik N, Derinbay Ekici O, Yildiz R, Sen I, Coskun A. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Halofuginone Lactate and Paromomycin in the Treatment of Calves Naturally Infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2018. 46: 1524.
  • 4. Aydoğdu U, Gülersoy E, Şen İ. Buzağı İshalleri ve Oral Sıvı Takviyeleri. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anim Nutr&Nutr Dis Special Topics 2018;4(1):56-64.
  • 5. Aydoğdu U, Yıldız R, Güzelbekteş H, Coşkun A, Şen İ (2019). Yenidoğan ishalli buzağılarda mortalite indikatörü olarak kan laktat, glikoz, total protein ve gama glutamil transferaz seviyeleri. F.Ü. Sağ. Bil. Vet. Derg., 33, 201-206.
  • 6. Aydogdu U, Yildiz R, Guzelbektes H, Naseri A, Akyuz E, Sen I. Effect of combinations ofintravenous small-volume hypertonic sodium chloride, acetate Ringer, sodium bicarbonate, and lactate Ringer solutions along with oral fluid on the treatment of calf diarrhea. Pol J Vet Sci 2018;21(2):273-280.
  • 7. Basoglu A, Aydogdu U. Terminal atrial standstill with ventricular escape rhythm in a neonatal calf with acute diarrhea. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2013;37:362-365.
  • 8. Brobst D. Abnormalities of plasma sodium concentrations and water balance: A review. Calif Vet 1984;38:20–23.
  • 9. Carlson, G.P., Bruss, M., 2008. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base balance. In: Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W., Bruss, M.L. (Eds.), Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Ed. Academic Press, Elsevier, New York, San Diego, USA, pp. 529–559.
  • 10. Constable PD, Grünberg W. Hyperkalemia in diarrheic calves: Implications for diagnosis and treatment. Vet J. 2013 Mar;195(3):271-2
  • 11. Constable PD, Stampfli HR, Navetat H, Berchtold J, Schelcher F. Use of a quantitative strong ion approach to determine the mechanism for acid-base abnormalities in sick calves with or without diarrhea. J Vet Intern Med 2005;19:581-589.
  • 12. Constable PD, Walker PG, Morin DE, et al. Clinical and laboratory assessment of hydration status of neonatal calves with diarrhea. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998; 212:991–6.
  • 13. Coskun A, Sen I, Guzelbektes H, Ok M, Turgut K, Canikli S. Comparison of the effects of intravenous administration of isotonic and hypertonic sodium bicarbonate solutions on venous acid-base status in dehydrated calves with strong ion acidosis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;236(10):1098-103.
  • 14. Donovan GA, Dohoo IR, Montgomery DM, Bennett FL. Calf and disease factors affecting growth in female Holstein calves in Florida, USA. Prev Vet Med 1998;33(1-4):1-10.
  • 15. England JJ, Williams S. Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Calves. In: Cattle Producer’s Handbook Fourth Edition (online) p.641-643.
  • 16. Feig PU. Hypernatremic and hypertonic syndromes. Med Clin North Am 1981;65:271–290.
  • 17. Guzelbektes H, Coskun A, Sen I. Relationship between the degree of dehydration and the balance of acid-based changes in dehydrated calves with diarrhoea. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 2007;51:83-7.
  • 18. Hallowell G, Remnant J. Fluid therapy in calves. In Practice 2016;38:439-449.
  • 19. Hardy RM. Hypernatremia. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 1989;19:231–240.
  • 20. Lee SH, Choi EW, Kim D. Relationship between the values of blood parameters and physical status in Korean native calves with diarrhea. J Vet Sci. 2020 21(2):e17.
  • 21. Lewis LD, Phillips RW. Water and electrolyte losses in neonatal calves with acute diarrhea. A complete balance study. Cornell Vet 1972;62:596–607.
  • 22. Sen I, AltunokV, Ok M, Coskun A, Constable PD. Efficacy of oral rehydration therapy solutions containing sodium bicarbonate or sodium acetate for treatment of calves with naturally acquired diarrhea, moderate dehydration, and strong ion acidosis. Am Vet Med Assoc 2009; 234:926-34.
  • 23. Sen I, Constable PD, Marshall TS. Effect of suckling isotonic or hypertonic solutions of sodium bicarbonate or glucose on abomasal emptying rate in calves. Am J Vet Res 2006;67(8):1377-84.
  • 24. Sen I, Constable PD. General overview to treatment of strong ion (metabolic) acidosis in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Eurasian J Vet Sci 2013;29(3):114-20.
  • 25. Smith GW, Berchtold J. Fluid therapy in calves. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2014;30(2):409-427.
  • 26. Smith GW. Treatment of calf diarrhea: Oral fluid therapy. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2009;25(1):55-72.
  • 27. Sweeney, R.W., 1999. Treatment of potassium balance disorders. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice 15, 609–617.
  • 28. Şen İ, Güzelbekteş H, Yıldız R. Neonatal Buzağı İshalleri: Patofizyoloji, Epidemiyoloji, Klinik, Tedavi ve Koruma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci 2013;4(1):71-8.
  • 29. Trefz FM, Constable PD, Sauter-Louis C, Lorch A, Knubben-Schweizer G, Lorenz I. Hyperkalemia in neonatal diarrheic calves depends on the degree of dehydration and the cause of the metabolic acidosis but does not require the presence of acidemia. J Dairy Sci 2013;96(11):7234-7244.a
  • 30. Trefz FM, Lorch A, Feist M, Sauter-Louis C, Lorenz I. The prevalence and clinical relevance of hyperkalaemia in calves with neonatal diarrhoea. Vet J 2013;195(3):350-6. b
  • 31. Yağcı BB, Parlatır Y. Neonatal İshalli Buzağılarda Sıvı-Elektrolit Denge Bozuklukları ve Sağaltımı. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg. 2018, 58 (Özel Sayı) 50-55
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Alparslan Coşkun 0000-0002-2242-9647

Uğur Aydoğdu 0000-0002-9828-9863

Onur Başbuğ 0000-0003-3136-0589

Sefer Turk 0000-0003-4683-5217

Zahid Tevfik Ağaoğlu 0000-0001-5963-1737

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, A., Aydoğdu, U., Başbuğ, O., Turk, S., vd. (2020). İshalli Yenidoğan Buzağılarda Elektrolit Bozukluklarının Prevalansı. Turkish Veterinary Journal, 2(2), 62-66.